
AxS CtB Tournament

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Hi we are Wesley and SartanDark and we are hosting yet another tournament for the Catch the Beat community.
Our previous tournament was limited to just a handful of people as the requirements were severe and brutal.

However, this time around there are no requirements to join, except for your free time


The full name of the tournament is Accuracy x Score Catch the Beat Tournament, in short ACT.
You can participate as a team of six players, while only three players can participate in a match (3 versus 3). This means you can have a maximum of three back up players.
The players can be from any country, meaning anyone is able to join your team as long as they agree with it.

This tournament is different than your mainstream tournaments. In this tournament, accuracy has a huge impact on the final score. Your team will be divided in 2 groups.
Two of the three members will serve as the "score" and the other player will serve as the "accuracy". Futher information can be found in the heading "Roles, Score Calculations and Winning Conditions".


Congratulations to the following teams for winning the tournament:

1st place: Coke team
2nd place: 1 miss gods
3rd place: Chrząszczyżewoszyce

1st place: 3 months supporter
2nd place: 2 months supporter
3rd place: 1 month supporter

To be elegible for these prices you will need to have played atleast 4 maps. This can be tracked by the following document: ... edit#gid=0
This will be updated throughout the various rounds.


General rules
  1. If the accuracy player disconnects from the game, his/her accuracy will be changed to a static value of 80%
  2. If a score player disconnects from the game, his/her score will still be accounted for in the final calculation; no changes will be made to his/her score
  3. You cannot nullify a beatmap for any reason
  4. Failing a beatmap still makes the score you got valid (even if you are not alive at the end of a song)
  5. If the whole team dies in a match, the opposing team will win by default
  6. Teams will be matched up randomly throughout the entire tournament
  7. If your team does not contain enough players to play the match (three players), the opposing team will advance to the next
  8. If the team is 15 minutes too late for their match, they will be disqualified
  9. Please refrain from using offensive words in your team name
  10. Commentators aren't allowed to bad-mouth players in any given scenario, if they still do he/she WILL be kicked out of the commentating team and will not be allowed back in
  11. It is not allowed to share the map pool before it has been announced on the forum thread, if they still do this he/she WILL be disqualified. This rule applies for ANYONE
  12. Always remember that this is just a game
Mod rules
  1. There are 6 NoMod, 4 Hidden, 4 HardRock, 4 DoubleTime, 4 FreeMod and one Tiebreaker maps
  2. When picking either DoubleTime or hardrock maps, you are allowed to pick Hidden alongside
  3. When picking a FreeMod map, you are allowed to pick no mods, Hidden, HardRock, Hidden + HardRock, DoubleTime, DoubleTime + Hidden; DoubleTime can be picked, ONLY if both sides agree
  4. With the FreeMod maps, players are not allowed to use the following mods: Easy, Flashlight, SuddenDeath, other difficulty reducing mods or unranked mods.


Date when the registration will be closed: 12-01-2015 (mm-dd-yyyy)

There are a total of 16 teams allowed to participate. If there are enough teams willing to join, we can change this to a maximum of 32 teams.
Since so many people joined already in the first 3 days, we are increasing the maximum teams to 32!

In order to register, you have to send the following information to

Note: You need to fill in atleast three players in order to register a team. You can change your team members later on if you'd like (unless registrations are closed ofcourse).
Find your timezone by going to and fill in where you live.

Team name: <name of the team>

[b]Player one: [/b]<name of the team captain> | <timezone in UTC>
[b]Player two: [/b]<name of the player> | <timezone in UTC>
[b]Player three: [/b]<name of the player> | <timezone in UTC>
[b]Player four: [/b]<name of the player> | <timezone in UTC>
[b]Player five: [/b]<name of the player> | <timezone in UTC>
[b]Player six: [/b]<name of the player> | <timezone in UTC>

Teams [28/32]

Funny memers
Player one: Vincs | UTC+1
Player two: Toggeni | UTC+1
Player three: Setomi | UTC+1
Player four: Shyeart | UTC+1

Player one: Kosmit | UTC+1
Player two: BoberOfDarkness | UTC+1
Player three: Sveniie | UTC+1
Player four: Hirikoshi | UTC+1
Player five: Wampir | UTC+1
Player six: GrochuZJ | UTC+1

Suicide Squad
Player one: wwwww- | UTC-8
Player two: -Hoodie- | UTC-8
Player three: jeubach | UTC-8
Player four: Zak | UTC-5
Player five: Trent | UTC-5
Player six: Smudge | UTC-8

