
nora2r - VISION [OsuMania]

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Topic Starter

let's wait again
hi shin
mod as requested via pm
too lazy to design this post lel

8K = |0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|

Everything modded
• 00:52:796 (52796|3) - Move to 5 or 7, for hand balance
• 01:11:871 (71871|1) - Move to 5, to make use of right hand
• 01:14:992 (74992|1) - Move to 5 or 6, ^
• 01:17:420 (77420|1) - Move to 5, ^

• 00:04:934 - Add a note on 0? For the voltex sound
• 00:11:871 ~ 00:16:726 - Dunno for this part, but I suggest spreading the notes instead of repeating the pattern, for novice players
• 00:25:397 - Add a note, for the loud sound
• 00:28:171 - ^
• 00:30:946 - ^
• 00:36:495 - ^
• 01:34:761 - ^
• 01:40:310 - ^
• 01:45:859 - ^
• 01:48:634 - ^

• 00:05:628 (5628|1) - Move to 7, to make it seem balanced on 00:05:975 -
• 00:54:877 (54877|4) - Move to 6 or 7, for hand balance
• 01:53:142 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound

• I suggest adding HP and OD with +0.5, since it's a bit "insane" on 8k
• 00:01:293 - I'm pretty sure there's a sound here, add a note?
• 00:05:628 (5628|1) - Move to 7, to make it more balance with 00:05:975 -
• 00:08:749 (8749|1) - Dunno, felt awkward when comparing with 00:08:403 (8403|5,8403|6) - . So how about moving this to 5 or 6? For hand balance
• 00:09:096 (9096|4) - Idk which instrument you're following with this one, but I think the sound stops at 00:10:483 - since 00:10:483 (10483|7,10483|6,10657|6,10657|7,10830|5,10830|6,11004|6,11004|5,11177|2,11177|3,11351|3,11351|2) - only these babies, err LNs, started making the noise
• 00:10:830 (10830|6,10830|5,11004|6,11004|5) - As for this one, if you applied the mod above ^, why not move them to 4 and 5? To avoid quad LNs 00:10:483 (10483|6,10657|6,10830|6,11004|6) -
• 00:17:160 - Add a note? Same loud sound with 00:16:813 - (nah i dont think so, but eh)
• 00:43:778 (43778|1) - Move to 2, to make it seem spreadish notes
• 01:06:322 (66322|3) - Move to 5, for following the pitch sound
• 01:15:339 (75339|1) - Move to 3? For hand balance
• 01:17:073 (77073|6) - Move to 7, to make a similar pattern on 01:18:114 - also, for follow-up on this 01:16:726 (76726|7) -

Good luck :)

* Timing : ok
* Kiai : ok
* AImod : ok
* BG/Audio : ok
* Metada : ok
* Diffspread : ok
* OD/HP : 7.5/7.5 at ADV diff ?

* Column : 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7

  1. 00:05:628 (5628|5) - move to 6 ?
  2. 00:12:218 (12218|7) - sound is a bit different than 00:12:564 (12564|7,12911|7) - maybe just start this part here 00:12:218 (12218|7) -
  3. 00:22:622 (22622|0) - maybe it's better if u don't use 0| here, you used this column for 00:21:582 (21582|0,21929|0) - try to keep the same sound for this column, maybe it will more simple to play for "BSC"
  4. 00:27:825 (27825|3,28171|5,28518|4) - i don't agree with LN maybe try this
    00:28:518 (28518|4) - this, sound like finish, so maybe add note ~
  5. 00:38:923 (38923|2,39270|6) - ^
  6. 00:49:327 (49327|4) - move to 3 ?
  7. 00:57:304 (57304|0) - maybe remove ? i think just starting with LN is good
  8. 00:59:385 (59385|7) - it's a drum here, maybe add one note or something else, we need to understand wich sound is different between 00:59:038 (59038|0,59038|3) - /00:59:385 (59385|7) - / 00:59:732 (59732|1) -
  9. 01:04:934 (64934|7) - drum here
  10. 01:07:362 (67362|3,68749|0) - finish here 01:09:009 (69009|0) - ? sound better
  11. 01:26:784 (86784|0) - finish here 01:27:304 (87304|2) -
  12. 01:27:478 (87478|1) - ^ 01:27:998 (87998|3) -
  13. 01:28:171 (88171|2) - ^ 01:28:692 (88692|4) -
  14. 01:28:865 (88865|3) - ^ 01:29:385 (89385|5) -
  15. 01:33:287 (93287|2) - here 01:33:374 (93374|2) - ?
  16. 01:36:062 (96062|5) - here 01:36:148 (96148|5) - ?
    it's BSC diff so try to use 1/2 as posssible
  17. 01:44:385 (104385|3) - here 01:44:472 (104472|3) - ?
  18. 01:47:160 (107160|7) - here 01:47:246 (107246|7) - ?
  19. 01:48:981 (108981|1) - add note for high sound ?

  1. 00:09:616 (9616|6) - you can maybe add note
  2. 00:10:137 (10137|6) - this note it's for wich sound ? you use it for 00:09:443 (9443|1) - but i can't heard the same sound at this place
  3. 00:12:391 (12391|2) - delete start this part 00:12:564 (12564|6) - and add note 00:12:218 (12218|6) - for high sound. Maybe it will be better like this
  4. 00:33:027 (33027|1) - maybe add note here
  5. 00:42:738 (42738|1) - ^
  6. 00:52:622 (52622|2) - i don't think you need to add this note here, same for pitch, just LN is good (i think)
  7. 00:57:304 (57304|6) - i think LN sound finish here 00:57:998 (57998|5) -
  8. 00:59:385 (59385|3,59385|5) - remove maybe try to focus only this sound 00:59:038 (59038|0,59038|7) - / 00:59:559 (59559|1,59732|2,59732|6) -
  9. 01:07:536 (67536|3,67796|7) - you follow high sound but what about this 01:08:056 (68056|5,68229|1) - i can heard the same here 01:08:403 (68403|4) -
  10. 01:08:749 (68749|0,68749|5) - seems a bit strange imo

