
Vibrance Player (aka. Edge Player)

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Hey guys!
I am proud to present you my newest application, Vibrance Player! This application is able to play the songs from your beatmap folder in osu! and features like the widget or the remote control app for Android allow you easy access to the title, author and the important controls of the main player.
You want to see how the player looks like? Click here! (Version Alpha

Also, if you want to quickly report a bug to me without posting here, check out the new Discord server for the player: Click me!

  1. .NET Framework 4.5
  2. For automatic updates: a working internet connection

Downloadlink: Download (Bitbucket) - Official installer (Version (last update: 28.04.2018)

Or if you want to test the newest Alpha click here: Download (Bitbucket) - Official installer (Version Alpha) (last update: 30.03.2020)

Previous builds
If you want to switch back to an older version (in case of bugs, etc.), here is the download link:

Attention! No support is given for older versions! Please don't send in any bug reports for these versions.
Updating is unavailable for v1.4.1 and below!

App (Android 4.0 and up) (last update: 24.03.2018):

Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.

Features of the player:
  1. Windows Vista (currently only possible with version 2.9.6 and below!), Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1 and Windows 10 support!
  2. Supports multiple audio and video formats
  3. SmartDetect: Displays an image from the folder of the playing song, but ignores skin elements as long as necessary
  4. Favorise songs and quickly find them over the search bar
  5. Two widgets: one displays song informations and the most important player controls, the other is useful if you have lyrics
  6. Export all your songs to a folder
  7. Auto-detect of your osu! beatmap folder
  8. Create playlists with your favorite songs and export them as .m3u playlists (Windows Media Player playlists)
  9. Use it as a normal player and add directories to the sync
  10. Sleeptimer function
  11. Multiple themes to choose from
  12. Remote control app!

Thanks to everyone on the list for their support!

  1. No patrons currently

Known issues/What's next?
  1. Not all video formats and codecs are supported right now
  2. Remote: Additional features such as managing playlists will follow soon

  1. Stream your songs from PC to your Android device
  2. Plugin System (Maybe)
  3. The possibility to connect the remote via bluetooth

You want to help improving the player but don't know how? (Credits to everyone who helps!)
You can help me indeed! All you have to do is:
  1. Go to this link
  2. Choose one language you are familiar with
  3. Create a duplicate of the template sheet and translate the given lines into your language
  4. Wait for the next update and see your name in the credits ;)

Note: The list will grow continuously in the future, so always check back.

Everyone who helped so far:
  1. Xoas - Spanish translation (Added!)
  2. Ringosham - Chinese (Traditional) translation (Added!)
  3. Terrdus - Slovak translation (Added!)
  4. Ryosuke Himeji & Ren.Mi - Japanese translation (Added!)
  5. Xferno2 - Romanian translation (Added!)
  6. ripmyacc (completed by Xoas) - Russian translation (Added!)

FAQ (also interesting stuff for programmers ^^)
Q: What is the "Vibrance Player"?
A: This is a player which detects your songs in your osu! folder. He can play .mp3, .wav and .ogg, also he scans the folder for any image to display while playing.

Q: How did you come up with that idea?
A: I hate it to search for the songs from osu! which I like. This is it, I am lazy (but not too lazy to code a whole player with all those features... this is so ironic if I think about it twice) :D

Q: How much of your free time do you spend every day for coding?
A: Usually around two to six hours, but mostly I spend this time figuring out why something isn't working.

Q: I started the application, but it synchronizes slow. Is this normal?
A: Yes this is normal, it just has to scan your whole folder. Once the first scan is done, the next startup is very fast. In the end, the syncronization speed depends on your computer and on the number of songs to sync.

Q: How can I disable the widget?
A: You can press Alt + F12 to disable it. But you can also change the location of the player on the screen with Alt + F11 or resize him with Alt + F10.

Q: Can I create playlists?
A: Sure, just click on the Playlists tab, click on "Create new playlist" and give it a name. After that, right click any song in the Songs tab to add this title to your playlist or add the current playing song to the playlist by clicking the add icon in the right bottom corner of the window.

Q: What should I do if I come across a bug or the player crashes?
A: Please write a post under this topic (or send me a PM), attach the log file and tell me what you did. This is the important thing for me to recreate the exact scenario.

Q: Has the program an update function?
A: Sure, just go to "Network" and click on "Check for updates" ;)

Q:The update isn't working, why?
A: Try again in 5 minutes, then it should work again. If not, check this page for updates ;)

Q: The player can't find any songs! What can I do?
A: Open the settings window and check if the right directory has been chosen. If not, click on the button "Manage directories" and add the folder you want to sync. If this doesn't work, reset your settings.

