◙ 1 Map per Post ◙
◙ Follow modder specific rules below ◙
◙ Mod in English or Bahasa ◙
◙ Check Queue Status Before Requesting ◙
◙ Use The form below ◙
► NM Form Format ◄
Artist :
Title :
Source :
Genre :
Length (Drain) :
Mod Language: (Indonesian/English)
Link / URL :
► M4M Form Format ◄
Modder Name :
Link / URL :
◙ duration not exceeding 2 minutes ◙
◙ =Open M4M= ◙
◙ livetune feat. Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World ◙
◙ Post then PM me if you want M4M ◙
◙ 4k only (lol) ◙
◙ No anime song(except i like the song) ◙
◙ SP +15 max ◙
◙ i don't accept 8k, 9k, 10k ._., (kalo indo, pake indo an aja yak biar enak :v) ◙
◙ =Open M4M= ◙
◙ Yooh - MariannE ◙
◙ Post then PM me if you want M4M ◙
◙ 8K and 9K still learning, i will mod them depends on the song ◙
◙ No Time Limit, Unless it has 1 hour drain time xD ◙
◙ =Open M4M= ◙
◙ Ryu* Vs. L.E.D.-G Vs. ZUN - PARADISE GHOST 4K and 7K (WIP) ◙
◙ Natsuiro Bikini no Prim - Nagisa no koakuma lovely~radio 4K and 5K ◙
◙ Post then PM me if you want M4M ◙
◙ No Time Limit ◙
◙ New Mapper will be my High Priority ◙
◙ =Open M4M= ◙
◙ Mafumafu feat. IA - Yuugure Semi Nikki ◙
◙ daniwellP feat. Momo Momone - Nyan Cat ◙
◙ Post then PM me if you want M4M ◙
◙ Less than 2.5 minutes ◙
◙ Pending map only ◙
◙ No SP required ◙
◙ I'll take random diff ◙