
Xi-on - Emotional Skyscraper - Cosmic Mind

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2010年12月11日 at 12:56:06

Artist: Xi-on
Title: Emotional Skyscraper - Cosmic Mind
Source: Touhou
Tags: Source
BPM: 168
Filesize: 7721kb
Play Time: 03:40
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.44 stars, 429 notes)
  2. Insane (4.97 stars, 645 notes)
  3. Normal (3.58 stars, 313 notes)
Download: Xi-on - Emotional Skyscraper - Cosmic Mind
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Emotional Skyscraper - Cosmic Mind

{ OFFSET你重新理解下意思。不是从哪里开始玩,而是歌从哪里开始放歌。
00:12:067~00:27:602 打起来超级不舒服,节拍有问题-,-

00:16:189 这个5要么放出去,要么和4重叠别突出一点点
00:32:617 这个7明显应该再往后移1/4拍
01:02:260~01:14:939 当中那么多休息的时间设置全删了
02:16:725 这个3,4全被2挡住了,NORMAL就发生这种情况也太。。。。。。
02:21:903 这个6不打的话,直接从后面的1开始玩就没问题,如果打了这个6,在打后面的1和2,节奏乱了。
AI MOD的3处距离提示改一下,Normal的话,AI MOD最好不要有黄感叹号

00:27:617 这个2和1重叠或者按距离放出去,这种突出一点的适合连打,一个节拍别这样很难看。我记得我肯定不是这样放的-,-
01:20:653~01:29:225 用SOFT音效(根据背景音乐)

00:06:352 这里1和2的距离和00:09:225 这里5和6,同一个节奏,距离怎么差那么大,超误导-,-
00:21:903 这个6和5重合
00:29:225~00:31:725 这段的距离太恐怖了,虽然我可以全点300(因为我打OSU用眼睛用的多),听节奏的就乱了
00:46:725 距离-,-
02:21:903 距离-,-


osu! Timing Help!
  • 1. BPM 168 , Offset 680 [OK!]
    2. Unnecessary [Delete]
    [Scale to new timing]
Preview Point - 12:067
00:08:853 (x) - Remove this Timing Section.Then Timing --> Resnap All Notes.
Kiai should be the same in all the difficulties.

You have too much notes for easy,imo.
Add more hitsounds.Claps or whistles.Also mind on adding finishes after each 3 white long ticks.
00:52:108 (2) - Finish.
00:57:822 - ^

00:57:465 (1,2) - Change it to something else,or add a note to 00:59:072 and start reverse-slider from 00:59:429.
01:39:251 (4) - 2x BPM on Easy? Remove.And change this slider to something else.

00:33:153 (8) - Change slider shape.Looks weird.
02:21:903 (6) - What does it following?
02:25:475 (5) - Continue this slider up to 02:26:010?

[Normal +]
00:47:618 (1) - Fix distance,it's a bit close.Yes,it follows Distance Snap,but previous pattern used different distance.
02:49:046 (x) - This break is almost half a minute,why don't you finish your map here? Or fill it with notes instead.
03:43:153 (x) - Finish Kiai here.

00:21:903 (6) - Stack with slider.
00:56:189 (9) - This slider is hidden,I'm not sure if it's rankable.
01:01:903 (6) - Also,it's stacked.
01:50:117 (7) - ^ And way too confusing.
02:13:510 (4,5,6,7) - Allign.
02:57:796 (3) - Repeat is hidden.Unrankable.
03:17:617 (4) - Pattern is unreadable.

00:37:796 (5,6) - Such sliders are unrankable.
Well,same mistakes,you have to fix them

Too many difficulties..ah

0:09:225 (5,6,7) spacing
0:56:189 (9) left 1 grid
1:11:725 (6) down 1 grid
1:27:439 (3,4,5,...) left 1 grid

[insane] unsanpped, use grid level 3 and unique distance spacing to resnap all notes.
spacing problem such as
0:29:939 (1,2,3,...) up 1 grid
0:40:832 (2,3,4,5,6) up 1 grid
0:43:867 (2) stack on ending of (1)
0:55:643 (4,5) left 1 grid
0:23 ~ 0:27 is too eggpain
...oh wow.

Delete the second red timing section first ._.
There are a BUNCH of spacing problems.
Try using AIMod to find them.

00:10:322 This spinner is fast for easy.
01:02:822 These 3 spinners are really boring

00:33:179 This slider goes off the screen.
This difficulty is alright.

There is no need for a Normal+, you might want to remove it.

