
30 Seconds To Mars - Closer to the Edge

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Montag, 04. Oktober 2010 at 12:38:22

Artist: 30 Seconds To Mars
Title: Closer to the Edge
Tags: This is War
BPM: 140,25
Filesize: 21750kb
Play Time: 04:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Close (2,83 stars, 240 notes)
  2. Closer (4,83 stars, 460 notes)
  3. Far Away (1,29 stars, 102 notes)
Download: 30 Seconds To Mars - Closer to the Edge
Download: 30 Seconds To Mars - Closer to the Edge (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Thank you Soradg123 for BPM and Offset (:

Diffs done!

Supposed to be Easy,Normal and Insane

Very big sorry for the quality of the video ;___________; I had to take a normal flv Vid because all the other (flv high,avi low,avi high,avi hd) were to big.I still have got the best ver and if someone is able to make it smaller please PM! D:

And why such a big video you might ask.. well I took the audio from the music video because I think not just the song, even the message is brilliant! :O For me music video of the year!

".. don't regret anything you do.Because in the end.. it makes you who you are."
".. some people believe in god.I believe in music.Some people pray, I turn on the radio!"
".. music makes the world round.If it wouldn't be a round earth I would'nt be around right now.Music is everything to me!"

.. and it was waaaay to hard for me to map.Sry to every 30STM fan.. I'm giving up on this map.
geile map aber musst bissle mehr combo machen^^

aber sonst geiler song respekt :)
Topic Starter
Laptop crashed.. -.- Sry but probably I wont be able to play osu for 2~3 weeks.Well then don't wonder why you don't get a kudo for doing something helpful (online with handy..)
EDIT:It can take even longer than 3 weeks so please do not let this slip to the graveyard!Thanks!
here you go
it seems like there's no change on the offset, but to be safe ask for modder to check the offset

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Hmm, because I can't play Osu and so I cannot update the map but I'm sure you did your job well done so here your kudos.
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I'll fix everything what have to be fixed in the next few min...
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hurry up gladi.. ._.
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Gladi is busy with school and stuff so I decided to make easy myself.
Moved to pending!
star ~
1. Offset: 32,496ms BPM: 140.30
2. Offset: 169,345ms BPM: 140.40
3. Offset: 210,370ms BPM: 138.50
4. Offset: 213,835ms BPM: 140.20

This timing may be off, but it's closer than the timing you have now. Get a real timing expert to look at it, then call me back.
0:33:325 (5) left 1 grid
0:36:110 (1,2,3,..) spacing up 1 grid
0:43:610 (6) right 1 grid
0:49:825 (4) offbeat, 1/2 backward and extend this into 1 beat slider

don't give kd^

serious timing problem... after you fix your timing forum pm me to check~
mod at tomorrow
OSU! Timing Help!
  • 1. BPM 140.25 , Offset 32450
Remove the audio from your video.
Please consider the timing suggestions above.

Volume: Much too low. I suggest you use Volume tick 7 for all soft sections.
Normal slider ticks sound terrible. Lower their volume or consider inheriting them out and using soft hitsounds for the slider ticks.

Far Away

00:48:325 (4) - Move this to 00:48:432 -. It makes more sense and is the correct placing.

00:49:182 (1,2,3) - Use the correct beat. It's a lot harder to play incorrectly. Move note 2 to 00:49:718 - and note 3 to 00:50:146 - and reapply distance snap.
^ This works out very nicely.

00:52:610 (1) - I feel this plays more naturally here 00:52:396 -.

01:02:253 (2) - This belongs here 01:02:146 - .

01:02:896 (3) - Move back to the blue tick. I'm going to stop mentioning specific times. A lot of your notes lie on blue ticks and not red/white ticks. After you do that, make sure it ends here 01:03:432 -

01:04:610 (1) - Technically isn't following the vocals exactly, but it seems to work. However 01:05:468 (2) - needs to be moved here 01:05:575 - in order for it to be playable.

01:06:325 (1,2,3) - How about taking note 1 and moving it 01:06:432 (1) -, note 2 here 01:07:289 - (End it here 01:09:003 -), note 3 here 01:09:860 - .) Eh don't have to use it, it just sounds better. Ignore if you want.

I came up with this. It's not exactly your pattern.

01:16:610 (1) - I think this plays better a 1/2th beat back at 01:16:396 (1) - Reapply the snap and ditch the vertical spread pattern for a more angled approach. (Just a suggestion. Don't use it if you don't like it. Only apply to other instances of this pattern if you use it.)