Changelog: Vibrance Player

  1. 30.03.2020: (Vibrance Player Alpha)
    1. Added: New settings for FFmpeg. If you decide to install FFmpeg later or you're updating from older versions you can download and install the binaries from inside the settings
    2. Added: A dialog is displayed if you're trying to play a video without FFmpeg installed. You can disable the warning in your settings
    3. Added: Audio should now be normalized across all songs (this should fix an issue where the volume across different songs varies)
    4. Changed: Changed the font color of some texts
    5. Changed: Pre-defined visuals like "Line Peak Spectrum" adjust their colors now according to the current background image
    6. Fixed: Song history didn't always return the correct song when going back and forth
    7. Fixed: Stopping audio playback and then trying to resume or play a song resulted in weird display bugs
    8. Re-enabled: Video playback is back and working better than before! (unfortunately FFmpeg puts a lot of size onto the player, so these files will be downloaded separately by the installer)
    9. Re-enabled: Custom backgrounds can be set once more! (is displayed if a song doesn't contain beatmap background)
  2. 08.02.2020: (Vibrance Player Alpha)
    1. Added: Hovering over a song/playlist will now show a notification with the previewed song details
    2. Added: Database conversion! Due to changes in the database your old database got backed up if you've installed the 4.0 Alpha. After this update old database formats are now converted to the new format.
    3. Changed: Some texts are now white/black (depending on your theme) instead of the accent color
    4. Changed: New splash screen!
    5. Changed: Some smaller quality of life changes on the UI
    6. Fixed: Some smaller bugs which would lead to app crashes have been fixed
    7. Re-enabled: Sleeptimer is back with an improved UI
    8. Re-enabled: Drag&Drop is working again
  3. 28.01.2020: (Vibrance Player 4.0 Alpha)
    1. Changed: Revamped UI!
    2. Changed: Decreased startup time
    3. Changed: Performance optimization
    4. Disabled: Tracklists, sleeptimer, video playback and discord integration are currently disabled
    5. Disabled: Drag&Drop is currently disabled and will be back with the next version
    6. Disabled: Visualizer Studio and Lyrics Creator are disabled in the installer, as they are currently not compatible with this version of Vibrance Player
  4. 28.04.2018: (Vibrance Player
    1. Added: Vibrance Player now supports Discord's Rich Presence! This feature can be disabled through the settings
    2. Added: Automatic updates can now be disabled. Also you can change the interval in which the player should search for updates
    3. Added: Errors and crashes are now automatically sent to me (so you don't have to worry about that ;) )
    4. Added: You can now export beatmap backgrounds
    5. Added: Queue any song via right-click -> "Song" -> "Add to queue". Queued songs have to highest priority and are played in the order they have been added
    6. Fixed: Synchronization was broken
  5. 24.03.2018: (Vibrance Player 3.2)
    1. Added: Missing libraries are getting detected and shown to you
    2. Added: Tracklists! This feature lets you create in-song playlists. Useful if you have songs which contain multiple songs (only available for songs longer than 10 minutes)
    3. Added: Sliders show you now the value while dragging the thumb
    4. Added: You are now able to Drag&Drop lyrics & visualizer files into the player
    5. Changed: PolyRing & ReactPad "fade to zero" if you pause playback
    6. Changed: You can now multi-select songs and for example add them to a playlist
    7. Changed: If an artist has no biography the player shows "No description!"
    8. Changed: If no cover exists for the current song but a background image exists, the player generates a cover out of the image
    9. Changed: The small popup when hovering over the taskbar icon shows now the cover of the current song
    10. Changed: (BETA) Multiple artists are now getting detected by the player (thus you can access the biography of every artist ;))
    11. Changed: The background "shines" through the window titlebar now
    12. Changed: The splashscreen doesn't stay on top anymore! (Requested by fruit on Discord)
    13. Changed: The searchbar now waits a moment before searching
    14. Changed: The "Drag&Drop" playlist is no longer shown in the "Add to playlist" menu
    15. Changed: Some of the equalizer presets have been "reworked" (affected presets: Bass+, Highs, Techno, Live, Soft & Soft Bass)
    16. Changed: The fullscreen controls have been reworked a little
    17. Changed: Added spacing between toggles and their description
    18. Changed: If you are in fullscreen mode, the screen saver won't show up
    19. Changed: Shuffle doesn't repeat the same song until all songs have been played
    20. Changed: Installation size has been reduced by around 5MB!
    21. Fixed: The system information dialog didn't show the file versions for add-ons and ReactPad/PolyRing (even if installed)
    22. Fixed: All songs in a beatmap are now getting finally detected! (some beatmaps may display for example "Jump Training #2", this is due to the title given by the creator of the beatmap)
    23. Fixed: The settings popup fade-in and -out should be much smoother now
    24. Fixed: Improved startup speed
    25. Fixed: There was a bug where selecting the second audio device in the player caused it to not play anything anymore
    26. Fixed: Pressing Next while playback is stopped didn't re-enable features like liking and song details
    27. Fixed: Removing a playlist didn't refresh the "Add to playlist" menu
    28. Fixed: Rapidly pressing play/pause caused the player to not play properly
    29. Fixed: PolyRing wasn't hidden if you select another visualizer
    30. Fixed: Multiple smaller fixes
    31. Removed: The updater is now integrated into the player and thus the Updater.exe has been removed
  6. 03.11.2017: Hotfix (Vibrance Player
    1. Changed: Forgot to change the changelog verion number and all changes
    2. Fixed: The player always told you that there is an update available when there isn't
    3. Fixed: Changelog window showed "This is a secret for now" (I'm very sorry for this...)
    4. Fixed: Saving your settings resets the audio/video position
  7. 02.11.2017: (Vibrance Player 3.1.1)
    1. Added: New visualizer! (Don't worry, it consumes almost no CPU power ;))
    2. Added: Audio fades out smoothly when you close the application
    3. Added: If lyrics are available and you click on a line, the player jumps to the position (extended view)
    4. Added: The player remembers now your last played stream and plays at the start (only when "Save last played song" is activated and the stream was playing when closing the player)
    5. Added: Playlist-Preview: Hover over any playlist while playback is paused or stopped and the player will preview every song of the playlist! (every preview is 7 seconds long)
    6. Added: The default background can now be changed!
    7. Added (Lyrics Creator): Files (.txt, .lrc and audio files) can now be opened via Drag&Drop
    8. Added (Visualizer Studio): Files (.vis, .pad, and audio files) can now be opened via Drag&Drop
    9. Changed: Changed the widget tooltips a bit (thanks Ringosham for the tip)
    10. Changed: The settings window is no longer semi-transparent and spans over the whole interface (for performance reasons)
    11. Changed: The player should no longer freeze while downloading artist biography
    12. Changed: Theme images are updated!
    13. Changed: Long texts should no longer overlap the settings button in the widget
    14. Changed: Default background updated (forgot to change it with the release of 3.0)
    15. Changed: ReactPad initalization (and switching between shapes) should be faster now
    16. Changed: Selecting a playlist jumps automatically back to the song list
    17. Changed: Removing the current song in the active playlist plays the next song
    18. Changed: If you remove the last song in the active playlist aborts the playlist
    19. Changed: You can add songs to your playlist even if they are not synced with the player!
    20. Changed: Playlists are now getting loaded instantly (it was stupid to load them after sync...)
    21. Changed: The audio output option "No sound" is now hidden (Don't know why I've added this option, seriously: who needs a player without sound?)
    22. Changed: If playback is stopped, the previous button is now disabled
    23. Fixed: The volume doesn't reset to 0 anymore at each start
    24. Fixed: Fixed an error where the streaming dialog displayed "NO STRING FOUND"
    25. Fixed: The song details window (not the slidable control!) didn't show the cover of the song
    26. Fixed: Disabling crossfade didn't disable it at all
    27. Fixed: The player didn't start muted although you've exited muted
    28. Fixed: There was a rare bug which caused the directory manager to think that any folder is your default directory
    29. Fixed: The video position gets now properly updated when changing the audio position through clicking on the seekbar
    30. Fixed: After changing the language and hitting Save, the sidebar and title in the settings window weren't localized
    31. Fixed: Some specific .lrc (lyrics file) formats weren't supported properly
    32. Fixed: Lyrics were still displayed after stopping playback
    33. Fixed: There was a bug where the remote tab was refreshed everytime you opened it (which caused serious trouble in some cases)
    34. Fixed: Muting still wasn't bug free, but now it should!
    35. Fixed: The RenderCapability system didn't work properly
    36. Fixed: ReactPad is working again properly
    37. Fixed: Pausing and switching to the next song caused the player to not play
    38. Fixed: Removing a sync directory should now work again properly
    39. Fixed: If the drive which contains your default folder was removed the player was either crashing at startup or looped through the folder configuration
    40. Fixed: When no song in the song list was selected and you wanted to add the current song to a playlist, the player crashed
    41. Fixed: The time for songs that were as long or longer than 1 hour wasn't displayed correctly
    42. Fixed: The player allows you to skip the current song if the repeat mode is set to "Repeat one"
    43. Fixed (Lyrics Creator & Visualizer Studio): "Open with" should work again
    44. Fixed (Installer): Add-Ons (Lyrics Creator & Visualizer Studio) were installed even if you've unchecked the option
    45. Fixed (Installer): Shortcuts are now getting created again! (if checked of course)
  8. 29.08.2017: (Vibrance Player 3.0)
    1. Added: Hovering over the tray icon displays title, artist and current time
    2. Added: Lyrics can now be displayed in Fullscreen too
    3. Added: Artist biography can now be viewed