  1. 00:04:934 (4934|0) - i don't think it's a good place for this LN
  2. 00:09:963 (9963|2) - move to 1 ?
  3. 00:12:218 (12218|6) - add note
  4. 00:12:391 (12391|5,12478|6) - very down sound >.<
  5. 00:21:929 (21929|7) - move to 5 ?
  6. 00:31:986 (31986|6,32246|3,32333|4,32333|2,32507|5) - mhmm like this will be better
  7. 00:34:414 (34414|1) - LN finish here 00:34:588 (34588|0) - ?
  8. 00:36:842 (36842|4) - LN finish here 00:37:015 (37015|6) - ?
  9. 00:37:189 (37189|1) - LN finish here 00:37:362 (37362|6) - ?
  10. 00:39:616 (39616|4) - ^ 00:39:790 (39790|5) -
  11. 00:39:963 (39963|1) - ^ 00:40:137 (40137|7) -
  12. 00:50:801 (50801|3,50888|2) - move here 00:50:888 (50888|2) -
  13. 00:54:183 (54183|1,54183|3,54183|7) - maybe delete one note ? it's not like 00:54:530 (54530|7,54530|5,54530|2) - / 00:54:877 (54877|2,54877|3,54877|4) -
  14. 00:57:478 (57478|4,57651|3,57651|1,57651|6) - same thing it's not like 00:57:304 (57304|0,57304|2,57304|3) - and it's not finish sound
  15. 00:59:038 (59038|2,59385|1,59385|6) - you can add one note
  16. 01:01:813 (61813|4,61813|2) - high sound ^
  17. 01:07:362 (67362|0,67622|0,67796|0,68056|0,68316|0,68576|0) - hard focus mhmm try just to add note at 0| when this sound 01:07:536 (67536|2) - / 01:07:796 (67796|0) - is here. Also is not bad but maybe it can be better ~
  18. 01:32:680 (92680|2) - 01:33:027 (93027|7) - 01:35:108 (95108|4) - 01:35:455 (95455|2) - 01:37:882 (97882|6) - 01:38:229 (98229|4) - same thing as before, finish at red line

  1. 00:02:853 (2853|5,3200|2) - finish red line i think ^.^
  2. 00:04:934 (4934|0) - 2 notes will be better i think
  3. 00:05:628 (5628|2) - red line ~
  4. 00:08:403 (8403|3,8749|2) - ^
  5. 00:10:483 (10483|6,10657|6,10830|6,11004|6) - maybe a bit hard
  6. 00:14:992 (14992|5) - finish here 00:15:166 (15166|6) - ?
  7. 00:15:686 (15686|2) - finish here 00:15:859 (15859|6) - ?
  8. 00:31:640 (31640|0) - start here 00:31:813 (31813|3) - ?
  9. 01:07:622 (67622|4,67622|0,67622|1,67796|0,67796|2,67796|3,68056|0,68056|4,68056|2,68229|3,68316|2,68316|0,68316|4,68576|0,68576|1,68576|3,68749|2,68749|4,68749|0) - maybe a bit overmapped ~
  10. 01:27:304 (87304|4) - maybe remove and finish this 01:26:784 (86784|1) - here 01:27:304 (87304|0) -
  11. 01:27:998 (87998|4) - ^
  12. 01:28:692 (88692|2) - ^
  13. 01:29:385 (89385|4) - ^
  14. 01:30:946 (90946|7,91033|5,91119|7,91206|5,91293|7,91379|5,91466|7,91553|5) - even if it's good why not use simple note like 01:31:033 (91033|3,91119|1,91206|3,91293|1,91379|3,91466|1,91553|3) - for focus little LN with this sound 01:31:640 (91640|1,91726|3,91813|1,91900|3) -
  15. 01:42:564 (102564|6) - move to 5 ?
  16. 01:48:634 (108634|1) - add one note
  17. 01:48:634 (108634|7,108720|6,108720|2,108807|3,108807|5,108894|6,108894|2) - here you use LN + notes for the same sound, so why not use only one kind of pattern for the same sound ?
  18. 01:53:142 (113142|7,113142|5) - maybe add one note ?

Good luck ~
Topic Starter

DrawdeX wrote:

hi shin
mod as requested via pm
too lazy to design this post lel

8K = |0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|

Everything modded
• 00:52:796 (52796|3) - Move to 5 or 7, for hand balance
• 01:11:871 (71871|1) - Move to 5, to make use of right hand
• 01:14:992 (74992|1) - Move to 5 or 6, ^
• 01:17:420 (77420|1) - Move to 5, ^ all applied

• 00:04:934 - Add a note on 0? For the voltex sound ok
• 00:11:871 ~ 00:16:726 - Dunno for this part, but I suggest spreading the notes instead of repeating the pattern, for novice players no i think a repeating note will be fine for new comer player
• 00:25:397 - Add a note, for the loud sound no
• 00:28:171 - ^ it
• 00:30:946 - ^ will
• 00:36:495 - ^ be
• 01:34:761 - ^ hard
• 01:40:310 - ^ for
• 01:45:859 - ^ novice
• 01:48:634 - ^ tho the gap with BSC will too long

• 00:05:628 (5628|1) - Move to 7, to make it seem balanced on 00:05:975 - re-arranged
• 00:54:877 (54877|4) - Move to 6 or 7, for hand balance ok then
• 01:53:142 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound didn't follow the cymbal for that part

• I suggest adding HP and OD with +0.5, since it's a bit "insane" on 8k with those LN ? --"
• 00:01:293 - I'm pretty sure there's a sound here, add a note? if so, then i didn't follow those kind of sound
• 00:05:628 (5628|1) - Move to 7, to make it more balance with 00:05:975 - re-arranged
• 00:08:749 (8749|1) - Dunno, felt awkward when comparing with 00:08:403 (8403|5,8403|6) - . So how about moving this to 5 or 6? For hand balance re-arranged
• 00:09:096 (9096|4) - Idk which instrument you're following with this one, but I think the sound stops at 00:10:483 - since 00:10:483 (10483|7,10483|6,10657|6,10657|7,10830|5,10830|6,11004|6,11004|5,11177|2,11177|3,11351|3,11351|2) - only these babies, err LNs, started making the noise oh ok then
• 00:10:830 (10830|6,10830|5,11004|6,11004|5) - As for this one, if you applied the mod above ^, why not move them to 4 and 5? To avoid quad LNs 00:10:483 (10483|6,10657|6,10830|6,11004|6) - re-arranged
• 00:17:160 - Add a note? Same loud sound with 00:16:813 - (nah i dont think so, but eh) its diffrent
• 00:43:778 (43778|1) - Move to 2, to make it seem spreadish notes okay
• 01:06:322 (66322|3) - Move to 5, for following the pitch sound oh okokay
• 01:15:339 (75339|1) - Move to 3? For hand balance re-arranged
• 01:17:073 (77073|6) - Move to 7, to make a similar pattern on 01:18:114 - also, for follow-up on this 01:16:726 (76726|7) - oh yeah =w=