02:33:179 (3,4) 3 completely covers 4, unrankable.

00:17:108 (6,2) 6 completely covers 2, this is hard to see and possibly unrankable.
02:07:465 (8,9) Ugly, hard to read, possibly unrankable.
02:57:465 (6,7) The 6 comboburst can cover up the reverse of the 7, possibly unrankable.
03:01:394 (2,3) 2 completely covers 3, unrankable.

Good Luck!
私以为很给力啊 ╮(╯▽╰)╭
●﹏●LZ的图满地陷阱 压力很大 ╮(╯▽╰)╭ 不过 有压力才有动力嘛
Topic Starter

602264691 wrote:

●﹏●LZ的图满地陷阱 压力很大 ╮(╯▽╰)╭ 不过 有压力才有动力嘛
-Make sure all your backgrounds are 1024x768 or below (check F4)
-All difficulties should have the same preview point
-Touhou isn't needed in tags as it is already in the source, (also is source needed in tags)
-Don't normally see a Normal and a Normal+, I don't think you really need both
-Include some whistles on the beginning streams to make them sound more interesting (all difficulties but easy atm)
-Have kiai time start at 02:27:822 on every difficulty (and make sure it is snapped), end at 02:50:679 (make sure it is snapped)
-Make sure countdown is disabled on every difficulty

The hitsounds could use some work...try and change the claps more so they follow more of a steady rhythm (some do now..but not all)
Lower the 01:20:322 timing section more (like in Normal)
Audio lead-in time isn't needed, but why not start it at the same place as the other difficulties
00:06:394 (1) - I would prefer if this didn't go so close to HP bar
00:27:108 (3,4) - don't overlap these on previous slider?
00:29:251 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - might be slightly hard for the easiest difficulty
00:57:465 (1,2) - try and avoid long repeating 1/4 sliders on easiest difficulty
01:39:251 (4) - I wouldn't have this in an Easy, make it a 1/2 repeating slider or something

Needs alot more hitsounds added, add some more claps where they sound good etc (same for the rest of the difficulties)
00:06:394 (5,6,1) - make sure spacing stays equal
00:27:466 (1) - start at 00:27:644, end at 00:28:894
00:33:179 (8,1) - spacing
00:46:752 (2,3) - try not to make too many of these, they aren't interesting
00:54:966 (1) - 0.5x time doesn't fit
01:02:287 (1) - end at 01:03:537
01:26:752 (7) - new combo
01:39:252 (6) - I wouldn't really have this on Normal either
01:45:502 (8,1) - avoid anti jumps
01:54:966 (3,4) - spacing
02:19:609 (1,2,3) - don't have this go under previous slider
02:41:752 (4,5,6) - I wouldn't switch from 0.5x to 1x like this

To be honest I really don't think a difficulty like this is needed with a Normal and a Hard not going to mod it atm

00:18:537 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - don't have sliders overlap like this?
00:28:895 (3,4) - spacing
00:42:823 (5,6,1) - spacing is just odd...try and stay to one distance snap and only use jumps when they make sense
00:56:216 (9) - don't have stuff like this go under previous notes (same for any like this)

Ok most of my other comments will be about spacing/hitsounds so check over everything I have said and try and go through all the maps with 1 distance snap so it all makes sense (some jumps are ok)
Call me back after a few more mods and I will finish modding everything in detail
Topic Starter
Why five difficulties? It'd be better if instead of mapping Normal+, you'd put the energy into mapping the entire song in Easy and Normal.

Your mapping style is a bit... blocky. This isn't a bad thing but some might find it unattractive. Consider throwing some curves in.

Spacing seemed intuitive for the most part, but it might also because I've played a bit of Touhou in my time and have heard this song a jillion times already. Double-check your maps for spacing issues.

Map the whole song? Easy players deserve full maps, too...

Change tick rate from 1 to 2.

00:06:394 (1) - Kind of weird to start off a map at the very top of the screen like this. Consider moving down a bit.

00:57:465 (1) - not sure how appropriate fast bouncy sliders like this are for an Easy difficulty. Try replacing them with long, curved sliders. The changed tick rate will make them sound nice, too!

Again, map the whole song. Don't leave the noobs in the dust!

Change tick rate from 1 to 2.

00:07:465 (1,2) - use same distance as 2,3.

As stated above (and even by other people), you're better off dropping this one and going with four difficulties. It'll be easier to get people to mod your map this way, too. :)

If you do decide to keep it, just apply the same general advice I've been spouting elsewhere in this post.

Nothing that I haven't said already... tick rate can probably stay at 1 in this one though.

