
MAT members can now bubble beatmaps

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Just a quick FYI broadcast that MAT members now have permissions to bubble and pop maps. This was actually a request from Ephemeral/ztrot, and I'm sure they will be happy to answer any questions/concerns in this thread.

peppy out.

Derekku edit: MATs can now give one bubble on an approval mapset.
Shohei Ohtani
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Okay, apparently they can *bubble* too. I no longer understand this move, but let's see.


peppy wrote:

Okay, apparently they can *bubble* too. I no longer understand this move, but let's see.

Wait what, how did we know that before you di-----anyway

Before everyone says it. No we will not let this turn out like the pubble system
Shohei Ohtani
Oh shit.
From now on bubbled map pages in pending maps board will achieve 3 or more easily?
Seems good due to some inactivity BATs ;_; [I know they have their works orz]

/me = EX-MAT lol<<<
o.o what
there will be like a ton of bubbled maps now and BATs will recieve even more requests now D:

Natteke wrote:

o.o what
there will be like a ton of bubbled maps now and BATs will recieve even more requests now D:
There may be more bubbles, but now BATs' workload of checking non-bubbled maps is reduced. Let's see which effect is stronger.
This is interesting
but isn't this almost the same as pubble :?
and instead of 2 BAT for rank (pubble), you can bypass 1 BAT for the bubble (cause MAT can give one) and only need 1 more BAT for rank?

wow this will really test the competent of MAT members

lepidopodus wrote:

Natteke wrote:

o.o what
there will be like a ton of bubbled maps now and BATs will recieve even more requests now D:
There may be more bubbles, but now BATs' workload of checking non-bubbled maps is reduced. Let's see which effect is stronger.
Ideally, the fact that MATs can also pop bubbles will balance that out a bit as well
Oh , MATs can bubble-unbubble map?

this will sort the bad mats from the good mats, i advise one thing though.

a auto cut off for bubbling once bubbles reach 2 pages this way it never gets tooo much or too out of hand?.

so in other words once theres 2 pages of bubbles, no more bubbles are allowed untill some are ranked?
Good work, This will be useful as lots of BAT are inactive.
It's up to the mapper to practice self-discipline in asking for a bubble. Otherwise we end up with a lot of frustrated MATs and end back up on square one.
Arusha Shuna
maybe limit the "MAT can give and/or pop bubbles" privileges only to active MATs?
unbubble maps, been waiting for this for a long time.
bubbling was something i was not expecting, but let's see how this turns out.

also, just saying:
one of my own personal preferences is to be able to lock/unlock threads in the Modding Queues forums, just saying.
I think that's a good idea :)

Arusha Shuna wrote:

maybe limit the "MAT can give and/or pop bubbles" privileges only to active MATs?
Why would it matter if an inactive MAT can give bubbles or not...

aquabluu wrote:

It's up to the mapper to practice self-discipline in asking for a bubble. Otherwise we end up with a lot of frustrated MATs and end back up on square one.
Well said.

aquabluu wrote:

It's up to the mapper to practice self-discipline in asking for a bubble. Otherwise we end up with a lot of frustrated MATs and end back up on square one.
But as we know, mappers probably won't. I guess MAT just have to have more competency now as what we say 'has value now'.

Pfft, like what we said before didn't have any value.
This is great! Finally us MATs have a point again! :D
Colin Hou
Great, now it'll be much more difficult to find a MAT mod.

**I still thought pubble system is good idea.
I love you peppy <3

This is good thing.
MATs seem to be reserved in handing out bubbles, at least the ones I've seen (after losing their pubbles this is understandable), so this should just reduce the amount of time BATs spend modding maps that make Larto want to cry in a corner.

Hopefully this will work like that, we'll see.
Alot of BATs are inactive and with the many many active MAT members and the shitload of bubbles that will come I think some MATs should get a BAT position.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see how this turns out.
Things are going to be more lively that's for sure :D

LuigiHann wrote:

lepidopodus wrote:

There may be more bubbles, but now BATs' workload of checking non-bubbled maps is reduced. Let's see which effect is stronger.
Ideally, the fact that MATs can also pop bubbles will balance that out a bit as well
I don't mean to offend any MATs but alot of them aren't fit for bubbling/popping maps.

Alot of BATs are inactive
They aren't really inactive, they just don't mod maps. (compare to Alace/Mafiamaster/osuplayer)

Anyways to Eph/ztrot

What is the actual point of this, and what do you guys think will get better?