Good luck :)
ok thanks for mod draw =w=)b

Steins wrote:

* Timing : ok
* Kiai : ok
* AImod : ok
* BG/Audio : ok
* Metada : ok
* Diffspread : ok
* OD/HP : 7.5/7.5 at ADV diff ? hmmm ok then

* Column : 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7

  1. 00:05:628 (5628|5) - move to 6 ?
  2. 00:12:218 (12218|7) - sound is a bit different than 00:12:564 (12564|7,12911|7) - maybe just start this part here 00:12:218 (12218|7) -
  3. 00:22:622 (22622|0) - maybe it's better if u don't use 0| here, you used this column for 00:21:582 (21582|0,21929|0) - try to keep the same sound for this column, maybe it will more simple to play for "BSC"
  4. 00:27:825 (27825|3,28171|5,28518|4) - i don't agree with LN maybe try this you gotta be kidding
    00:28:518 (28518|4) - this, sound like finish, so maybe add note ~ no
  5. 00:38:923 (38923|2,39270|6) - ^
  6. 00:49:327 (49327|4) - move to 3 ? no
  7. 00:57:304 (57304|0) - maybe remove ? i think just starting with LN is good its for the voltex sound
  8. 00:59:385 (59385|7) - it's a drum here, maybe add one note or something else, we need to understand wich sound is different between 00:59:038 (59038|0,59038|3) - /00:59:385 (59385|7) - / 00:59:732 (59732|1) - sorry but 2 note if its a voltex sound, tho it will be same with NOV ?
  9. 01:04:934 (64934|7) - drum here
  10. 01:07:362 (67362|3,68749|0) - finish here 01:09:009 (69009|0) - ? sound better nope
  11. 01:26:784 (86784|0) - finish here 01:27:304 (87304|2) - its already finish there
  12. 01:27:478 (87478|1) - ^ 01:27:998 (87998|3) -
  13. 01:28:171 (88171|2) - ^ 01:28:692 (88692|4) -
  14. 01:28:865 (88865|3) - ^ 01:29:385 (89385|5) -
  15. 01:33:287 (93287|2) - here 01:33:374 (93374|2) - ?
  16. 01:36:062 (96062|5) - here 01:36:148 (96148|5) - ?
    it's BSC diff so try to use 1/2 as posssible why i cant follow the synt ?
  17. 01:44:385 (104385|3) - here 01:44:472 (104472|3) - ?
  18. 01:47:160 (107160|7) - here 01:47:246 (107246|7) - ?
  19. 01:48:981 (108981|1) - add note for high sound ? i dont think so

  1. 00:09:616 (9616|6) - you can maybe add note
  2. 00:10:137 (10137|6) - this note it's for wich sound ? you use it for 00:09:443 (9443|1) - but i can't heard the same sound at this place
  3. 00:12:391 (12391|2) - delete start this part 00:12:564 (12564|6) - and add note 00:12:218 (12218|6) - for high sound. Maybe it will be better like this
  4. 00:33:027 (33027|1) - maybe add note here
  5. 00:42:738 (42738|1) - ^
  6. 00:52:622 (52622|2) - i don't think you need to add this note here, same for pitch, just LN is good (i think)
  7. 00:57:304 (57304|6) - i think LN sound finish here 00:57:998 (57998|5) -
  8. 00:59:385 (59385|3,59385|5) - remove maybe try to focus only this sound 00:59:038 (59038|0,59038|7) - / 00:59:559 (59559|1,59732|2,59732|6) -
  9. 01:07:536 (67536|3,67796|7) - you follow high sound but what about this 01:08:056 (68056|5,68229|1) - i can heard the same here 01:08:403 (68403|4) -
  10. 01:08:749 (68749|0,68749|5) - seems a bit strange imo re-arranged this part

  1. 00:04:934 (4934|0) - i don't think it's a good place for this LN for the voltex sound
  2. 00:09:963 (9963|2) - move to 1 ? deleted instead
  3. 00:12:218 (12218|6) - add note
  4. 00:12:391 (12391|5,12478|6) - very down sound >.<
  5. 00:21:929 (21929|7) - move to 5 ?
  6. 00:31:986 (31986|6,32246|3,32333|4,32333|2,32507|5) - mhmm [/img][/img] like this will be better re-arranged, tho ur pic is no diffrent with the current pattern
  7. 00:34:414 (34414|1) - LN finish here 00:34:588 (34588|0) - ?
  8. 00:36:842 (36842|4) - LN finish here 00:37:015 (37015|6) - ?
  9. 00:37:189 (37189|1) - LN finish here 00:37:362 (37362|6) - ?
  10. 00:39:616 (39616|4) - ^ 00:39:790 (39790|5) -
  11. 00:39:963 (39963|1) - ^ 00:40:137 (40137|7) - no cause EXH is already like that
  12. 00:50:801 (50801|3,50888|2) - move here 00:50:888 (50888|2) -
  13. 00:54:183 (54183|1,54183|3,54183|7) - maybe delete one note ? it's not like 00:54:530 (54530|7,54530|5,54530|2) - / 00:54:877 (54877|2,54877|3,54877|4) -
  14. 00:57:478 (57478|4,57651|3,57651|1,57651|6) - same thing it's not like 00:57:304 (57304|0,57304|2,57304|3) - and it's not finish sound
  15. 00:59:038 (59038|2,59385|1,59385|6) - you can add one note
  16. 01:01:813 (61813|4,61813|2) - high sound ^
  17. 01:07:362 (67362|0,67622|0,67796|0,68056|0,68316|0,68576|0) - hard focus mhmm try just to add note at 0| when this sound 01:07:536 (67536|2) - / 01:07:796 (67796|0) - is here. Also is not bad but maybe it can be better ~ ok re-arrange this part thanks
  18. 01:32:680 (92680|2) - 01:33:027 (93027|7) - 01:35:108 (95108|4) - 01:35:455 (95455|2) - 01:37:882 (97882|6) - 01:38:229 (98229|4) - same thing as before, finish at red line

