
F-777 - Wander of Thought

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on giovedì 6 agosto 2015 at 14:59:01

Artist: F-777
Title: Wander of Thought
Tags: Electro Trance Dubstep Remix Dance Song Jesse Valentine f777 349494
BPM: 145
Filesize: 8878kb
Play Time: 06:04
Difficulties Available:
  1. Falling (4,64 stars, 1133 notes)
Download: F-777 - Wander of Thought
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
9th ranked map. 1st approved.

Falling: There are some spaced low-BPM streams, so some players will rage, sorry!
  1. Object's end is not snapped! 02:48:008
  2. Object's end is not snapped! 04:24:704
  3. Object's end is not snapped! 04:44:566
  4. 01:01:355 (1,2,3,4) - I find the triple spaced a bit unexpected you always put a kickslider here or a stream (and it's often right after a slider) except at the end when we're already used to the spacing. I'd suggest to put a 1/4 slider instead
  5. 01:17:079 (6) - I'd add NC here to accentuate the changement in the music that your sliders are showing.
  6. 02:14:182 (1) - Would be nice if you place it around x68 y44 going in that corner twice (with the reverse) isn't that great especially when you can easily change the position.
  7. 03:05:906 (4) - Add soft sampleset at the end of the slider
  8. 04:09:010 (5,6) - ^
  9. 03:16:665 (4) - ^
  10. 03:13:355 (3) - ^
  11. 03:12:527 (3,5) - You could add NCs on those to make the sliders go by 2. Makes the pattern lighter and improve the readibility as well. You took the same method here 04:39:809 (1) -
  12. 01:17:492 (8) - It can work here too! (if you added one here 01:17:079 (6) - )
  13. 02:48:113 (5) - Add NC here to accentuate the difference about what you representating in the music as well.
  14. 05:12:913 (1,1) - Make the reverse more curved. I mean, the red anchor is really near the reverse which makes it play pretty bad honestly. I'd say the same for this one 04:53:051 (1) - and the next one, 04:59:671 (1) - same for this. But those are still ok, try to fix 05:12:913 (1,1) - those two especially.
I guess that's it. o.o
Not that much points sorry... The map is already pretty good this way actually!
Good luck!
Hi, M4M :)

01:01:561 (2,3,4) - this felt a bit unexpected, since before that you were only using doubles and all of a sudden there's this spaced triple that is pretty hard to read imo. I think you should better stack them or at least make them closer and make the pattern "straight" for better readability.
01:09:630 (1,2,3,4,5) - The spacing here is a bit overdone imo
01:16:251 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
02:14:182 (1) - Since this is a very calm part that fast SV feels unexpected, I would consider reducing it. This applies for all the other sliders in the calm part.
03:08:803 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - The motion between these sliders doesn't feel good, the fact that they are all going "towards" the center of the pattern. It feels unnatural and awkward to have 1/4 sliders positioned like that when you play the map. This is accentuated by the fact that the spaced stream before is quite hard to hit, so I believe that almost every average players will break on that at least on their first play
03:28:355 (7,8,1) - this doesn't feel good for some reason, maybe try to make the double an 1/4 slider
04:14:568 (7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - I would add 1/4 sliders at the end of every little streams instead of just a circle, it would make the whole thing flow a lot better I think.
04:17:878 (7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - ^
04:21:189 (7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - ^ for every sections like that basically, there are some of them in the ending too.

This is my poor mod, hope it'll help and good luck ! :o Very good map overall, even if I would have enjoyed it a lot more if the bpm of the song was higher :D
Topic Starter

Yales wrote:

  1. Object's end is not snapped! 02:48:008
  2. Object's end is not snapped! 04:24:704
  3. Object's end is not snapped! 04:44:566 resnapped all
  4. 01:01:355 (1,2,3,4) - I find the triple spaced a bit unexpected you always put a kickslider here or a stream (and it's often right after a slider) except at the end when we're already used to the spacing. I'd suggest to put a 1/4 slider instead fixed, also because the other guy told me to do so as well
  5. 01:17:079 (6) - I'd add NC here to accentuate the changement in the music that your sliders are showing. why not
  6. 02:14:182 (1) - Would be nice if you place it around x68 y44 going in that corner twice (with the reverse) isn't that great especially when you can easily change the position. changed in another way
  7. 03:05:906 (4) - Add soft sampleset at the end of the slider well yeah but I like how it sounds at the moment
  8. 04:09:010 (5,6) - ^
  9. 03:16:665 (4) - ^
  10. 03:13:355 (3) - ^
  11. 03:12:527 (3,5) - You could add NCs on those to make the sliders go by 2. Makes the pattern lighter and improve the readibility as well. You took the same method here 04:39:809 (1) - yes
  12. 01:17:492 (8) - It can work here too! (if you added one here 01:17:079 (6) - ) yep
  13. 02:48:113 (5) - Add NC here to accentuate the difference about what you representating in the music as well. looks good
  14. 05:12:913 (1,1) - Make the reverse more curved. I mean, the red anchor is really near the reverse which makes it play pretty bad honestly. I'd say the same for this one 04:53:051 (1) - and the next one, 04:59:671 (1) - same for this. But those are still ok, try to fix 05:12:913 (1,1) - those two especially. I like them, so no change, zorry
I guess that's it. o.o
Not that much points sorry... The map is already pretty good this way actually!
Good luck! Thanks a lot!

Aleycks wrote:

Hi, M4M :)

01:01:561 (2,3,4) - this felt a bit unexpected, since before that you were only using doubles and all of a sudden there's this spaced triple that is pretty hard to read imo. I think you should better stack them or at least make them closer and make the pattern "straight" for better readability. Fixed in the previous mod
01:09:630 (1,2,3,4,5) - The spacing here is a bit overdone imo nah I think it's ok, since it's consistent through the whole map
01:16:251 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
02:14:182 (1) - Since this is a very calm part that fast SV feels unexpected, I would consider reducing it. This applies for all the other sliders in the calm part. Yes, I completely forgot it, changed
03:08:803 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - The motion between these sliders doesn't feel good, the fact that they are all going "towards" the center of the pattern. It feels unnatural and awkward to have 1/4 sliders positioned like that when you play the map. This is accentuated by the fact that the spaced stream before is quite hard to hit, so I believe that almost every average players will break on that at least on their first play I don't know, to be honest, I will wait for more opinions
03:28:355 (7,8,1) - this doesn't feel good for some reason, maybe try to make the double an 1/4 slider changed
04:14:568 (7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - I would add 1/4 sliders at the end of every little streams instead of just a circle, it would make the whole thing flow a lot better I think. I know what you mean but I'd rather avoid it because the music is not "continuous" but there are 1/2 pauses, so...
04:17:878 (7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - ^
04:21:189 (7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - ^ for every sections like that basically, there are some of them in the ending too.

This is my poor mod, hope it'll help and good luck ! :o Very good map overall, even if I would have enjoyed it a lot more if the bpm of the song was higher :D Thanks a lot for your help!
Update #1
Find some some metadata and add some tags : , ,

04:13:295 (1) - Unsnapped slider.

02:14:122 (1) - reverse that long sliders at that part.

05:17:811 (2,3,4,5) - Use spin for this part because i cant hear what you follow while playing if you use sliders here.

04:24:846 (1) - change this a little bit for no slider break

04:35:604 (9) - 05:25:777 (5) - 05:39:018 (5) - NC

04:40:570 (1,2) - Maybe use more distance for this part not challenging enough.

05:44:501 (2,3,4) - 05:29:604 (2,3,4) - 05:31:260 (2,3,4) - I don't understand what they follows and even they are only for gameplay as i can see why they are that hard if its only for that?

05:47:915 (3) - 05:51:225 (3) - 05:52:053 (9) - 05:54:535 (3) - delete

Testplay :

