The title says it all, we'll be talking about the Widescreen Support checkbox.
As you might have noticed if you're mapping or modding, it is common practice to ask to uncheck it when it's not in usage (as a fresh new map sometimes has it checked by default), that is for nearly every map. A question I kept asking myself for so long but how is to be asked: Why do we ask this?
The checkbox doesn't really tell us in the setup panel that it is meant for storyboards only - that is every single map not using SB is not influenced at all by it. There's no save in the .osu file at all (a change from 1 to 0 consumes/liberates 0B in disk space). I can't think of anything else as I think I've said everything surrounding it.
Another question is: "Is this common practice an untold rule?" I'll let you answer and discuss about it - I hope we get everything cleared about thisinfamous checkbox, whether it is supposed to be unticked at all costs or if it is just something that was arbitrary.
As you might have noticed if you're mapping or modding, it is common practice to ask to uncheck it when it's not in usage (as a fresh new map sometimes has it checked by default), that is for nearly every map. A question I kept asking myself for so long but how is to be asked: Why do we ask this?
The checkbox doesn't really tell us in the setup panel that it is meant for storyboards only - that is every single map not using SB is not influenced at all by it. There's no save in the .osu file at all (a change from 1 to 0 consumes/liberates 0B in disk space). I can't think of anything else as I think I've said everything surrounding it.
Another question is: "Is this common practice an untold rule?" I'll let you answer and discuss about it - I hope we get everything cleared about this