Not really convinced the long deathstreams fit in this map. They don't go with the music very well.

00:39:161 (1) - like this... it doesn't even start at the same time the guitar starts.

01:50:501 (1...) - I love patterns like this!

Closing remarks
You've got a pretty good start here. I think with some work you could make something quite nice. Feel free to PM me for a remod once you've made some more progress. I'll star it then, too.
Flandre Scarlet
Good Job
Yusu Aoi
Yeah, Here's modding ^^

02:49:429 - 02:53:537 Insert break?

Nice ^^

00:39:072 isn't the distance between slider(4) and note (1) too high? ;)
00:43:537 new combo?
00:47:822 New combo?
00:49:251 new combo?
00:51:037 remove combo?
00:51:751 New combo?
00:53:537 New combo?
01:00:679 new combo?
01:30:679 New combo?
01:59:072 combo?
02:29:965 Isn't the end of this slider too high?
02:50:412 - 02:53:537 Insert Break?
02:54:965 New combo?
02:56:394 New combo?
03:00:679 New combo?
03:02:108 New combo?
03:06:394 New combo?
03:19:251 New combo?
03:24:965 New combo?
03:34:965 New combo?
03:37:822 New combo?

Sorry, but Im not good at combos thought.. so If U dont wnant, dont mod them ;)
btw, nice map:D

00:03:537 combo
00:09:251 combo
00:17:465 end this repeating slider on the white tick (00:17:822) It sounds better so ;)
00:43:537 Use Alt button on keyboard and place those notes so
00:52:108 combo
01:50:144 (10)dont stack it with the notes
02:00:322 combo
02:15:679 combo
02:16:394 remove combo
02:23:179 combo
02:24:429 remove combo
03:31:394 Use Alt button and stack the notes(4,5) and slider(6) with the end of slider(3)

00:15:679 Use Shift button on Keyboard and make these sliders like this:
01:47:108 this note is too high,new combo
01:47:822 too low
03:09:072 (6) dont stack this slider with notes (1,2,3,4,5)
03:40:679 (21) End this slider on 03:41:037 leave the hitfinish on his end ;)
03:41:751 woow!! this is huge spinner!! But I think You should move it to 03:41:126 and end it on 03:43:537 but its just my sugestion ;)

Make audio lead-in 2 seconds, not 3.

00:00:680 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - Too repetitive, sorry remap this.
00:06:930 (6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^ more repetition.
00:10:322 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Stream doesn't fit the music
00:23:536 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Stream doesnt fit the music.
The spacing is really uneven and more than half the time it doesn't even match your approach rate and slider speed.
02:17:822 (6,7,8) - Unintuitive jumps.
Ok, sorry, but either kill this diff, or remap it completely, your patterns are too random, most of the streams dont follow the music, the spacing is unintuitive and often changes and doesn't fit the slider speed at all, so it is clearly messed up, you're going to need to start this diff again from scratch.

The beginning is too repetitive, you know there are other instruments you can follow instead of following the same exact rythm for like 34 seconds.
00:47:644 (1,2,3,4,5) - Why the sudden spacing change?
00:49:966 (2,3) - Spacing too close.
00:51:394 (4,5) - ^
00:59:073 (1,2,3) - Once again a sudden spacing change.
01:01:573 (5,6) - Spacing too far (according to your weird spacing distance)
01:13:180 (8,1) - Remove NC on 1 and space accordingly, use NC on 01:14:966 (2) instead.
01:14:966 (2,3,4,5) - The anti-jump in here feels too awkward.
01:18:359 (7,8) - Anti-jump doesnt fit the song and is unintuitive.
01:23:895 (3,4) - Weird jump
01:47:109 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Uneven spacing.
01:56:037 (1,2) - Dont see the need for this anti-jump here.
02:31:037 (9,10) - NC the (9) so this jump is more intuitive.
02:54:073 (3,4) - I would think this was a spacing error on your part when playing this section, maybe NC 4 and space them a bit more.
03:03:180 (6) - Move 1/4 behind.
03:13:716 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - These Anti-Jumps dont feel intuitive at all.
03:18:358 (X) - Add a note to keep the rythm.
03:19:966 (7,8,9,1,2,3) - Another spacing change?
Yeah i think Hard needs a remap as well...

