
Independent background dim slider for test mode in editor.

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +7
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Before, your background dim setting would apply to play mode and test mode. Now it only applies to play mode and you're stuck with the full brightness of the bg in the map when you're testing. A separate background dim slider would be incredibly useful as it would mean you can push the dimness up to 100% in the editor which would be really beneficial for a lot of mappers including myself. Pushing the background dim to 100% can make a map easier to play for a lot of people but I find it also makes a map a lot easier to analyse. There are no distractions, it's just the hitcircles on the screen, things like flow and spacing issues are much easier to find. Having static independent settings would be much more convenient than fumbling about with the settings and constantly switching between play and edit mode. I usually like to make a few adjustments to a map and then test them straight away. But this habit can be frustrating when you're say... half way into a 7 minute marathon and test it with full background dim. You have to constantly readjust and play through like 3 minutes just to get to that 30 seconds you added. Independent settings would fix this issue.
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