Demo slept on his match cause he thought it was Sunday
Player one: Pew | UTC+11
Player two: Demo | UTC+11
Player three: Zeverage | UTC+11
Player four: - Magic Girl - | UTC+11
Player five: Jakincses | UTC+11
Player six: Crimsonplez | UTC+11

One Miss Syndrome
Player one: ShipShup | UTC-5
Player two: ISeeStars | UTC-5
Player three: Rookie_FR | UTC+1
Player four: FABninja | UTC+0
Player five: dika312 | UTC+7
Player six: chickenbible | UTC-5

Coke team
Player one: Globerosss | UTC+1
Player two: [ Zorua ] | UTC +1
Player three: VagaNNN | UTC+3
Player four: [224]Hyperw7 | UTC+9
Player five: Motion | UTC+9
Player six: Korglif | UTC+1

Player one: crosaide | UTC+1
Player two: Aru Akana | UTC+1
Player three: Voltali | UTC+1
Player four: Kyuare | UTC+1
Player five: Skir | UTC+1
Player six: Del | UTC-5

Green Tea
Player one: Tsukiyama | UTC+1
Player two: Koliron | UTC+3
Player three: Posipi | UTC+1

1 miss gods
Player one: Ascendance | UTC-5
Player two: Itsy_v2 | UTC-5
Player three: ExRei | UTC+?
Player four: Seynn | UTC+9
Player five: alienflybot | UTC+8
Player six: Razor Sharp | UTC+1 (Emergency member eauikk)

Player one: CheungB | UTC+8
Player two: Latifah-sama | UTC+8
Player three: Nagato | UTC+8
Player four: N y a L o | UTC+8
Player five: KagamineRin02 | UTC+8
Player six: Noire- | UTC+8

Player one: [Force] | UTC-3
Player two: daxeroz | UTC-7
Player three: lineqtxz | UTC-3
Player four: [-FlyingCat-] | UTC-5
Player five: [Nico] | UTC-3
Player six: M a s t e r | UTC-3

Player one: KenKensK | UTC+1
Player two: [-Oku-] | UTC+1
Player three: Rockageek | UTC+1
Player four: - Yuri - | UTC+1

Dr. Peppy
Player one: sudosu | UTC+1
Player two: tomaszto | UTC+1
Player three: kisbee | UTC+1
Player four: Kurokami | UTC+1

Me Sedap
Player one: Shurelia | UTC+7
Player two: Galaxi | UTC+7
Player three: -Necrophilia- | UTC+7
Player four: Constantine | UTC+7
Player five: Valskiel | UTC+7
Player six: Future_Miku95 | UTC+8

Player one: Greaper | UTC+1
Player two: Cakeandbanana | UTC+1
Player three: Nebux | UTC+1
Player four: -Crab- | UTC+1

Spell Moon
Player one: Jusenkyo | UTC-6
Player two: Junier | UTC-5
Player three: Ponchiwi | UTC-6
Player four: Tadashi | UTC-3
Player five: Hino07 | UTC-5
Player six : mjj741 | UTC+9

Nervous Fruitdown
Player one: Nealth | UTC-4
Player two: Jimmy Rustler | UTC-4
Player three: zSkill | UTC-7

Multicultural Fruit Catchers
Player one: - Magic Bomb - | UTC+0
Player two: No492_Shaymin | UTC+9
Player three: diao | UTC-5
Player four: Yukiteru Amano | UTC+1
Player five: WujekGrzyb | UTC+1
Player six: N a k o | UTC+1

Player one: Kazuyo | UTC+7
Player two: Time- | UTC+7
Player three: syu | UTC+9
Player four: Hanazawa Yurika | UTC+9
Player five: yogafm | UTC+7
Player six: BreakerS- | UTC+8

Player one: Haarashi | UTC+2
Player two: Minalinsky- | UTC+7
Player three: Orinoshi | UTC+2
Player four: Ddraigon- | UTC+7

Blood-Stained Apples
Player one: Candlestorm | UTC-4
Player two: -Ryuujii- | UTC-4
Player three: GlyVyX | UTC+1
Player four: iSuck | UTC+2
Player five: ItsJ0el | UTC+1
Player six: NekuMagetsu | UTC-3

My Portuguese biches
Player one: -Edward Elric - | UTC+1
Player two: Airdown | UTC+0
Player three: Buffow | UTC+0
Player four: PTrollYO | UTC+0
Player five: F u n y | UTC+0

