Hi zorefire 17 years old from florida (not saying where in florida for the stalkers) here, been playing for 3 years my mods 10/10 but I try. This is a new queue since I no longer make my own maps excluding 2 or up coming maps those will probably be my last maps that I'm at least going to try and rank so yeah lost about 40 kudosu so time to farm xD... on to the good part you mod hungry players.
If your not an experienced mapper and want a guest diff I will judge your map set to see how good or bad it is. If I deem its bad but has potential then I will guest diff and point you in the right direction for ranking.I do normal and easy (improving on hard)Ask for a guest diff once graveyard (first warning) I'll let it slide. Do it again and no more guest diff's from me (all that work in the dumpster :3 no)If I like the song and I'm free to do it I willI'm a universal music lover so not that hard to please me (unless your trying to map some shiz like this What the whatYou may pm me in-game for any questionsno more than 6 minutesany genretiming must be correct
here is some of my work that I'm working for you to judge if you want a guest diff http://puu.sh/jkpuh/e666c81881.osz
I mod Easy,Normal,Hard,InsaneGenre - anyIf you already got a mod please wait after 4 other mods to ask again thank youno double post please (I know what you want calm down)When you see the word CLOSED (hmm... lets see I wonder what that means I guess I'll ask for a mod anyways probably means something else) no it means closed as in not open for business ._.I ask for 2 at a time since last time I did 3 I was stuck with 12 requests that took forever to get doneKirito is the secret word to know that you've read and understood the rules Mod request format
Link to mapIf you already see 2 requests don't postThank you if you read this far