  1. 00:02:853 (2853|5,3200|2) - finish red line i think ^.^
  2. 00:04:934 (4934|0) - 2 notes will be better i think
  3. 00:05:628 (5628|2) - red line ~
  4. 00:08:403 (8403|3,8749|2) - ^
  5. 00:10:483 (10483|6,10657|6,10830|6,11004|6) - maybe a bit hard
  6. 00:14:992 (14992|5) - finish here 00:15:166 (15166|6) - ?
  7. 00:15:686 (15686|2) - finish here 00:15:859 (15859|6) - ?
  8. 00:31:640 (31640|0) - start here 00:31:813 (31813|3) - ?
  9. 01:07:622 (67622|4,67622|0,67622|1,67796|0,67796|2,67796|3,68056|0,68056|4,68056|2,68229|3,68316|2,68316|0,68316|4,68576|0,68576|1,68576|3,68749|2,68749|4,68749|0) - maybe a bit overmapped ~ fixed
  10. 01:27:304 (87304|4) - maybe remove and finish this 01:26:784 (86784|1) - here 01:27:304 (87304|0) -
  11. 01:27:998 (87998|4) - ^
  12. 01:28:692 (88692|2) - ^
  13. 01:29:385 (89385|4) - ^
  14. 01:30:946 (90946|7,91033|5,91119|7,91206|5,91293|7,91379|5,91466|7,91553|5) - even if it's good why not use simple note like 01:31:033 (91033|3,91119|1,91206|3,91293|1,91379|3,91466|1,91553|3) - for focus little LN with this sound 01:31:640 (91640|1,91726|3,91813|1,91900|3) -
  15. 01:42:564 (102564|6) - move to 5 ?
  16. 01:48:634 (108634|1) - add one note
  17. 01:48:634 (108634|7,108720|6,108720|2,108807|3,108807|5,108894|6,108894|2) - here you use LN + notes for the same sound, so why not use only one kind of pattern for the same sound ?
  18. 01:53:142 (113142|7,113142|5) - maybe add one note ?

Good luck ~
ok thanks so much for the mod steins >w<
im sorry can't reply each of it... don't have much time actually....
thanks ><
Oops i forgot to give my gift with my mods ~
Davin Fortune
Mod aja~
8K Column : 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8

00:22:275 (22275|4) - ganti jadi LN
00:26:090 - tambah circle di column 1 untuk jadikan double not
00:34:414 - tambah circle di column 2 untuk jadikan double not
00:37:189 - tambah circle di mana saja, asal jangan yang udah ada circle sebelumnya untuk jadikan double not
01:34:241 (94241|1) - ganti jadi LN samapi 01:34:414 -
01:35:455 - tambah circle di mana saja buat jadi double not

00:26:957 (26957|4) - ganti jadi LN sampai 00:27:131 -
00:27:304 (27304|3) - ganti jadi LN juga sampai 00:27:478 -
00:27:651 (27651|4) - delete
00:49:501 (49501|6) - ganti jadi LN sampai 00:50:021 -

00:29:559 (29559|5,29559|2) - tak ganjal ya? kok nggak buat sebaris dengan LN 00:29:472 -
00:32:333 (32333|2,32333|4) - bagus pindahkan ke 00:32:507 - dan LN 00:32:246 (32246|3) - diperpanjang sampai 00:32:507 -

idk :(
Topic Starter

Steins wrote:

Oops i forgot to give my gift with my mods ~
oh hey thanks for the star >w<

Davin Fortune wrote:

Mod aja~
8K Column : 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8

00:22:275 (22275|4) - ganti jadi LN no sorry
00:26:090 - tambah circle di column 1 untuk jadikan double not w ngikut synt ny aj
00:34:414 - tambah circle di column 2 untuk jadikan double not
00:37:189 - tambah circle di mana saja, asal jangan yang udah ada circle sebelumnya untuk jadikan double not
01:34:241 (94241|1) - ganti jadi LN samapi 01:34:414 - ini basic ==
01:35:455 - tambah circle di mana saja buat jadi double not

00:26:957 (26957|4) - ganti jadi LN sampai 00:27:131 -
00:27:304 (27304|3) - ganti jadi LN juga sampai 00:27:478 - sama
00:27:651 (27651|4) - delete knp ? --"
00:49:501 (49501|6) - ganti jadi LN sampai 00:50:021 -

00:29:559 (29559|5,29559|2) - tak ganjal ya? kok nggak buat sebaris dengan LN 00:29:472 - LN utk synt, 2 note utk kick
00:32:333 (32333|2,32333|4) - bagus pindahkan ke 00:32:507 - dan LN 00:32:246 (32246|3) - diperpanjang sampai 00:32:507 -

idk :(
thanks for mod
tapi maaf kaga ad yg di apply ._.
hi shinzo-

column set
S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

00:32:680 (32680|5) - how about changing to 1/1 LN
00:33:720 (33720|7) - ^

00:34:067 (34067|1) - move to S column
00:34:067 (34067|5) - move to 6th column ?

01:07:536 - add note on 5th column
01:08:229 - ^

00:17:420 (17420|6) - move to 1st column

00:18:114 - 00:19:848 - i think.. need to try new patterns. the same pattern is too long.

00:22:622 (22622|7) - snare.wav ? clap ? anyway it seems to forget ur hitsound :3
00:22:969 (22969|7) - add finish hitsound

00:32:246 (32246|3,32333|4,32333|2) - hmm....i think.. it looks bad.
└00:32:333 (32333|4,32333|2) - how about moving to 6th & 7th column ?

