Look. I'll admit to one thing. After this whoel (might I say, ridiculous and kinda embarrassing thing from me), I did one thing that definitely infringes on the rules. I made a new account. Which I was able to log into game client with. I then immediately go into chat and tell them my issue. I admit in chat- This is not my account. I need help.
To which someone replies with- This guy is just looking for attention. Ignore him.
And now. My game client is disabled because mods don't know how to help people.
This could all have been resolved if someone explains to me why my account is being locked from Osu!
Please ban this Multiaccount-
https://osu.ppy.sh/u/UnnamedPlayer69This is the account I made.
I'm sorry for the fuss I made. I accept all responsability
Is there a moderator I can pm the user and pass details for the multi account to?