    4. Added: New apply button in settings
    5. Added: If you do an action (like pausing the music or muting) it is visually shown
    6. Added: Drag&Drop one or multiple .osz files (beatmap files) into the player "installs" them
    7. Added: You are now able to add any song to your favorites without having to play it
    8. Added: New search filter! Now you can search specific songs in your playlists
    9. Added: If the title of the current song is too long, the text scrolls
    10. Added: You are now able to play internet radio streams!
    11. Added: Now you can play .flac files!
    12. Added: The player should now disable specific features if you system specs are too low
    13. Added: You can now disable keybinds without having to reset them
    14. Changed: Edge Player is now Vibrance Player!
    15. Changed: A new interface for the player!
    16. Changed: Lyrics can now be extended to display the whole lyrics
    17. Changed: .mpp Playlists are now saved in a separate directory (can be changed in the settings)
    18. Changed: Sync and update status are now in-app notifications (also visible in fullscreen)
    19. Changed: ReactPad is now Resonance
    20. Changed: Edge Player & Lyrics Creator are now supporting the official .lrc format!
    21. Changed: The directory manager has been moved into the settings window
    22. Changed: Moved the menu entry "Remove from playlist" from "Song" to "Playlist"
    23. Fixed: If you activated the perfomance profile via the settings, the sleeptimer window couldn't be closed and the sync message in the footer wasn't hidden
    24. Fixed: Removing any song from a playlist by right-clicking caused the player to crash
    25. Fixed: Some smaller typos and localization errors
    26. Fixed: After muting the player and restarting, the volume was always 0
    27. Fixed: Search filters didn't work right
    28. Fixed: Sometimes beatmap images weren't loaded
    29. Fixed: You are now able to change the audio position by just clicking on the audio slider!
    30. Fixed: Setting the widget position to a value greater than 2147483647 or lower than -2147483647 caused the player to crash
    31. Fixed: Now you can view correctly the artist name info of external files!
    32. Fixed (Installer): Fixed a bug where aborting the installation showed a messagebox saying "message" (title was "title")
    33. Fixed (Installer): Renaming the executable to "Edge Player" let the installer think the main application is running
    34. Fixed (Installer): If the installer detected a running instance of Edge Player and you pressed "No" in the message box, the installer crashed
    35. Fixed (Installer): The Player was installed even if you aborted it
    36. Disabled: "Desktop composition disabler" is temporarily disabled due to bugs
  9. 22.06.2017: (Edge Player re: 2.9.6)
    1. Added: Japanese translation (thanks to Ryosuke Himeji!) and Romanian translation! (thanks to Xferno2!)
    2. Added: There is a new button in the widget to hide it (as an alternative to Alt+F12)
    3. Added: Added Changelog window
    4. Added: Now you can get the lyrics of any song
    5. Added: Added button to add the currently playing song to a playlist
    6. Added: Floating lyrics widget! (can be activated through the settings -> "Widget")
    7. Added: New, "NieR:Automata"-based theme!
    8. Added (Visualizer Studio): You can now create shapes for ReactPad!
    9. Added (Visualizer Studio): Line width and distance can now be changed (Line & line peaks only)
    10. Changed: Redesigned the settings window
    11. Fixed: The volume button sometimes showed muted although the player wasn't
    12. Fixed: Widget positions were wrong in the settings
    13. Fixed: The "Everything is up-to-date!" message was not corresponding to languages
    14. Fixed: "Repeat one song" was not working correctly
    15. Fixed: Paused videos started to play after closing the settings window
    16. Fixed: A very weird bug caused the player to add every song to a playlist in a certain condition
    17. Fixed (Installer & Uninstaller): The window name was "MainWindow"
    18. Fixed (Visualizer Studio): Not all properties were resetted after pressing "New"
  10. 26.04.2017: (Edge Player re:
    1. Fixed: Some typos in Chinese (Traditional) and Slovak were fixed
    2. Fixed: Opening the equalizer started the window minmized
    3. Fixed: Reverse YouTube search didn't work quite right
    4. Fixed: Clicking on "Help translating the player" linked to the old list
    5. Fixed: Loading a playlist and then re-syncing caused the player to add every song he detects, even if it is already added
    6. Fixed: The icon in the taskbar shows now the progress of the sync correctly
  11. 19.04.2017: (Edge Player re:
    1. Added: Added Slovak and Chinese (Traditional) translations! (thanks to Terrdus and Ringosham!)
    2. Changed: Better detection of multiple songs in one beatmap
    3. Changed: Even faster sync!
    4. Fixed: The text in the remote log was out of sight if too long
    5. Fixed: The patron flyout title in the about window was too long in German and Spanish
    6. Fixed: The "Keybinds" tab was not translated in Spanish
    7. Fixed: Tab items and disabled buttons were almost invisible in Spring theme
    8. Fixed: Exporting songs crashed the player sometimes
  12. 14.04.2017: (Edge Player re:
    1. Added: Hovering over a song while no music is playing plays a preview
    2. Added: Multilanguage support! Currently supported: English, German and Spanish (thanks to Xoas who helped translating)
    3. Changed: Searching by artist, tags or favorite state is now easier than before (use the filter button to the right of the search bar)
    4. Changed: Improved beatmap detection and synchronization
    5. Changed: Redesigned Visualizer Studio
    6. Changed: ReactPad size is now configurable
    7. Fixed: Sometimes songs were added multiple times although they were already synced
    8. Fixed: Fixed a critical bug where adding songs to a playlist didn't work right
    9. Fixed: The option "Edit playlist" didn't work
  13. 08.04.2017: (Edge Player re:
    1. Added: You can now disable video playback
    2. Changed: Resized the splashscreen
    3. Changed: Minor changes to the interface
    4. Changed: The player remembers now your last selected visualization
    5. Changed: Changed appearance of ReactPad
    6. Fixed: Switching between ReactPad and other visualizations didn't work quite right
    7. Fixed: Sometimes the video of a beatmap wasn't in sync with audio (and other bugfixes regarding video playback)
    8. Fixed: In rare cases synchronisation stopped at certain beatmaps because of an uncaught error
  14. 31.03.2017: (Edge Player re:
    1. Re-enabled: Adjust volume for each song separately (Settings -> Enable "Adjust volume for each song")
    2. Added: New log file called "synclog.txt"
    3. Added: Audio has now a fade-in and -out whether you play/pause playback
    4. Added: A splashscreen is shown at startup
    5. Changed: Made some small changes to synchronization
    6. Fixed: The mute button showed the mute symbol even after you unmuted playback
  15. 18.03.2017: (Edge Player re: 2.9.5)
    1. Re-enabled: Fullscreen is back!
    2. Added: Keybinds for volume up and volume down
    3. Added: Added a "Create playlist" button in "Playlists" tab
    4. Added: Beatmap videos are now played!
    5. Added: You are now able to export all songs in a playlist
    6. Changed: Small adjustments to some controls
    7. Changed: Redesigned React Pad (more features for React Pad coming soon!)
    8. Changed: Redesigned Lyrics Creator
    9. Fixed: Configuration files were saved wrong
    10. Fixed: A crash occured if the last song in the list was played and random was off
    11. Fixed: Switching between React Pad and any other visualization caused a weird bug
    12. Fixed: Fixed a potential bug where a new database didn't save tags
    13. Fixed: Widget settings weren't loaded correctly
  16. 02.02.2017: (Edge Player re: 2.9.4)
    1. Changed (Updater): New design
    2. Fixed: The application thought an update is ready although you already have the newest version
    3. Fixed (Updater): An exception was thrown while installing updates
  17. 21.01.2017: (Edge Player re: 2.9.3)
    1. Re-enabled: The visualizer now changes it's colors depending on the background image
    2. Changed (Remote): The remote control is now listening on every IP available
    3. Changed (Remote): IP address changes are now noticed by the application
    4. Fixed: If you tried to delete the "Drag&Drop" playlist, the application crashed
  18. 18.12.2016: (Edge Player re: 2.9.1)
    1. Added: You can now choose whether the application synchronizes you songs at startup or not
    2. Changed: "Get the remote control app!" is now "Get it on Google Play" (graphic)
    3. Changed: The flyout height scales now with the window size
    4. Fixed: If you've added a directory or more to your sync, the button "Manage directories" wasn't updated
    5. Fixed: Saving your settings while having no additional directories added to the sync caused a crash
    6. Fixed: The "Get the remote control app!" link lead you to the wrong page
    7. Fixed: Trying to export all your songs caused the player to crash
  19. 16.12.2016: (Edge Player re: 2.9)
    1. Added: Search by tags! (e.g. "tags: mitis hatsune")
    2. Added: osu! color theme!
    3. Changed: Songs which ere already synced before are now scanned for a new image or new tags
    4. Fixed: Fixed a possible bug where songs were added multiple times while syncing
    5. Re-enabled: Custom directories
    6. Re-enabled: Lyrics
    7. Re-enabled: Custom kaybinds
    8. Re-enabled: Sleeptimer
  20. 08.12.2016: (Edge Player re: BETA)
    1. Changed (Remote): Renamed "Search on youtube" to "Reverse Youtube search"
    2. Fixed: Fixed settings (most of the settings did nothing)
    3. Fixed: Reset settings is working again
    4. Fixed: The widget stays disabled now instead of reappearing after opening and closing the player
    5. Fixed: If an update was found and you pressed "Yes", nothing happened
    6. Re-enabled: Equalizer
    7. Re-enabled: SongInfo Dialog
    8. Re-enabled: Reverse youtube search
  21. 14.11.2016: (Edge Player re: BETA)
    1. Added: Extended search functionality
    2. Changed (Remote): Completely recoded the remote app
    3. Fixed: Fixed some bugs in the UI (thanks to Kvathe for telling me!)
    4. Re-enabled: Updater
    5. Re-enabled: Visualizer
    6. Re-enabled: Remote
    7. Re-enabled: Favorite function (The heart icon)
    8. Re-enabled: Drag&Drop
  22. 31.10.2016: (Edge Player Re: ALPHA)
    1. Added: Themes
    2. Disabled: Directory Manager
    3. Disabled: Custom keybinds
    4. Disabled: Drag&Drop
    5. Disabled: Remote
    6. Disabled: Updater
    7. Disabled: Equalizer
    8. Disabled: Visualizer
    9. Disabled: Lyrics
    10. Disabled: Fullscreen
    11. Disabled: Favorite function
  23. Changelog Edge player version 2.6.1 and below

