
October 2010 Monthly Chart

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After a slight delay, I present to everybody the October Monthly Chart!

I tried taking a different approach when selecting songs this time. Most of the work was done by the MAT admittedly, whether they know it or not.

Our usual trio of winners are back in full force! Cookiezi, 3UNI, and mikhe have been awarded another 1 month on their supporter status. Congratulations!

EDIT: Pack:
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By the way, I am looking for feedback about the charts in general. Think the song selection stinks? Let me know! Tired of the same 3 people winning every month? Maybe you have an idea to spice up the rankings. If so, I'd be happy to listen. Just make sure all suggestions keep the chart 100% fair for all players.

Basically if you have any ideas for improving the monthly charts, let me know. (via PM if you so choose. Posting here is acceptable, just keep it constructive.)
I didn't like the previous chart and I don't like this one either.
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You see, that's quite the opposite of constructive feedback.
I had a lot to say about September's chart map pick, can't say that much about this one, but I'm pretty sure there were some better maps in September which didn't make it here.

Also, just wondering, are maps being picked by you, or by more people? Or people pick them and you approve/disapprove of adding them to the chart?

Cyclone wrote:

Basically if you have any ideas for improving the monthly charts, let me know. (via PM if you so choose. Posting here is acceptable, just keep it constructive.)
Charts for players of different skill levels would be nice
Cool , a new ranking charts *w*

TKiller wrote:

I had a lot to say about September's chart map pick, can't say that much about this one, but I'm pretty sure there were some better maps in September which didn't make it here.

Also, just wondering, are maps being picked by you, or by more people? Or people pick them and you approve/disapprove of adding them to the chart?
MATs and BATs combined suggest maps and agree on a final list before Cyclone posts it.
Why didn't that SUPER STAR -MITSURU- map make it to this month's chart? Its better than at least half of the chosen maps imo.

Edit: the name's THANK YOU FOR PLAYING, silly me

SuperMaay wrote:

Why didn't that SUPER STAR -MITSURU- map make it to this month's chart? Its better than at least half of the chosen maps imo.

Edit: the name's THANK YOU FOR PLAYING, silly me
Main reason is because the list was basically completed by the time anyone mentioned that~

James2250 wrote:

SuperMaay wrote:

Why didn't that SUPER STAR -MITSURU- map make it to this month's chart? Its better than at least half of the chosen maps imo.

Edit: the name's THANK YOU FOR PLAYING, silly me
Main reason is because the list was basically completed by the time anyone mentioned that~
that an awesome reason >_>

TKiller wrote:

I had a lot to say about September's chart map pick, can't say that much about this one, but I'm pretty sure there were some better maps in September which didn't make it here.
For example?

DiamondCrash wrote:

TKiller wrote:

I had a lot to say about September's chart map pick, can't say that much about this one, but I'm pretty sure there were some better maps in September which didn't make it here.
For example?

mrtn wrote:

MATs and BATs combined suggest maps and agree on a final list before Cyclone posts it.

James2250 wrote:

Main reason is because the list was basically completed by the time anyone mentioned that~

Unfortunately both were ranked in the same month @_@...

ouranhshc wrote:

You know, there's already a MoonFragrance map on the charts, people already complained about having the same mappers on all the charts, don't you think one map is enough?

Sure, there are a lot of good maps, but not all of them can enter the charts...

Beuchi-chan wrote:

ouranhshc wrote:

You know, there's already a MoonFragrance map on the charts, people already complained about having the same mappers on all the charts, don't you think one map is enough?

Sure, there are a lot of good maps, but not all of them can enter the charts...
I don't think that's a valid reason, considering there were 3 maps by Sushi on said chart

Beuchi-chan wrote:

ouranhshc wrote:

You know, there's already a MoonFragrance map on the charts, people already complained about having the same mappers on all the charts, don't you think one map is enough?

Sure, there are a lot of good maps, but not all of them can enter the charts...
Topic Starter
"Thank you for playing" would have been on if any other map was not. (aka it was number 19)

As I said I tried something new for selecting songs. Based on what I've seen people are not happy with this month's picks? What are people's opinions of the selection from last month?

