
Freezepop - Science Genius Girl

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Friday, February 25, 2011 at 11:11:59 AM

Artist: Freezepop
Title: Science Genius Girl
Source: FreQuency
BPM: 137.03
Filesize: 6382kb
Play Time: 03:47
Difficulties Available:
  1. Brutal (4.53 stars, 499 notes)
  2. Mellow (1.73 stars, 208 notes)
Download: Freezepop - Science Genius Girl
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
A good song from a good game.

EDIT 01: Tightened up BPM, added more hitsounds, Kiai time at end
EDIT 02: Target colors, EvianBubble's Hitsounds difficulty now the new Brutal. Will be making placement less dependant on right angles.
EDIT 03: "Mellow" difficulty added
EDIT 04: Added curves to "Brutal," Timing changes, no erroneous video link now (I hope)
EDIT 05: Timing and other small tweaks, new circle font
EDIT 06: Minor fixes.
EDIT 07: More minor fixes, moving to Pending.
EDIT 08: Now at 128 kbps, timing changes, minor object movement
EDIT 09: Fixed timing error
EDIT 10: resynched Brutal
EDIT 11: Darker circles, reduction of finishes in Brutal
EDIT 12: OSB file gone
Freezepop's a good band.

May I create a guest difficulty? Unless you're working on the other difficulties of course.

General Notes
The BPM is 137.05! Yes, it's weird, but it's more important than you think. Change it to such, delete the second timing section, and resnap all your notes. (And then recheck for any problems.)
If you're worrying about note placement sloppiness, I didn't find any problem with this. I could predict every note and had no trouble seeing any. Maybe too linear, but good.
Kaia Time could be from 03:37:216 to the end.
Needs more hitsounds. Yes, they are important in two ways: 1.) To stray from the map being monotonous and boring and 2.) Taiko relies on hitsounds. (You can also set hitsounds to different parts of a slider by click on the hitcircle you'd like the sound to be on, and it turns red.)
No tags.

Heh. You didn't alter the Difficulty settings. (In Song Setup > Difficulty)
General Difficulty +2
HP Drain +2
Well...for the most part I couldn't find very many problems in the actual map itself. Just do all that stuff above and I think it will be good. So, star.
Topic Starter
Thanks for the tips, and yes, you can create a guest difficulty.
Hiya there :) I was able to pass it, so lucky you, you get a mod! Haha XD

Maybe change the orange combo colour to a yellow one like in the background?

00:07:048 (1) - Add whistle?
00:08:799 (1, 6) - Whistle, clap
00:10:550 (1) - Add whistle at the beginning?
00:11:864 (1, 2) - Unstack these, add whistle to (1)?
00:12:739 (3, 7) - Use whistle
00:14:053 (1) - Whistle?
00:15:804 (1, 6) - Whistle, clap
00:18:868 (5, 6) - Unstack. Whistle on (5)
00:19:305 (1, 5) - Whistle
00:24:560 - Add note here with finish. For this combo put whistle on (3), clap on (5)
00:28:062 - Note here, add hitsounds as well (different from above)
00:32:440 (3, 5) - Put clap, whistle?
00:35:067 - Circle with finish
00:35:942 (3) - Clap
00:36:818 (5) - Remove finish. Add whistle at beginning and end instead
00:39:445 (3, 5, 7) - Use clap, clap, finish
Next two combos (orange, green) - Use clap on (3)
00:48:857 (8) - Finish
00:49:514 (1, 2) - Replace with slider
00:49:952 (3, 5, 7) - Use whistle, clap, finish?
00:51:265 (1 - 7) - Add note on tall white tick after (6). Use hitsounds: whistle, rest, clap, clap, rest, clap, finish
00:53:235 (1, 3, 5) - Whistle, clap, whistle
00:54:768 (1, 3, 4) - Whistle, clap, clap

Remember to end your Kiai time properly! Also tick the "inherited section" box for the beginning

I can't go through the entire song like this. I've attatched the difficulty I changed with the hitsounds and such - if there are added notes be sure to fix the spacing after (I just stacked them). If you make another difficulty maybe use this as a guide or such. Of course, feel free to change it if you don't like it (I also added another Kiai time in my suggestion. You can either use it or not)

On another note, there's a lot of left right up down angled turns / patterns. You might want to change them up to make it more interesting. I'm holding my star for now, but feel free to call me back so I can take another look at it (and hopefully star!). Good luck!

