
[resolved] Re-download system / Sistema de Re-descarga

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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I was guessing that it would be a nice idea to add a "re-download system" which allow a user to re-download the beatmaps he/she once dowloaded in the past. This would be usefull if someone get a PC new, want to play in the PC of a friend or (like is my case) his/her PC gets "sick" sometimes and need be formatted. XD What do you think?

[Since I'm spanish, I'll proceed to do the spanish translation]
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Estaba pensando que sería una buena idea añadir un "sistema de re-descarga" que permitiera a un/a usuario/a re-descargar los beatmaps que él/ella descargara una vez en el pasado. Sería muy útil si alguien consigue un PC nuevo, quiere jugar en el PC de un amigo o (como es mi caso) su ordenador tiende a "soplarse" y necesita ser formateado a menudo. XD ¿Qué pensáis vosotros?

deadbeat edit: Supporters are able to filter by played beatmaps at the beatmap listing page

Seems a nice idea, but having a download limit like the one we have I don't know if this would be actually useful. Maybe making osu! create a list of the songs you have would help with this, so you know how many maps you had and you can start downloading them.

I'm neutral for now about this :x



Parece una buena idea, pero teniendo un límite de descargas como el que tenemos no se si esto sería realmente útil. Quizás haciendo que osu! cree una lista de las canciones que tengas pueda ayudar, así sabes cuántos mapas tienes y puedes empezar a descargarlos.

Neutral por ahora :x
Neo Adonis
Auto-download system: NO
Beatmap list creator: Support!!


Auto sistema de descarga: NO
Creador de listas de beatmaps: Soporte!!
Topic Starter

Beuchi-chan wrote:


Seems a nice idea, but having a download limit like the one we have I don't know if this would be actually useful. Maybe making osu! create a list of the songs you have would help with this, so you know how many maps you had and you can start downloading them.

I'm neutral for now about this :x



Parece una buena idea, pero teniendo un límite de descargas como el que tenemos no se si esto sería realmente útil. Quizás haciendo que osu! cree una lista de las canciones que tengas pueda ayudar, así sabes cuántos mapas tienes y puedes empezar a descargarlos.

Neutral por ahora :x
That's too a good idea. The point is to "remember" which beatmaps you downloaded so you can download them again. XD For example, before I had to format the PC, I had 50+ beatmaps and can't remember them all. u_u

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Ésa también es una buena idea. La cosa es "recordar" qué beatmaps descargaste y así poder descargarlos de nuevo. XD Por ejemplo, antes de formatear el PC tenía como 50 beatmaps y me es imposible recordarlos todos. u_u
I am wondering about the usefulness of this. As Beuchi said, with our current download limit, dling all those songs is impractical. As for the list idea, if you want a short list, you can always add a map to favorites online and use that as a small list. That data will not get wiped unless the server loses the data. On the other hand, having osu! save all the maps you dled is impractical to implement server side because there are plenty of people who have thousands of maps. Last off, if you want to play a certain song, can't you just dl it then? I don't see too much of a need to have every song in your previous database in your new database unless you are trying to figure which maps you did not play yet in your goal to reach a higher ranked score. (Still, I might have looked over a scenario, so my argument could be invalid)
As others have said, a feature to redownload all songs just wouldn't be practical/feasible. A client-sided .txt file listing downloaded songs may be a better option, but obviously wouldn't do any good to those with hundreds/thousands of maps (although those players would have more sense to just mass redownload from packs or torrents instead). Though, I still don't see a use in listing songs for those with just a few maps...

Purchasing a cheap usb drive (for around $10) and backing your songs up on there or something would just be the easiest solution, imo.
Topic Starter
*nods* Yeah, I see yours points there. Anyway, since I'm not a very active player this isn't an urgent materia in my agenda. It is just my style: want to help, but sometimes my guessings aren't the best choice. XD

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*asiente* Sí, entiendo lo que decís. De todas formas, ya que no soy un jugador muy activo esto no es que sea algo muy importante ahora mismo. Así es mi estilo: trato de ayudar, aunque mis ideas no sean las más correctas. XD
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