Beuchi-chan wrote:

ouranhshc wrote:

You know, there's already a MoonFragrance map on the charts, people already complained about having the same mappers on all the charts, don't you think one map is enough?
Then why there's 2 maps by James and 2 maps by RJ? By the way there were 2 Sushi maps in the previous chart.

Natteke wrote:

Beuchi-chan wrote:

You know, there's already a MoonFragrance map on the charts, people already complained about having the same mappers on all the charts, don't you think one map is enough?
Then why there's 2 maps by James and 2 maps by RJ? By the way there were 2 Sushi maps in the previous chart.
Apparently they are better than the alternatives.

I think we may need to start reserving slots for 'up and coming' maps from new mappers.
I hate maps :w:, i hope i next again .. D:
weeeeeeeeeeeee I got two maps in XD

Ephemeral wrote:

I think we may need to start reserving slots for 'up and coming' maps from new mappers.
Not a bad idea. Or perhaps something along the line of regional sections? Best of North America, Europe, etc. That might not be as consistent though depending on what gets ranked within the month though...
Our usual trio of winners are back in full force! Cookiezi, 3UNI, and mikhe have been awarded another 1 month on their supporter status. Congratulations!

Ephemeral wrote:

Natteke wrote:

Then why there's 2 maps by James and 2 maps by RJ? By the way there were 2 Sushi maps in the previous chart.
Apparently they are better than the alternatives.

I think we may need to start reserving slots for 'up and coming' maps from new mappers.
shoot, that has nothing to do with it.

Ephemeral wrote:

I think we may need to start reserving slots for 'up and coming' maps from new mappers.
I support this idea. Maybe not most of the charts, but a part reserved to new mappers would be good.

Natteke wrote:

By the way there were 2 Sushi maps in the previous chart.
Actually there were 3...

I understand the feeling, though.
I never get any of my maps into the charts, so what I should say? :V

osuplayer111 wrote:

I never get any of my maps into the charts, so what I should say? :V
Always a map of DiamondCrash or lesjuh D: .. xD
My only complaint (so far, since I haven't actually downloaded and played any of the maps yet) is that every month I have to go and download each song individually. I'm a fan of being able to download multiple charts at once. And my folder is so large at this point (I have just about every Osu! song released since its inception until about august of this year) that searching through my folder for the charts is rather laborious. I know it would be asking a lot but after the songs are selected, would it be possible for someone to rar them, toss them up on the site you guys use for hosting, and post it under the "beatmap pack" section of the website? That way, I don't have to use your precious bandwidth to download all the charts for the month! Win win, right? Anyways, once I get all the charts and play them all I'll come back with more feedback.

virus73 wrote:

My only complaint (so far, since I haven't actually downloaded and played any of the maps yet) is that every month I have to go and download each song individually. I'm a fan of being able to download multiple charts at once. And my folder is so large at this point (I have just about every Osu! song released since its inception until about august of this year) that searching through my folder for the charts is rather laborious. I know it would be asking a lot but after the songs are selected, would it be possible for someone to rar them, toss them up on the site you guys use for hosting, and post it under the "beatmap pack" section of the website? That way, I don't have to use your precious bandwidth to download all the charts for the month! Win win, right? Anyways, once I get all the charts and play them all I'll come back with more feedback.
Gens or another packer does this every month, actually. :p

Derekku wrote:

Gens or another packer does this every month, actually. :p
From looking at the beatmap pack page the only one that is in there recently is from september. I don't know if they're removed monthly (if so, bravo to whoever does that) but this months is not up yet. My apologies, I didn't see it when I went, not trying to rush anyone or anything :) Just returning to the game after a long hiatus and trying to get back into the swing of things :)
Oh snap, looks like I'm doing it this month, thanks for indirectly reminding me virus73 I'll try to get it up within 48 hours maximum...