Download: Freezepop - Science Genius Girl (AussieEvil) [Hitsounds].osu
Topic Starter
Thank you kindly.
Topic Starter
EvianBubble - Do you mind if I use your hitsounds diff as the new Brutal?
only 1 difficuly? you should have at least 2, and one being a easier difficulty (under 3 stars)

it feels like it repeats a bit with all the similar paterns, but not a huge deal
start your second kiai at 03:37:628 and end it at 03:51:200 ?

I'd like to see 1 more dif before i star this, PM me when you do ;)
Sorry about the delay :? Anyway,

[General] (issue for both difficulties)
* Where's the video? (There's a "with video" download link.)
* Change the BPM to 137.04
* Change the offset to 1,775
* 03:37:628 - Shouldn't the last Kiai Time start here?
* 03:51:200 - Make the final Kiai Time end here.

Note: The following is according to your current BPM and offset.

The following is assuming you're not making an easier difficulty.

* 00:25:216 (1,2) - Make these into a slider OR delete (1). I doubt beginners will be able to hit these easily, especially since they're stacked.
* 00:25:216 (1,2,3,4,1) - Furthermore, this part seems like it repeats 00:21:495 (1,2,3,4,1).
* 00:28:500 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Deja vu, anyone?
* 00:36:599 (2) - Delete this?
* 00:43:604 (2) - ^
* 00:53:235 (1,2) - Make these into a slider OR delete (1). I doubt beginners will be able to hit these easily, especially since they're stacked.
* 00:53:235 (1,2,3,4,1) - Deja vu...
* 01:04:618 (2) - Delete this?
* 01:11:623 (2) - ^
* 01:17:533 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - Do all of these really need to be new combos?
* 01:46:647 (2) - Delete this?
* 01:53:651 (2) - ^
* 02:17:292 (1,2) - Make these into a slider OR delete (1). I doubt beginners will be able to hit these easily, especially since they're stacked.
* 02:17:292 (1,2,3,4,1) - Deja vu...
* 02:20:576 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
* 02:28:675 (2) - Delete this?
* 02:35:680 (2) - ^
* 02:45:311 (1,2) - Make these into a slider OR delete (1). I doubt beginners will be able to hit these easily, especially since they're stacked.
* 02:56:694 (2) - Delete this?
* 03:03:699 (2) - ^
* 03:09:609 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - Do all of these really need to be new combos?
* 03:38:723 (2) - Delete this?
* 03:45:727 (2) - ^

* This is TOO LINEAR :? Even Mellow had more curves...

And that's it. I await the fixes.
Hi, again

00:25:198 (1) - i dunno maybe move it to 00:25:417 ?
00:29:796 (4,5,6) - turn into a repeating slider?
00:35:487 (1) - extend this one tick maybe?
00:43:806 (2) - make this curver smoother?
01:04:822 (2) - extend this one tick?
01:11:827 (2) - ^
01:15:330 (3) - curve this smoother?
01:25:838 (6) - hmm. maybe new combo here? i dunno
02:21:880 (4,5,6) - turn into a repeating slider?
02:35:890 (3) - move the waypoit 2 ticks left for a better curve?
03:09:603 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - why are these all new combos? do something like you did at 01:17:519
03:51:197 (x) - end your kiai here?

alot of circle in some parts, mix some sliders in there if you can
01:40:724 (3) - spacing error
01:41:380 (6) - ^
01:43:351 (7) - bit of a overlap here, move this up a bit?
02:22:755 (6) - place like this?
03:33:465 (6) - spacing
03:35:435 (7) - overlap here, this pattern looks familiar to
03:51:200 (x) - end kiai here?

not bad, but try to mis some sliders in with all those circles in [brutal]
Delete your .osb and full submit.
Resnap all notes.


00:12:282 (1) - No new combo.
00:19:288 (1) - ^
00:25:198 (1) - 1/2 later.
00:26:731 (1,1) - Spacing.
00:35:487 (1,2) - ^
00:42:493 (1,2) - ^
01:00:881 (1) - No new combo.
01:03:508 (1,2) - Spacing.
01:17:519 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Break up this combo a bit; 4 combos of 2 each or 2 combos of 4 each, your choice.
02:52:965 (1) - No new combo.
03:09:603 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - Make the combos here the same as what you do at 1:17:519.