00:33:720 - need to add another note.
├00:33:200 (33200|2,33547|2) - move to 1st column
├00:33:374 (33374|1) - move to 2nd column
└00:33:720 - add note on 2nd column

00:34:067 (34067|1) - move to S column

00:48:634 (48634|4) - add whistle hitsound ?
u used the hitsound 00:47:940 (47940|4) - so i think it need to add hitsound

00:50:715 (50715|4,51408|3) - ^

00:52:796 (52796|5) - how about changing to 1/2 LN ?

00:54:356 (54356|6) - change to 1/2 LN

00:56:437 (56437|7,56437|6,56784|7,56784|6) - um..i think it need to change 1/2 LN

01:07:536 - add note on 5th column
01:08:229 - add note on 6th column

01:48:981 (108981|7,110368|1) - um..different from the length of each other.
├01:50:368 (110368|7) - move to 2nd or 5th column and add finish hitsound
└01:48:981 (108981|7) - change end point until 01:50:368 -

good luck :3
Topic Starter

pporse wrote:

hi shinzo-

column set
S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

00:32:680 (32680|5) - how about changing to 1/1 LN actually nice, but i think its too hard for nov
00:33:720 (33720|7) - ^ ^

00:34:067 (34067|1) - move to S column gonna consider this since i use S collumn for the FX
00:34:067 (34067|5) - move to 6th column ? ok

01:07:536 - add note on 5th column too hard lol
01:08:229 - ^ ^

00:17:420 (17420|6) - move to 1st column moved to 2

00:18:114 - 00:19:848 - i think.. need to try new patterns. the same pattern is too long. hahah ok then

00:22:622 (22622|7) - snare.wav ? clap ? anyway it seems to forget ur hitsound :3 ahhh nice catch
00:22:969 (22969|7) - add finish hitsound gud gud

00:32:246 (32246|3,32333|4,32333|2) - hmm....i think.. it looks bad. yeah agreed, fixed
└00:32:333 (32333|4,32333|2) - how about moving to 6th & 7th column ? already re-arranged ^

00:33:720 - need to add another note. i dont think so since not louder as 00:33:807 -
├00:33:200 (33200|2,33547|2) - move to 1st column ok
├00:33:374 (33374|1) - move to 2nd column ok
└00:33:720 - add note on 2nd column no xD

00:34:067 (34067|1) - move to S column no, explaination ono adv diff

00:48:634 (48634|4) - add whistle hitsound ? ahhh nice catch
u used the hitsound 00:47:940 (47940|4) - so i think it need to add hitsound

00:50:715 (50715|4,51408|3) - ^ ok

00:52:796 (52796|5) - how about changing to 1/2 LN ? no, for consistency with 00:33:807 -

00:54:356 (54356|6) - change to 1/2 LN ohh ok then

00:56:437 (56437|7,56437|6,56784|7,56784|6) - um..i think it need to change 1/2 LN yeah its already like that before but its too hard xD everyone missed on that part

01:07:536 - add note on 5th column yeah ther's a note too on there before.... but its too hard too xD
01:08:229 - add note on 6th column ^

01:48:981 (108981|7,110368|1) - um..different from the length of each other. oh yeah
├01:50:368 (110368|7) - move to 2nd or 5th column and add finish hitsound just added hs
└01:48:981 (108981|7) - change end point until 01:50:368 - ok i actually just choose to change 01:50:368 (110368|1) - this LN t make same like 01:48:981 (108981|7) -

good luck :3
whoa thanks for mod pporse >w<
so helpfull on EXH diff <3
late lol


Will focus on playability since PR looks dead as fuck lol

00:11:871 - Anti-mindblock : 00:12:391 (12391|6,13085|6,13778|6) - Move these to 5

00:15:512 (15512|6) - To 5 for the same reason as above
00:16:206 (16206|6) - ^

00:15:946 (15946|3) - Move this one to 4 to avoid the awkward left hand movement (or even better, to 5 if you don't mind)

00:19:067 (19067|3,19414|3) - You might want to move these to 4 for balance (following what you did previously at 00:17:420 - and 00:18:114 - )

00:27:825 - How about adding 1x-looking SVs to emphasize the glitchy sound effect ? I can do that for you if you wish to do so.

00:32:160 (32160|1,32246|3,32333|4,32333|2,32507|1) - Those notes, along with the Scratch, really feel awkward to play. I suggest doing something like this to avoid putting everything on the left hand

00:32:680 (32680|2) - Move to 1 and uuuh, 00:32:680 (32680|5) - This one to 4, this way it makes a clean double stairs and you avoid the 1/2 jacking on 2 you currently have.

00:38:923 - Glitchy sounds, SV? You choose, same suggestion as previously.

00:40:744 - and 00:40:917 - Missing notes for the drum roll, you can probably add one on 7 and 5 respectively (right hand gallop).

00:41:177 (41177|1,41177|5) - 2 notes but only one note at 00:41:524 - ?

00:47:940 - For this part, I'll just show you something first :

For me, 1/4 LNs are like normal notes and should play like normal notes to a certain extent. Following my logic, I turned all the 1/4 LNs into normal notes in the beginning of this part, and this is what happens. I don't know for you, but those 1/4 streams suddenly don't look very sexy to play at all.

From here on, I'll consider 1/4 LNs like normal notes for the sake of playability.

00:47:940 (47940|6,48114|5) - Move both notes 1 col to the right
00:48:287 (48287|2) - Move to 1 and 00:48:460 (48460|3) - to 2, 00:48:460 (48460|1) - to 4 and finally, 00:48:547 (48547|2) - to 1

00:48:634 (48634|4,48807|3) - Move 1 col to the left

00:49:327 (49327|3) - Move to 7, and
00:49:501 (49501|2,49501|4,49588|5,49588|1,49674|2,49674|4,49761|5,49848|4,49848|1,49934|2,49934|5) - All of this 1 col to the right
^ and if you do that, move 00:50:021 (50021|6) - to 4, obviously. Trilling using middle finger and index is much better than ring finger and thumb.

00:50:368 (50368|6) - Move to 4 as well due to the previous change

00:50:715 (50715|4) - Move 1 col to the right, and 00:50:715 (50715|2) - this one to 4.

00:51:062 (51062|7) - Move to 6 to avoid repetition with 00:51:235 (51235|7) -

00:51:408 (51408|3) - Move 1 col to the right again, and 00:51:408 (51408|1) - this one to 4 again.