01:57:753 (1,2,3,4,5) - Something isn't right with this. It's not the right pattern at all. You need to fix this. i'll help you out by telling you the correct pattern. Delete 01:57:968 (2) - and move 01:58:825 (5) - a half beat to 01:58:610 - . Do the same for 01:59:468 (1,2,3,4,5) -
^ Timeline

02:04:610 (2) - Move half a beat back to 02:04:396 -

02:08:468 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - So offbeat, it's unplayable. When you place notes, you must listen closely to where the sounds are going. You can't just place notes in a specific way to follow a pattern. You need to make patterns out of the sounds of the song. It is not hard to hear that strong vocals exist on each white tick. Those far outweigh the beat.

My Fix

I noticed that you have a repeat slider at 02:10:396 (5) -. You should really make 02:08:468 (1) - a repeating slider too. Before you consider doing so delete note 2 to make room for it. The next step is to move 02:09:539 (3,4,5) - a 1/2 beat later to go with the vocals. Lastly I would reapply distance snap to the newly positioned notes into an appealing pattern.

This works

Do something similar with the yellow combo.You could do the long reverser or you could use a short one because the song snuck in a 1/2th note vocal. Move the rest of the notes a half beat later.

This works fairly well. Although the transition from vocal to beat with the last reverser sounds sort of odd. Eh I'm sure there is a fix for that, just think about it a little bit.

Eh technically rest of the song is fine to me. Although could be placed more accurately.


00:45:968 (3) - This sounds better on a 1/8th tick. Move here 00:45:914 - and reapply distance snap. It doesn't look pretty, but it plays fine. Do this or fix the timing.

00:47:575 (1,2,3) - Vocals within the gap are interfering with me properly hitting note 2. Either make the distance between note 1 and 2 greater than distance snap to account for this or move note 2 back to the vocal note on the red tick.

00:49:182 (1,2,3,4,5) - Don't try to map the beat until it's timed properly. I can't really help you fix this right now.

00:51:807 (2,3) - 2 doesn't seem to start on anything. I suggest deleting note 3 and starting note 2 there instead. It plays fine.

00:57:057 (1,2,3,4,5) - Best advice I can give you is to move all of these 1/8th back. The sounds aren't perfect, but it seems to be as close as you can get with the current timing.

01:01:825 (4) - Belongs here 01:01:771 -. Also consider extending it to 01:01:932 -.

01:13:396 (4) - Whistles are worse than the tick sounds. >.< Too loud for the song. (Same for all the other normal whistles you used.)

Erm.... this is going to take me forever to finish. Please get this timed right and try to get as many notes as possible on their correct ticks and contact me through in game PM. Fix what I mentioned so far and i'll gladly take a second look.

Edit: If I find time later today, I'll try to finish it. If you see this post before I do so, try the timing suggestions above. If you're unsure, tell me through forum PM and I'll check the timing later today or tomorrow too.
[Far Away]
00:48:110 - Add a note.
00:48:325 (4) - Move to 00:48:539.
00:49:182 (1,2,3) - Move all this stuff to the each next red tick.
00:52:610 (1) - Move to 00:52:396.
01:06:325 (1) - To the previous red tick.
01:09:110 (3) - Add a note.
01:13:610 (x) - Normal hitsounds are too loud,reduce volume.

Ugh,it's becoming way out.

You need to find correct BPM at first.
Use DC's Timing Help post.
I just wish there's no such thing as farting.

Replace your current BG with this. It may look the same, but it's 4:3, so it looks better on the lists n' stuff.
Yeah, the volume's too quiet most of the time.
Different offsets per diff?

00:44:000 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Overmapped.
00:50:417 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Nothing to fit this stream.
01:13:305 (7) - Due to inheriting sections, changes awkwardly mid-slider.
02:04:642 (2) - This jump why
I stopped modding here. The main problem is overmapping, make sure that everything you put fits the music.

Yeah, grid size 2. Please don't map with that
...I stopped modding here, your problem is undermapping this time, baby.

I'm sorry, but I don't find this map worthy of a star. Still, good luck. You've got a few good ideas, i.e. the no-no-no-nos.
Topic Starter

NotShinta wrote:

I just wish there's no such thing as farting.

Replace your current BG with this. It may look the same, but it's 4:3, so it looks better on the lists n' stuff.
Yeah, the volume's too quiet most of the time.
Different offsets per diff?

00:44:000 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Overmapped.
00:50:417 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Nothing to fit this stream.
01:13:305 (7) - Due to inheriting sections, changes awkwardly mid-slider.
02:04:642 (2) - This jump why
I stopped modding here. The main problem is overmapping, make sure that everything you put fits the music.

Yeah, grid size 2. Please don't map with that
...I stopped modding here, your problem is undermapping this time, baby.