Is it to get more maps ranked faster? get pressure off bats?

You are giving about 40 people "Half-BAT" status, is this really a good idea?

EDIT: And what actually led you guys to come up with a decision like this?
I say let them prove themselves. Just because it was the same yesterday doesn't mean it will be the same today. Let's see how this goes.
@ gabi's post
Well I'm all for this idea because it does help with the work load of the modding process. As of late of maps have been ranked in bursts, hopefully this will make it a steady flow.

Also I've warned all the MAT and I'm keeping an eye on a few but, really you say there are a few who you think aren't fit to pop/give bubbles, Well some names would really help.. I can't take action unless I see it.

Really I kinda think you are damning them before they even start give it a chance.
Love you ztrot <3
Though I would suggest giving mat bubbles a higher priority limit.
possibly but if you can't work with this then what was the point :p
I figured that giving the MAT the responsibility of ensuring first layer quality control through bubble moderation would work directly towards shaping the team into something that is actually useful and beneficial to the community. Previously they were very 'behind the scenes' in their involvement in the modding process, and effectively nothing more than a title with some degree of prestige attached to it.

Basically, we have tried to get people involved. The proto-bubble system was an attempt to do this without actual implementation and was a complete failure. What I learned from that was 'arbitrary' systems like it do not go anywhere, so I edged to have the MAT integrated properly into the current system - hence why they are now able to bubble and pop maps.

Ephemeral wrote:

I did nothing I just look pretty :U

ztrot wrote:

Really I kinda think you are damning them before they even start give it a chance.
Have i been that unclear? and here i've been trying to show that i damned the MAT team from the first day.

I said it in the first topic and i'll say it again, giving this large team power is not the right way to go.

Anyways the problem i have with this is that the first time MAT's and pubbles came in it was super sloppy and was not thought through at all, later on they became of nothing (or rather mod helpers? of some sort). That's why i just seriously hope that you guys have thought this through better and are ready to organize and handle all of these people now.

I already talked to ztrot about this, but i thought i'd just post this here, hoping you lot are prepared this time.

Good luck ;)
Interesting move. For all the MATs to the moment, I wish you the best of luck.
Day 1: Bubble amount is lower than yesterday.

Off to a decent start. Let's see how tomorrow goes!
"bubble team"
"rank team"

consider the inactive members... i guess.
I think this whole thing will only make the ranking process even worse.
Like anyone cares. orz

Teta wrote:

I think this whole thing will only make the ranking process even worse.
Like anyone cares. orz
How so?

Teta wrote:

I think this whole thing will only make the ranking process even worse.
Like anyone cares. orz
The MAT team is working hard to check every map to see if they deserve a bubble and what the mapper can do to improve them. We are also checking the bubbles everyday so if anyone happens to miss something it will be quickly found and fixed.

Now the BAT's can concentrate on bubbles without having to go through all the other maps making the ranking system faster.

To me this seems like a step in the right direction
Maybe map should get two MAT bubbles first, so BAT can rank it without any doubts?
if BATs are modding it themselves properly they shouldn't have any doubts :/

James2250 wrote:

Teta wrote:

I think this whole thing will only make the ranking process even worse.
Like anyone cares. orz
The MAT team is working hard to check every map to see if they deserve a bubble and what the mapper can do to improve them. We are also checking the bubbles everyday so if anyone happens to miss something it will be quickly found and fixed.

Now the BAT's can concentrate on bubbles without having to go through all the other maps making the ranking system faster.

To me this seems like a step in the right direction
Yeah, it "should" be faster, but it probably won't. In the end, it depends on how efficient that BATs are when it comes to looking at the bubbled maps

ouranhshc wrote:

Yeah, it "should" be faster, but it probably won't. In the end, it depends on how efficient that BATs are when it comes to looking at the bubbled maps
I agree with that~

James2250 wrote:

ouranhshc wrote:

Yeah, it "should" be faster, but it probably won't. In the end, it depends on how efficient that BATs are when it comes to looking at the bubbled maps
I agree with that~
IMO, It is the onlyone way this could work EDIT

EDIT2: I also think there will be more TAG ranking too, if things aren't fixed

EDIT3: Why does it seem like BATs are lazier.

ouranhshc wrote:

Why does it seem like BATs are lazier.

Gee, I wonder...
I wonder as well... wait what am i saying XD
Heh. Considering the BATs workload when they only had the power, it really seems like a good idea to put a bigger number of people for the job. This could bring down the BATs work to what their main function is for, "Beatmap Approval"
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