
♥ ✿ Neko's GFX Thread [CLOSED] ✿ ♥

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Status: CLOSED
I follow up this thread via email, so don't worry

Rules .w.
  1. Two Request/week (Avatar/Signature/Userpage)
    You can request up to 2 requests/week but choose between avatar/signature/userpage and you can request same thing twice!
  2. Use high resolution image if available =w=)b
    don't ask me to search the image by myself :c just give me the image link for me and I'll edit it for you c:
  3. Use form for request :3
  4. No spam request :3
  5. Please don't waste / edit my work :c
  6. You can ask me via forum/in-game PM but probably I'm not read it there ^^
  7. Tell me if you don't like it / you have some suggestion for it
    I really appreciate if you tell me the lack of my edit or maybe it's overedited and there's something to fix, I don't mind to fix it for you c:
and don't forget to note, best image quality, best result! ^^

Request Form :D

Request: Avatar/Signature/Userpage
Image Link: (your image link here)
Size: (your optional size of the image you want here, just leave it blank for recommended size)
Text: (text that you want to put in)
Text color: (color of the text here, just leave it blank if you want me to decide it ^^)
Text glow color: (the color of glowing text that you want, if no just let it blank ^^)
Border: No/Normal/Rounded Rectangle/Circle + Strip/No (no circle border available for signature/userpage) <.<
Border color: (color of the border here, just leave it blank if you want me to decide it ^^)
Border glow color: (the color of glowing border that you want, if no just let it blank ^^)
Transparent: Yes/No (choose yes if you want me to do render and change it and choose no if you want to keep the BG)
Extra: (any message goes here ^^)
Notify me when finished: Yes/No (choose yes if you want me to send PM to you when your request finished^^)
Red Bolded Text means required, others are optional :D


Color Picker

Are you confuse on explaining the color that you want? Use this!
Just take the hexcode and put it on the form ^^
What's Hexcode?

the thing that highlighted on that picture :3
more feature about to come~ just wait xD

I also can edit BG :D (beware the image below has huge filesize xD it's around 1MB xD)
BG Example

original belong to respective creator :D

Support Neko GFX! .w.
userpage size

signature size

now start requesting guys ^w^)/
any feedback/suggestion appreciated :)
Good luck!
Good luck =[,,_,,]:3
Topic Starter

-SayaKai wrote:


Aomi wrote:

Good luck!

-[Jess]- wrote:

Good luck =[,,_,,]:3
Thank you very much :D
Hello. Good luck with your thread. :)

Request: BG
Image Link:
Text: nothing
Text Glow Color: -
Border: No
Extra: Anything you like :)

Thanks ! :3
Topic Starter

- Lumi - wrote:

Hello. Good luck with your thread. :)

Request: BG
Image Link:
Text: nothing
Text Glow Color: -
Border: No
Extra: Anything you like :)

Thanks ! :3
I think it already be a good BG :/
is that a test for my creativity? xD
Request: Banner and matching icon
Image Link: ... 7dlcb1.png
Text: Myfantasys
Text Glow Color: Whatever looks good
Border: Whatever looks good
Extra: Theme is brown and white
900x480 size
Something that matches
Prefer no sig if you need another form of credit let me know it's going on this so I want it to match

Raisha Millenia
Good luckk!!:3

Nekonyan wrote:

is that a test for my creativity? xD
No, but i just wanted to have this BG more beautiful. But ok. If you think you can't do it then don't :')
Good Luck ^^
Hau haau ahuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Good Luck Nyanko !!!! :))))))))))))))) < happy face > ahaha ! >wO
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your banner ready~! choose whatever do you like~

hmm I never kinda mind the signature, but please always remember this is my edit :3

hmm what's "matching icon" like? could you give me some example?
also if you have any suggestion or wanna change something just tell :D
any suggestion appreciated! :D
Topic Starter

Raisha Millenia wrote:

Good luckk!!:3
Thanks :D

[Keksbein] wrote:

Good Luck ^^
Thanks ^-^/

Eternalie wrote:

Hau haau ahuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Good Luck Nyanko !!!! :))))))))))))))) < happy face > ahaha ! >wO
nyahahaha Etlie xD

- Lumi - wrote:

Nekonyan wrote:

is that a test for my creativity? xD
No, but i just wanted to have this BG more beautiful. But ok. If you think you can't do it then don't :')
it's has too many element to render tbh ._. please refer to my example thanks :D

Nekonyan wrote:

hmm what's "matching icon" like? could you give me some example?
A matching icon is an avatar with the same image and text.
So you make him an avatar with the same image you used in the banner, and you add the text MyFantasys.