Couldn't find much nice map.
00:24:881 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - k sono fighe ma non so se è così necessario spammarle qui (?) parlo delle nc ofc
00:48:467 (3) - DIO BASTONATO
00:51:363 (1,1,1,1,1) - tell me why those ncs
01:17:019 (1,2,1,2) - si legge pure senza le NC se non hai gli occhi pieni di sperma
01:47:639 (1) - boh è tutto vuoto, c'è un rumore tipo quello di prima, potresti mettere un altro spinner dopo 'sto beat secondo me, non ci starebbe male
02:14:122 (1) - Preferirei vedere uno slider con la forma dei tuoi baffi piuttosto che questo coso
02:17:432 (1) - vado a cavarmi gli occhi brb
02:24:053 (1,2) - Mettili a distanza 0,76x come gli altri plsu
02:33:984 (1) - No a 3/4 non ci sta, il suono cade sul tick rosso tipo
02:37:295 (1,2) - stesse roba di prima, avvicinali
02:43:708 (4) - se tieni la NC di prima dovresti metterla anche qui in teoria, e uno spam di NC del genere non è molto bello imho
02:53:019 (1,1) - stessa roba di prima non credo servano spammate così per leggere gli ottavi o quel che sono
03:19:501 (1,1) - same sh1t
03:31:915 (1,1,1,1) - ^
03:39:777 (9) -
04:13:295 (1) - unsnapped
04:49:053 (6) - 4 tumori solo a guardarlo, pensa a giocarlo
05:11:191 (2,1) - *censored*
05:14:501 (2,1,2) - P O R C O D I O

EDIT: Migliorato il BG:
EDIT PT2: In descrizione pls
Topic Starter

-Kanzaki wrote:

Find some some metadata and add some tags : , , Completely forgot about it, I will do it

04:13:295 (1) - Unsnapped slider. Are you sure? AImod doesn't seem to show it

02:14:122 (1) - reverse that long sliders at that part. Not sure about that, I'll wait for more opinions

05:17:811 (2,3,4,5) - Use spin for this part because i cant hear what you follow while playing if you use sliders here. I'm following the drums...

04:24:846 (1) - change this a little bit for no slider break Right but I don't want to break the symmetry with the following slider...

04:35:604 (9) - 05:25:777 (5) - 05:39:018 (5) - NC Not sure abouth these either, I'll wait for more mods

04:40:570 (1,2) - Maybe use more distance for this part not challenging enough. It's a calm part so I don't think it's necessary

05:44:501 (2,3,4) - 05:29:604 (2,3,4) - 05:31:260 (2,3,4) - I don't understand what they follows and even they are only for gameplay as i can see why they are that hard if its only for that? Drums!

05:47:915 (3) - 05:51:225 (3) - 05:52:053 (9) - 05:54:535 (3) - delete I'm following the electronic sounds on the back

Testplay :

Couldn't find much nice map. Thanks for your help!

Kayne wrote:

00:24:881 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - k sono fighe ma non so se è così necessario spammarle qui (?) parlo delle nc ofc No in effetti no rofl
00:48:467 (3) - DIO BASTONATO
00:51:363 (1,1,1,1,1) - tell me why those ncs per enfatizzare
01:17:019 (1,2,1,2) - si legge pure senza le NC se non hai gli occhi pieni di sperma evidentemente molti player hanno la sborra negli occhi e non lo leggono, visto che mi hanno già detto di cambiarlo
01:47:639 (1) - boh è tutto vuoto, c'è un rumore tipo quello di prima, potresti mettere un altro spinner dopo 'sto beat secondo me, non ci starebbe male Lo so, è vero, solo che il suono che vorrei seguire, a differenza di prima, non finisce D:
02:14:122 (1) - Preferirei vedere uno slider con la forma dei tuoi baffi piuttosto che questo coso non insultare i miei bapphee.
02:17:432 (1) - vado a cavarmi gli occhi brb k
02:24:053 (1,2) - Mettili a distanza 0,76x come gli altri plsu Ma no, voglio un jump lì, vanno bene :C
02:33:984 (1) - No a 3/4 non ci sta, il suono cade sul tick rosso tipo Sono sicuro che cade sul blu keero
02:37:295 (1,2) - stesse roba di prima, avvicinali nu
02:43:708 (4) - se tieni la NC di prima dovresti metterla anche qui in teoria, e uno spam di NC del genere non è molto bello imho No, ho fixato quella di prima, ora è ok
02:53:019 (1,1) - stessa roba di prima non credo servano spammate così per leggere gli ottavi o quel che sono stfu
03:19:501 (1,1) - same sh1t stfu
03:31:915 (1,1,1,1) - ^ stphoo
04:13:295 (1) - unsnapped f0xed
04:49:053 (6) - 4 tumori solo a guardarlo, pensa a giocarlo Porco dio
05:11:191 (2,1) - *censored* cum
05:14:501 (2,1,2) - P O R C O D I O O I D O C R O P

EDIT PT2: In descrizione pls <---- POVERO SERGIO.
Update #2.
Hey M4M request!