Can't Catch The Beat
Player one: Wermii | UTC+1
Player two: Yaityboi | UTC-6
Player three: Only1Magma | UTC+1
Player four: picky picky | UTC+1

A Country Under the Sunlight
Player one: Paula | UTC+1
Player two: Pistoler | UTC+1
Player three: Mibic | UTC+0
Player four: PakaChan | UTC+2

Eat my Nacho<3
Player one: Jafett | UTC-5
Player two: nacho-s-m | UTC-3
Player three: [Kami] | UTC-6
Player four: Quit User | UTC-3
Player five: EEEHHH | UTC-4
Player six: -Daniel | UTC-5

Random Players
Player one: LechuCzechu | UTC+1
Player two: M s k | UTC+1
Player three: GaMma765 | UTC+1
Player four: AxorPL | UTC+1
Player five: Rawaj | UTC+1
Player six: -Filow- | UTC+1

KiwiBeatZ (Disbanded)
Player one: SparKticas | UTC+13
Player two: Crono | UTC+13
Player three: Nibble147 | UTC+13
Player four: Hypocrite Kitty | UTC+13
Player five: - T y l e r - | UTC+13
Player six: CoolEVT | UTC+13

Ærfuglene på Årøysund
Player one: Armjomin | UTC+1
Player two: Cameragod | UTC+1
Player three: Armneidin | UTC+1
Player four: Mile | UTC+1
Player five: Divine Cake | UTC+1
Player six: Lanki | UTC+1

Tournament dates

The tournament will start around December - January, the exact dates will be announced before the 1st of november.
All of the matches will take place in the weekend: Saturday and Sunday.
Note that the matches will NOT be played on Christmas or New Years Eve (aswell as the day after that).

(mm-dd-yyyy date format)
  1. Registration phase: from 10-06-2015 to 12-01-2015
  2. Tournament start: 12-19-2015
Schedules of every round, CLICK ME

Roles, Score Calculations and Winning Conditions

In each round every team needs to have atleast three players who are able to play.
Those three players are divided in two roles, the "score" and the "accuracy".
Two players can be the score, and one player has to be the accuracy. The team itself can decide which player takes what role (this has to be announced to the match host at the start of the multiplayer game).

At the end of the round the score is calculated differently than usual.
The scores of the two players playing for score, will be added up to eachother. This creates the total score.
After the total score has been calculated, the accuracy player comes in. The total score will be multiplied by the accuracy of the accuracy player, to the power of a selected number (the modifier), depending on how hard the map is.
If the accuracy player manages to get 100% accuracy, only the scores will be added up to each other and thus won't decrease the score.
Below is an example on how the calculation is done:

player 1 score + player 2 score = total score
total score * (0.accuracy of player 3 ^ modifier) = final score

Team One
Player 1 (Score player): 5.000.000 (100% accuracy)
Player 2 (Score player): 3.500.000 (99.5% accuracy)
Player 3 (Accuracy player): 4.125.000 (97.3% accuracy)

Team Two
Player 1 (Accuracy player): 5.000.000 (100% accuracy)
Player 2 (Score player): 500.000 (93% accuracy)
Player 3 (Score player): 4.500.000 (97.3% accuracy)

Team One score calculation:
5.000.000 + 3.500.000 = 8.500.000
8.500.000 * (0.973 ^ 3) = 7.829.922

Team Two score calculation
500.000 + 4.500.000 = 5.000.000
5.000.000 * (1 ^ 3) = 5.000.000

The team with the final highest score wins the round, which is Team One in this case.


We are still looking for: streamers, commentators! Intrested in helping out? Send either SartanDark or Wesley a PM (ingame or on the forums)!

Art (king): dexabell
Tournament host: SartanDark, Wesley
Match hosts: SartanDark, Wesley, Zoe, InsaneToe
Streamers: Shyeart, crosaide
Commentator: SartanDark, Setomi, InsaneToe
Map selectors: b-a-d-s123, Gommy, CLSW, He Ang Erika, Bads123FanGirl
Team name: Funny memers

Player one: Vincs | UTC+2
Player two: Toggeni | UTC+2
Player three: Setomi | UTC+2
Player four: Shyeart | UTC+2

See you soon ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)
Team name: Chrząszczyżewoszyce
Team time zone: UTC +1

