
More Moderation Transparency

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So, I'm making this thread because I am a bit dissatisfied with the way this game and forum is moderated. My problem is that users can be dealt out long and harsh silences and get nothing more than a vague indication of what they did wrong, for example, "Inappropriate forum conduct". This does not explain why a post a user made warranted a silence, or even what the specific post was. Trying to contact the mods about the issue of the silence isn't very helpful either, in my experience. Most are quite apathetic and aren't willing to help.

So I think a couple things needs to happen: when a silence is given, on the user's profile it should tell who dealt out the silence, and then if necessary the user should then be able to talk to that moderator for an explanation for the silence. That's all really.

This isn't to call out or shame mods or anything like that, it's simply to make moderation better and more effective for both the mods and users. It will allow users to know what they did wrong so they can change their behaviour. Mods should be moderating according to the rules so there is never a time when they should need or want to hide their activity, I believe they should always be fully accountable and answerable for their actions. I don't think talking through a proxy is an acceptable substitute either, since they would never have a good of a grasp of the situation as the parties involved do.

So that's all. I'd like this site to be as good as possible, and moderation transparency is always a good thing. If you know of sites where users can be 'shadowbanned', well, it's really not a good way to have things run.
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