Just to clarify, I sent the finished overlay to his discord.Dasbunneh wrote:
To: Fizzn
Type: Stream Overlay (Example: https://puu.sh/sEBBb/c2853c232d.png )
Is rendered: Yes
Resolution: 1920x1080
Perspective: Crop perspective/angle.
Border: Thick
Shape: Any Shape, so long as it fits the basic requirements
Text: Would be cool to get "Asylix" put on there somewhere, and a box that says "Recent Follower"
Link: http://imgur.com/a/aF9oy (Already a PNG, should make it easy
Miscellaneous: Basically as posted in the example up in type, I want a 1920x1080 stream overlay, my only requirements being a webcam box, a rectangle in the middle for video source, a bit of space for livesplit, and some room at the bottom for my music and donations and stuff like that to fit in. Other than that it's free game let your imagination soar. All i care is that Chitoge Best Girl get's her mark in my stream.