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Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname

imAlpha wrote:

Fizzn wrote:

Thanks but, can you put image on another page? that site doesnt load idk why...
It's 7zip archive. get winrar and unpack.
OH! Got it. I can't upload to other services, since Russian restrictions. Just wait until servers go back online.
It's 7zip archive. get winrar and unpack.
OH! Got it. I can't upload to other services, since Russian restrictions. Just wait until servers go back online.
ok but, please fast, i gotta go on 15:00 (now is 14:06)
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname

imAlpha wrote:

It's 7zip archive. get winrar and unpack.
OH! Got it. I can't upload to other services, since Russian restrictions. Just wait until servers go back online.
ok but, please fast, i gotta go on 15:00 (now is 14:06)
It contains 2 pictures, since it's sliced to fit osu! forums. Contact me on Discord, or wait.
you know you can just directly upload the images to puush, why make it more complex than it needs to be
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname

Aomi wrote:

you know you can just directly upload the images to puush, why make it more complex than it needs to be
I'm on Linux, there's no puush client.

Fizzn wrote:

I'm on Linux, there's no puush client.
oh ok, but there's also postimage, imgur, tinypic, unsee, etc,...
Fluffy Snowie
  1. Type: Avatar
  2. Resolution: 256x256
  3. Border: Any
  4. Shape: Any
  5. Text: Yoonique
  6. Link:
  7. Miscellaneous: Anything to make it look nice! :D and thanks a lot!
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname

Fizzn wrote:

Thanks :oops: btw can you make a size that fits for osu too?
Ah.. sorry :? :?
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname
I just noticed, my thread is one year old now, which is good actually. So congratulations me! (and me being into gfx is about 1.5-2 years)
Happy birthday at your thread ! D;
Type: singature
Resolution: 702x154
Border: None
Shape: Rounded edges :P
Text: Eveangell
Miscellaneous: Make it look cute ♥

Eveangell wrote:

Type: singature
Resolution: 702x154
Border: None
Shape: Rounded edges :P
Text: Eveangell
Miscellaneous: Make it look cute ♥
you should not multi request people put hard work into gfx and when you dont use them it make the people sad because i saw u requested on pantsuonline gfx thread and this
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname

Nissanwarrior wrote:

Eveangell wrote:

Type: singature
Resolution: 702x154
Border: None
Shape: Rounded edges :P
Text: Eveangell
Miscellaneous: Make it look cute ♥
you should not multi request people put hard work into gfx and when you dont use them it make the people sad because i saw u requested on pantsuonline gfx thread and this
By the way, though. Use PM.

Fizzn wrote:

Nissanwarrior wrote:

Type: singature
Resolution: 702x154
Border: None
Shape: Rounded edges :P
Text: Eveangell
Miscellaneous: Make it look cute ♥
you should not multi request people put hard work into gfx and when you dont use them it make the people sad because i saw u requested on pantsuonline gfx thread and this
By the way, though. Use PM.
why do i need to

Fizzn wrote:

I just noticed, my thread is one year old now, which is good actually. So congratulations me! (and me being into gfx is about 1.5-2 years)
Happy Birthday to your Graphics Thread >w< /
  1. Type: avatar
  2. Resolution: 256x256
  3. Border: any
  4. Shape: any
  5. Text: Yoonique
  6. Link: Code:
  7. Miscellaneous: make it look nice please :) thanks!
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname

Yoonique wrote:

  1. Type: avatar
  2. Resolution: 256x256
  3. Border: any
  4. Shape: any
  5. Text: Yoonique
  6. Link: Code:
  7. Miscellaneous: make it look nice please :) thanks!
School's tomorrow. Hope I'll be able to do it after school.

Fizzn wrote:

Yoonique wrote:

  1. Type: avatar
  2. Resolution: 256x256
  3. Border: any
  4. Shape: any
  5. Text: Yoonique
  6. Link: Code:
  7. Miscellaneous: make it look nice please :) thanks!
School's tomorrow. Hope I'll be able to do it after school.
hey man take you're time. I don't care when it's done. Make sure school is top priority :P
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname

Fizzn wrote:

Wow it looks amazing! Thanks a lot man.
  1. Type: Signature
  2. Resolution: 702x154
  3. Border: Any
  4. Shape: Any
  5. Text: Escape The Ordinary
  6. Link:
  7. Miscellaneous: Can you make the butterflies animated or the text if it looks good! Thanks a lot
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname

Yoonique wrote:

  1. Type: Signature
  2. Resolution: 702x154
  3. Border: Any
  4. Shape: Any
  5. Text: Escape The Ordinary
  6. Link:
  7. Miscellaneous: Can you make the butterflies animated or the text if it looks good! Thanks a lot
Would be hard with butterflies, since I struggle with drawing. May try with text.
But take in mind: Animated .gif images look horrible in quality.

