
Long time player. First time poster.

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Hello everyone!

My name is Zravy.
Well, that's obviously not the birth name I was given, but on the internet, I generally prefer that.

In no regards am I new to osu! But in every regard am I new to the community. I've been playing the game for over two years now from when I first stumbled upon a youtube video of, go figure, the legendary Cookiezi playing Big Black. Not once have I even really glanced at the forums aside from finding answers to questions I may have had. I decided I might as well say hi, even if I don't stick around the forums.

In osu! you will almost always find me playing 4k, 4 stars and above osu!mania charts/maps/songs/whateveryouwanttocallthem.
I do play other key amounts, but my skill level is far, far, FAR inferior. I will occasionally play standard osu!, but I pay no mind to my performance, I usually just do it when I'm bored.
As a bit of a miniature bio;

I have a love for all things based on creativity. When I'm not doing things that reflect that passion, I'm usually playing games or at work.
Other pieces of fun information:

  1. I was born and raised in Washington state of the United States of America in the month of March 1998.
  2. I'm a male if that couldn't have been induced.
  3. In osu!mania 4k, I play with a very strange layout. I play with a "claw" like stance so my keys, from left to right are: F V N J
  4. My biggest struggle in 4k osu!maniais probably dou-... Everything.
  5. Never once have I gotten an SS or a max combo on osu!mania.

I don't want to make this too long, so I'll end it there. Thank you for taking the time to read it, and another thank you in advance towards any "Welcome!"s I get. I'm always free to talk, for those who are interested. Just drop me a PM on here.
Thanks again! -Zravy
Not make it too long
Longest post I've ever seen here O.o
Anyways, welcome!
I also never had a 1.000.000 score on mania
Just play some short easies and hopefully it works :3/
Wow... cool! I could never get the hang of osu!mania :lol:
And I wish I could watch your animations :'3
Anyways, welcome to the forums~!
I almost read it all haha... XD

But i find u awesome while reading your short autobiography...
I'm guessing that u are a very very cool person 8-) 8-) :) :)
Welcome to the forums!
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