
Sample sounds?

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Azzy Dreemurr_old
Hi, well I've been looking around to make my very own skin, I already got everything that I want (Image, sounds, etc), but now I have a little problem.

Thanks to the two guides (This and this) I have already named most of the images and sounds that I needed, but when I was testing the skin I found that some sounds are still the default, I've just found this issue with a single sound and it's the one when you change the difficulty of the selected song (Either by mouse click or arrow keys).

I've been looking around the skinning forum for the sample sound samples but there's nothing at all, as much all the common that I've already wanted to change.

Is there any list with all the sound sample names? I'd appreciate if someone share 'em :)


Pd: Not sure if this could be either here or in the help forum, but since is related with skinning I decided to left it here.

Pd2: Broken english... I know :D

My google doc has 3 sheets, each focusing on one thing
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Azzy Dreemurr_old
Woaaaah, there are too many! I didn't know chat tabs had a sound sample XD

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