Changelog: Vibrance Player Remote
  1. 24.03.2018:
    1. Added: Playlist selection is now possible from your phone
    2. Added: Multi-language support! Currently supported languages: English, German, Spanish, Slovak, Japanese and Russian
    3. Changed: Search filters are now implemented as in the player
    4. Changed: Revamped UI!
    5. Changed: Notification icon size has been adjusted
  2. 19.04.2017:
    1. Added: You are now able to manually type in the IP address (use the icon to the right of the IP selection)
    2. Added: If you are connected to a device, a notification with the most important controls appears in your notification center
    3. Fixed: The automatic detection for the IP address should work better now
  3. 21.01.2017:
    1. Changed: You don't need to manually type in the IP of the player anymore, instead you can choose from a drop-down list
    2. Fixed: Fixed an issue where you were able to connect to a non-existing device
    3. Fixed: Fixed a potential bug where the app crashes when playback is stopped
  4. 16.12.2016:
    1. The app is now available on Google Play!
  5. 08.12.2016:
    1. Fixed: The app consumed a massive amount of RAM (for the more curious: RecyclerView)
    2. Re-enabled: Search bar (with the same features as in the player)
  6. 14.11.2016:
    1. Recoded the whole application, new design (Following the Google design guidelines)
  7. 07.03.2016: First release

If you find bugs, error reports or something, please don't be shy and post it here or send me a pn. Just attach the log located in "C:\Users\[UserName]\Appdata\Roaming\Vibrance Player\".

You want to see a new feature or changes on the application? Suggestions are alway welcome :D
Great Idea :D
Another music player?
People should collab more, rather than make different programs with the same purpose.
[ Argon ]

LoliFlan wrote:

Another music player?
People should collab more, rather than make different programs with the same purpose.

Anyways~ good luck with this and-
1) Maybe make arrangements for the Office System Driver to download and install along with the music player instead of doing it separately? (Like how C++ or DirectX comes along with the product)
2) If you are gonna go under the title of osu!, maybe follow the official color scheme? pink and white. And add a thumbnail of osu! inside somewhere too maybe...
3) Make the songs appear and playable in the list as soon as they get loaded or detected, the first load is pretty annoying if someone might have over 4000 songs....
4) Make the widget it freely moveable/ resizeable.

Plus Im getting this error in windows 8.1

See the end of this message for details on invoking 
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at osu__Music_Player.Form1.playWAV(Boolean isButton, Boolean stopAudio, Boolean plsDontStop, Boolean NextOrPrev, Boolean relaunchLastSong, Song forceSong)
at osu__Music_Player.Form1.btn_play_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

************** Loaded Assemblies **************
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.34014 built by: FX45W81RTMGDR
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/mscorlib.dll
osu! Music Player
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/XGrace/AppData/Roaming/osu!%20Music%20Player/osu!%20Music%20Player.exe
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.34250 built by: FX452RTMGDR
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.33440 built by: FX45W81RTMREL
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Drawing.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.34239 built by: FX452RTMGDR
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/XGrace/AppData/Roaming/osu!%20Music%20Player/Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.DLL
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/XGrace/AppData/Roaming/osu!%20Music%20Player/Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.DLL
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.33440 built by: FX45W81RTMREL
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Configuration/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Configuration.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.34230 built by: FX452RTMGDR
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Xml.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/XGrace/AppData/Roaming/osu!%20Music%20Player/NAudio.DLL
Assembly Version: 4.0.5150.10665
Win32 Version: 4.0.5150.10665
CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/XGrace/AppData/Roaming/osu!%20Music%20Player/MouseKeyboardActivityMonitor.DLL
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.33440 built by: FX45W81RTMREL
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Core/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Core.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.34004 built by: FX45W81RTMGDR
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_32/PresentationCore/v4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35/PresentationCore.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.34004 built by: FX45W81RTMGDR
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/WindowsBase/v4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35/WindowsBase.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.33440 built by: FX45W81RTMREL
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Accessibility/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/Accessibility.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.33440 built by: FX45W81RTMREL
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_32/System.Data/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Data.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.33440 built by: FX45W81RTMREL
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_32/System.Transactions/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Transactions.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.33440 built by: FX45W81RTMREL
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_32/System.EnterpriseServices/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.EnterpriseServices.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.33440
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.IO.Compression.FileSystem/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/XGrace/AppData/Roaming/osu!%20Music%20Player/NVorbis.NAudioSupport.DLL
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/XGrace/AppData/Roaming/osu!%20Music%20Player/NVorbis.DLL
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/XGrace/AppData/Roaming/osu!%20Music%20Player/Kaliko.ImageLibrary.DLL

************** JIT Debugging **************
To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this
application or computer (machine.config) must have the
jitDebugging value set in the section.
The application must also be compiled with debugging

For example:

< jitDebugging="true" />

When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer
rather than be handled by this dialog box.

Doesn't get fixed if I continue and no songs play....might be an error just for me and not for others, but i'm posting it anyways for reference...

Thats all i have to say for now, good luck :)
Topic Starter
Thanks for all the replies :D
There are more players? The only one I know is the osu! Music Libary, and the developer himself told me that his application "was never really intended as a music player primarily anyways".
Also thanks for your ideas, I will try to implement them ASAP. (your ideas were added to the "Todo list")
The only thing about free resizing of the widget is that this is alot of work to do. Sure I will try to add this, but in later builds ;)
I found a bug :(

If I let the player autoplayt the next song, it will jump to the 2nd song (or it's just random but the same song every time) on my list.
Next/prev buttons work fine.
Topic Starter

eugene0420 wrote:

I found a bug :(

If I let the player autoplayt the next song, it will jump to the 2nd song (or it's just random but the same song every time) on my list.
Next/prev buttons work fine.
Thanks for you report :) I've already found the bug and it should be fixed in the next version
[ Hamar ]
Great work! (:

All tho you could organize your code for yourself and possibly for others, so hunting bugs won't get so annoying.
Possibly you could release source for others to start improve it for their liking or just for learning purposes in the near future.

4/5, will use this app.
Topic Starter

[ Hamar ] wrote:

Great work! (:

All tho you could organize your code for yourself and possibly for others, so hunting bugs won't get so annoying.
Possibly you could release source for others to start improve it for their liking or just for learning purposes in the near future.

4/5, will use this app.
Thank you :D

The bug hunt isn't so annoying at all, and to be honest, I am not a big fan of making the whole code public ^^" But if you have questions to the code, feel free to send me a pm.

Also, Update 1.1 is out!
Almost all of your ideas were added, see the patchlog for more details ;)
  1. Added (Installer): The Office driver (Microsoft Office database engine 2007) is now included
  2. Added: The number of your songs are now shown in the stats
  3. Changed: Songs appear instant in the Songs list after detection (Pls remember that the songs will only be added to the database if the sync is complete!)
  4. Changed: The Miniplayer widget is now freely movable
  5. Fixed (Installer): The installer created a shortcut although you've deselected the option
  6. Fixed: Selecting a title from Songs caused the application to repeat every song played
  7. Fixed: When no last song was saved and you click on Play, the application displayed a .NET error
  8. Fixed: Selecting a song through pressing Enter did nothing
wow great app. Keep doing the good job

bl8ckdr8gon wrote:

There are more players? The only one I know is the osu! Music Libary, and the developer himself told me that his application "was never really intended as a music player primarily anyways".
Yeah there is/was another one

Though I'm not sure if it's dead or not. Last update seems to have been about a year ago.

I'm glad someone else is doing this though since progress kinda stopped on the other one. Good luck with the project :D
Everytime I seem to try to make a playlist it says it already exists~
Great player though! Thanks!
Topic Starter

DxD wrote:

Everytime I seem to try to make a playlist it says it already exists~
Great player though! Thanks!

Whoops, thank you for your information. Will be fixed in the next version along with other bugfixes and changes :) (this update will be released today or tomorrow)
Topic Starter
Finally, Update 1.2 is out with a bunch of changes and fixes!
  1. Added: A sleeptimer which stops the playback if the time reaches 0 (the last song plays to the end)
  2. Added: You can now use the player as a regular audio player! Go to settings, click on "Manage directories" and then add your folders you want to sync
  3. Changed: Slightly moved the player controls
  4. Changed: If no image could be detected in a song folder, the player now shows this image:
  5. Changed: If a window looses focus (e.g. you click somewhere else) the border becomes red
  6. Changed: Changing the size of the songs columns also changes the search columns and vice versa
  7. Changed: The update window is now smaller
  8. Fixed: If you press stop, the buttons "remained on Playing"
  9. Fixed: Changing random/loop mode didn't changed the graphic in the widget
  10. Fixed: If you play your filtered songs, the application showed an .NET error when the player reached the last song
  11. Fixed: Changing the location of the widget wasn't saved properly
Updater error:
Downloading file(s)...Done!
Installing updates...
Can't update! Exception: The file 'C:\Users\Eugene\AppData\Roaming\osu! Music Player\osu! Music Player.exe' already exists.
The exception has beend copied to your clipboard. Please submit this error to the publisher on the website!
It only gives the error when launched within the player. Runs flawlessly when started directly.

Exit error:

See the end of this message for details on invoking 
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\song.txt' is denied.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.StreamWriter.CreateFile(String path, Boolean append, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path, Boolean append, Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.File.InternalWriteAllText(String path, String contents, Encoding encoding, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.File.WriteAllText(String path, String contents)
at osu__Music_Player.Form1.music_player_FormClosing(Object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnFormClosing(FormClosingEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WmClose(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

************** Loaded Assemblies **************
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: built by: NETFXREL2STAGE
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/mscorlib.dll
osu! Music Player
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Eugene/AppData/Roaming/osu!%20Music%20Player/osu!%20Music%20Player.exe
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: built by: NETFXREL2
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: built by: NETFXREL2
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: built by: NETFXREL2STAGE
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Drawing.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Eugene/AppData/Roaming/osu!%20Music%20Player/Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.DLL
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: built by: NETFXREL2
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Core/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Core.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.IO.Compression.FileSystem/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Eugene/AppData/Roaming/osu!%20Music%20Player/Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.DLL
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: built by: NETFXREL2
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Configuration/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Configuration.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: built by: NETFXREL2
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Xml.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Eugene/AppData/Roaming/osu!%20Music%20Player/NAudio.DLL
Assembly Version: 4.0.5150.10665
Win32 Version: 4.0.5150.10665
CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Eugene/AppData/Roaming/osu!%20Music%20Player/MouseKeyboardActivityMonitor.DLL
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: built by: NETFXREL2STAGE
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_32/PresentationCore/v4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35/PresentationCore.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: built by: NETFXREL2STAGE
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/WindowsBase/v4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35/WindowsBase.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: built by: NETFXREL2
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_32/System.Data/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Data.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: built by: NETFXREL2
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_32/System.Transactions/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Transactions.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: built by: NETFXREL2
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_32/System.EnterpriseServices/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.EnterpriseServices.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Eugene/AppData/Roaming/osu!%20Music%20Player/NVorbis.NAudioSupport.DLL
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Eugene/AppData/Roaming/osu!%20Music%20Player/taglib-sharp.DLL
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Eugene/AppData/Roaming/osu!%20Music%20Player/Kaliko.ImageLibrary.DLL

************** JIT Debugging **************
To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this
application or computer (machine.config) must have the
jitDebugging value set in the section.
The application must also be compiled with debugging

For example:

< jitDebugging="true" />

When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer
rather than be handled by this dialog box.
Topic Starter

eugene0420 wrote:

Updater error:
Downloading file(s)...Done!
Installing updates...
Can't update! Exception: The file 'C:\Users\Eugene\AppData\Roaming\osu! Music Player\osu! Music Player.exe' already exists.
The exception has beend copied to your clipboard. Please submit this error to the publisher on the website!
It only gives the error when launched within the player. Runs flawlessly when started directly.

Exit error:

See the end of this message for details on invoking 
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\song.txt' is denied.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.StreamWriter.CreateFile(String path, Boolean append, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path, Boolean append, Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.File.InternalWriteAllText(String path, String contents, Encoding encoding, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.File.WriteAllText(String path, String contents)
at osu__Music_Player.Form1.music_player_FormClosing(Object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnFormClosing(FormClosingEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WmClose(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

************** Loaded Assemblies **************
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: built by: NETFXREL2STAGE
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/mscorlib.dll
osu! Music Player
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Eugene/AppData/Roaming/osu!%20Music%20Player/osu!%20Music%20Player.exe
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: built by: NETFXREL2
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: built by: NETFXREL2
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: built by: NETFXREL2STAGE
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Drawing.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Eugene/AppData/Roaming/osu!%20Music%20Player/Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.DLL
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: built by: NETFXREL2
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Core/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Core.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.IO.Compression.FileSystem/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Eugene/AppData/Roaming/osu!%20Music%20Player/Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.DLL
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: built by: NETFXREL2
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Configuration/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Configuration.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: built by: NETFXREL2
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Xml.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Eugene/AppData/Roaming/osu!%20Music%20Player/NAudio.DLL
Assembly Version: 4.0.5150.10665
Win32 Version: 4.0.5150.10665
CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Eugene/AppData/Roaming/osu!%20Music%20Player/MouseKeyboardActivityMonitor.DLL
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: built by: NETFXREL2STAGE
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_32/PresentationCore/v4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35/PresentationCore.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: built by: NETFXREL2STAGE
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/WindowsBase/v4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35/WindowsBase.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: built by: NETFXREL2
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_32/System.Data/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Data.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: built by: NETFXREL2
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_32/System.Transactions/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Transactions.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: built by: NETFXREL2
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_32/System.EnterpriseServices/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.EnterpriseServices.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Eugene/AppData/Roaming/osu!%20Music%20Player/NVorbis.NAudioSupport.DLL
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Eugene/AppData/Roaming/osu!%20Music%20Player/taglib-sharp.DLL
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Eugene/AppData/Roaming/osu!%20Music%20Player/Kaliko.ImageLibrary.DLL

************** JIT Debugging **************
To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this
application or computer (machine.config) must have the
jitDebugging value set in the section.
The application must also be compiled with debugging

For example:

< jitDebugging="true" />

When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer
rather than be handled by this dialog box.
Thank you for reporting, I will fix this bug asap :)
Why are you putting a file in system32 o_O
Topic Starter

LoliFlan wrote:

Why are you putting a file in system32 o_O
I am also curious why the hell a file is saved in system32 ;D Seems like this is the next best folder for him (this file is part of a future update)
There's a weird bug after trying to install

Look at osu_Skin_Manager_Installer, should not it be music player or something like that? And If I press Continue and I'll get it installed but It doesn't import the song, I've tried to change the song's folder but still doesn't work.

Topic Starter

XinCrin wrote:

There's a weird bug after trying to install

Look at osu_Skin_Manager_Installer, should not it be music player or something like that? And If I press Continue and I'll get it installed but It doesn't import the song, I've tried to change the song's folder but still doesn't work.

Do you mean he installs the application correctly and you want to start the program and then the error appears? The second bug can be fixed by following these steps:
1. Stop the application
2. Navigate to your Local folder, usually under "C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local" and delete the "osu__Music_Player" folder.
3. Restart your application

If this doesn't fix your problem then please downgrade to an older version or wait for an update (all versions can be found here

bl8ckdr8gon wrote:

XinCrin wrote:

There's a weird bug after trying to install

Look at osu_Skin_Manager_Installer, should not it be music player or something like that? And If I press Continue and I'll get it installed but It doesn't import the song, I've tried to change the song's folder but still doesn't work.

Do you mean he installs the application correctly and you want to start the program and then the error appears? The second bug can be fixed by following these steps:
1. Stop the application
2. Navigate to your Local folder, usually under "C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local" and delete the "osu__Music_Player" folder.
3. Restart your application

If this doesn't fix your problem then please downgrade to an older version or wait for an update (all versions can be found here
Do you mind me taking a look @ the source ?
Topic Starter
Source of the Installer or the main application?
I got the first error when I tried to install the app.
> After deleteting osu_music_player folder, A new error appeared (Like eugene0420)


bl8ckdr8gon wrote:

Source of the Installer or the main application?
Of the main application. I'm curious how you do it. I won't use anything from it unless I get your permission. I don't need you to send me it - I can get it myself, I'm just waiting for permission zz

If you don't want me to to peek I won't.
Topic Starter

XinCrin wrote:

I got the first error when I tried to install the app.
> After deleteting osu_music_player folder, A new error appeared (Like eugene0420)

Yes, I am already changing the names (I simply copied my old system and changed some stuff to fit it in the Music Player^^")

DxD wrote:

bl8ckdr8gon wrote:

Source of the Installer or the main application?
Of the main application. I'm curious how you do it. I won't use anything from it unless I get your permission. I don't need you to send me it - I can get it myself, I'm just waiting for permission zz

If you don't want me to to peek I won't.
If you have the possibility to look into my code without me sending it to you then look into it.

bl8ckdr8gon wrote:

If you have the possibility to look into my code without me sending it to you then look into it.
Okay, thanks.
Cool! Too Cool!!!!! :D
I have an idea:
Would it be very cool if it could actually play the song along with the hitsounds from the beatmap the song came from?
Whenever I have this application opened I am unable to use the ^ button on my keyboard, and the first letters of anything I type don't get picked up.