Fizzn wrote:

Yoonique wrote:

  1. Type: Signature
  2. Resolution: 702x154
  3. Border: Any
  4. Shape: Any
  5. Text: Escape The Ordinary
  6. Link:
  7. Miscellaneous: Can you make the butterflies animated or the text if it looks good! Thanks a lot
Would be hard with butterflies, since I struggle with drawing. May try with text.
But take in mind: Animated .gif images look horrible in quality.
Ok then you don't have to make it animated. :D thanks for the hard work!
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname

Consists of 2 pictures, beacuse it'll show correctly this way.
  1. Type: Avatar
  2. Resolution: 256x256
  3. Border: none
  4. Shape: square ofc
  5. Text:
  6. Link:
  7. Miscellaneous: make it look good, and maybe remove "@SJmr02" on the picture
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname
Why not? I am lazy after all, and I need to stop being lazy.
Caput Mortuum
  1. Type: Userpage banner
  2. Resolution: 623x192
  3. Border: Thin
  4. Shape: Rectangle
  5. Text: Eraser's Userpage (on the left side)
  6. Link:
  7. Miscellaneous: Just make it look good ok :>
Thank you :>
  1. Type: User page banner
  2. Resolution: 620x190
  3. Border: Large
  4. Shape: Square
  5. Text: DarkSharky Userpage
  6. Link: and
  7. Miscellaneous: two in one ? (´・◡・`) (it does not matter if its not possible, then the first link only ^^)
Sorry for my bad english...

Thx you !
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname

DarkSharky wrote:

  1. Type: User page banner
  2. Resolution: 620x190
  3. Border: Large
  4. Shape: Square
  5. Text: DarkSharky Userpage
  6. Link: and
  7. Miscellaneous: two in one ? (´・◡・`) (it does not matter if its not possible, then the first link only ^^)
Sorry for my bad english...

Thx you !
I'll do one of the pics, because reasons.
EDIT: Oh, I got it. You want both pics in one, right?
okay! do not you worried I move just like that ^^

and.....sorry for my bad english xD
  1. Type: User Page Banner
  2. Resolution: 620x190
  3. Border: Thin
  4. Shape: Square
  5. Text: " Welcome to Jesderp's user page " Place the text at the right side of the girl please!
  6. Link:
  7. Miscellaneous: Want the border to be dotted lines. And please make it as nice as possible!!!
Thanks in advance! Will give proper credit too (´・◡・`)

Fizzn wrote:


Consists of 2 pictures, beacuse it'll show correctly this way.
thanks a lot man! Looks great :D
  1. Type: User page Banner
  2. Resolution:620x190
  3. Border: Thin
  4. Shape: Any
  5. Text: "Welcome to sinn's userpage!" Put it around the top right-ish part?
  6. Link:
  7. Miscellaneous: Just make it as nice as possible =D
Thanks in advance (・∀・ )
  1. Type: Avatar
  2. Resolution: 256x256
  3. Border: None
  4. Shape: not needed with no border I guess(?)
  5. Text: "Vectorial" bottom right
  6. Link:
  7. Miscellaneous: I'd like <<< this font for the text, use the regular one ^^
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname
Too much requests, oooow {~@_@}
For right now, not taking requests until I finish current ones.
AAAAAH sorry for the late....yes both pics in one
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname
Hey it's me again (I know I'm boring) compared to empty my banner its possible added this image? ... -498888973

I promised bothers you more ><
Type: signature
Resolution: 600x150
Border: medium
Shape: square
Text: On right side of image, text "Music is love" and under this text "Music is life"
Image link: ... FABml0M%3A

Thank you Fizzn
  1. Type: Avatar
  2. Resolution: 256x256
  3. Border: Any
  4. Shape: Any
  5. Text: Yoonique
  6. Link:
  7. Miscellaneous: Thanks as usual for doing all my request! :)

Fizzn wrote:

Hi! Thanks for the banner work :) But can you retain the full image? Do you mind doing it in the style of your 2nd sample banner? I really like the style of that. Thank you in advance!
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname

Jesderp wrote:

Fizzn wrote:

Hi! Thanks for the banner work :) But can you retain the full image? Do you mind doing it in the style of your 2nd sample banner? I really like the style of that. Thank you in advance!
First. You actually asked for a square one, not rectange. Second. Sure.
First. You actually asked for a square one, not rectange. Second. Sure.
Ah... Sorry that was my bad didn't realize. Anyways thanks in advance for your work!

