
[added] Hotkey to Switch to Next or Previous Object in Editor

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +6
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I think it'd be useful to have a keyboard hotkey in the editor to switch to the next or previous object relative to the one that is already selected.

For example, if I am trying to slightly change the position of every circle in a stream, it is somewhat difficult and takes a fair amount of time to manually select every circle by clicking on it; it's difficult to select overlapping circles, and it's not as quick to select the circle by moving the cursor to the top of the screen to click the circle in the timeline, and then moving the cursor back down to adjust the position of the circle. I'd be much easier if I could use the keyboard to select the next circle.
At first I thought this would be useless (only read thread-title)
Seems quite usefull to me, after reading the wholr thread
I like this
I approve.

-Kanzaki wrote:

I approve.
Would be quite useful.
I'm sorry if this was mentioned, but did I miss something?
Is dragging from the timeline too hard?
1. Before
2. After

Simply drag from one position to another.

Sorry, I missed something.

B1rd wrote:

it's not as quick to select the circle by moving the cursor to the top of the screen to click the circle in the timeline,

I Support!
I think the current Ctrl and Shift key functionalities should be rebinded to something else by default.

  • - Left Arrow and Right Arrow already goes to the previous or next object in the timeline

    - Let Shift + Left and Shift + Right select the object(s) to the left/right inclusively (meaning the object is selected if as soon as you shift landed on it and selected from the point you started from)

    - Let Ctrl + Left and Ctrl + Right serve its purpose of allowing to go left/right without deselection while doing regular Left or Right deselects
So you would have something like
Left Arrow x2, Shift Left Arrow x6, Ctrl Left Arrow x16, Shift Left Arrow x4 to achieve something like the selected object from the starting point in the screenshot. Those number of presses can, of course, be reduced by half by going to 1/2 snapping instead of 1/4.

abraker wrote:

I think the current Ctrl and Shift key functionalities should be rebinded to something else by default.
- Left Arrow and Right Arrow already goes to the previous or next object in the timeline

- Let Shift + Left and Shift + Right select the object(s) to the left/right inclusively (meaning the object is selected if as soon as you shift landed on it and selected from the point you started from)

- Let Ctrl + Left and Ctrl + Right serve its purpose of allowing to go left/right without deselection while doing regular Left or Right deselects
These hotkeys would be changeable?

PieInOblivion wrote:

These hotkeys would be changeable?
Yea, why wouldn't they?

abraker wrote:

Yea, why wouldn't they?
Umm... Bit of a mental blank when I posted that... *Sits, is thinking*
Can't remember why, which means it must have not been much of an issue... Forget I posted anything.

Another feature to add to this request, the ability to reverse a slider at the push of a button (Or combination) and each click would mean another reverse? Just an idea.
Make a new thread
I'm gonna spport that :)
I still think this would be incredibly useful, the more I think about it, the more I remember when I could use a tool to save time. The time of moving my pen to the top of my tablet, OHHH, that precious time, so much time wasted doing that...

Jokes aside:

-Kanzaki wrote:

I approve.
Thats why i use ctrl shift f for streams q:

Kibbleru wrote:

Thats why i use ctrl shift f for streams q:
Don't almost all mappers use it? O.o

Kibbleru wrote:

Thats why i use ctrl shift f for streams q:

baraatje123 wrote:

Don't almost all mappers use it? O.o
I'm still new to beatmapping and I use it. I think its one of the most useful tools I know (If you're new to mapping like me).
Over the years slowly came to the realisation that adding this would've been a gamechanger for hitsounding... Unfortunate
Something like this is looking increasingly likely to be included in lazer, for hitsounding purposes specifically:
This has been implemented in lazer and the change is slated to be included in the next release.
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