  1. Ooh that spaced streams :3. I find them quite suitable here haha
  2. You could create NC every 1/2 beat as this is a pretty streamy map and so you can keep a low combo count
  1. 00:22:605 (5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - Ctrl+g this whole area gives this some nice antiflow and creates a jump at the end creates some nice flow
  2. 00:27:157 (2) - Instead of blanketing, try x:24 y:64 to create a nice jump instead of having straight flow
  3. 00:36:467 (1) - Messing with the sliders here. You could do something better imo maybe at 00:29:846 (1) - as well
  4. 00:53:846 (4,5,6,7,1) - Move this all up so the 5 hitcircle stacks with the 1 HC
  5. 00:57:777 (7) - Ctrl + g for antiflow?
  6. 01:31:915 (5) - Extend this slider?
  7. 02:30:674 (1,2,1) - Add NC to the 2 slider and straighten these out or make slight curves. Makes it look visually better
  8. 03:07:088 (1) - It doesnt feel like this section needed a SV change or the kiai times
  9. 04:00:053 (1) - I feel like this part can be mapped with some nice easy streams but its up to you. I don't think its hugely necessary but this isn't really a high bpm map so I wasnt too tired to keep going
  10. 04:08:950 (5) - Reduce length to red tick
  11. 04:52:984 (1) - You can slow this section to 0.75x SV and then gradually ramp it up here 05:19:466 (1) - to 1x and then 1.25x

Thats all from me. Good luck!
Topic Starter

Mikii wrote:

Hey M4M request!

  1. Ooh that spaced streams :3. I find them quite suitable here haha thanks lol
  2. You could create NC every 1/2 beat as this is a pretty streamy map and so you can keep a low combo count It's a bit too much, also I'm lazy xD
  1. 00:22:605 (5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - Ctrl+g this whole area gives this some nice antiflow and creates a jump at the end creates some nice flow nice
  2. 00:27:157 (2) - Instead of blanketing, try x:24 y:64 to create a nice jump instead of having straight flow I prefer this position
  3. 00:36:467 (1) - Messing with the sliders here. You could do something better imo maybe at 00:29:846 (1) - as well I like the flow here, and also their shapes
  4. 00:53:846 (4,5,6,7,1) - Move this all up so the 5 hitcircle stacks with the 1 HC I don't want to break the spacing...
  5. 00:57:777 (7) - Ctrl + g for antiflow? Yeah, not bad
  6. 01:31:915 (5) - Extend this slider? Yep, sounds good
  7. 02:30:674 (1,2,1) - Add NC to the 2 slider and straighten these out or make slight curves. Makes it look visually better I like them this way, sorry
  8. 03:07:088 (1) - It doesnt feel like this section needed a SV change or the kiai times it does, to me xD
  9. 04:00:053 (1) - I feel like this part can be mapped with some nice easy streams but its up to you. I don't think its hugely necessary but this isn't really a high bpm map so I wasnt too tired to keep going Uh, well, I'll think about it later
  10. 04:08:950 (5) - Reduce length to red tick sounds bad...
  11. 04:52:984 (1) - You can slow this section to 0.75x SV and then gradually ramp it up here 05:19:466 (1) - to 1x and then 1.25x I don't know, doesn't sound like it really needs to, but I'll think about it

Thats all from me. Good luck! Thanks for your mod!
Update #3
Hikaru Rose
M4M ^^

00:23:846 (4) - Let this slider curve to the upperside, it looks nicer.

00:51:363 (1,1,1,1) - lower the volume here and make it go louder at the end... I'm pretty bad with words sorry :P

02:14:122 (1) - you could make this circle more 'circly' if you know what i mean >.<

02:17:432 (1) - ^

02:53:019 (1,1) - lower the volume here and let it increase over the duration.

03:12:053 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - maybe you could increase the distance between each slider for more flow.

03:13:295 (1) - i don't know why exactly but this slider looks weird and ugly in my opinion. Try and remove the lock. Maybe that's nicer? (i don't know if i'm the only person who thinks this)

03:19:501 (1,1) - Same for the other sliders.

03:31:915 (1,1,1,1) - ^

03:53:432 (1) - move this slider a bit down to let the slider look more connected to the circles before it.

03:54:053 (2) - if you are applying that what i said before, move this note also a bit down.