Nekonyan wrote:

your banner ready~! choose whatever do you like~

hmm I never kinda mind the signature, but please always remember this is my edit :3

hmm what's "matching icon" like? could you give me some example?
also if you have any suggestion or wanna change something just tell :D
any suggestion appreciated! :D
Looks nice and fits matching icon I mean just an icon that goes with the banner you can make the picture the same cause I'll probably use it on here
And can you make a version without rounded corners too
Topic Starter

Aomi wrote:

A matching icon is an avatar with the same image and text.
So you make him an avatar with the same image you used in the banner, and you add the text MyFantasys.
hmm.. so I have to make avatar with the same image like the banner? o.o
by the way, thanks for info I'm still new xD

Nekonyan wrote:

Aomi wrote:

A matching icon is an avatar with the same image and text.
So you make him an avatar with the same image you used in the banner, and you add the text MyFantasys.
hmm.. so I have to make avatar with the same image like the banner? o.o
by the way, thanks for info I'm still new xD
I keep editing my post. You can make the avatar the same as the banner

Nekonyan wrote:

hmm.. so I have to make avatar with the same image like the banner? o.o
by the way, thanks for info I'm still new xD
Yep, the same image.
No problem, I like helping people out,
so if you've got any concerns about editing, let me know.
Topic Starter

MyFantasys wrote:

Looks nice and fits matching icon I mean just an icon that goes with the banner you can make the picture the same cause I'll probably use it on here
And can you make a version without rounded corners too
done :D
left=with flower|right=without flower
first link=with flower|second link=without flower

Aomi wrote:

Yep, the same image.
No problem, I like helping people out,
so if you've got any concerns about editing, let me know.
roger o7
once again thanks ^^
I think he said he'd like the avatar to be with a rounded border as well.
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Aomi wrote:

I think he said he'd like the avatar to be with a rounded border as well.
my bad ._.
thanks for pointing it out anyway
they look really good

I'd feel so bad requesting another avatar. If there's a limit I'll wait awhile or request from someone else. I'm gonna use these ones though

Topic Starter

MyFantasys wrote:

they look really good

I'd feel so bad requesting another avatar. If there's a limit I'll wait awhile or request from someone else. I'm gonna use these ones though

it's okai anyway, just wait for one week to request again ^^


need more request ^^ ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ ✿ ❤
well let's try ^^
I have two request , but I 'm not so hurry take your time ^^

the first request !

Request: Signature:
Image Link :
Size : lowest pixelated as possible
Text: Mamages
Border : Normal
Extra: surprise me ^^

second :
Request: Banner Userpage
Image Link :
Size: likewise, less pixelated possible.
Text: Welcome to my world !
Border : Normal
Extra: if you can try to make it animated, it would be super nice, but if you can't, it's not a prob ^^

thank you in advance ^^
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done as requested! :D

mamages' signature
#howtoamazepeople <.<
resolution: 640x150px
mamages' animated userpage click here :3
for userpage I use 623x192px resolution, I refer to my userpage and it looks fit :D
tell me if you want to resize it or wanna change it :3
and please come back again next week ^^

need more request ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ ✿ ❤
edited: fixed based Aomi suggestion ^^
Just a tip.
Try to make the 'normal' borders 1px,
whether it be an avatar,banner or signature.
Also the 'Neko GFX' should be in a smaller text size
and barely visible, if you know what I mean. ^^'
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fixed on previous post based Aomi's suggestion :D
I'll request another avatar when I can.
It's gonna be the same color scheme as this one probably
Request: Avatar
Image Link:
Text: Chaotic
Text Glow Color: Blue!:D
Border: Circle
Border Color: Make this blue please :D
omg it's so nice, thx you verry much, be sur i'll call you again if i need a new thing ! :)
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ChaoticMeowstic wrote:

Size: I_I explain this please.....
it's optional size when you want use it on other game or maybe social media ^^
btw your request finished :)

Chaotic's Avatar
click the image :)

I made circle strip border too :)
I recommend this,

but back to your favor :D

Mamages wrote:

omg it's so nice, thx you verry much, be sur i'll call you again if i need a new thing ! :)
thanks you very much :) ^^
I like it, thank you very much :D
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ChaoticMeowstic wrote:

I like it, thank you very much :D
glad to hear you like it :)

next request please ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ ✿ ♥
I just wanted to use my second request, hopefully I don't bother you with this
Request: Signature
Link: (It's the big picture :D)
Request: Signature
Text: If you mean like a quote or something, just put this XD
Text color: Put what you want :D
Border color:
Extra: Please put the text that I put :D
Request: Userpage
Image Link:
Text: Welcome To BlueCatcx's Userpage
Extra: Make it FABULOUS :3
Notify me when finished: Yes