Jesderp wrote:

First. You actually asked for a square one, not rectange. Second. Sure.
Ah... Sorry that was my bad didn't realize. Anyways thanks in advance for your work!
Me too, sorry for that fail :(
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname

MikuChan165 wrote:

Me too, sorry for that fail :(
so I'll keep in mind that you want rectangle one.
Next time be more accurate <3 I might post a geometry lesson here.

Fizzn wrote:

MikuChan165 wrote:

Me too, sorry for that fail :(
so I'll keep in mind that you want rectangle one.
Next time be more accurate <3 I might post a geometry lesson here.
Yea problem is not with geometry but with my english and i swapped rectangle with square (now i will always use uncle translat google) lol it's 1st time when i normal talk with russian (not like in cs where i offended your strange brothers, you really nice compared to others xD) but you don't use drill on spinners yes?
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname
[ N a m i ]
Hi, first time here c:

Type: Avatar Collab
Resolution: 200x200
Border: Mmm... Large?
Shape: Square
Text: Pink hair girl->Breath - the other one->Silent
Link: Image c:
Miscellaneous: It's my first time here so I'm not sure at all what type of avatar they will be, so, I'll be grateful if you can do them with your own preferences, what you think it will be cute. And for text I want it will be like the girls' underwear

Thanks in advance c:
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname
[ N a m i ]
Rei -
Hello! :D

  1. Type: Forum signature
  2. Resolution: 600x150
  3. Border: Medium
  4. Shape: Rectangle
  5. Text: "Two Sides"
  6. Link:
  7. Miscellaneous: Use whatever font/fx you think fits

  • Hi ~ :)
  1. Type: Avatar
  2. Resolution: 256x256
  3. Border: Thin
  4. Shape: Rounded Edges
  5. Text: "AoSaika"
  6. Link: ... 480_p0.jpg
  7. Miscellaneous: x

    Thanks in advance Fizzn <3 ~
  1. Type: Avatar
  2. Resolution: 256x256
  3. Border: none
  4. Shape: Square
  5. Text: "Yuuki"
  6. Link: ... 52ac9b.jpg
  7. Miscellaneous: Make it look good but don't overuse filters (if you use filters)
  1. Type: Userpage Banner
  2. Resolution: 623x192
  3. Border: Thin
  4. Shape: Square
  5. Text: Yukisa
  6. Link: [iurl=]Here[/url]
  7. Miscellaneous: Up to you
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname

AoSaika wrote:

  • Hi ~ :)
  1. Type: Avatar
  2. Resolution: 256x256
  3. Border: Thin
  4. Shape: Rounded Edges
  5. Text: "AoSaika"
  6. Link: ... 480_p0.jpg
  7. Miscellaneous: x

    Thanks in advance Fizzn <3 ~
Hotlinking pixiv images does not work, just link the artwork page.
EDIT: The linx exposes artwork ID, gotta find it. ... t/59628480

Fizzn wrote:

AoSaika wrote:

  • Hi ~ :)
  1. Type: Avatar
  2. Resolution: 256x256
  3. Border: Thin
  4. Shape: Rounded Edges
  5. Text: "AoSaika"
  6. Link: ... 480_p0.jpg
  7. Miscellaneous: x

    Thanks in advance Fizzn <3 ~
Hotlinking pixiv images does not work, just link the artwork page.
EDIT: The linx exposes artwork ID, gotta find it. ... t/59628480

  • Oh sorry, I'm still new to pixiv so I didn't know about that :o
    Anyway, I just remembered I had a puush link for that image :cry: (
    I hope it didn't bother you too much :c
hello x.x
  1. Type: Avatar
  2. Resolution: 256 x 256. edit: the image isn't more than 256, so 128x128 =/
  3. Border: thin like this one
  4. Shape: square
  5. Text: none
  6. Link: ... l_chan.png or the fourth one ... /50300.png
  7. Miscellaneous:
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname
Too much requests. Hope I'll be able to fullfill them tommorow.
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname
thank you so much it looks great!! and that was fast =o
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname
I've got an assistant now! To spread the load.
  1. To: Fizzn
  2. Type: Avatar
  3. Is rendered: No
  4. Resolution: 256x256
  5. Border: Medium
  6. Shape: Circle
  7. Text: "Spartano"
  8. Link: ... 82/photo/2 ( - like the background in this map
  9. Miscellaneous: Make it beautiful :>
You are doing great work for osu! community :D

