
menu-button-background questions

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I am a total noob with skins and all so i have a couple questions about menu-button-background skin.

Default menu button background shows a picture of the song (like this here )
but when you put a custom menu button background it doesnt anymore. (like this here )

Is there a way to make the picture show up on custom backgrounds ?

My second question is. is there a way to make the menu buttons stay the original color as in the picture i put in and not be overided with orange or something ?

P.S. Sorry for bad English :P
Just change the skin version to "2.2" or "latest" in your skin.ini file, or you can download the skin.ini file here and put it to your skin folder

And for the menu-button color you can't change it to another colour except the text
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Its weird tho in my skin.ini there was no ,,Version: ,, had to put it in myself and now it works :) Thank you
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