
Lia - Toki wo Kizamu Uta (Trance Arrange)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 10 October 2010 at 16:31:36

Artist: Lia
Title: Toki wo Kizamu Uta (Trance Arrange)
Source: Clannad ~After Story~
Tags: Garven jericho2442 lepidopodus
BPM: 139
Filesize: 2961kb
Play Time: 02:26
Difficulties Available:
  1. Garven's Easy (1.49 stars, 121 notes)
  2. Hard (4.93 stars, 339 notes)
  3. jericho2442's Rave!! (5 stars, 434 notes)
  4. lepidon! - Taiko Oni (4.81 stars, 531 notes)
Download: Lia - Toki wo Kizamu Uta (Trance Arrange)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Redownload, if downloaded before 09/10/10 (OSB changes)

Background by Gundam-Dude
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Thanks glassy <3
Silent slider slides that aren't a 1/4 meg each. :/

Diff all done~ Kinda spinner-heavy, but I think it's okay.

Download: Lia - Toki wo Kizamu Uta (Trance Arrange) (Natteke) [Easy].osu
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Please changed " CLANNAD ~After Story~ " to Source
cool song XD

can I make taiko map for this song?

If you agree, I'll make it


p.s// clannad wa jinsei-
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I was thinking to make my own taiko diff. If I get bored, I'll let you know :D
La Cataline
Star this map! :arrow:
My message contains too few characters
This song and... trance arrange?

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Jericho, I'll keep it for a while and get some people to check it.
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hello, sir =3=
Taiko map finished. Oni lvl. 6~7 this time.

Anyway, I think timing is a little off in the last part of the song... Or maybe not orz

Download: Lia - Toki wo Kizamu Uta (Trance Arrange) (Natteke) [lepidon! - Taiko Oni].osu
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yeah I know that the second timing section is a bit wrong. I'll change it later
thx for map
Dji Dji
[osz File Scan!]
Everything here looks ok

Add a Normal to fill the gap between Easy and Hard? specially with that Hard that has parts that are too hard for a Hard it might cause you a EIII diff spread problem.

Offset -16 ms

[jericho2442's Rave!!]
Add more or longer breaks?
00:19:599 (1) - Remove new combo? as apparently this is the same musical pattern so i dont see a reason for a new combo.
00:25:210 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - Dont see a reason for all theese jumps and combos.
00:32:764 (1) - Make a smoother curve that goes perfectly on the outline of the slider end? something like
00:56:289 (1) - Make a more symmetric curve if possible?
01:22:819 (4) - 2 grids right to complete the parallelogram?
01:23:250 (2,4) - 1 grid right to align with the others in the parallelogram?.
01:28:862 (4) - 1 grid down, 1 grid right to allign in the parallelogram?
01:29:725 (4) - 1 grid right to allign in the parallelogram?
01:30:588 (4) - ^
02:11:165 (1) - Remove new combo and remove the jump? neither seem to fit here.
02:12:244 (1) - ^
02:25:177 (1,2,3) - Form a triangle? it looks kind of random when placed like that.

00:37:297 (1,2) - Spacing too close
00:49:383 (1) - try to make a wavy slider instead? it fits better.
00:59:743 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - Ehh for a Hard, i dont think you should include the repeat sliders since they can barely be seen clearly, just make it a regular stream.
01:03:628 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - why the NC spam, it messes up hp calculations
01:18:718 (1) - Might as well make linear, remove the middle waypoint.

[lepidon! - Taiko Oni]
Looks fine, although i wonder if you could use more notes at the beginning?

