This is really obvious, but it is irritating me for a long time already. There is a little mistake about file size (if isn't, most beatmaps break RC then). People who have been already modding/mapping long time know, but if some newbie makes a map, this might confuse him a little and distract him from mapping certain songs or including video/storyboard, which is a pity.Ranking Criteria wrote:
Try to keep osz files under 10mb, or 30mb if you include a video/storyboard. Videos and storyboards can generally be decreased in size by lowering the quality of the video or trimming/resizing storyboard elements.
Problem is that 10mb or 30mb is using wrong units. mb = megabit, mB/MB = megabyte, it is quite a big difference, 1mb=0.125MB. In short, this rule is allowing 30mb = 3.75MB maps with storyboard/video and 10mb = 1.25MB maps without storyboard/video - so basically most songs are unrankable just for using mp3, while it was not intention of this rule, it should've always been MB not mb. As simple fix as it might be, should be fine, but be sure to do something about this to not cause confusion, especially for new mappers who might potentially know the difference between mb and MB.
Try to keep osz files under 10MB, or 30MB if you include a video/storyboard. Videos and storyboards can generally be decreased in size by lowering the quality of the video or trimming/resizing storyboard elements.