
Hello Forum of Osu!

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Hello! Finally managed to find my way into the forums but why not introduce myself!

So I found out about Osu! a year ago after watching certain League Of Legends streamers. Tried to play mouse-only, failed then abandoned for a year. Then I found out I can use a keyboard! Ever since that I've been having a blast. I'm pretty sure osu! is also the reason I shelled out some pretty pennies to upgrade my membrane to a mechanical keyboard.

Osu! has also helped me in muscle memory in games such as CS:GO and LoL so I'm thankful for that! :lol:

I guess something about myself is my goal is to become an "astronaut", Sounds like a dream most common in 10 year olds. But I'm 16 now and I'm still very much pursuing it. Anyway thanks for reading and hopefully I can hang out in the forum for a long time :)

Also if your looking for DMG in CSGO, I'm your man
Hello visitor of the Forum of Osu!
If you have any questions, feel free to poke me whenever you want
Welcome back and welcome to the forums :3
Good luck on becoming an astronaut, I never want to become one because space is scary af, and literally the endless unknown.
Have fun :3
Welcome to the forums :-) hope you make your dream come true. Maybe u could colonize mars,but there is no turning back D: better stick with being an astronaut.
Hi, and welcome to the OSU! Forums
Were the same! I wanted to become an astronaut too...

And LoL games to osu? weeew enjoy osu >_<
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