[Garven's Easy]
Well i hope you dont mind that i nazi your sliders =P
00:07:944 (2) - Align start and end?
00:10:534 (1) - Make more curvy?
00:12:045 (2) - Make an arc? this curve is way too semi-curvy not-so-curvy like, or at least a rainbow.
00:13:987 (1) - Delete 1 waypoint and make a better curve?
00:14:851 (2) - More curvy-like?
00:18:304 (2) - Make a more symmstrical slider?
00:23:700 (4) - ^
00:25:858 (2) - I think a Rainbow slider would look better.
00:27:800 (4) - Make a better curve? or a Linear slider?
00:28:664 (1) - Make a more symmetrical slider?
00:31:253 (3) - Align start and end?
00:43:124 (2) - Remove the 2nd to last waypoint and the middle waypoint then make the waves better by draggin the waypoints way off the slider? as it stands currently it has also some corners near the start and end.
00:56:937 (1) - That slider tick at the end looks and sounds awkward, redo this slider so that it doesnt use that tick?
01:24:329 (2,2) - Make more symmetrical?
01:30:804 (1) - What's with the arrange of waypoints in this slider? O_O looks kinda weird to me. ehh was just wondering you can ignore this if you want.
01:34:259 (3) - Make into an arc or rainbow?
01:41:165 (1) - Another Semi-Curve slider.
01:44:618 (1) - Make more symmetrical?
01:52:172 (2) - Make the corner look less sharp? (and more symmetrical)
01:54:978 (1) - Another semi-curve slider, make into an arc or a rainbow?
01:57:568 (5) - Make linear or curve please >_<
01:58:431 (1) - Start at: 02:00:158 and map the part that you remove?
02:10:517 (2) - Make it encircle (1) completely? like this?

02:14:402 (2) - Make more symmetrical?
02:17:407 (4) - Might as well make it linear if your not gonna use a curve at all.
02:18:270 (1) - Make more symmetrical?
02:19:565 (2,4) - Remove the middle waypoint it isnt really needed since you appear to want some linear sliders here.
02:21:724 (1) - Make a more smooth curve? (And Symmetrical)
02:23:019 (2) - I think you can work with just 1 waypoint, but anyways, make it more symmetrical please.
02:24:314 (4) - The positioning of the waypoints look awkward, maybe it's just me.
02:26:040 (6) - Make a rainbow slider instead?.

I'm still worried over diff spread issue

Sakura Hana wrote:

[Garven's Easy]
Well i hope you dont mind that i nazi your sliders =P
00:07:944 (2) - Align start and end? It wasn't meant to be straight across. Think of it as continuing the arc-motion.
00:10:534 (1) - Make more curvy? It'd look kinda stunty. :/
00:12:045 (2) - Make an arc? this curve is way too semi-curvy not-so-curvy like, or at least a rainbow. It feels good to me. I like to dance with this difficulty, and the huge hit circles make for plenty of area that I can curve to my wishes. And it doesn't look bad here anyway.
00:13:987 (1) - Delete 1 waypoint and make a better curve? Eh, it's intended that way. Wanted the end to curve slightly more for the slight allusion towards the 2, even if you can see it 12 seconds before-hand.
00:14:851 (2) - More curvy-like? Are you just highlighting every single slider? I like the very slight curves used in this section. Helps illustrate the long flowing vocals much better to me than a sharper curve would.
00:18:304 (2) - Make a more symmstrical slider? Created for flow rather than symmetry.
00:23:700 (4) - ^ It offsets the copy/paste of the previous slider.
00:25:858 (2) - I think a Rainbow slider would look better. It's kinda blanketing the slider you pointed at after this.
00:27:800 (4) - Make a better curve? or a Linear slider? Already explained, hehe
00:28:664 (1) - Make a more symmetrical slider? Nah
00:31:253 (3) - Align start and end? It's such a minute difference on a short slider like that.
00:43:124 (2) - Remove the 2nd to last waypoint and the middle waypoint then make the waves better by draggin the waypoints way off the slider? as it stands currently it has also some corners near the start and end. Hrm, reduced the kink at the first part, but the second one is intentional. It's covered by the circle end anyway. I also reversed 00:45:066 (1,2) for better flow.
00:56:937 (1) - That slider tick at the end looks and sounds awkward, redo this slider so that it doesnt use that tick? Uh, with that rhythm, the tick is always going to be there, and I'm not going to do that kind of rhythm in an easy of this caliber with normal notes. You can hardly hear the tick anyway.
01:24:329 (2,2) - Make more symmetrical? The end points are lined up - that's good enough for me in this application. The difference is so slight that it's not worth changing. It's visually fine as is.
01:30:804 (1) - What's with the arrange of waypoints in this slider? O_O looks kinda weird to me. ehh was just wondering you can ignore this if you want. Just kind of improving the shape that I wanted. The curve is nice and smooth and it ends where I want it to. If I achieved it with less or more points, I wouldn't want to change it for someone running through my maps in editor. :3
01:34:259 (3) - Make into an arc or rainbow? I had it less curved originally, but it was reaming the HP bar, so this is what you get. :P
01:41:165 (1) - Another Semi-Curve slider. Intended
01:44:618 (1) - Make more symmetrical? Same comment with end points lining up. It's good enough.
01:52:172 (2) - Make the corner look less sharp? (and more symmetrical) Hrm, okay.
01:54:978 (1) - Another semi-curve slider, make into an arc or a rainbow? Nah.
01:57:568 (5) - Make linear or curve please >_< Nah. Linear would look awful, and more curve wouldn't fit to me for the horizontal distance I wanted.
01:58:431 (1) - Start at: 02:00:158 and map the part that you remove? I wanted the spinner to cover the entire final phrase of the kiai section. Gives it more power.
02:10:517 (2) - Make it encircle (1) completely? like this? I appreciate the effort, but I intended the ends to be straight out like that.
02:14:402 (2) - Make more symmetrical? Nah
02:17:407 (4) - Might as well make it linear if your not gonna use a curve at all. There's a curve there though. You didn't cry wolf so much on that guest diff I did on Colorful x Melody, and those were much more slight than these. :<
02:18:270 (1) - Make more symmetrical? I smoothed it a touch.
02:19:565 (2,4) - Remove the middle waypoint it isnt really needed since you appear to want some linear sliders here. Heh, these are the slight curves that I was talking about earlier. :P
02:21:724 (1) - Make a more smooth curve? (And Symmetrical) Smoothed a skosh.
02:23:019 (2) - I think you can work with just 1 waypoint, but anyways, make it more symmetrical please. Nah
02:24:314 (4) - The positioning of the waypoints look awkward, maybe it's just me. You can't see them in-game.
02:26:040 (6) - Make a rainbow slider instead?. This is intended.
Download: Lia - Toki wo Kizamu Uta (Trance Arrange) (Natteke) [Garven's Easy].osu
Topic Starter

Sakura Hana wrote:

[osz File Scan!]
Everything here looks ok

Offset -16 ms i will leave natteke to choose over the timing

[jericho2442's Rave!!]
Add more or longer breaks? no they dont suit
00:19:599 (1) - Remove new combo? as apparently this is the same musical pattern so i dont see a reason for a new combo. wrong, it follows the same combo pattern as 00:14:851 (1,2,1,2) - since its the same rythm, it would be stupid to change this combo and end up breaking the pattern
00:25:210 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - Dont see a reason for all theese jumps and combos. again wrong, the jumps are the pattern, and the combos follow 00:21:757 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3) - since its the same rythm pattern, it would again be stupid to do it different and break that
00:32:764 (1) - Make a smoother curve that goes perfectly on the outline of the slider end? something like nah
00:56:289 (1) - Make a more symmetric curve if possible? nah
01:22:819 (4) - 2 grids right to complete the parallelogram? atm thats how i want it, it works but yet is abit tricky, i "might" change it sometime
01:23:250 (2,4) - 1 grid right to align with the others in the parallelogram?. ^
01:28:862 (4) - 1 grid down, 1 grid right to allign in the parallelogram? ^
01:29:725 (4) - 1 grid right to allign in the parallelogram? ^
01:30:588 (4) - ^ ^
02:11:165 (1) - Remove new combo and remove the jump? neither seem to fit here. no
02:12:244 (1) - ^ no
02:25:177 (1,2,3) - Form a triangle? it looks kind of random when placed like that. sure
srry there was not much i saw a point to in that

Download: Lia - Toki wo Kizamu Uta (Trance Arrange) (Natteke) [jericho2442's Rave!!].osu

Sakura Hana wrote:

[lepidon! - Taiko Oni]
Looks fine, although i wonder if you could use more notes at the beginning?
Song is quite quiet for many notes... anyway I'll consider it. Thanks for modding~
Hello o:

Blue: Suggestions.
Purple: Should be fixed in my opinion.
Red: Must be fixed.

