
[web] Alternative pp data scaling

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Shows an alternatively scaled pp value in brackets that makes a little more sense (in my opinion) than the one that is used currently.
Hover over them to see decimals too.

The difference between pp is - scaled pp doesn't look like like it's a sum of a certain amount of pp scores, but more looks like an approximate skill level of a player (in terms of pp).
For example at scaled value 250 a player is probably comfortable at playing all maps that give less than this value and the player tryhards on the ones which give a higher value.
I also need to mention that this scaled pp number is expected to never go above the highest pp play (it never made sense to me). But it will be gradually approaching if a player plays harder maps
Also it's easier to imagine what pp scores on average the player has looking at this number instead of "5000pp" "8252pp" e.t.c. You can only do this right away if you learned what is hiding behind these big numbers

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Thanks Full Tablet for the formula
Good thing I liked. :)
Houtarou Oreki
It's pretty accurate for me :D
Good job, works.
Houtarou Oreki
Found a bug: when changing modes it disappears. Like clicking the taiko, catch the beat buttons.
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