00:00:680 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - so repetitive, also why the lack of hitsounds?.
00:26:752 (6) - Add clap at the start of the slider as well to keep the rythm.
00:39:073 (4) - Spacing too close and it doesnt feel like a jump either.
00:50:323 (9) - 1/4 tick back.
00:57:465 (1,2,3,4) - Uneven spacing.
01:14:966 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I'm not sure about using anti-jumps on a Normal.
01:30:501 (X) - Add a note.
01:32:109 (1,1) - Remove hitsound whistle from these sliders, doesnt sound good with the music.
01:50:144 (6) - Shorten the end by 1/2 then add a note where this slider used to end.
01:52:823 (1,2) - Unintuitive Anti-Jump.
02:03:180 (10) - 1/2 earlier.
02:07:823 (6,7) - Unintuitive Anti-Jump.
02:22:108 (X) - Add a note to keep the rythm.
02:40:323 (1,2,3) - Dont use unevens tacks on a Normal.
02:46:037 (1,2) - Another unintuitive Anti-Jump
03:36:394 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Sudden spacing change...
Not as bad as to need a complete remap, but certain parts do need to be remapped...

Remove unncecessary audio lead-in
00:27:822 (4) - 1/2 back
00:29:251 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Do NOT change the spacing distance on the easiest difficulty.
00:46:394 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^ Spacing increased again =/
00:51:751 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^ Spacing went down again, this is too confusing for newbies.
01:26:394 (1,2,3) - ^ Also uneven spacing...
01:41:037 ~ 02:04:965 - This break is way too long.
02:10:679 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Once again uneven spacing.
02:27:822 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Spacing distance changed again...
02:43:537 (4,5) - Spacing too far.
02:59:251 (4) - New combo.
03:16:394 (1,2,3) - Spacing distance changed again
03:22:108 (4) - New combo and no jumps on [Easy]
03:27:822 (1,2,3,4,5) - Spacing distance changed once again.
Ok you should really remap this diff...


Use them, they are your best friends

General : Use more hitsounds and Distance Snap

Insane :

General: Use Distance Snap plz

00:00:680 (1,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - Is boring play with this, add notes or sliders, idk, but change it.
00:11:840 (11) - Add a note
00:11:929 (12) - ^
00:14:965 (9) - New combo
00:15:322 (1) - Remove new combo
00:17:465 (1) - ^
00:17:822 (2) - New combo
00:18:894 (1) - Remove new combo
00:19:251 (2) - New combo
00:20:322 (1) - Remove new combo
00:20:679 (2) - New combo
00:21:751 (1) - Remove new combo
00:22:108 (2) - New combo
00:23:179 (5) - Add a note
00:23:358 (6) - ^
00:23:537 - 00:27:108 (x) - This stream sound really bad, change or detele.
01:40:679 (17) - Add a note
01:42:108 (3) - New combo
02:24:608 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21) - Random stream, delete it
02:30:679 (5) - Add a note
02:41:215 (10) - 2 grids up
02:41:394 (11) - Spacing
03:20:322 (15) - Add a note

This diff is very bad mapping, remap this diff or delete it e.e

Hard :
General: Use Distance Snap plz

00:14:965 (5) - New combo
00:17:465 (10) - This slider end in 00:17:822
02:16:751 (2) - Spacing .w.
02:54:965 (5) - ^

Well, this diff need remap, but only for the distance snap

Normal :
General: Use Distance Snap plz

00:02:822 (1) - Remove new combo
00:03:537 (3) - New combo
00:04:965 (1) - Remove new combo
00:06:394 (5) - New combo
00:53:537 (7) - ^
01:59:072 (6) - ^

Well, this diff need remap, but only for the distance snap ~
Easy :
Slider tick rate -1

00:28:537 (5) - Add a note
00:30:679 (4) - Spacing
01:04:608 (3) - ^
01:28:179 (3) - ^
02:59:251 (4) - New combo

Well, this diff need remap, but only for the distance snap ಠ_ಠ
nice touhou map

STAR! 8-)
hi :D

(>'(oo)')> my mod <('(oo)'<)






00:10:323 (7) - 太长了
00:16:395 (8) - 结束在红线或者白线上
00:17:466 (10) - 这玩意放这太违和了,而且太长了
00:29:252 (4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 我觉得这地方太鬼畜了我打不了……
00:59:073 (1,2) - 这个跳在这段里有点突兀(我去……不要学鼻孔哥啊……)
03:19:787 - 加个音?


