
Osu! is eating my tablet

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Is this even normal? If so, I can't imagine how many dead tablets some people must have laying around.

[ Kakuja ]
I switched to hover a couple of days ago since I've literally destroyed 3x Wacom Intuos CTL480 in 6 months.
I shake a lot and my cursor is shaking, but I can still FC and get as good accuracy I did with dragstyle (even tho i'm shaking)

If you really don't want to hover, you can take an A4 paper and wrap it around you tablet or cut it so it fills the whole area.
I did this for a whole month and it actually works really well in my opinion. (Click here for screenshot)

And yes, the tablet wears out pretty fast if you push with just a lil'bit too much force.
But I guess most drag players don't get affected by the worn out surface on their tablet area, I personally couldn't play after I destroyed all the places I could move my area to, and I'm too poor at the moment so I just said ''Firetruck it.... I'll take some time to learn hoverstyle instead''

I hope my english grammar wasnt too bad, I just woke up and I'm half sleeping
stop dragging unless you put something above it to prevent your pen from scratching it
A Medic
I drag too and my solution was to just get a tablet cover for my tablet. (I bought mine from horo)

(I'm still waiting for it to ship)

but in the meantime I just put a piece of paper of my tablet and tapped it to my desk.
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I thought about using some kind of cover for it, but I assumed it would mess with the tracking. I actually tried to hover right from the start, but I was having a lot of trouble with keeping a consistent distance from the tablet. I'll have to look into a4 paper, and possibly this horo person. Thanks for the help =D

Fifty wrote:

and possibly this horo person
I use a thin glossy paper to cover my tablet. It slides nicely and it doesn't easily wear out like ordinary paper. Using the eraser tip instead of the nib might help? I use the eraser tip when playing
I mostly drag so I had a sheet of glass cut, which I've stuck over the top of the tablet. It reduces friction and protects the tablet.
I also use flex nibs which last much longer.
There's a guy on reddit who sells custom glass tablet covers for draggers, I don't have a link but if you search tablet covers on /r/osugame you could find something
I had the exact same problem but then I just stopped dragging my pen Xd
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