00:51:363 (1,1,1,1) - volume way too high.
02:14:122 (1) -
due to this part having so little objects, i suggest you to reduce the HP to 6 or at least slightly lower than 7 just for precautions. HR players or players that are learning would not like this. To improve map quality, I suggest you make this slow part all slider arts because these has a lot of empty gaps between them. Optional, It's just rare to see marathon maps with HP7 because it sucks to fail if you're far ahead of the song. This is coming from a player's perspective, not mapping.03:07:088 - I'm not sure why this is kiai it just doesn't feel right to me, but i understand why you made it as one. and as for the spaced stream I feel that you emphasize on the song way too much. You don't have to change this though. I just think that it's too much. maybe just revert them to normal spacing, just my opinion.
04:07:295 (2,3,4) - why are these 1/4 sliders? 1/2 circles is enough, I couldn't hear the 1/4 in it. It may play like 1/2 but the hitsounds just doesn't follow the song well.
04:11:743 (1) - I don't know but I honestly think this part needs improvement rhtyhm wise. I think it'd be better if you just map that part instead of putting a spinner because there are rhythms in the song that you're missing. e.g; 04:12:984 -
04:39:742 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - this sounds more like 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 rather than 1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2.
05:22:156 (4,5,6) - unnecessary 1/4 sliders
05:31:880 (6,7) - would be better if this is a stream instead of 1/4 sliders
05:35:397 (4,5,6) - ^
05:42:846 (1,2,3,4) - this pattern is a tiny bit harsh to play out due to the way 2,3,4 are placed.i suggest you to make 2,3,4 a little bit smoother as in, don't make it play like a zigzag. unlike 05:44:294 (1,2,3,4) - this plays smoothly.
05:45:122 (6,7) - better if turned to stream
05:46:363 (2) - starting from here until the end, the rhythm is pretty inconsistent (the stream lenght varies), despite the song sounding the same.
That's it! I feel like there are a lot of part in which you overuse 1/4 sliders where you can use 1/2 circles instead of just streams but that's your choice. I can't really say much. Also, add some custom hitsounds! Makes the map a little bit more interesting.
Good luck!