00:52:102 (52102|5) - Move to 1, it's easier to do a [S12] chord than [S2].
00:52:796 (52796|3) - ^

00:53:489 (53489|1) - Extend this LN to the next red line (1/2 LN)

00:53:663 (53663|2,53749|3) - Move both of these 1 col to the right, and 00:53:663 (53663|4) - on 2

00:53:836 (53836|1,53836|0,54009|2) - Awkward
^ 00:53:836 (53836|1) - Move to 6 and 00:54:009 (54009|4) - to 4

00:55:050 - Feels better to play this way without the 1/2 LNs anchors

00:55:917 (55917|3,56264|1) - Swap those notes, 00:56:264 (56264|4) - move to 6 and 00:56:437 (56437|6) - to 4
^ 00:56:611 (56611|5,56784|6) - Ctrl + J and 00:56:957 (56957|5,57044|6,57131|5,57218|6) - Ctrl + J as well

00:57:651 (57651|6,57738|5,57825|6,57911|5,57998|4,58085|3,58171|4,58258|3) - My head uuuuugh
^ if you want to make it complex, it's better this way

01:01:293 (61293|7) - Extend to 1/2 and move 01:01:466 (61466|6,61466|7,61640|5,61813|4) - 1 col to the left
^ 01:01:813 (61813|3) - Move to 7 and 01:01:813 (61813|6) - to 3, then 01:02:333 (62333|6) - to 3 as well

01:02:507 (62507|7,62680|6) - Ctrl + J and 01:02:853 (62853|4) - to 5 and 01:02:853 (62853|7) - to 6

01:06:322 (66322|5,66408|4) - Move 1 col to the left

01:07:362 - RIP left hand heavy pattern
01:07:622 (67622|1,67622|4,67622|0) - should be on the previous red line
01:08:749 (68749|0) - 01:08:749 (68749|2) - No SFX, remove.
^ Pattern suggestion + snap fix
part 2

01:14:819 (74819|1,74992|3) - Ctrl + J for playability
01:17:246 (77246|1,77420|2) - ^
01:17:767 (77767|2,77940|1) - ^

01:30:946 - glitchy sounds, SV c: ?

01:32:333 (92333|2,92507|3) - Ctrl + J
^ 01:32:680 (92680|1) - to 7 and 01:32:680 (92680|2) - to 1
01:33:200 (93200|5) - to 2 for hand balance

01:34:934 (94934|6) - Move to 2 and then, 01:35:108 (95108|7) - to 3 and 01:35:108 (95108|4) - to 6 or 7.

01:35:975 (95975|6,96148|2) - Swap columns (don't change where they are in the timeline, just the columns)

01:37:189 - glitchy glitchy

01:38:749 (98749|4) - 1 col to the right and 01:38:836 (98836|3,98923|2) - swap the columns.

01:40:830 (100830|6) - Mmmh, move to 2 and 01:41:177 (101177|4) - to 6 (move 01:41:351 (101351|6) - somewhere else, preferably on 3). This to avoid a pseudo 3-notes jacking (hand-switching after 2 notes with my suggestion)

01:42:998 (102998|7,102998|3,103085|2,103085|6,103171|1,103171|5) - How about you swap the 1/4 LNs and 1/4 normal notes ? Keep the same flow but instead of the LNs you put normals, and instead of the normals you put LNs.

01:46:379 (106379|5) - to 6 and then 01:46:726 (106726|6) - to 1

01:48:460 (108460|7) - Move to either 3 or 6 to avoid 01:48:460 (108460|7,108634|7) -

01:50:888 (110888|2,110888|3,111062|3,111062|4,111235|5,111235|4,111408|5,111408|6,111582|6) - honestly not fan, instead I would prefer something like this to avoid jackshields.
^ How to fix the following patterns

too lazy to do the rest of the diffs for today jej
Topic Starter

PyaKura wrote:

late lol


Will focus on playability since PR looks dead as fuck lol


00:40:744 - and 00:40:917 - Missing notes for the drum roll, you can probably add one on 7 and 5 respectively (right hand gallop). yeah missing, but 00:40:917 - not this one

00:53:836 (53836|1,53836|0,54009|2) - Awkward
^ 00:53:836 (53836|1) - Move to 6 and 00:54:009 (54009|4) - to 4 re-arrange a bit since u just made a jack xD

01:07:362 - RIP left hand heavy pattern
01:07:622 (67622|1,67622|4,67622|0) - should be on the previous red line
01:08:749 (68749|0) - 01:08:749 (68749|2) - No SFX, remove.
^ Pattern suggestion + snap fix
part 2 i'll consider this

01:30:946 - glitchy sounds, SV c: ? oh you gotta be kidding meh xD

01:50:888 (110888|2,110888|3,111062|3,111062|4,111235|5,111235|4,111408|5,111408|6,111582|6) - honestly not fan, instead I would prefer something like
^ How to fix the following patternsok but re-arranged a bit

too lazy to do the rest of the diffs for today jej
ok i'll continue with your mod later xD gtg school

deleted = APPLIED
OMG thanks you so much for this fcking awesome mod >w< you really deserve that 2 kds
Okay definitely plays better.

One last thing for the SVs, to make them look like x1 scrolling speed, the SVs used to make that effect must be equal to 2.

For example :

1st SV = x1.25
2nd SV = x0.75
1st + 2nd = 2

Currently you are using x1.25 / x0.25 which makes the notes scroll slower than they should.
Here I would recommend using x0.5 / x1.5 but use whatever you see fit.