04:39:742 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - maybe make these sliders also a bigger jump on each new combo.

Not sure if the timing is exactly perfect, but i think it's pretty perfect.

That's about my mod, really enjoyed playing it and good luck getting it ranked!
Hope it was helpful! ^^
Hi. M4M I didn't expect to do this but is was ok.

Since there's nothing wrong about The approach rate, the circle size and the HP drain time, I'll skip this part from my mod. Besides, there's no tto much that I pointed here. So take them as suggestions. Good luck with your mapset.

In General, I'd say that you can add more info into tags: Dubstep remix Dance Song And I append the photo I found out about this song.

  1. 01:07:501 (6) You should stack this slider's end to this slider 01:07:915 (1) 's . It doesn't mees the playability in you decide ti do it.
  2. 01:07:915 (1,3) ^
  3. 01:17:846 (1,3) ^
  4. 01:25:295 (5,1) ^ But in this case you can stack the head of both at tje same place.
  5. 02:14:122 (1) You can try to make a symmetric shape of this slider more symmetric.
  6. 02:24:053 (1,2) I'd put them at the Axis X to switch a bit the pattern.
  7. 03:35:226 (1,4) Overlap. :c Moved a bit. xD
  8. 04:32:708 (5,1) You can stack them for making a cleaner blanket.
  9. 05:21:122 (1,3) ^
  10. 05:43:466 (6,1) ^

Mos of them are suggestions. As you can see I didn't find anything wrong with this mapset. Thanks also for your mod in the m4m map.

Here a star \(º.º\)
Topic Starter

HikaruR wrote:

M4M ^^

00:23:846 (4) - Let this slider curve to the upperside, it looks nicer. I like it this way...

00:51:363 (1,1,1,1) - lower the volume here and make it go louder at the end... I'm pretty bad with words sorry :P Uh, good idea!

02:14:122 (1) - you could make this circle more 'circly' if you know what i mean >.< Oh well, I'm completely noob with sliders so I would just make it worse-looking if I tried to touch it, trust me xD

02:17:432 (1) - ^

02:53:019 (1,1) - lower the volume here and let it increase over the duration. Of course

03:12:053 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - maybe you could increase the distance between each slider for more flow. Done!

03:13:295 (1) - i don't know why exactly but this slider looks weird and ugly in my opinion. Try and remove the lock. Maybe that's nicer? (i don't know if i'm the only person who thinks this) I don't know... So far, you are, so I'll keep it

03:19:501 (1,1) - Same for the other sliders. Ye

03:31:915 (1,1,1,1) - ^ Done everywhere

03:53:432 (1) - move this slider a bit down to let the slider look more connected to the circles before it. Okay

03:54:053 (2) - if you are applying that what i said before, move this note also a bit down. Of course

04:39:742 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - maybe make these sliders also a bigger jump on each new combo. It's a calm part, so there is no need to, in my opinion

Not sure if the timing is exactly perfect, but i think it's pretty perfect. I don't think so, I feel like the offset is wrong but I can't fix it because I'm completely noob at timing >_>

That's about my mod, really enjoyed playing it and good luck getting it ranked!
Hope it was helpful! ^^ Of course it was, thanks a lot!

HappyRocket88 wrote:

Hi. M4M I didn't expect to do this but is was ok.

Since there's nothing wrong about The approach rate, the circle size and the HP drain time, I'll skip this part from my mod. Besides, there's no tto much that I pointed here. So take them as suggestions. Good luck with your mapset.

In General, I'd say that you can add more info into tags: Dubstep remix Dance Song And I append the photo I found out about this song. Oh, awesome, I will add the tags, even if I'm not really sure about that Dubstep xD

  1. 01:07:501 (6) You should stack this slider's end to this slider 01:07:915 (1) 's . It doesn't mees the playability in you decide ti do it. I like the effect it gives, so no change, sorry!
  2. 01:07:915 (1,3) ^
  3. 01:17:846 (1,3) ^
  4. 01:25:295 (5,1) ^ But in this case you can stack the head of both at tje same place. This looks good
  5. 02:14:122 (1) You can try to make a symmetric shape of this slider more symmetric. Same stuff about the previous mod xD
  6. 02:24:053 (1,2) I'd put them at the Axis X to switch a bit the pattern. Well yeah
  7. 03:35:226 (1,4) Overlap. :c Moved a bit. xD It's not noticeable in playmode so no problem here
  8. 04:32:708 (5,1) You can stack them for making a cleaner blanket. Same as above, I like this effect
  9. 05:21:122 (1,3) ^
  10. 05:43:466 (6,1) ^

Mos of them are suggestions. As you can see I didn't find anything wrong with this mapset. Thanks also for your mod in the m4m map. You're welcome, thanks for your mod, and for the star!

