Gmwiseguy wrote:
I'm new here and I'm not sure where this post goes, but so far this is the only place I've found where I could post this. Anyways, its a great song and it would be much appreciated if a talented beatmap maker who also loves Gurren Lagann (or maybe just the song, thats cool too ) could make it into a beatmap for me. Also, this is the version I prefer Thanks for reading! Also, if a mod finds this and its in the wrong forum can you move it for me? I really couldn't find another place it could go...
The right thing is:
1. First, search it's audio file. I guess if you go to youtube then you may try to use this
Sorry I can't remember how the right URL is, as far as I know it's works for mp3 and audio mp4.
2. Create the beatmap. Try to search any tutorial or ask someone who knows about that
3. Then if it was finished, go to modding queue then post your map to any modding queue/thread. Make sure you and your map follow their rules so you can get mod
I hope this help
and someone please lock this thread