Odaril wrote:

Ephemeral wrote:

I think we may need to start reserving slots for 'up and coming' maps from new mappers.
I support this idea. Maybe not most of the charts, but a part reserved to new mappers would be good.
that would be an epic fail
edit (delete this post -.-)
I have no complaint about this month's chart, last month was great as is this one [although i've played like half the songs and they are lacking difficulties, most have two/three]

As far as mapping goes...I agree, there should be room for 'up and coming' mappers. I think that there should only be ONE map per person on the chart, unless the 2nd map is extremely exceptional and you absolutely MUST have both maps in there. No more than two max though.

Just my two cents. ~
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I'm just going to throw this out there. I almost never have looked at the mappers names when selecting maps.

EDIT: aka, map quality > mapper quantity.
Thanks to Larto the October Monthly Chart pack should be getting onto the official pack listings.

here's the link just in case if anyone checks the thread instead.

Cyclone wrote:

Tired of the same 3 people winning every month?
They can win anytime if they want. Any maps doesn't matter to them. :o

ykcarrot wrote:

Cyclone wrote:

Tired of the same 3 people winning every month?
They can win anytime if they want. Any maps doesn't matter to them. :o

ykcarrot wrote:

Cyclone wrote:

Tired of the same 3 people winning every month?
They can win anytime if they want. Any maps doesn't matter to them. :o
Why not a price for 2nd place?

(impossible to beat the usual 3)

SilentWings wrote:

Why not a price for 2nd place?

(impossible to beat the usual 3)
why impossible 8-)

dNextGen wrote:

SilentWings wrote:

Why not a price for 2nd place?

(impossible to beat the usual 3)
why impossible 8-)
For osu, because Cookiezi is Chuck Norris

SilentWings wrote:

For osu, because Cookiezi is Chuck Norris

SilentWings wrote:

For osu, because Cookiezi is Chuck Norris
Couldn't agree more

He is currently 5 notes away from FCing Haya Saitama2000... o_o

Cyclone wrote:

I'm just going to throw this out there. I almost never have looked at the mappers names when selecting maps.

EDIT: aka, map quality > mapper quantity.
You are not why this idea has been thrown around. I doubt you would go, "OH HEY I KNOW THIS MAPPER LET'S ADD THEIR MAP" anyways.

However, many of the people suggesting maps for the list have not played every single map ranked this month and mainly play maps of their favorite songs or mappers. This is because of natural bias towards playing maps that they think they'll enjoy as opposed to taking gambles on random songs/mappers. Because of this they sometimes don't discover gems made by mappers that aren't popular (yet), or are maybe new.

Basically, space reserved for non-popular/newer mappers would likely end up with the people making suggestions going out of their comfort zones; ATM they are often afraid they'll waste time playing a bad map. We're out of the hell known as 2009, might as well embrace it. Do consider the idea, at least. I'd give it a shot for a month or two. If it turns out as a disaster then you could just ditch it.

Ekaru wrote:

This is because of natural bias towards playing maps that they think they'll enjoy as opposed to taking gambles on random songs/mappers. Because of this they sometimes don't discover gems made by mappers that aren't popular (yet), or are maybe new.
In this case, wouldn't the BAT who bubbled or ranked the song nominate it?
Played the songs in the chart for October (about half at least, school work and all that keeping me away) and I must say that I'm enjoying them. I don't, however, like the trend that appears to be happening with all of the higher difficulty songs. I understand that when you play the more difficult ranks of songs you sign up for difficult patterns and what not, but it seems to me that a lot of the more difficult maps are making the notes faster, harder to hit, and more stream indicative, rather than more imaginative or following the off-beat of a song or any of the other various of things you can do to make a song more difficult. I don't say this because I can't clear the songs, I used to be fairly good at taiko and plan to get back there again despite having to learn all of the new "popular" patterns that mappers are uses these days, but its just reminiscent of a trend I noticed back in Stepmania where mappers would just throw as many "difficult" maneuvers into a song in order to increase the difficulty rather than doing something imaginative.

just my two cents. Lovin' some of the easier difficulties though, they're really fun and looking to be really competitive.

P.S. Sorry about the wall of text, I get passionate about my rhythm games =

P.P.S Thanks for uploading and posting the chart pack to the beatmap pack section of the site :) Much appreciated!
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