I'm sorry, but I don't find this map worthy of a star. Still, good luck. You've got a few good ideas, i.e. the no-no-no-nos.
Fixed some overmapped parts..
Well I still appreciate a mod more than a star so thank you!^^
edit:oh and about the lvl grid 2 thing.I wanted to make a slider similar just backwards like another one so I used in the end lvl 2 grid.
but the sliders didn't looked and played good so I deleted them.just saying that I mapped until near the end with lvl 3.well I also could have used lvl 2 and before uploading changing to grid lvl 3 and you wouldn't have noticed it.. just saying ;)
Mr Gaddy
These are only suggestions.
You don't need to follow them.

This beatmap needs really a lot of work.
A lot of timing sections are too silent.

[Far Away]
00:48:278 (4) - Make it a slider that ends at 00:48:064
00:49:134 (1,2,3) - Move them all by one 1/2 tick so they will be 00:49:348 (1); 00:49:776 (2) and 00:50:204 (3)
00:52:556 (1) - Move it one tick back so it will be at 00:52:343
01:02:824 (3) - Change it so it will look like this ?
01:04:535 (1) - Move it to 01:04:321
01:09:027 (3) - Make it like this ?
01:12:236 (1) - Move it 1 tick forward
01:13:732 (Timing session) - Move it to the slider's start (01:13:519)
01:21:220 (1,2) - Look at this. Move (1) 1 tick forward and do this slider at 1/3 and move (2) 1 tick 1/2 forward.
01:26:139 (1,2,3) - Move (1) to 01:26:567, and (3) to 01:27:208
02:01:005 (1) - Move it 1 tick forward to 02:01:219
02:25:604 (2) - Move it 1 tick back to 02:25:390
02:39:294 (2) - Same as above
03:33:839 (Timing section) - Remove it, it's unused.

I will help you later with hitsounds and other difficulty's when you will make timing sections louder.
No star. (yet)
Topic Starter

Mr Gaddy wrote:

These are only suggestions.
You don't need to follow them.

This beatmap needs really a lot of work.
A lot of timing sections are too silent.

[Far Away]
00:48:278 (4) - Make it a slider that ends at 00:48:064
00:49:134 (1,2,3) - Move them all by one 1/2 tick so they will be 00:49:348 (1); 00:49:776 (2) and 00:50:204 (3)
00:52:556 (1) - Move it one tick back so it will be at 00:52:343
01:02:824 (3) - Change it so it will look like this ?
01:04:535 (1) - Move it to 01:04:321
01:09:027 (3) - Make it like this ?
01:12:236 (1) - Move it 1 tick forward
01:13:732 (Timing session) - Move it to the slider's start (01:13:519)
01:21:220 (1,2) - Look at this. Move (1) 1 tick forward and do this slider at 1/3 and move (2) 1 tick 1/2 forward.
01:26:139 (1,2,3) - Move (1) to 01:26:567, and (3) to 01:27:208
02:01:005 (1) - Move it 1 tick forward to 02:01:219
02:25:604 (2) - Move it 1 tick back to 02:25:390
02:39:294 (2) - Same as above
03:33:839 (Timing section) - Remove it, it's unused.

I will help you later with hitsounds and other difficulty's when you will make timing sections louder.
No star. (yet)
Thx.did some of those

sorry I'll skip it.
My rule was contrary.
* Max of 4 diffs. Max 4 minutes music < This map 5 minutes over X_x

but General Advice

This is important. now 361kbps mp3 files. 361kbps -> Change of less than 256kbps. Also reset the offset.

- HP drain so high with several long non-break empty section, they should be replaced by break or HP drain rate reduced?
- need 2X warning?
0:32:449 (1) right 1 grid
0:39:722 (5) right 2 grid up 1 grid?
0:44:642 (4) down 1 grid
1:12:449 (1~7) A bit weird that the slider should start 1/2 ~ 3/4 beat later... Maybe 1/4 streams until the slider starts?
1:26:353 (1~7) ^
1:35:551 (3) 1/4 forward?
3:04:107 (1) right 1 grid
3:07:530 (1) left 1 grid
3:12:236 (&) right+down 1 grid
3:35:016 (5,6) this spacing is too large
3:48:706 (5,6) ^

1:57:893 (2,3,4) down 2 grids
1:59:605 (2,3,4) up 1 grid
Topic Starter

wmfchris wrote:

- HP drain so high with several long non-break empty section, they should be replaced by break or HP drain rate reduced? reduced
- need 2X warning? hmm maybe I'll ad it..
0:32:449 (1) right 1 grid
0:39:722 (5) right 2 grid up 1 grid?
0:44:642 (4) down 1 grid
1:12:449 (1~7) A bit weird that the slider should start 1/2 ~ 3/4 beat later... Maybe 1/4 streams until the slider starts?
1:26:353 (1~7) ^
1:35:551 (3) 1/4 forward?
3:04:107 (1) right 1 grid
3:07:530 (1) left 1 grid
3:12:236 (&) right+down 1 grid
3:35:016 (5,6) this spacing is too large
3:48:706 (5,6) ^

1:57:893 (2,3,4) down 2 grids
1:59:605 (2,3,4) up 1 grid
thank you very much.did alot of these!
Heya o/


The kiai time is not the same in all diff, fix that
Close have a different offset, fix that too !

