
Auto velocity [Added]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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I want to suggest something like SB Load but this time it's for the auto velocity.

This is to avoid extreme jumps that normally can't be played by players (even expert players). In the test mode, there'll be something like SB Load that shows the velocity of the auto movement. If it's too fast, the indicator will turn red, just like the SB Load (which is unrankable). So there's an actual value that shows how extreme jump is, not depend on the modder/mapper skill.
Sounds like a great idea, but is this really needed? Such impossible jumps would be caught while modding, so... ??
I've actually wanted to suggest this for a very long time now, don't know why i didn't.

Anyways support, the only thing i'm afraid of is people that willl start pushing the limit on how big a jump is...
People already push the limit on how big a jump is :P

I don't know if this is really necessary, if there is a jump that isn't humanly possible someone will catch it sooner or later
That is why there is a team of trained people checking every map (and testing every map hopefully)
Off topic: As long as a jump does not ask the player to surpass the speed of light, it is possible. (If we find out how to break the light barrier, then I don't know where the next limitation is. (There have been studies that have shown that breaking the light barrier is possible)

On topic: As James said, modders will probably catch these things. Since modders, including BATs, are supposed to play through the map, and modders have done a fairly good job so far, I really see no point for a sensor like this. The only reason I can see a use for this is to help newer players to design jumps, but I don't don't want newer players mapping almost ridiculous jumps just because it passed this test.
People already push the limit on how big a jump is
I'm hurt :<
Have you checked out the new Difficulty section of AiMod? If a jump is "too fast" it will push a map to extreme difficulty. I don't think we need another display for this (and don't personally see a realtime display being any more useful).

Also that was a pretty horrible choice for the subject.
I might put a static "distance spacing" value when you select an object but I don't see it being useful if it flies by and is gone in an instant before you can even make anything of it.
Topic Starter
I thought this idea would make an extreme jump has a value.

Well, it's okay if people reject it :3
You did inspire me to add this:

sooooooo unnecessary
Idc about the distance spacing thing but being able to see the coordinates of a beat when you select it is awesome for storyboards which use the positions of hitobjects.
Which one is it o_o
I'll stick with my denied :>

MetalMario201 wrote:

You did inspire me to add this:

Wait a minute, this looks interesting.
I think you missed the reason there is both an Added and Denied.
I didn't, but just felt like pointing out that one since I didn't see it the first time.
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