Here a star \(º.º\)
Update #4
Mod 4 Mod!

00:51:363 (1,1,1,1) - volume way too high.

02:14:122 (1) - due to this part having so little objects, i suggest you to reduce the HP to 6 or at least slightly lower than 7 just for precautions. HR players or players that are learning would not like this. To improve map quality, I suggest you make this slow part all slider arts because these has a lot of empty gaps between them. Optional, It's just rare to see marathon maps with HP7 because it sucks to fail if you're far ahead of the song. This is coming from a player's perspective, not mapping.

03:07:088 - I'm not sure why this is kiai it just doesn't feel right to me, but i understand why you made it as one. and as for the spaced stream I feel that you emphasize on the song way too much. You don't have to change this though. I just think that it's too much. maybe just revert them to normal spacing, just my opinion.

04:07:295 (2,3,4) - why are these 1/4 sliders? 1/2 circles is enough, I couldn't hear the 1/4 in it. It may play like 1/2 but the hitsounds just doesn't follow the song well.

04:11:743 (1) - I don't know but I honestly think this part needs improvement rhtyhm wise. I think it'd be better if you just map that part instead of putting a spinner because there are rhythms in the song that you're missing. e.g; 04:12:984 -

04:39:742 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - this sounds more like 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 rather than 1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2.

05:22:156 (4,5,6) - unnecessary 1/4 sliders

05:31:880 (6,7) - would be better if this is a stream instead of 1/4 sliders

05:35:397 (4,5,6) - ^

05:42:846 (1,2,3,4) - this pattern is a tiny bit harsh to play out due to the way 2,3,4 are placed.i suggest you to make 2,3,4 a little bit smoother as in, don't make it play like a zigzag. unlike 05:44:294 (1,2,3,4) - this plays smoothly.

05:45:122 (6,7) - better if turned to stream

05:46:363 (2) - starting from here until the end, the rhythm is pretty inconsistent (the stream lenght varies), despite the song sounding the same.

That's it! I feel like there are a lot of part in which you overuse 1/4 sliders where you can use 1/2 circles instead of just streams but that's your choice. I can't really say much. Also, add some custom hitsounds! Makes the map a little bit more interesting.

Good luck! :)
Alright let's go! (For the M4M)





Add Jesse Valentine and f777 to the tags (Artists name. 2nd tag so its easier to search for the artist without typing hyphen). You can also be nice and add his NG audio portal ID which is 349494 although I don't know if this necessary. On a related note, you should also add newgrounds to the source.


NOTE: I'll explain this when we get on to the map itself but for now lower HP to 5.5 or 6.

OD is fine but consider raising to 7.5 even 8. It's a 145 BPM map so it's not too complicated to stream consistently especially since it's not really a deathstreamy map. Also more PP :P


IDK to me the background doesnt quite compliment the feel of the song, the name of the song, or even the genre. In fact, for an electronica/trance type song a despair-like background is quite contrasting to the mini rave-like song. Also that dude's face is weird as hell (look at his left eye and dumb mouth expression :lol:) Obviously this is just my opinion so if you're ok with the background then by all means keep it but if you're still looking for ideas send me a PM and I'll send you a few that I had in mind ;)


00:48:467 (3) - Now when I first saw this slider I was very sure this was a 1/1 slider because of the first slider on 00:46:398 (1). However when I had to play it I was thrown off completely. I didn't miss but hearing the 3/4 slider and having to repeat early definitely made me get a 100 on the next note. It's not because it's a 3/4 slider but because it's a sharp angled slider that overlaps itself it makes it hard to distinguish it when sightreading it and this type of slider plays really weird with reverse arrow because you have to reverse 4 times in a way. I would suggest using a slider similar to 01:28:191 (3) - where you have the same pattern but with a much nicer 2nd slider.
Actually on that note you could also use 01:26:122 (1) - to replace 00:46:398 (1) because I think this looks much nicer than a linear overlap.