Edited with another pic, sorry for the problem with the last one.
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname

Spartano wrote:

  1. To: Fizzn
  2. Type: Avatar
  3. Is rendered: No
  4. Resolution: 256x256
  5. Border: Large
  6. Shape: Circle
  7. Text: "Spartano"
  8. Link: (
  9. Miscellaneous: Metalic border and protruding text from the circle to right.
You are doing great work for osu! community :D
There might be some issues. 3D does not work in my Photoshop, since I am running on Linux.
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname
Thanks Fizzn
  1. To: Fizzn
  2. Type: Signature
  3. Is rendered: no
  4. Resolution: 702x150
  5. Border: Any
  6. Shape: Any
  7. Text: Lose Yourself
  8. Link: ... n-ronpa_3-
  9. Miscellaneous: Can you animate the words. Thanks a lot :D
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname
I broke my PC. I an't do graphics for some time.

Fizzn wrote:

I broke my PC. I an't do graphics for some time.
Dont worry about the request. Hope everything gets better soon! :D
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname

Yoonique wrote:

Fizzn wrote:

I broke my PC. I an't do graphics for some time.
Dont worry about the request. Hope everything gets better soon! :D
You can redirect your request to someone else tho.
Sorry it's garbage. Fizz is way better at animating than I am. I hope you like it regardless :) And I will re-do it if you want...
Fizzn's pc is still broken so I am not sure when he will be back
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname
Update: I won't be able to do graphics until January or March.

Fizzn wrote:

Update: I won't be able to do graphics until January or March.
Oh, i am sorry for you, good luck.
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname
Yo! I've got some good news!
It's painful to watch me struggling on my mom's netbook, so it got her.
I will get a new PC more sooner, maybe at 13-14th of November.
holy... I can barely browse the Internet on this typewriter..
To: Fizzn or Miyako
Type: Avatar
Is rendered: yes
Resolution: 256x256
Border: no
Shape: Rounded
Text: -Exiled
Link: ... 9iLCt_.jpg
Miscellaneous: can you add a little bit of filter and brightness?

Thanks in advance! :)

Feel free to message me for any changes!

[Miyako] wrote:


Feel free to message me for any changes!
That was fast lol.Thank you! It's so cool. oh and can i have a 128x128 as well? Thanks :D

-Exiled wrote:

[Miyako] wrote:


Feel free to message me for any changes!
That was fast lol.Thank you! It's so cool. oh and can i have a 128x128 as well? Thanks :D
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname
Hm... Hype!
I've got new PC!
- Anivia -
Hi there! :D

Type: Avatar
Img: ... 7c2aa9.jpg
Size: 128x128
Text:yes. ghostyThief
Border: No
Extra: Nothing really, thanks in advance for the effort :)
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname

- Anivia - wrote:

Hi there! :D

Type: Avatar
Img: ... 7c2aa9.jpg
Size: 128x128
Text:yes. ghostyThief
Border: No
Extra: Nothing really, thanks in advance for the effort :)
The image is kinda smalll. If you can, could you change it?
- Anivia -
Hi Fizzn~!

  1. To: Fizzn
  2. Type: Banner & Signature
  3. Is rendered: No
  4. Resolution: 620x190 (Banner) and 600x15 (Signature)
  5. Border: None
  6. Shape: something that is Banner & Signature friendly ^^
  7. Text: ExKyu's Userpage (Banner only)
  8. Link:
  9. Miscellaneous: so,the Signature is only the cropped version of the image,so nothing should be changed on it
    oh,and could you make the text animated?
Thank you Fizzn~!
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname

Fizzn wrote:

Thanks Fizzn~
  1. To: Fizzn
  2. Type: Avatar
  3. Is rendered: No
  4. Resolution: 256x256
  5. Border: Any
  6. Shape: Any
  7. Text: Yoonique
  8. Link: ... c00695.jpg
  9. Miscellaneous: Any

- Anivia -

Fizz and I worked on this together. Hope you enjoy!
Feel free to message me for any changes!
- Anivia -

[Miyako] wrote:

- Anivia -

Fizz and I worked on this together. Hope you enjoy!
Feel free to message me for any changes!
Thank you guys very much for your effort! It's perfect!! :D
Topic Starter
Isshiki Kaname

Fizzn wrote:

Looks good :D and you livestream :O
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