No kd for this of course.
I'll try to mod the rest but I honestly don't know if I'll have time to enjoy both playing and modding with the amount of work they're giving me at school :/
[Bubble Request]
And so this will be my 1st ever request to take that is more than 7K. I'll check everything and ask to other BNs if i find something wrong or could be possible issue.
Davin Fortune post's no Kudos?
?? Timing
?? Song Setup
?? Misc. . .
║ Kiai time is toggled on for less than 15 seconds. 00:34:067
║ Kiai time is toggled on for less than 15 seconds. 01:43:431
─ 00:32:680 Connect the kiai time set 00:34:067 It's still part of the chorus
─ 01:42:044 Connect the kiai time set 01:43:431 It's still part of the chorus
║ Just a suggestion for formalities
─ Rename the difficulties with "BASIC, NOVICE, ADVANCED and EXHAUST"
║ Remove tags:
─ "Brian_Ex" Username/IGN of player who do not have GD in the mapset
00:20:194 (20194|3) - Move 'wooosh' here then add 00:20:194 (20194|0) - 'C'

00:31:119 Add note to |5| or |4| to follow the piano/sdvx piano like sound rhythm pattern

00:40:310 (40310|2) - Add 'W' notice this 00:37:536

00:41:697 (41697|6) - Add 'W' hitsound consistency

00:44:819 Add note to |1| and |7| then add in note at |1| 'wooosh' or nope i noticed this

00:47:940 (47940|2) - Remove 'W'

01:14:992 (74992|6,75339|0) - Move to |5| - |7|

01:17:073 (77073|6) - Move the 'wooosh' here (loool)

01:54:183 Add note to |6|

00:05:628 (5628|5) - Move to |7| just like in BSC diff

00:20:194 (20194|2) - Add 'F' to signify the cymbals

00:20:888 (20888|6) - Remove 'C' as it is the same with 00:20:194 (20194|2,20194|0) - and others next to it

00:41:697 (41697|5) - Add 'W'

00:43:258 (43258|4) - Change to 'W' as they are the same beat sound as 00:43:085 (43085|7) - and for hit-sound consistency

00:47:940 (47940|3) - Remove 'W' as you didn't put such as this 00:48:634 and the others

01:04:588 (64588|5) - Remove 'W'

01:20:888 (80888|5) - Remove not necessary then 01:20:888 (80888|0) - Move to |2|

01:26:957 (86957|6,87304|4) - Move to |6| - |2| to make a constructive pattern based on the rhythm pitch

01:50:368 (110368|5) - Add 'C'

00:18:460 (18460|3,18460|2) - Move to the right by 1 column for pattern consistency

00:20:194 (20194|6) - Add 'C'

00:21:495 (21495|1) - Better to put this on |8|

00:22:969 (22969|7) - Add 'W' to signify the drumbeat

00:32:680 (32680|4) - Add 'W' ^

00:53:489 (53489|1) - Add 'F'

01:07:622 (67622|1) - Add 'wooosh' or nope couz' storyboard hitsound

00:07:102 (7102|1) - Move to |1| for better pattern consistency and arrangement

00:17:420 (17420|5) - Move to |2|

00:20:194 (20194|7) - Add 'C' 00:19:848 Notice this and 00:20:888 And the others

00:43:778 (43778|2) - Add 'F' or 'W' to signify drumbeat or cymbals?

01:12:564 (72564|1,72738|2) - Move to |3| - |5| for pattern consistency

- - - - - WIP! - - - - -
Confirming about SVs
Topic Starter

[GraveChaos] wrote:

[Bubble Request]
And so this will be my 1st ever request to take that is more than 7K. I'll check everything and ask to other BNs if i find something wrong or could be possible issue.
Davin Fortune post's no Kudos? i didn't accept any of his mod so i think... no kudosu xD
?? Timing
?? Song Setup
?? Misc. . .
║ Kiai time is toggled on for less than 15 seconds. 00:34:067
║ Kiai time is toggled on for less than 15 seconds. 01:43:431
─ 00:32:680 Connect the kiai time set 00:34:067 It's still part of the chorus
─ 01:42:044 Connect the kiai time set 01:43:431 It's still part of the chorus
║ Just a suggestion for formalities
─ Rename the difficulties with "BASIC, NOVICE, ADVANCED and EXHAUST" i dont think so hehe
║ Remove tags:
─ "Brian_Ex" Username/IGN of player who do not have GD in the mapset it just an honor since he make the BG for the map xD
00:20:194 (20194|3) - Move 'wooosh' here then add 00:20:194 (20194|0) - 'C' so the HS is toogled ? ._.

00:31:119 Add note to |5| or |4| to follow the piano/sdvx piano like sound rhythm pattern i'll rarely using 1/2 here xD

00:40:310 (40310|2) - Add 'W' notice this 00:37:536

00:41:697 (41697|6) - Add 'W' hitsound consistency

00:44:819 Add note to |1| and |7| then add in note at |1| 'wooosh' or nope i noticed this i just think it's gonna be hard for easiest diff

00:47:940 (47940|2) - Remove 'W' why ? D:

01:14:992 (74992|6,75339|0) - Move to |5| - |7|

01:17:073 (77073|6) - Move the 'wooosh' here (loool)

01:54:183 Add note to |6| oh i just add a whosh sound there

00:05:628 (5628|5) - Move to |7| just like in BSC diff

00:20:194 (20194|2) - Add 'F' to signify the cymbals added "C" instead

00:20:888 (20888|6) - Remove 'C' as it is the same with 00:20:194 (20194|2,20194|0) - and others next to it ^

00:41:697 (41697|5) - Add 'W' no just like 00:40:310 (40310|6) - and yeah the others has a 'W' sound but i didn't add it so it's better so wont make us confused xD

00:43:258 (43258|4) - Change to 'W' as they are the same beat sound as 00:43:085 (43085|7) - and for hit-sound consistency

00:47:940 (47940|3) - Remove 'W' as you didn't put such as this 00:48:634 and the others

01:04:588 (64588|5) - Remove 'W'

01:20:888 (80888|5) - Remove not necessary then 01:20:888 (80888|0) - Move to |2| it's for the kick and the 1st collumn for that whosh

01:26:957 (86957|6,87304|4) - Move to |6| - |2| to make a constructive pattern based on the rhythm pitch wow nice

01:50:368 (110368|5) - Add 'C'

00:18:460 (18460|3,18460|2) - Move to the right by 1 column for pattern consistency

00:20:194 (20194|6) - Add 'C'

00:21:495 (21495|1) - Better to put this on |8|

00:22:969 (22969|7) - Add 'W' to signify the drumbeat

00:32:680 (32680|4) - Add 'W' ^

00:53:489 (53489|1) - Add 'F'

