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Hiya! My name's Emil. About a couple months ago I downloaded osu! and was not to pleased with the game. I basically quit for a month, and later on my friend Ian (Rank ~#3000) got me back into it. I'm taking the game way more seriously now, and I'm very happy with it. On top of loving the game, the community is also very nice, therefor I want to be apart of it. Anyway I'll be posting other things ya know. See ya! :P
Ameth Rianno
Welcome! Enjoy your stay in the osu!community, have fun.
Nice stats (  ̄ω ̄)ノ you can do it if you try
Welcome to the forums~ :D

MindCry wrote:

the community is also very nice
Er.. Maybe not in the off-topic :? Sometimes people do bite u,u *runs away*
Anyways enjou osu!~
Good to see people return to the game
Welcome back :3/
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