Player one: Kosmit
Player two: BoberOfDarkness
Player three: Sveniie
Player four: Hirikoshi
Player five: Wampir
Player six: GrochuZJ
Team name: Suicide Squad
Team members:
wwwww- UTC-8
-Hoodie- UTC-8
jeubach UTC-8
-wwwww UTC-5
GeTwReCkEd710 UTC-5
Smuderox UTC-8
Team name: Demo slept on his match cause he thought it was Sunday
Timezone : UTC +11

Player one: Pew
Player two: Demo
Player three: Zeverage
Player four: - Magic Girl -
Player five: Jakincses
Player six: Crimsonplez

Best team name incoming

Also, how difficult are the maps?
Topic Starter
Added new teams to the main post.

Pew wrote:

Also, how difficult are the maps?
We are gonna try to start off with maps that aren't too hard, so if lower ranked people do join, they stand a chance to play the maps aswell. As the tournament progresses, so will the maps.
Team name: Coke team
Player one: Globerosss UTC +1
Player two: BoberofDarkness UTC +1
Player three: [ Zorua ] UTC + 2
Player four: VagaNNN UTC +3
Player five: [224]Hyperw7 UTC +9
Player six: Motion UTC +9
Hey guys, Sartan here

Just wanted to say real quick that I am very glad so many of you registered on the first day of the tournament already. Wesley and I are very excited to watch this project bloom to life ^^ (he really did his best creating this thread, like damn). I will probably make some kind of update video on the channel I originally used for the ''Representative Cup'', which Wes and I also organised. ( ... XlM6nP7xuA)

Hope to speak to all of you soon
Suicide Squad ftw

Teq wrote:

Suicide Squad ftw
You wot m8, our memes are way stronger :^)
^ <3
We would like to add another player to suicide squad. Jeubach UTC-8
Team name: Green Tea

Player one: Tsukiyama | UTC+2
Player two: Koliron | UTC+3
Player three: Posipi | UTC+2
Player four: in search | <timezone in UTC>
Player five: in search | <timezone in UTC>
Player six: in search | <timezone in UTC>

wwwww- wrote:

We would like to add another player to suicide squad. Jeubach UTC-8
Would you mind editing that into your original post? Thanks in advance
Topic Starter

wwwww- wrote:

We would like to add another player to suicide squad. Jeubach UTC-8
Made the changes to your team.

Tsukiyama wrote:

Added your team to the main post.
Team name: 1 miss gods

Player one: Ascendance | UTC - 4
Player two: -Itsy_v2- | UTC - 4
Player three: Badis | UTC + 2
Player four: Seynn | UTC + 9
Player five: Razor Sharp | UTC + 2
Player six: alienflybot | UTC + 8
Nice :3
Poke me if you need a help for mappool selection.
Topic Starter

Ascendance wrote:

Added to the thread, also added flags to everyone for more swag

CLSW wrote:

Nice :3
Poke me if you need a help for mappool selection.
This has been handled by Sartan, added you to the map selector team
Team name : K.O.R
1 : KenKensK | UTC+1
2 : [-Oku-] | UTC+2
3 : Rockageek | UTC+2
He Ang CTB
Hey Wesley XD Are the maps going to be severe and brutal like the previous tournament? XD
Team name: Dr. Peppy

Player one: sudosu | UTC +2
Player two: tomaszto | UTC +2
Player three: kisbee | UTC +2
Player four: kurokami | UTC +2

Time zone:
Our standard time zone is UTC +1, but we've a 1 hour offset currently!
Team name: Me Sedap

Player one: Shurelia | UTC+7
Player two: Galaxi | UTC+7
Player three: -Necrophilia- | UTC+7
Player four: Constantine | UTC+7
Player five: Valskiel | UTC+7
Player six: Future_Miku95 | | UTC+8
mie sedap ftw
Topic Starter
Teams teams teams, added more teams!
Since there have been so many registrations, we increased the total amount of teams allowed to participate to 32!

He Ang Erika wrote:

Hey Wesley XD Are the maps going to be severe and brutal like the previous tournament? XD
To answer your question:

Wesley wrote:

Pew wrote:

Also, how difficult are the maps?
We are gonna try to start off with maps that aren't too hard, so if lower ranked people do join, they stand a chance to play the maps aswell. As the tournament progresses, so will the maps.

