
Quad Aces CTB Tournament : Spades Category [∞ - 1 000] 16/16

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It has been almost two weeks and we only got answers from players from rank # 4999 to #1. I am sorry but this tournament isn't for you guys. However, if your rank is below #5 000 (technically #7 000 000 000 - 5 000), you can join the tournament. Make sure to read the information on the blog post before signing in.
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Due to a lack of interest from players, we decided to cancel the tournament. If you want to give your opinion on tis decision you can answer the questions by leaving a comment.

However, since we had players above 5 000 who wanted to join, we decided to do another one for a higher category. So please read the post for more informations and if your interested, leave a comment on the post with your profile link.
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The tournament registration is supposed to end this weekend. However we only have 8 players which is far from what we expected. It may be due to a lack of interest from the players but it's probably due to the fact that the registration period was too short, especially from when we changed the category of players last week.
So we will postpone the tournament. It will take place in November. The exact dates will be published in October.
The registrations are still open and will end on November 1st.
That sure is disappointing :/ I may not be able to participate depending on the dates in November.
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The registration is still open, the tournament will start in november. Here's the detailed schedule :

31 October : Registration deadline
1 November : Tournament drawings
6/7/8 November 2015 : Group Stage
14/15 November 2015 : Round of 16
21/22 November 2015 : Quarter-finals + Losers Round 1 + Losers Round 2
28/29 November : Semi-finals + Losers Round 3 + Losers Round 4
5/6 December : Final + Losers Round 5 + Losers Round 6
12/13 December : Grand Final

We have 13/32 players registered so far.
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One of the rules concerning the registration is that we take into consideration the rank of the players at the date of the registration. However since we had to postpone the tournament, the registration period is longer with the risk of having players getting past the #1000 barrier. It happened with 2 players, 1 is around #1000 and the other is already #500.
Therefore we decided to make an exception and remove the #500 player in order to make it fair for the other players. The rule still applies for all the players registered who didn't pass the #1000 threshold and those who are registering in october. If they pass that limit during october, they will still be allowed to play in november.
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We decided to reduce the maximum number of players to 16 for the moment. Once that limit is reached, new players will be on the waiting list until we can increase the limit to 20 ; 24 ; 28 ; 32.

As a consequence the schedule has been slightly modified :
31 October : Registration deadline
1 November : Tournament drawings
7/8 November 2015 : Group Stage
14/15 November 2015 : Quarter-finals
21/22 November : Semi-finals + Losers Round 1 + Losers Round 2
28/29 November : Final + Losers Round 3 + Losers Round 4
5/6 December : Grand Final
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We now have 16 players. The registration is still open, new players will be on the waiting list in case someone quits the tournament before it starts.
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Hi everyone ! The schedule for the group stage and the mappool are now done. The top 2 players from each group will advance to the quarter-finals.
See you next weekend for the results of the group stage and information about the quarter-finals (schedule, mappools, etc).
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Hi everyone !
Congratulations to the players who’ve made it to the quarter-finals. You can see the results of the group stage matches and the group standings here.
The schedule for the quarter-finals and the mappool are now done. The mappool is for the quarter finals only, not for the semi-finals and not for any round of the loser bracket.
See you next weekend for the results of the quarter-finals, for information about the semi-finals, round 1 of the loser bracket and round 2 of the loser bracket. (schedule, mappools, etc).
\o/ HYPE!!! Hopefully there will be no forfeits.
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Hi everyone !
Congratulations to the players who've made it to the semi-finals. You can see the results of the quarter-finals matches here and the tournament bracket here.
The schedule for the semi-finals, the round 1 and 2 of the loser bracket are done as well as the mappool.
See you next weekend for the results of the semi-finals and information about the final of winner bracket and round 3 and 4 of the loser bracket (schedule, mappools, etc).
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Hi everyone !
Congratulations to the players who've made it to the final and round 3 of the loser bracket. Also props to the players who have ended their run in the loser bracket. You can see the results of the last matches here and the tournament bracket here.
The schedule for the final, round 3 and 4 of the loser bracket is done, as well as the mappool.
See you next weekend for the results of the finals, round 3 and 4 of the loser bracket and information about the Grand Final (schedule, mappool, etc).
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Hi everyone !
Congratulations to P i k u and bluenumber2 who've made it to the Grand Final. Also props to Ezzaro14 and InsaneToe who have ended their run in the loser bracket. You can see the results of the last matches here and the tournament bracket here.
The schedule for the Grand Final is done, as well as the mappool.
See you next weekend for the results.
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Hi everyone !
Congratulations to P i k u who won the Grand Final 6-1 against bluenumber2. Props to bluenumber2 who made a great run too and managed to take his revenge on InsaneToe in the loser bracket. Unfortunately he wasn't able to even the score against Piku who has been really consistent during the whole tournament.
Thanks to all the players that have participated and we hope to see you in one of our future tournaments.
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