Good luck :D
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ChaoticMeowstic wrote:

Text: If you mean like a quote or something, just put this XD
Text color: Put what you want :D
done :)
Chaotic's signature

zoom at her eyes to see something xD

BlueCatcx wrote:

Extra: Make it FABULOUS :3
done :)
BlueCatcx's userpage
click the image :)

the image 3kawaii5me makes me forget to put my credit lol

next request please ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ ✿ ♥
HOW DO I SET IT?????? D:
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ChaoticMeowstic wrote:

HOW DO I SET IT?????? D:
go to this ucp.php?i=profile&mode=signature ,

put this code

and then press submit :)
Yey i'm in the example, i can die in peace now :D
Looks nice!! o:
t-this is the best userpage i have gotten QAQ its s-sooo... FAAAAAAAAAAABUUUUUUUUUUUULOUUUUUUUSSSSSSSS

BlueCatcx wrote:

t-this is the best userpage i have gotten QAQ its s-sooo... FAAAAAAAAAAABUUUUUUUUUUUULOUUUUUUUSSSSSSSS
how long did it take you to color code the text lmao

Aomi wrote:

BlueCatcx wrote:

t-this is the best userpage i have gotten QAQ its s-sooo... FAAAAAAAAAAABUUUUUUUUUUUULOUUUUUUUSSSSSSSS
how long did it take you to color code the text lmao
a very long time :3
Request: Avatar
Image Link:
Size: Recommended
Text: -Spooky-
Text color:
Text glow color: Same color as the text color
Border: Normal
Border color:
Notify me when finished: Yes

xD alot of blanks
Request: Signature
Image Link: D.O
Size: 550x140
Text: imai's Guest Difficulty
Text color: #6E4962
Text glow color: Black
Border: Normal
Border color: Black
Border glow color: Red
Extra: Can you put mini bubble effects under the text? If yes, thank you ;) but if no, then it's ok.
Notify me when finished: No
Topic Starter
request by Kazamastar via in-game
2015-06-19 16:52 Kazamastar: neko may i request ><
2015-06-19 16:53 Nekonyan: yep just request =w=)b
2015-06-19 16:53 Kazamastar: cari gambar dulu ya ^^
2015-06-19 16:53 Nekonyan: oke ^^
2015-06-19 16:59 Kazamastar: [ ini bisa ?]
2015-06-19 16:59 Nekonyan: buat userpage?
2015-06-19 16:59 Nekonyan: bisa ^^
2015-06-19 17:00 Kazamastar: iyaa, yay
2015-06-19 17:00 Nekonyan: textnya?
2015-06-19 17:00 Kazamastar: text nya.. tunggu
2015-06-19 17:01 Kazamastar: Kazamastar's Userpage
2015-06-19 17:01 Kazamastar: ^ ?
2015-06-19 17:01 Nekonyan: warna teksnya?
2015-06-19 17:04 Kazamastar: abis ngeliat userpage lu hehe.. samain warna rambut aja..
2015-06-19 17:05 Nekonyan: oke ^^
2015-06-19 17:05 Nekonyan: entar gw PM kalau dah jadi :D
2015-06-19 17:05 Kazamastar: iyaa makasih banyak xD

re-edit request by BlueCatcx via in-game
2015-06-19 22:48 BlueCatcx: like remember the edit you made right?
2015-06-19 22:48 Nekonyan: yep :D
2015-06-19 22:49 BlueCatcx: :D its gud but i wanted the kittys in the bg to be there along with the black kitty grill xD like original pic with the fabulous text xD
2015-06-19 22:50 Nekonyan: hmm
2015-06-19 22:50 Nekonyan: I will do it, but maybe I'll send it to you tomorrow :D
2015-06-19 22:50 Nekonyan: since now is night here =w=
2015-06-19 22:50 BlueCatcx: xD
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done :Db

-Spooky-'s Avatar

I recommend this :D
imaikiseta's signature
I've applied the text glow but it seems it doesnt visible (and I have tried to make it visible =w=)

also in my opinion, the glow with red color looks weird so I decided to make the un-glowed border ver. too=w=)b
(glow on top, unglowed one on bottom)


next request please ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ ✿ ♥

Nekonyan wrote:

imaikiseta's signature
I've applied the text glow but it seems it doesnt visible (and I have tried to make it visible =w=)

also in my opinion, the glow with red color looks weird so I decided to make the un-glowed border ver. too=w=)b
(glow on top, unglowed one on bottom)

Thanks anyways! 8-)
Can I post my request and then you can do it when it's been a week?
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