Don't forget to fix the error spacing after this mod !


00:48:278 (4) - Offscreen D:
00:47:851 (1,2,3,4) - I hate when the triplet are like that... :cry:
00:54:482 (1) - Make this 1/4 longer and move 00:55:123 (2,3,4) 1/4 later (like that : )
00:55:551 (1,2) - Make them 1/4 longer, and it's hard to see the second slider :/
00:59:722 (5) - Move it 1/4 later
01:07:958 (1) - Make this 1/4 longer and move 01:08:599 (2,3,4) 1/4 later
01:09:027 (1,2) - Make them 1/4 longer, and it's hard here too to see the second slider...
01:13:305 (7) - Start this slider at 01:13:519 (don't forget to fix the next slider, make it shorter)
01:15:230 (1) - Delete this circle
01:15:658 (2) - New combo

Should be like that now :

01:20:899 (5) - Move this circle 1/4 later
01:25:344 : Empty space ? o.o
01:26:888 (6) - Delete this circle
01:30:524 (4) - Move it 1/4 later and make it 1/4 shorter
01:32:343 (6,7,8) - Move the 1/4 later
01:32:984 (X) - Add a circle here
01:35:765 (3) - Don't place it on a slider, hard to see
01:35:979 (4) - Make this slider 1/4 shorter
01:55:016 (3) - Hard to see
01:56:835 (1) - Move it 1/4 earlier
01:57:904 (5) - Delete this circle and move 01:58:011 (5,6) 1/4 earlier
01:59:615 (4) - Same thing here
02:06:390 - Another empty space ! :cry:
02:08:492 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Do something like that :
02:11:915 (1,2,3,4,5) - Same thing here and add a circle at 02:14:054
02:16:621 (6,7) - WTF ?!
02:17:476 (8) - Make this slider a bit longer (like that : )
02:21:647 (6) - Delete this circle
02:25:391 (2) - Make this slider 1/4 longer
02:29:348 (5) - Move this circle 1/4 later
02:30:524 (4) - Make this slider 1/4 longer
02:31:594 (5) - Offscreen :/
02:35:336 (6) - Delete this circle
02:39:081 (4) - WTF this slider ?! It's awful and we can't see 02:40:899 (5,6) :cry:
02:44:642 (5) - Make this slider 1/4 shorter
03:12:129 (6) - Delete this circle
03:12:449 (1) - Make it 1/4 shorter
03:18:867 (6) - Make it 1/4 shorter, also, it's really hard to read
03:22:076 (6) - Same thing here
03:25:284 (3) - Make it 1/4 shorter
03:26:139 (4) - Make it 1/4 longer
03:26:995 (5) - Move it 1/4 later
03:28:492 (1) - This spinner should start at 03:28:706 and finish at 03:30:417
03:31:738 - Empty space, again :<
03:35:337 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - Move them 1/2 later, then, delete (11) and make the previous slider 1/4 longer (like that : )
03:36:835 (1) - Delete this slider and add a circle
03:37:476 (2) - Move this slider 1/2 earlier and make it 1/2 longer
03:48:813 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - Move them 1/2 later, then, delete (11) and make the previous slider 1/4 longer
03:50:952 (4) - Make it 1/4 longer
03:52:449 (6) - Delete it and make the previous slider 1/4 longer
03:55:658 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Hard to read :o
04:02:717 (6,7) - Make them 1/4 longer
04:07:019 - Empty space here :/
04:08:064 (1) - Move it 1/2 earlier
04:08:706 (2) - Move it 1/1 earlier
04:09:776 - Add something here
04:10:204 (4) - Make it 1/4 shorter
04:11:380 (5) - Move it 1/4 earlier
04:14:909 (1,2) - Make them 1/4 shorter
04:16:193 (3) - Make it 1/4 longer
04:19:615 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Delete these circles
04:17:904 (4) - Make this slider 1/4 longer
04:17:904 (4) - Make it 1/4 longer
04:25:925 (1) - Finish this slider at 04:26:888

Finally ! :o


I can't mod very well with a wrong offset :/

Also :

00:48:373 (2) - Unsnapped circle

[Far Away]

Distance Spacing x0.6 + Slider Velocity = 1.00...Looks weird
Try to remap it with Distance Snap x1.0

And the Kiai time is not the same than the others diff :/

No star, because this mapset still need a lot of work

Good luck !
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I'm throwing the towel.. ~.~

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