
New CTB player

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Meikyuuiri Tsumi
Hello everyone! I'm pretty new around here(a month or so). I heard about this game from a friend and I love it ever since.
I love Anime, video games and music. Also, I would like to use this moment to thank peppy for creating this game and all users who have created or participated in creation of the awesome maps over the years. Great job guys!

Well, that's it from me. Oh, and I love you all ;)
Welcome! :)
Hello and welcome to osu! Be sure to mingle around.
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Meikyuuiri Tsumi
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Meikyuuiri Tsumi
Hello and welcome to osu! Be sure to mingle around.
Thank you. Yeah, I sure will. :) The game is just amazing!
Another one to the dark side, eh? Er, just kidding.
Hope you continue to enjoy the game.

+ You can quote twice in a post, rather then double post, just fyi.
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Meikyuuiri Tsumi
Another one to the dark side, eh?
Yep :)

You can quote twice in a post, rather then double post, just fyi.
Thanks. And yeah, I will definitely continue to enjoy it.
Yay we got a new Croatian player, there aren't many around now, every new player is welcome :)
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Meikyuuiri Tsumi
Yay we got a new Croatian player, there aren't many around now, every new player is welcome

dkun wrote:

Another one to the dark side, eh?

Haneii wrote:

dkun wrote:

Another one to the dark side, eh?
No, not funny. :(
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