
Double rainbows

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Ohai thar peeps o.o

A bit of snippets I guess ;

Used to play osu on a friend's DS whenever I feel the urge to do so oh yes I'm a very kind friend indeed .
In the end, I decided to play on my laptop : o

Impressed much, I'm very much attached to this version compared to the one before lul .

Other notes ;

I'm '92 (rather than mentioning age since we evolve older :B) Malay male .
A college student taking ADP .

I prefer CTB compared D:

Wait, wait, wait...

What does this mean ?
Firo Prochainezo
I love flowers too.
I love TERRA's Hana Ranman too.
My favorite osu! is the one in the refrigerator dispenser.
lul is penis in Dutch.
What is ADP?

+ Hope you enjoy yourself.
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ADP - American Degree Program

and oddly it's a habit for me to type that way -3-

ra92m wrote:

I'm '92 (rather than mentioning age since we evolve older :B)
that's actually a much better way of stating how old you are because it never becomes dated. I like that thinking
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oo thanks, apparently I do things long but simple (what)
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