Garven's Easy:

00:07:944 (2)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider.
01:34:259 (3)-^

lepidon - Taiko Oni:

I don't have modding experience for that. ._. Skipping that one.


00:35:570 (1)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider?
00:49:383 (1)-^

jericho2442's Rave!!:


Nice song to map on. o:

Good luck getting this ranked!

Changed the first one. Coulda sworn I had one there though...

Download: Lia - Toki wo Kizamu Uta (Trance Arrange) (Natteke) [Garven's Easy].osu
So anyway, happy30 wanted me to check out the timing. At first I had a ton of red sections, but then I realized that a slight BPM change perfectly synced up all those sections I added. Except for the beginning.

Anyway this I what I got:

BPM // Offset

139.000 // 6,237
139.061 // 35,584
139.061 // 49,383

First two might be slightly off? That part is hard to time. It plays just fine for me though with those sections/I can SS Hard/etc. Make adjustments if you feel it necessary.
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Fixed a bunch of inherited timing sections and a slider that got extended due to the new timing.

Download: Lia - Toki wo Kizamu Uta (Trance Arrange) (Natteke) [Garven's Easy].osu
hmm my map is fine, nothing to fix due to new timing o/

anyway throwing a kudo star to this map
The first offset is too early, change to 6.233

Cleaned the SB for you, use this

Garven's easy
00:33:642 (1) - resnap

[edit] ok rebubble :D
The first 24 notes are unsnapped. AImod won't pick it up but you can zoom in the timeline and see that it will move slightly back to it's tick when dragged a bit. Just resnap and reupload. :3

01:05:778 - Move the 0.5x timing section 1/4 of a tick back. This is to ensure that it stays 0.5x during gameplay.
02:00:158 - Just delete this timing section and make 02:00:050 the 0.5x timing section.

Garven's and the Taiko difficulty have a different source than the other two difficulties.
Make it Clannad ~After Story~ instead. (With the tildes)
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All done. Thanks!
Little IRC Modding.

- Changed 2 New Combos on Hard difficulty.
- Changed a stream pattern on jericho2442's Rave!!

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Thanks! :3
Favorite Clannad's song + Favorite Style of Music + Favorite Style of Mapping (Hard)

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I'm glad you liked it :3
Colin Hou
what else can I say...

nice remix and great map~
Heart fixed.
niceee ~
I know I'm late but... the artist for this is wrong.

The correct artist is Halozy feat. Nayuta That isn't Lia's voice for sure...

I don't know if this is proof enough (I can't seem to find any information page about this... There are just a lot of videos that say it)

EDIT: I just found Halozy's official website: -

Beuchi-chan wrote:

I know I'm late but... the artist for this is wrong.

The correct artist is Halozy feat. Nayuta That isn't Lia's voice for sure...

I don't know if this is proof enough (I can't seem to find any information page about this... There are just a lot of videos that say it)

D: would that be an unrank?
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I guess
Nah, I'm not saying it to unrank the map.

When osz2 comes you can change it o; I think
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Gonna wait for that mistique osz2 to come then :3
If possible, add nayuta and halozy to tags.
The full version of this song is found in H -Heart and Beat Technology-, a remix album by Halozy. The one who sings this is nayuta.

Welcome to a year ago. Check the top of this page.

Garven wrote:

Welcome to a year ago. Check the top of this page.
I would know that this map was from a while ago; it was my first downloaded map.
But it doesn't hurt to add tags where they belong.

Also, example from viewtopic.php?t=18246

those wrote:

This song is actually called Angel Eyes, and it's by Brisk and Ham.

ztrot wrote:

now if it wasn't ranked ages ago I'd ask for a unrank but instead I will add it to the tags really thank you so much
It's not the first time I've necroposted a year after, but when I do, it's a useful post.
Oh whoops.  Tags.  I thought it was another plea for artist change, haha.  Added.
Heart fixed.
i love this map
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