00:33:298 (7,1) - Spacing.
01:15:330 (5) - Move this slder 1/2 later and put a hitcircle where it is now.
02:25:392 (7,1) - As before.
03:07:414 (5) - As before.
Yay Modding!

01:04:822 (2): move 2 grid up. to match with (1)
02:17:501 (1-3): spacing is really weird here.

00:34:848 (6,7): spacing is off from (5)
00:58:270 (1-7): make this like an upside down V
01:04:837 (5): move under (4)
02:50:346 (1-7): make this like an upside down V

all are suggestions. don't take them too seriously :3

Timing is different in each difficulty. Try BPM 137.03


00:25:419 (1,2,3) - Ugly transition. Maybe break distance snap to make it symmetrical? Make sure it plays right if you do so.


00:09:895 (5,6,7) - You should place these further than distance snap away from the previous notes. It's one of those cases where the proper snap plays awkward.

00:10:552 (1,1) - This spacing is throwing off the flow. Reapply the distance snap to this gap and reset the placements of all affected notes afterward. This is highly suggested.

00:16:901 (5,6,7) - Same as at 9 seconds.

00:22:374 (4,5) - Stack better?

00:35:072 (7,1) - Apply distance snap. It plays better. Maybe you could space 00:35:510 (1,2,3) - in a curving pattern. It looks better to me.

01:07:036 (1,2,3) - Really nazi, but reapply distance snap with grid snap off for these notes.

01:37:913 - No need to exclude this note. Adding it doesn't interfere with the transition into the vocals IMO.

This plays very well.

02:14:466 (4,5) - Stack better?

02:25:851 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Spacings are off and are breaking the symmetry. Reapply whatever snap you used for these patterns and fix the spacings.

02:40:081 (6,8) - Stack better. It looks very bad.

03:29:997 - Add note just like at 1:37

03:32:405 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Your spacing is messed up here.

Not exactly brutal, but very fun. Star.
00:23:228 (1) - Make this slider symmetrical.
00:26:731 (1) - Make this slider symmetrical.
00:47:309 (3) - Make this slider symmetrical.
00:51:249 (1) - Make this slider neater. (Example)
00:51:249 (1) - Make this slider neater. (Example)

This map is basically Rank-Ready, just fix up these sliders.

00:12:302 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - I like this combo, but some others might not. Just a warning.
00:17:336 (7,1) - Spacing error.
01:17:095 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Make the middle of these squares in the middle, (Move over 2 gridspaces to the right)
01:41:174 (5,6) - Move up and to the left by 1 gridspace.
03:09:609 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Make the middle of these squares in the middle, (Move over 2 gridspaces to the right)

03:33:031 (4) - Move to the left by 1 gridspace.
03:33:250 (5) - Move up by 1 gridspace.

Excellent map!
Sunny Holic
a characterful map
so it's hard to mod orz
there is nothing i can advice. just star
mp3 320kbps, please compress it into 128 or 192
thumb.db in the osz should be deleted

0:30:255 (5) right 1 grid?
0:40:107 (1) up 1 grid
0:57:841 (4) left 1 grid
1:33:307 (1) down 1 grid
2:49:933 (3) right 1 grid
3:25:400 (1) down 1 grid

[Mellow] hitsound can be softer.
0:26:295 (3,1) spacing?


I like Freezepop's Get Ready To Rokk :D
fast mod :O

maybe you should make +1 diff
i think the timing is incorrect , but , lol

00:41:694 Beat here
01:38:616 Remove finish
01:39:929 ^
01:51:748 Beat with clap
02:23:715 Beat with finish
03:30:708 Remove finish
03:31:584 ^
03:32:021 ^

Audio Normal looks like better
01:09:663 Add something to this blank
01:51:479 ^

Rate : 9.4
Topic Starter
How does everyone like the hitcircle font?
Whoa, was the offset always like that? It's at 1,849 for me, which is painfully off. Should be 1,794 if it wasn't already.

Also, I didn't star? D:
Topic Starter
Must be something wrong with my computer then.

AussieEvil wrote:

Must be something wrong with my computer then.
So it wasn't? Maybe your computer is off. You can go to the Offset Wizard in the Options>Audio and try fixing it if it's off.

