
Upload Offline Scores [rejected] [invalid]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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If this is already in osu!, then I am blind and retarded.

In a few weeks, I shall be recieving my Graduation present, my own Windows laptop. Guess what's the first (if not only) game I'll be installing?

Problem is, my mother is an internet nazi sort of mom and unplugs our wireless router before she watches TV at night when my brothers are in bed. This means no online osu! for me.

Is it possible, if by chance I get a stellar score offline, that I can upload said score when I do get back online?
This would be beneficial to me too
For security reasons this is not possible at the moment. Also to keep track of playcount etc. ALL offline plays would need to be submitted, which can be troublesome because now users would be able to choose WHICH plays they submit and which they quietly delete.

I don't really agree with this feature.
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