Player one: Greaper | UTC+2
Player two: Cakeandbanana | UTC+2
Player three: Nebux | UTC+2
Player four: Strangeangels | UTC+10
Player five: -Crab- | UTC+1

Nebux wrote:


Player one: Greaper | UTC+2
Player two: Cakeandbanana | UTC+2
Player three: Nebux | UTC+2
Player four: Strangeangels | UTC+10]
Player five: Roerbakei | UTC+2]
Player six: rjgassasin | UTC+1]
Player seven: Skrill | UTC+2]
The max amount of players allowed to join your team is 6 and it seems you listed 7. Please remove one.
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Nebux wrote:


Player one: Greaper | UTC+2
Player two: Cakeandbanana | UTC+2
Player three: Nebux | UTC+2
Player four: Strangeangels | UTC+10]
Player five: Roerbakei | UTC+2]
Player six: rjgassasin | UTC+1]
Player seven: Skrill | UTC+2]
I removed rjgassasin and Skrill from the list as they were inactive/non existant.
Team name: Spell Moon

Player one: Jusenkyo | -5 UTC
Player two: Junier | -5 UTC
Player three: Ponchiwi |-5 UTC
Player four: Tadashi |-3 UTC
Player five: Hino07 |-5 UTC
Player six : mjj741 | +9 UTC
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Jusenkyo wrote:

Added to the list : )
I wish i could participate but... i need a team BibleThump

Haarashi wrote:

I wish i could participate but... i need a team BibleThump
You can join ours if you want :o
I want to join the tourney but i got no team.. :(

Strangeangels wrote:

Haarashi wrote:

I wish i could participate but... i need a team BibleThump
You can join ours if you want :o
Thank you :) i pm'd you earlier today.
Jusenkyo, you blocked pm so i couldn't really answer lol. If strangeangels don't have slots for me and my brother, we would like to join you :)
Team name: Multicultural Fruit Catchers

(yes it's a bad team name it'll change probably)

Player one: - Magic Bomb - | UTC+0
Player two: No492_Shaymin | UTC+9
Player three: diao | UTC-5
Player four: Yukiteru Amano | UTC+1

dw I'll get 2 more people from like UTC-10 and UTC+5 just to make your job harder :^)
Topic Starter

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

dw I'll get 2 more people from like UTC-10 and UTC+5 just to make your job harder :^)
You wanted your match at 4:45 AM right? p:^)

Added/changed some teams and added a couple of new staff members
add - Yuri - (UTC+2) to K.O.R team
and new team name : K.O.R.Y
Team name: EsDawet

Player one: Kazuyo | UTC+7
Player two: Time- | UTC+7
Player three: syu | UTC+9
Player four: Hanazawa Yurika | UTC+9
Player five: yogafm | UTC+7
Player six: BreakerS- | UTC+8
Topic Starter
Added a couple of new teams and made some changes to the thread.
Actually excited for this. :D
Team name: Eat my Nacho<3

Player one: Jafett| UTC -5
Player two: nacho-s-m | UTC-3
Player three: [Kami] | UTC-6
Player four: Quit User| UTC-3
Player five: EEEHHH | UTC -4:30
Player six: -Daniel | UTC -5
add M a s t e r (UTC-3) to U N D E R R A T E D G G team
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I have made some changes to a lot of teams, regarding timezones (DST changes).
Added some new teams and added a few new rules.

To all the team captains: If you still haven't responded to my PM about the time zone changes, please do! This is so that the matches don't have to be played on inconvenient times.
Team name: Random Players

Player one: -Filow- | UTC +1
Player two: LechuCzechu | UTC +1
Player three M s k | UTC +1
Player four GaMma765 |UTC +1
Player five AxorPL |UTC +1
Player six Rawaj |UTC +1
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Registrations will be closing in a couple of days! Last chances of signing up!
Team name: KiwiBeatZ

Player one: SparKticas | UTC+13
Player two: Crono | UTC+13
Player three: Nibble147 | UTC+13
Player four: Hypocrite Kitty | UTC+13
Player five: - T y l e r - | UTC+13
Player six: CoolEVT | UTC+13
o x
if the acc player has 99% the scores will be unaffected ?
Topic Starter

wwwww_ wrote:

if the acc player has 99% the scores will be unaffected ?
Score will be unaffected if the accuracy player has 100%, in any other case the accuracy will be used in the calculations
Magic Girl
When will the mappool be released?
Topic Starter

- Magic Girl - wrote:

When will the mappool be released?
If everything is going according to plan, the map pools will be released on the 12th of december (one week before the starting date)
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