But yeah, if it's at 1,849 on your computer it should be 1,794. Make sure you resnap your notes if you change it.
Fight69 still haven't changed the offset as stickmeister said...

Fix it, then send me a Forum PM, I can't mod your map with a wrong timing D:
Topic Starter
Timing error has been fixed.
Okay, let's go then !


Try to use others combo colors, these combo colors hurts the eyes with this BG :?
And, you are using too much finishes and claps a bit everywhere !
Use some whistles, they fit well with the song


00:19:308 (3) - Delete the clap at 00:19:746
00:23:249 (1) - Delete the finish
00:28:941 (2) - Delete the clap and use a whistle instead
00:29:817 (4) - ^
00:30:254 (5) - Delete the clap
00:30:692 (6) - Delete the clap and use a whistle
00:32:006 (1) - Delete the finish and use a whistle
00:36:822 (2) - Delete the clap
00:54:337 (3) - Delete this circle
00:54:775 (1) - Move this slider 1/1 earlier, then extend it by 1/1 (you should get something like that : )
00:56:088 (1,3) - Delete the clap on these circle
01:00:467 (2,4) - Delete the clap on these circle and use whistles
01:07:473 (2) - Delete the clap
01:49:069 (1) - ^
02:53:873 (1) - This slider is a bit ugly :/
02:59:565 (2) - Delete the clap


00:09:894 (5) - New combo
00:10:551 (1) - No new combo
00:12:302 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - It's a weird pattern :/
00:36:822 (5) - Don't fit with the music, do like in Mellow
00:43:828 (5) - ^
00:54:775 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Try to make a nicer pattern
01:04:845 (5) - Don't fit with the music
01:11:851 (5) - ^
01:17:105 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Way too repetitive and boring
01:46:880 (5) - Don't fit with the music
02:28:915 (5) - ^
02:35:920 (5) - ^
02:56:938 (5) - ^...
02:56:938 (5) - ^
03:03:943 (5) - ^
03:09:198 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Super repetitive pattern, again !
03:38:972 (5) - Don't fit ... I think you got it

Sorry, but I really don't like this map :?

I don't why, probably because there is not enough patterns, it look very, very, very repetitive...(copy-paste ?)
Repetitive patterns + Repetitive song = ...

You need much more work, don't use too much copy-paste and don't make a repetitive map
No star for the moment~
Topic Starter
Thank you for your considerations.
Oh man, I used to play the shit out of this song on Frequency.
I remember I saw this on my mod queue, but Blazevoir beat me to the mod =(
Now I want to mod it, but I'll mod it tomorrow.
Be back then.
Topic Starter


Your BG size should be 800x600 or 1024x768
Delete the .osb file it's useless
Pretty boring to play brutal... add some jumps?


Make all slider's a bit symmetrical?
02:17:530 (1,2,3) - Built a straight line here


AR +1?
00:08:799 (1,2,3,4) - Why not the same patterns like 00:07:048 (1,2,3,4) ?
00:09:456 (4) - Remove finish
This diff doesn't work.. try to make the map more interesting, every time the same patterns... its pretty boring.

Ah yea here get my star

Ps: My english is bad D:

-- Delete "Freezepop - Science Genius Girl.osb" File


00:22:373 (3) : Remove Whistle
00:26:314 (3) : ^
00:30:692 (6) : Remove Clap
00:53:899 (2) : ^
00:33:319 (3) : Remove Finish, Add Whistle
00:43:828 (2) : Symmetry
02:35:920 (2) : ^
01:14:040 (1) : Add Whistle
01:53:886 (3) : Remove Finish at the end
02:22:785 (6) : Remove Clap
02:45:991 (2) : ^
02:53:873 (1) : Symmetry
03:31:966 (5) : Remove Finish


-- Slider Velocity seems to be a bit slow, but nvm..

00:11:864 (1) : 1 Grid Up
00:48:863 (8) : Stack with end of (6)
02:40:956 (8) : ^
00:51:929 (4) : Remove Clap
01:55:637 (1) : Add Finish
02:27:820 (2,3) : Make a line
02:28:915 (5) : Add clap in the end (Remove Whistle)
02:49:932 (4) : Distance

00 09 675 wrong distance snap
00 27 189 3,5 maybe add clap
01 00 905 3 add clap
02 19 282 3,5 add clap

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