
Letterboxing moved to stable.

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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Hey, I want to start off by saying the letterboxing feature was one of the best changes to come to osu recently. As an 8.1 user I can play in any resolution with my normal tablet area, and have no noticeable input delay. That being said, this feature is currently still only available in cutting edge. Now I try and support osu whenever I get some money in my paypal, however having supporter constantly isn't realistic for me, and many other people as well. And multiplayer on cutting edge is only available for supporters. So basically, this creates an "ultimatum" if you will for windows 8.1 users. Either play with very noticeable input lag on your tablet, or never play multiplayer. I realize cutting edge is there for a reason, and I also realize the value of having perks and incentive for people who support the game. I just think, since letterboxing seems to be working so well, it would be a great idea to move it onto stable, so 8.1 users can play multiplayer(without supporter).
These are just my thoughts on the issue, and either way, I think it's great that things like this are constantly coming out to improve the game for users of all OS's.
Thanks in advance to anyone who reads and answers this.
We are hard at workt o get the next release out, but it's still some way off. Your choices are as you say, until then.
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