
Hello everyone!

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Just posting Hi, seeing how this community is.

I got into this game after watching my friend Savannah play this on steam I think offline, but very hard maps like...7 stars and stuff.
:P So that got me into it and I hope one day I can do good like that. :)
Ameth Rianno
Hey there, welcome to the community! Yes you can be a pro, not just one day! lel
Welcome to osu!. I hope you will have a nice time, if you need help feel free to ask in the In-Game Chat or in the appropriate forum section. :)
Welcome to the world of OSU! I hope u have a fun time in this game and I wish that u will be a pro someday also :) :) :)
Welcome to osu!.....

Hope you have fun playing it.....
hehehe :lol: :lol: hehehe it looks like you're a pp farmer like me hehehe :lol: :lol: :lol:
visit my top ranks for farmable normal HRDT pp :lol: youre welcome :lol:
Did you play osu! offline before making an account? Because 500 PP in 3 days is a lot, you know :> do, right? You only have like 300 play count too :v

Try insane maps for more challenge. Everybody could be a top player, of course. All it takes are just practice and dedication :>
oh wait also a tablet
Welcome to the community and good luck with clicking circles~ :D
Welcome to the forums!
The pp farming. :O

Good luck and have fun!
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Thank you all, and yes Annadine I did play offline for a while because I like to play games by myself since most the time communities are toxic, but I decided to give this a try.

Also I don't know what pp farming is :?: I just like playing a lot of maps to see if I can do good and fast :D

KaoticMike wrote:

Also I don't know what pp farming is :?: I just like playing a lot of maps to see if I can do good and fast :D
Ah, so you didn't do it on purpose =w=
pp farming is like... playing easier maps to get high accuracy which will then worth a lot of PP (I think =w=) It will worth even more PP if you use mods (DT especially). Idk somebody pls explain
If you want so see my point, try to SS a map and see how many ranks you get compared to just S :>
Also, I see you're a mouse-only user =w= you do know that you can use z/x keys on your keyboard, right...?
Welcome to osu
Welcome to the world of osu!
Enjoy the forums!
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