\(▽ ̄\( ̄▽ ̄)/ ̄▽)/
To anyone looking to make a request..hmm..just go here :3! --๏--๏--๏ ✿ ๏-- ๏-- ๏--
Hi welcome to our thread! Kayla decided to collab with me since Chimei and Kayla's thread is closed. So we are willing to accept all of your request but make sure that you will read and follow our rules and simply fill the forms correctly and we hope that we've got lots of requests here~ Thank You and Happy osuing~ ♥.
- No spam request. If you already request at another thread, don't request here again.
- One post for one request(one avatar, one signature, one banner). We don't accept multiple avatar/signature/banner request
- Please provide a good picture
- Please don't waste our works. Make sure that you'll use it
- Sometimes we might not online for a day, so please be patient, remember that we will always do your request. If you had no more patience just cancel your request then request at other threads
- If you disliked something from the request that i've made to you, please tell me then i'll change it immidiately
- Request to: Raisha or Kayla
- Avatar/Banner/Signature/Others:
- Image link: (High quality images please.)
- Text:
- Size:
- Border Type: No Border / Square Border / Rounded / Circle
- Animated (Kayla can't make animated) : (Yes/No)
- Transparent (Raisha can't make transparent) : (Yes/No)
- Extra Information: