
♥ ✿ Neko's GFX Thread [CLOSED] ✿ ♥

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-Spooky- wrote:

O.O wow~... talk about over the top, but in a good way <--- heres a present for you Neko ;)
Thanks for doing such a wonderful job
thanks for the cookie >< /me eats

-Chaotic- wrote:

MyFantasys wrote:

Can I post my request and then you can do it when it's been a week?
Can you do that?
Chaotic & MyFantasys, sure thing ^^ just come back and post your request after 1 week passes ^^
see reply on my next post xD blame my bad grammar pls xD
No problemo I hoped you enjoyed the cookie
Request : Avatar
Image Link :
Size : 128x128
Text : MrDieuhr
Text color :
Text glow Color :
Border : No Border
Border Color :
Border glow color :
Extra :
Notify me when finished : Yes

Thank You

-Chaotic- wrote:

MyFantasys wrote:

Can I post my request and then you can do it when it's been a week?
Can you do that?
I think what they're trying to say is, can they post they're request, then in a week you work your magic. Well... Eh, it does say to post your request AFTER a week passes.
Topic Starter

-Chaotic- wrote:

MyFantasys wrote:

Can I post my request and then you can do it when it's been a week?
I think what they're trying to say is, can they post they're request, then in a week you work your magic. Well... Eh, it does say to post your request AFTER a week passes.
ah sowwy xD I got it wrong xD blame my bad grammar pls xD
hmm if you post your request now, probably I forget your request, so I recommend you to post it on next week :D

MrDieuhr wrote:

Request : Avatar
Notify me when finished : Yes
Done :D

next request please ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ ✿ ♥

Nekonyan wrote:

done :Db

-Spooky-'s Avatar

I recommend this :D
what font did you use for that request lmao apa

-SayaKai wrote:

what font did you use for that request lmao apa
isn't that RixLovefool BB?
Topic Starter

Aomi wrote:

-SayaKai wrote:

what font did you use for that request lmao apa
isn't that RixLovefool BB?
yep that's RixLovefool_BB
also saya that spoiler pls www XD
I quite like the text font too :D

-Spooky- wrote:

I quite like the text font too :D

Why are you so spooky? ;-; You gave me nightmares D:

-Chaotic- wrote:

-Spooky- wrote:

I quite like the text font too :D

Why are you so spooky? ;-; You gave me nightmares D:

I'll be your friend. Since I need to know some spooky people. c: Also, here:
^-^ I'm probably the most spooky around ;), Thanks
Well, here it goes xD

Request: Avatar
Image Link: Here
Text: [-Lethal-]
Text color: whatever you think looks good :)
Text glow color: same
Border: Circle
Border color: #19599A
Border glow color: Matching border
Extra: ~

Request: Userpage
Image Link: Here
Size: ~
Text: Welcome!
Text color:
Text glow color: your call
Border: Normal
Border color: ~
Extra: Make it look cool hue c:
Notify me when finished: Yes

Hopefully the pictures are ok :)
Request: Avatar
Image Link: Here
Size: 128x128 (Avatar size)
Text: ユズ (Yuzu)
Text color: Black
Text glow color:
Border: just a simple thin border is good
Border color: black
Border glow color:
Transparent: No
Extra: if possible, I'd like it so that the text simulates the ほたろう from the image, as in like written vertically
Notify me when finished: Yes

Thank you very much ~
Topic Starter
done :Db

lethal's avatar

I prefer this one :Db but back to your own choice :)

Yuzu- wrote:

Request: Avatar
Extra: if possible, I'd like it so that the text simulates the ほたろう from the image, as in like written vertical

next request please ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ ✿ ♥
Here goes my request :3

Request: Userpage
Image Link:
Size: ~
Text: Welcome to Burito's userpage!
Text color: Red
Text glow color:~
Border: Normal
Border color: Black
Border glow color: ~
Transparent: No
Extra: Make it look cute :D
Notify me when finished: Yes
Topic Starter
done ;)

feel free to poke me if you need to change something there ^^


next request please~ :3 ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ ✿ ♥

Nekonyan wrote:

done ;)

feel free to poke me if you need to change something there ^^


next request please~ :3 ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ ✿ ♥
It looks awesome :D
I will definitely contact you again if I need something ~
Keep up the good work :D
[RS] Freddy
Request: Avatar
Image Link: ... okgs08.png
Text: Vadseth
Text color: something that will fit :3
Text glow color: ^
Border: Circle
Border color: your choice :)
Border glow color: ^
Extra: make it look cute ^w^
Notify me when finished: Yes
Topic Starter
done ;)

feel free to poke me if there's something you want to change :3


next request please~ :3 ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ ✿ ♥
[RS] Freddy

Nekonyan wrote:

done ;)

feel free to poke me if there's something you want to change :3


next request please~ :3 ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ ✿ ♥
Thanks! :D
oyasumi -
Request: Avatar
Image Link:
Text: Yuki
Text color:
Text glow color:
Border color:
Border glow color:
Transparent: No
Extra: make it look awesome :p
Notify me when finished: Yes
Request: Avatar
Image Link:
Text: sofusv
Text color: something that will fit into the picure :P
Text glow color: ^
Border: normal
Border color: again, something that will fit
Border glow color: ^
Transparent: nah
Notify me when finished: yes
Topic Starter
updated on previous list ;)
Hello Hello !!!
i'm back for a new request ! :)

Request : Avatar !
Image Link: ... /emi-3.jpg
Text: Mamages
Text color: Pink or red i think (but you can try other color if you think it could be better ^^)
Border : Rounded Rectangle
Transparent: Nope
Extra: i'm sure you'll find something cool like for my lasted request ^^
Notify me when finished: Yes or i'll maybe forget XD
Request: Avatar
Image Link:
Size: Recommended
Text: Palivion
Text color: You decide
Text glow color: Anything to match the text color you choose :)
Border: Circle
Border color: You choose
Border glow color: ^ :)
Transparent: No
Extra: Can you make one with and without the text?
Notify me when finished: Yes
Topic Starter
done ;)

feel free to poke me if there's something you want to change :3


next request please~ :3 ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ ✿ ♥
Request: Collab Avatar
Image Link:
Text: KouhaiBinkie for nepgear, and Uni for me ><
Text color: Blow my mind ;A;
Text glow color: ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
Thx you !!! ~~
It looks amazing! Thank you so much! ^^
Hi !!! How are you ? Mamages tell me about you and i really like your art :D I have one request ! So please take your time, it's not urgent :)

Request: Avatar
Image Link:
Size: Lowest pixelated as possible
Text: Kiva
Text color: Green or whatever you think looks good :)
Text glow color: ^
Border: Circle
Border color: You can choose:p
Border glow color: ^
Transparent: Yes
Extra: can you put this potatoe somewhere ? But, if it's horrible, forget it x') ... 5vu38q.png
Notify me when finished: Yes

Good luck and thank you so much !!! <3 And sorry for my bad english ;w;
Topic Starter

Palivion wrote:

It looks amazing! Thank you so much! ^^

Mamages wrote:

Thx you !!! ~~
thanks >< feel free to come back again ></
btw updated on previous list ;)
Thank you so much for my avatar !!!! It's so cuuuute !!!! Aaaaaaah °3° I love it !!!! OMG !!!! I'm so happy !!! *hug* <3
Topic Starter

kiva98 wrote:

Thank you so much for my avatar !!!! It's so cuuuute !!!! Aaaaaaah °3° I love it !!!! OMG !!!! I'm so happy !!! *hug* <3
thanks! glad to know you like it :3
Welp, I'm requesting because I want a new cool looking avatar. :D
Request: Avatar
Size: 250x250 :D
Text: -Chaotic-
Text glow color: Purple or Yellow. You decide :D
Border: Circle
Border Color:
Border glow color: ._. Purple or Yellow. Cuz Idk. You decide.
Transparent: >_< No.
Extra: Do wat u think is best for this. :D Don't care how it turns out. :p

EDIT: Hi. :D
Topic Starter
updated on previous list ;)
Request: Avatar
Image Link:
Size: Recommended
Text: -Spooky-
Text color: White
Text glow color: Same color as the text color
Border: Normal
Border color:
Notify me when finished: Yes

I'm back for more! I hope you have a fun time making it :D
Request Form :D

Request: Signature.
Image Link: ... 709223.jpg
Text: Migeru
Text color: Black.
Text glow color: Green.
Border: Rounded rectangle.
Border color: Green.
Border glow color: Red.
Transparent: Yes
Extra: Write Migeru in the left side of the signature, and put Rikka's face in the right side. I want this to be the background please: ... 77gh54.jpg
If it's possible try to fit half of the rikka's body on the signature. Please bro.
Notify me when finished: Yes
Red Bolded Text means required, others are optional :D

Thanks by the way.

-Spooky- wrote:

Request: Avatar
Image Link:
Size: Recommended
Text: -Spooky-
Text color: White
Text glow color: Same color as the text color
Border: Normal
Border color:
Notify me when finished: Yes

I'm back for more! I hope you have a fun time making it :D
Spoopy is back. And he isn't spoopy as ever.

-Chaotic- wrote:

-Spooky- wrote:

Request: Avatar
Image Link:
Size: Recommended
Text: -Spooky-
Text color: White
Text glow color: Same color as the text color
Border: Normal
Border color:
Notify me when finished: Yes

I'm back for more! I hope you have a fun time making it :D
Spoopy is back. And he isn't spoopy as ever.

you're a rude duud
Hey, here I am again with a new request.

Request: Avatar
Image Link:
Size: ~
Text: Burito!
Text color: Red
Border: Normal
Border color: ~
Transparent: Yes
Extra: ~
Notify me when finished: Yes

Thank you very much :D

Burito wrote:

Hey, here I am again with a new request.

Request: Avatar
Image Link:
Size: ~
Text: Burito!
Text color: Red
Border: Normal
Border color: ~
Transparent: Yes
Extra: ~
Notify me when finished: Yes

Thank you very much :D
Are you actually a burrito? o:
Topic Starter
done ;)
I'm sorry I was kinda busy with college registration :(

feel free to poke me if there's something you want to change :3


next request please~ :3 ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ ✿ ♥
Still good as ever :D
Request: Userpage
Image Link:
Size: Recomended Size
Text: Vorsatz's Userpage
Text color: You Decide
Text glow color: You Decide
Border: Normal
Border color: You Decide
Transparent: No
Extra: Make it Cool Banner :D
Notify me when finished: Yes

Anyway Thanks :D
Hello Nekonyan !
So i'm starting !

Request : Avatar
Image Link :
Size :
Text : XeloOw
Text Color : Let you decide
Text Color Glow : You choose :)
Border : Circle + strip
Border Glow :
Border Glow Color :
Transparent : Yes
Extra : Put my name at the bottom right
Notify : Yes

Thanks !

A Wild Request Appears

  1. Type: User-page banner
  2. Link: .apng | .gif | Separate Frames in png Pick which ever will help you more ( Note: i used 8 ms interval in making the Gif and apng)
  3. Text:Welcome to my Userpage
  4. Size: i don't want my miku cramped up, hence it can be 2x - 4x the size (in height) of regular banners
  5. Font Type: Something warm or complements the picture
  6. Border Type: a Cool cloudy border for summer
  7. Theme: Summer
  8. Extra: maybe add more wind leaves blowing to or behind the text ?
  9. Notify:maybe~

i copied pasted this from a another forum that is dead now and left me to rot. please halp !

[ Full Moon ]
Hi o/

Request: signature
Image Link: ... d=52088377
Size: Recomended Size
Text: exple style: ... 342e706e67

Text color: You Decide
Text glow color: You Decide
Border: Normal
Border color: You Decide
Transparent: No
Extra: ///
Notify me when finished: Yes

good luck :3
Topic Starter
@BeatBreakerS: sorry for long respond, I'm so busy atm ;w;

I'll ask for thread lock, so see you guys in next session! I'll reopen it later after I finished up all of my task :D
If you wanna ask for some minor edit, just ask me via forum PM, but note, I don't receive new request from PM.
Thanks for all support and your kindness guys! o/ :3
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