01:07:622 (67622|1) - Add 'wooosh' or nope couz' storyboard hitsound

very nice suggestion xD all aplied on adv
00:07:102 (7102|1) - Move to |1| for better pattern consistency and arrangement but 1st collumn is for FX sound

00:17:420 (17420|5) - Move to |2|

00:20:194 (20194|7) - Add 'C' 00:19:848 Notice this and 00:20:888 And the others

00:43:778 (43778|2) - Add 'F' or 'W' to signify drumbeat or cymbals? no, since i didnn't hear cymbal or kick

01:12:564 (72564|1,72738|2) - Move to |3| - |5| for pattern consistency

- - - - - WIP! - - - - -
Confirming about SVs
no reply means <3
also fixed SV as zen's check on p/4663719



Good luck on rank! >w<)b
Topic Starter
yay /o/
Go for Rank ~ >.<)/
oooo bub 8k :3
Topic Starter

ExUsagi wrote:

Bukannya di qualify -..-
unlimited bubble
oh wow, the first 8k with intense LNs, go go ^^, and sorry for the late, i am dying here ._.!!
Topic Starter

Skalim wrote:

oh wow, the first 8k with intense LNs, go go ^^, and sorry for the late, i am dying here ._.!!
Topic Starter
Tututututututu dududu tu tu tu wiww wiww
Tetutetutetutetu bum tedede tedede bubbbbbbmm zzzz

Whosh ! it's not lyric !

C.R.A.Z.Y 타라해 !
Wohoo !
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa belum ada yg nge cek ini? D:
if only i didn't ranked previous 4K VISION, i could have spend my icon for this map already.. rule is a rule though ;_;
Topic Starter

ajeemaniz wrote:

aaaaaaaaaaaaaa belum ada yg nge cek ini? D:
if only i didn't ranked previous 4K VISION, i could have spend my icon for this map already.. rule is a rule though ;_;
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa xD

ajeemaniz wrote:

aaaaaaaaaaaaaa belum ada yg nge cek ini? D:
if only i didn't ranked previous 4K VISION, i could have spend my icon for this map already.. rule is a rule though ;_;
Topic Starter

SanadaYukimura wrote:

ajeemaniz wrote:

aaaaaaaaaaaaaa belum ada yg nge cek ini? D:
if only i didn't ranked previous 4K VISION, i could have spend my icon for this map already.. rule is a rule though ;_;
Lol your vision still better than mine... please ;w;

Shinzo- wrote:

Lol your vision still better than mine... please ;w;
there's no such thing, anyway good luck on getting this rank >ω<
Topic Starter

SanadaYukimura wrote:

Shinzo- wrote:

Lol your vision still better than mine... please ;w;
there's no such thing, anyway good luck on getting this rank >ω<
lol thanks~
guess if no one picked, i will try then.
Topic Starter

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

guess if no one picked, i will try then.
Really ?
YAY !!! ^0^
Topic Starter
kau harus bisa
katakan cinta

katakanlah padakuuuuu !

01:42:738 (102738|3,102825|2,102911|1,102998|7,103085|6,103171|5,103258|3,103345|2) - Demi apa pake LN 1/4 ????
01:48:634 (108634|7,108720|6,108807|5,108894|6) - ^

01:53:142 - Add to 1

01:48:981 (108981|7) - This LN should be Normal Note instead, also add LN starts 01:49:327 - till end 01:50:194 - here
01:50:368 (110368|1) - This LN should be Normal Note instead, also add LN starts 01:50:715 - till end 01:51:582 - here
01:48:981 (108981|4) - Same Suggest at EXH
01:50:368 (110368|4) - ^

only if you fix it fast, ill set this free
Topic Starter

01:42:738 (102738|3,102825|2,102911|1,102998|7,103085|6,103171|5,103258|3,103345|2) - Demi apa pake LN 1/4 ????
01:48:634 (108634|7,108720|6,108807|5,108894|6) - ^

01:53:142 - Add to 1

01:48:981 (108981|7) - This LN should be Normal Note instead, also add LN starts 01:49:327 - till end 01:50:194 - here
01:50:368 (110368|1) - This LN should be Normal Note instead, also add LN starts 01:50:715 - till end 01:51:582 - here
01:48:981 (108981|4) - Same Suggest at EXH
01:50:368 (110368|4) - ^

Thank you for chek YAY !>w<
fly so high
Topic Starter

DE-CADE wrote:

fly so high
WOAOW muah muah thanks thanks yeay yeay terimakasih
asdfisahdfhasdkfh jdfshaskdjfhiueawy !!! askjhsdalfj www >w< !!11!!
Kelakuan Orang humu. ngequalipid pake kata2 humus.. sini sama mas Sur ^L_^

Surono wrote:

Kelakuan Orang humu. ngequalipid pake kata2 humus.. sini sama mas Sur ^L_^
lets go ♂ lool
Topic Starter
yha kirain ngajak gw :')
la DE-CADE, i plan to check on saturday la
but it's fine, congratulation
Topic Starter

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

la DE-CADE, i plan to check on saturday la
but it's fine, congratulation
huaaa sorry KK x..x
but thanks :D >w<)~

DE-CADE wrote:

lets go ♂ lool

cream♂chumm♂truu XD haha

Shinzo- wrote:

yha kirain ngajak gw :')
kamu masih polos.. kalau maen sama om om bahaya X'D
Was just passing by and noticed something:

On tags you have "brian_ex" (Now called Bray-), but I see nothing that could get him into tags. He's no GD mapper in this beatmap, there's no SB on this map, so he couldn't have done this either. Only thing I can think of that he could have helped you with is with the BG, but I doubt making the BG should get you a spot in the tags section.

Anyways, as I see it, I think that his name being there is a mistake. If not, maybe say why he's in tags, like saying "BG done by Brian_Ex" on the description, to avoid this further. Otherwise, I think it can be removed while staying Qualified, so maybe ask a QAT about it.

Anyways, sorry if I sound that I'm making a big deal of this, it's not my intention to make this into a national war. Just spotted this and thought it would be wise to point it out before someone else does.

PS: Had fun playing the map :P

PatZar wrote:

Yes! Qualified!

Grats Shin! xD
-[ AmiShici ]-
Baru ngeh ni map dah quali o.o
Gratz btw :v
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