
Its been biting me for a while. (my intro)

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I totally didn't see this forum until now omg >.< :cry:

Anyways hey im Shadow_king12, Im from Canada, Ive been playing Osu for about 2 months now. I was inspired to play Osu from a friend I was watching through his YouTube videos. He asked me at the time if I played this game and I didn't really knew it at the time but it looked interesting. I didn't think about it until about 2 months ago when I was watching his stream I decided to give it a go. I started with a mouse with just clicking until I "accidentally" broke the left mouse button. Sure I can still play with the right but I was used to just clicking. Then I got myself a tablet which I loved to use until I had a rage moment and through the pen on the ground destroying it. (I have a destructive anger as you can tell lol) later I had to use a wired mouse which I still use to this day. I even set up buttons on my keyboard (number pad 8 and 9) The reason why my keys are set that way is because I'm left handed.

Heres some random facts about me: Im at intermediate level in speaking Russian, I love playing video games, and I love to watch anime! x3 (No that comma is not a grammar error. Im Canadian!)
Green Platinum
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Green Platinum wrote:

He he thank you ^.^
blooming tea
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dentek wrote:

Hiya! ^.^
Welcome to the forums !
Ameth Rianno
Welcome to the community. Well, rip your mouse because of osu!. If you're love to watch anime, the Otaku Culture may fit to you.
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Harumi wrote:

Welcome to the forums !
Ha ha thanks I cant believe I didn't notice the forum >.<
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Ameth Rianno wrote:

Welcome to the community. Well, rip your mouse because of osu!. If you're love to watch anime, the Otaku Culture may fit to you.
rip mouse and tablet pen! xD I'll have a look at the link, thanks ^^
Welcome to the forums.
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olivia272 wrote:

Welcome to the forums.
Thanks ^^

Shadow_king12 wrote:

rip mouse and tablet pen! xD
RIP your keyboard as well, lol :lol: *streaming intensifies*
Welcome to the forums~
Though technically speaking, you've been playing osu! longer than me (ha!)
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Annadine wrote:

Shadow_king12 wrote:

rip mouse and tablet pen! xD
RIP your keyboard as well, lol :lol: *streaming intensifies*
Welcome to the forums~
Though technically speaking, you've been playing osu! longer than me (ha!)
ha ha the keyboard lives..... for now. xD

He he thanks ^^ Pretty interesting stats ya got there xP
yo, welcome and enjoy your stay here at the forums
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Katnima wrote:

yo, welcome and enjoy your stay here at the forums
Thank you very much ^.^
This game can sometimes indeed be rageful, especially if you miss right at the end of a hard map
Anyways, have fun!
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Baraatje123 wrote:

This game can sometimes indeed be rageful, especially if you miss right at the end of a hard map
Anyways, have fun!
Thanks ^^ Ha ha omg yes! I was doing so good on 1 map and the spinner just punches me right in the face! xD
Let me guess
That map was made by Happy30 xD
Welcome ehh! whats your favorite beat map so far ?
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Baraatje123 wrote:

Let me guess
That map was made by Happy30 xD
I dont think im at that difficulty to play any of his maps xD maybe I have one. Chances are I do because of the beatmap packs I have its just buried under a lot of letter grades and other random music xD
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Specialized95 wrote:

Welcome ehh! whats your favorite beat map so far ?
Ha ha thanks! xD Hmm I havent really thought about a favourite o3o I were to say a fav I guess it would be Roberto Colombo - Tutti Beautiful [Lust's Hard] *shrugs* Im just saying that because of the amount of PP it was worth on getting a SS xD

Shadow_king12 wrote:

I guess it would be Roberto Colombo - Tutti Beautiful [Lust's Hard] *shrugs* Im just saying that because of the amount of PP it was worth on getting a SS xD
Really, thanks! Great recommendation! XDDD
If it's all about PP, you can always see my top ranks performance and maybe try to copy those scores :> They're all pretty easy but surprisingly high rank for a newbie like us lol :lol:
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Annadine wrote:

Shadow_king12 wrote:

I guess it would be Roberto Colombo - Tutti Beautiful [Lust's Hard] *shrugs* Im just saying that because of the amount of PP it was worth on getting a SS xD
Really, thanks! Great recommendation! XDDD
If it's all about PP, you can always see my top ranks performance and maybe try to copy those scores :> They're all pretty easy but surprisingly high rank for a newbie like us lol :lol:
Lol Im not that good yet in fact due to me being so scared to try 3 star maps (until like 3 days ago or something along those lines) ((What? they're all over the place... :( )) I probably would just end up failing :cry:
B-but you passed that hard map o.o
Lol and most normal + DT maps are usually just 2.5*...
And why so scared? It's good to get out from your comfort zone and challenge yourself~ :3
I failed at a 3.62* map earlier and I can just laugh at myself for being so bad, lol
If you failed, then just try again! :) That map will gradually feels more and more easier (and slower)
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Annadine wrote:

