
Hello Everyone :)

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Just wanted to say hello, I'm new to the Osu! World, loving it so far :P Would love to have some friends on here!!

-Kimikins :D
Oh hey, welcome to osu! I don't know what to say there's a lot of things to do, play solo or multiplayer, check out forums, and customize your signature or avatar. I'm really addicted to this game where I get on in the early afternoon and get off late at night. Tip-Don't get addicted
Hello :3
It's rare to see somebody actually use their photo as their avatar... But whatever :3
Welcome to the forums and enjoy osu!~
You'll get better at osu! before you know it, just keep practicing :) and have fun!
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I'm definitely already better :)

Thanks for the welcome

And, oh well about the avatar, dare to be different I guess :P
I also had an photo as avatar
Then used an anime converter to make it a painting
Then I switched to Len :)
Hope you enjoy the forums!
worst fl player
Welcome! :)
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