
Idea for Profile Statistic

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Hello, I'm not sure if an idea like this has already been suggested and declined or if it's even possible but I'm gonna give it a shot anyways. I'd love to see a Play Time statistic on people's profiles, what I'm not sure about is whether or not it's taken into account how long players spend in a map. Anyway I think this would be a nice edition because when people go to judge each other based on how much they play they'll either look at like total score or their play count, and if here was a timer that kept track of all the time you spent playing any given song I think it would make comparing such things much easier. And just because I'm curious I'll drop a poll down there to see what others think.

Thanks for reading :)
This Idea has already been discussed here: Total Time Online.
I guess alot of ppl would actually love this, but it shouldn't be possible to show the time that you already spent before the implementation. Therefore this statistic will most likely be useless due to it's inaccuracy : )

Futher Ideas/Requests belong into the Feature Requests Section.
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