Also, according to a friend, the Apply button is redundant and Sorting by Interpreter / Title doesn't work.

Besides that I'm liking it tho... just curious about that file LoliFlan mentioned.

LoliFlan wrote:

Why are you putting a file in system32 o_O
By the way, is there a method to bind Pause, Next Song and Previous Song to keys?
I'd like to do that.
Topic Starter

natsukagami wrote:

I have an idea:
Would it be very cool if it could actually play the song along with the hitsounds from the beatmap the song came from?
Could be really hard to implement, because the application would have to read the beatmap file, get the information where the hitsounds are, etc.

robflop wrote:

Whenever I have this application opened I am unable to use the ^ button on my keyboard, and the first letters of anything I type don't get picked up.
The problem with the ^ key will be fixed in the next version.

robflop wrote:

Also, according to a friend, the Apply button is redundant and Sorting by Interpreter / Title doesn't work.
What does your friend mean by "sorting by Interpreter / Title doesn't work"?

robflop wrote:

Besides that I'm liking it tho... just curious about that file LoliFlan mentioned.

LoliFlan wrote:

Why are you putting a file in system32 o_O
I've already mentioned that I fix the bug. This will be fixed in the next version.

robflop wrote:

By the way, is there a method to bind Pause, Next Song and Previous Song to keys?
I'd like to do that.
Not now, but I will implement this ASAP. Thanks for the idea :) For now, you can use your "media keys" on your keyboard to control the player (e.g.

Anyway, thank you for your reply.
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Update 1.3 is out!
IMPORTANT: For now updates can not be installed over the updater! There are some problems with the host.
  1. Added (Uninstaller): If the shortcut of the application is on your Desktop, it gets deleted
  2. Added: You can now re-sync at any time by clicking on "File" -> "Re-sync songs"
  3. Added: You can now reset the application 'settings through "Extras" -> "Settings" -> "Reset settings"
  4. Added: Invalid database entries will be deleted before syncing
  5. Added: You can now remove directories from your sync ("Extras" -> "Settings" -> "Manage directories" -> Select the directory you want to remove from sync -> "Remove")
  6. Added: Right-click on a song, navigate to "Song" and click "File information" to show you some basic informations about the song
  7. Changed: Blurred images now need less space on your drive
  8. Changed: The text fades out in the widget when too big
  9. Changed: Songs are now sorted
  10. Changed: The media control icons in the taskbar are now bigger and white
  11. Fixed (Installer): The application name was wrong
  12. Fixed (Installer): The shortcut had no icon
  13. Fixed (Uninstaller): The application name was wrong
  14. Fixed: The player tried to save a file to system32 (wtf?)
  15. Fixed: Smaller bug fixes
  16. Removed: The apply button in the settings window was useless
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Update 1.3.1 is out!
  1. Fixed: New graphics didn't load in the taskbar
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Finally, Update 1.4 is out!
  1. Added: Fullscreen feature! Press F12 to switch to fullscreen, press Escape to close fullscreen.
  2. Added: Play songs per drag & drop OR right-click in your explorer and select the player in the "Open with" dialogue
  3. Changed: The icon has now a winter-like apearance
  4. Changed: A new shiny progress bar and a new tab control ^-^
  5. Changed: The width of the tap pages changes with the width of the tab control
  6. Changed: The last played song starts now instantly instead of waiting for the sync to complete
  7. Changed: The installer, the uninstaller and the updater got a visual update!
  8. Fixed: Sometimes the player widget has displayed Play instead of Pause or vice versa
  9. Disabled: Updates, because I can't afford the server costs at the moment
This is the last update for this year. Merry christmas and a happy new year!
Are you using wpf for the GUI?
It would be cool if you add a kind of spectrum while playing the song, Some time ago I made a music player and I used library for the music playing and spectrum visualization but using winforms
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XinCrin wrote:

Are you using wpf for the GUI?
It would be cool if you add a kind of spectrum while playing the song, Some time ago I made a music player and I used library for the music playing and spectrum visualization but using winforms
No, I am using Windows Forms :3
I thought about an audio spectrum too but I think wit NAudio this will be hard to achieve. Let's see what I'll add to the next version ;)

Just wanna show you how the next version could look because I am switching the audio libary from NAudio to Bass (Bass is the better alternative with equalizer, faster processing, visualizer, etc) :
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Update 1.4.1 is out! (And this time it really is the last update for the year^^)
  1. Changed: The windows is brought to the foreground if you trying to start the player twice
  2. Fixed: The Previous button didn't work
  3. Fixed: An exception was displayed when trying to start the player twice
Yeah it looks much better and yeah, you can do more interesting things with
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Just a "small" update of how the player looks so far:

The update will probably be ready in the following weeks :3
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Hey guys, I am back with a new feature, which enables you to add lyrics to your favorite songs! In the following video I demonstrate you this feature:
Found a bug: Pressing \ on the keyboard makes the player crash. It only happens when you are playing music in the background so if the mini-player is showing.

TheOnlyUnknown wrote:

Found a bug: Pressing \ on the keyboard makes the player crash. It only happens when you are playing music in the background so if the mini-player is showing.
not only it crashes, it also make the mouse buggy (the clicking cause the mouse input click+shift) which can be fixed by rebooting
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jyling wrote:

TheOnlyUnknown wrote:

Found a bug: Pressing \ on the keyboard makes the player crash. It only happens when you are playing music in the background so if the mini-player is showing.
not only it crashes, it also make the mouse buggy (the clicking cause the mouse input click+shift) which can be fixed by rebooting
Thanks for reporting, I'll try to fix this bug asap.

EDIT: I tried every single key on my keyboard while the player was minimized and it didn't crashed. Maybe I fixed it without noticing it :D (The new update contains a LOT of new stuff and fixes)
I cannot download it...

Might wanna fix that. :p
Topic Starter

Pawsu wrote:

Might wanna fix that. :p
Ty, I will fix that immediately! (Bitbucket makes changes without informing me, yay)

EDIT: Link is fixed
-[H i K a R i]-
Please help me when I'm going to open it he error Stopped Working :(
Sorry my bad english. Thanks
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