00:33:179 - 这音量吓得我羞涩……
00:37:823 (3,4) - 建议分开
00:51:752 (3,4,5,6) - 在normal里这就是鬼畜……
01:30:501 (4,5,6,7) - 叠得太多了
01:32:109 (1) - for the mountain~~~~ 没事我吐槽一下……
02:41:752 (4,5) - 远一点
03:07:822 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 鬼畜了
03:10:679 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 不觉得这里圆圈套太多了么……
03:19:251 (7,8,9,10,11) - 鬼畜了



加油吧 8-)
玩得少/作得少 很難擺出好看/好打的對稱/造型 經驗多點再研究這些比較好
2.太糾結vocal/表節奏(就是最明顯的節奏啦 :(
這樣節奏會空出很多 很突兀的感覺 試試多聽幾遍音樂 按你感覺到的節奏來下
這個還要控制下 前簡單后鬼畜很WTF :(

如果snap到藍線上 檢查一下是不是放錯了 當然 特意為之也是有的啦

:) 加油~


00:06:394 (1,2,3,4) - spacing, in easy it's bad
00:19:965 (1,2,3) - 1 grid right
00:23:536 (1,2) - 1 grid down
01:32:108 (3) - new combo
01:52:822-01:58:715 - may be use soft sounds?
02:44:965 (5) - new combo
03:27:822 (1,2,3) - move it down. must be within the grid
03:29:251 (4,5) - 1 grid left


00:09:787 (7) - 1 grid down
00:17:822 (3,4,5) - do sliders simmetrical
00:29:251 (1) - it's hard for normal, too far from center ( do spinner shorter or move slider to center)
00:47:822 (3,4,5) - hard ( you may delete 00:48:001 (4))
00:50:322 (9) - same like ^
00:46:394 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - this combos are hard
01:19:251 (7) - make it parallel like 01:17:822 (5,6)
01:44:608 (5,6,7,8) - 1 grid left
01:41:394 - 01:50:501 - soft sounds?
02:09:251 (1,2) - 1 grid down
02:40:679 (2) - 1 grid left
02:56:394 (7,8,9,10,11) - hard
03:02:108 (8) - new combo
Remember of the difficulty

00:37:823 (6) - move it down (must be within the grid)
01:15:502 (3,4) - ^
02:02:644 (8,9) - 1 grid up
02:42:109 (1,2,3) - 2 grids up
02:53:537 (1,6) - move it down (must be within the grid)
03:26:037 (1) - turn off new combo
03:27:466 (3) - new combo

00:50:858 (7) - add one returning
00:55:858 (5) - ^
01:03:536 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 1 grid right

...i think that's all what i want to say


1) Your bg (F1.jpg) are too high, maximum of the BG is 1024x768 (current 1024x769)
2) Tags should be this "byakuren hijiri undefined fantastic object stage 6 boss"

*) Use Slider Tick Rate 1, otherwise the ticks are doesn't sound good
*) The Slider Velocity is a bit fast for easy diff, please reduce it

00:19:965 (1) - Remove new combo?
01:20:679 (1,1,1,1) - This is combo spammer~
01:32:108 (3) - New combo
01:56:037 (6) - This slider are inappropriate for easy diff
01:57:644 (7) - ^

02:09:251 (3,4,5) - Move 1 grid right?
02:30:679 (5) - New combo
02:39:251 (1) - A bit too far from spinner
02:44:965 (5) - New combo
02:59:251 (4) - ^
03:10:679 (4) - ^
03:29:251 (4) - Move 1 grid left?
03:30:679 (5) - ^

00:26:752 (6) - Extend to 00:27:108
00:33:179 (8) - The sound at start of slider is surprising, because of volume, make sure the volume is same as other

00:50:323 (9) - Move backward to 00:50:233?
01:33:537 (1) - Remove new combo?
01:59:073 (6,7) - Don't use 0,5x BPM Adjustments, otherwise, the average player will confuse
02:22:108 (6) - Why this sound is soft? Not normal?
02:44:787 (6) - Remove 1/4 repeating slider, it's inappropriate for normal diff

00:16:395 (8) - Extend to 00:16:751
00:17:466 (10) - Remove 4 repeating slider?
00:29:028 (T) - 0,5x BPM Adjustment are not fit here
00:52:109 (5) - New combo?
00:59:073 (1,2,3) - An evil jumps, FFFF
01:38:359 (4,5) - Spacing error
01:41:010 (T) - Unnesescary timing points, remove it!

03:19:252 (7) - Add 1 repeating slider?


*) Stack Leinency lv.0 is unrankable, raise it please
*) I think distance snapping is not fit to slider velocity, can you raise it?

01:50:501 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This pattern are confusing

Nice song
Fixed previous mod and pm me back~ :3
Flandre Scarlet
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