18, 19 and 20 are all very low (So low, I can't play on them) on my screen.
I play on 28~31 on 4k and 26 on 7k, but that's a personal preference.
It also depends on how big you monitor is, how close you are, etc. It's highly relative, and you should poke around and find your sweet spot, and also how fast you can react to the keys (Hence why I use 26 for 7k). Also, if you're using a skin the size of the default o!m skin (or are using it), that will also affect your view of the notes.
Personally, your range is too low for me, but I play on a 22" monitor and I'm approx 25 inches away. My skin is currently 70x in columnwidth, which allows me to play at a fast scroll speed and still react to the notes