Monthly Beatmap Contest
A Fun Competition
Welcome everyone. I am Razor Sharp, and welcome to the CtB Monthly Beatmap Contest. First of all, to clear confusion. This is a competition for FUN. This is simply a competition for mappers to get connected. Also, we might see new mappers too! So trough this, you might find another mapper you like, and probably co-operate with him/her in the future. Keep in mind that YOU must time the map yourself! You can also ask others for help. This is so we all get to train on timing too. So lets get right into the rules before we continue with anything else.
There wont be so many rules here. But we cant have people running around doing whatever they want.
#1. Each and every single one of you, is responsible for a good mapping community. No bullying or out-shutting of other mappers!
#2. You do NOT get to choose song to map. That is completely up to me, and the other staff members to find out.
#3. Changing BG for the mapset WILL make you disqualified! DO NOT set your own! This is to avoid figuring out who mapped!
#4. We decide how many difficulties the mapset should have. If we say it should have a NHI spread, it should have it. But you can still map ENHIX, but we will only judge the NHI difficulties if mentioned.
#5. Collabs is completely fine, as long you mention who you collab with in the forum post for the song.
#6. Do not submit something that is not your work!
Breaking these rules will result in either:
You wont be able to join the contest for 3 months
Permanent ban from the contest
Remember to check back at the rules every once in a while as they are subject to change.
Now with that out of the way, lets get into the staff list. This will be in its own box (so feel free to ignore). This is just as you know who you should contact if you got questions. Keep in mind that staff members CANT submit creations.
Forum Staff
Razor Sharp
Beatmap Manager
Razor Sharp
Song Selection Staff (We choose the songs each month)
Razor Sharp
If a member of the Judges or Song Selection Staff fails to meet up, we will poke someone from the backup groups below. (Italic = Backup group)
They are also free to say "no, i cant this month" if they have fully mapped the song for the competition or are fully focused on joining the competition that month.
Song Selection Staff
Razor Sharp
Beatmap Manager
Razor Sharp
Song Selection Staff (We choose the songs each month)
Razor Sharp
If a member of the Judges or Song Selection Staff fails to meet up, we will poke someone from the backup groups below. (Italic = Backup group)
They are also free to say "no, i cant this month" if they have fully mapped the song for the competition or are fully focused on joining the competition that month.
Song Selection Staff
Maps will be judged with points (1-10) in different factors. These factors are: Creativity, Pattern usage, Flow, Playability, Fitness(does it fit the song?).
The winning mapset will also get a comment on the difficulty spread/curve. And that gives no points, due to this is a mapping competition, not a spread training thing.
Simply enough, send Fort a forum message with a link to your map forum. Remember to add all aditional info you think me and the other judges might need, on the forum post of your map. You can also send Fort the .osz file if you dont want to upload the map.
So, i will give away 1 FREE MOD on 1 map the winner owns. And 1 FREE MOD from Setomi.
The winner also gets to choose what map!
Also, WildOne94 will gift 3 MONTHS supporter to the winner!
Check the second post..