B-but you passed that hard map o.o
Lol and most normal + DT maps are usually just 2.5*...
And why so scared? It's good to get out from your comfort zone and challenge yourself~ :3
I failed at a 3.62* map earlier and I can just laugh at myself for being so bad, lol
If you failed, then just try again! :) That map will gradually feels more and more easier (and slower)
Hate that I have a hard time getting out of a comfort zone >.< it is known in psychology that when you feel sad/afraid you want things your familiar with o3o (I took psychology 11 in High school)
Wow your great :)
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HazeL wrote:

Wow your great :)
:D Aww thank you! That means a lot ^^ :P
Tip: Don't worry about pp unless you're rank ~30k
Just play for fun and improve yourself
In a beginner stage, it's hard to play competetively here
Just let it go automatically, eventually you play a map you mever thought you could pass and you FC it or rven SS (heck, I still have that at 12k)
I just play maps I'm comfortable with, around 5-5.4 stars
Sometimes they give pp (like my 3 top ranks which were all quite surprising to me) and sometimes they don't
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Baraatje123 wrote:

Tip: Don't worry about pp unless you're rank ~30k
Just play for fun and improve yourself
In a beginner stage, it's hard to play competetively here
Just let it go automatically, eventually you play a map you mever thought you could pass and you FC it or rven SS (heck, I still have that at 12k)
I just play maps I'm comfortable with, around 5-5.4 stars
Sometimes they give pp (like my 3 top ranks which were all quite surprising to me) and sometimes they don't
Ohh okay I see, I get it I'll remember that. Thank you ^^ 8-) Though can you tell me what FC means? Im not familiar with that. o3o
I think all you need is just a goal. Like, my goal now is 1k+ PP so I'm practicing 4* insane maps a bit seriously atm (still failed tho lol). But I can feel myself improving so I think I will be ok in a few weeks (hopefully!). But too bad summer holiday will be over soon T.T Dunno if I can keep up my hard work at osu!

Shadow_king12 wrote:

Though can you tell me what FC means?
Oh that is Full Combo :3 no combo breaks whatsoever. That usually brings a lot of PP :)
And hey, I PMed you in-game earlier but you didn't seem to notice me ;ω; and I added you as a friend too actually, lol. Add me back maybe?

EDIT: Oh damn, I forgot to tell you. Remember that 3.62* map I can't pass the other day? Now I can pass maps around that level thanks to practice.
whoever post next will be at the next page
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Annadine wrote:

I think all you need is just a goal. Like, my goal now is 1k+ PP so I'm practicing 4* insane maps a bit seriously atm (still failed tho lol). But I can feel myself improving so I think I will be ok in a few weeks (hopefully!). But too bad summer holiday will be over soon T.T Dunno if I can keep up my hard work at osu!

Shadow_king12 wrote:

Though can you tell me what FC means?
Oh that is Full Combo :3 no combo breaks whatsoever. That usually brings a lot of PP :)
And hey, I PMed you in-game earlier but you didn't seem to notice me ;ω; and I added you as a friend too actually, lol. Add me back maybe?

EDIT: Oh damn, I forgot to tell you. Remember that 3.62* map I can't pass the other day? Now I can pass maps around that level thanks to practice.
whoever post next will be at the next page
I have 1 goal in mind and that is to beat my favourite song: Maffalda - pensamento tipico de esquerda caviar [Gangsta] (its 6 stars!)

Ohh that is what it means pfft I get those all the time! xD

Oh you messaged me? I didnt even see it at all sorry :( Must of been concentrating to hard or was on break xD

Lol practice makes perfect~
Good luck with that
That map is ridiculous
The whole firsr part until the 'sirene' part is quite easy (even with DT) but the part thereafter is just nuts
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Baraatje123 wrote:

Good luck with that
That map is ridiculous
The whole firsr part until the 'sirene' part is quite easy (even with DT) but the part thereafter is just nuts
Lol yeah its so fast @.@ :x :cry: :|
add me if you want... :)
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HazeL wrote:

add me if you want... :)
Lol okay then :P
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