
Anyone here play Diablo series?

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Any of you guys play Diablo?
Played would be accurate.

I played Diablo III a few years back, have not touched it for quite a while, like way before the latest expansion. But that's about it.
D3 is just mindless grinding. I played with some friends till we got to hell-difficulty, then I lost interest. To be fair, I bought it right at release.. So it was a bit broken back then. Still, no interest in picking it up again. D2 was tons of fun though, dunno but I like it a lot more. Must be nostalgia.
I play Diablo 3 pretty consistently with my girlfriend. Her Wizard, my Monk. Lots of fun blowing stuff up! I think we're around the mid-30s in Greater Rifts.

neatoneet wrote:

D3 is just mindless grinding. I played with some friends till we got to hell-difficulty,
It is and that's kinda what I like. I don't really know why. xD
Hell hasn't been a difficulty since the initial release. o_o

Justykanna wrote:

Hell hasn't been a difficulty since the initial release. o_o
Oh well, I thought there was one named Hell, not sure tho. The hardest one then, whatever it was called ^^
I play diablo 3. Battletag: Redemption#1199.
900 hours on D3 now bored of it.
I went through the storyline twice (Once sp, once coop) but paragon farming & adventure mode were boring because they had no real long time motivation, so I stopped. RoS addon isn't bad but the repetitive gameplay and wasting so many hours for some reward just bores me really fast.

Sey wrote:

I went through the storyline twice (Once sp, once coop) but paragon farming & adventure mode were boring because they had no real long time motivation, so I stopped. RoS addon isn't bad but the repetitive gameplay and wasting so many hours for some reward just bores me really fast.
Yeah it's an incredibly grindly game, but that's part of why I like it, oddly enough.
I usually make a new seasonal char when the new seasons start get BiS gear (minus a few stats ofc) and then quit due to lack of stuff to do

dosu wrote:

I usually make a new seasonal char when the new seasons start get BiS gear (minus a few stats ofc) and then quit due to lack of stuff to do
They make an effort to make the set pieces different each season, which is a good way of bringing people back from season to season. Not only that, but they introduced the cube this season, which gives more options - or buffs since the builds tend to be kind of cookie-cutter.

I believe they're introducing the mastery dungeons next season (or is that next patch, I don't remember exactly) that gives you a set dungeon layout and a bunch of challenges with it (so quest objectives). This will serve as a bit of a different mix for an endgame. Gives cosmetic rewards. So they're trying to mix up the end-game a little, which I like.

At the end of the day though, if you don't like running rift/dungeons one after another, I'm not entirely sure this game is for you. It's just how it is.
Merry Christmas

Haven't played in a while since I got bored of grinding and university exams are of higher priority anyways. Feel free to add me though. I'm like paragon lvl 400 or so, not that high
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