OK this is where that note from earlier comes into play and I can't stress enough how much I HIGHLY SUGGEST the changes below.

01:47:639 - This is a really long break. Now I don't dislike this because of that but because there is a very good oportunity to map to the ambient chambery instrument thing. The idea that came to mind after the first break is "ok so I'm expecting .50x long sliders to compliment the ambience sound and you kind of did that but it wasnt way until 02:14:122 (1) - which made me a little sad :(

What I suggest is moving the note you have to 01:46:812 - then starting a stacked 2/1 slider sort of like this and then kinda mapping to that (using slider art as often as possible :3)

Now the reason I said to lower the drain to 5 or up to 6 is not just because it would be better to map this section which might be tolling on drain but more importantly because it would not be possible with HR drain at 9.8 and we don't want another mendes :P although this one could probably be DT'd.
I also felt the note into another break just felt like lazy mapping considering that the celestial synthy instrument that drops in pitch (starts 01:47:639) kicks in and sort of queues the map begins but slowly. Idk if that makes sense but basically it just feels like "ok this is where I should play agai-- oh nvm break hmph"

The other thing about the break that didn't sit right with me was this spinner at 02:09:157 (1) - I suppose considering the super long break it had to start somewhere but this spinner sounds and feels like it would be better to start where the chord progression resolves (music terms in other words 02:11:639 - and ending it 02:13:295 - This would be fine since you would have mapped the previous section and save people from draining out cuz long spinner.

Finally 02:14:122 (1,1) - Changed to 1/1 sliders maybe with a reverse arrow to emphasize the piano note that plays at 02:14:950 - and 02:18:260 -

I made a lame mapping of that section just now and tested in HR with OD6, the suggestions I made and with notes/sliders only on the noticeable parts and you survive with about half HP bar if you don't miss so you can keep that or you can be nice and use 5.5 or be really nice and use 5 :P

OK back to the normal suggestions

04:11:743 (1) - What feels a bit weird about this spinner is the strongest sounds are the 2 synths that happen at 04:12:984 - and 04:13:088 - however the spinner ends on the white tick before that and both sounds are ignored. This isn't wrong of course but if you were open to changing this I would suggest probably ending the spinner on the blue tick and maybe adding a note on the red tick stacked on the slider head but again both are fine so you don't have to change this.

Final thoughts

Honestly, I heard the song and thought the map would be boring because mapping this type of slower paced trance with no breakdowns is usually boring however this is a very interesting map and I like the way you went about it!

The map felt adequate to its star difficulty and targets a wider audience of players since it's not a 5+ star marathon :P

Also still feels fun to play with mods (I can only DT this when I change it to AR8 though x_x)

Honestly the only big change was mapping the long break and that's barely anything so the map is well structured and flows well and intuitively on the wider spaced stream sections.

I hope this gets ranked! Good luck!!
Just a small feedback from me,

  1. 00:24:881 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I think that 1/4 slider spam will play better if half of them is changed into circles instead imo, something like this might good, or something else maybe. If you need the code:
  2. 00:57:467 (5,6,7,1) - How about giving them more space? maybe a ctrl+g (7) then move to x:248 y:276 might good, because the movement from (6) to (7) somehow not comfortable imo
  3. 01:16:605 (5) - How about a bit move to x:460 y:248? then make it a bit curve? so it'll somehow improve the flow from previous circle stream,
  4. 02:49:501 (3) - Add a reverse on that one, then move this one 02:50:536 (1) - to x:488 y:188, something like this I know you're trying to follow that electronic snare sound but I think the rhythm can be improve there, so the flow with 02:50:536 (1) - is also improved
  5. 03:13:295 (1) - 04:29:397 (5) - How about increase the sv on those sliders a bit? based on the music might good imo
  6. 03:28:295 (7,1) - How about change the rhythm? because I think this one 03:28:295 - is better click than hold imo, so this rhythm instead
  7. 04:09:777 (7) - How about change into a circle instead a circle and stacked it above 04:09:984 (1) - so it'll have a bit jump? because I don't really hear drum being hitted here 04:09:881 - imo
  8. 04:11:743 (1) - Soft sample on that spinner might sound good imo

    On last part I think the NC way too long imo compare to the other parts
That's all
Overall is very good, goodluck~
Topic Starter

[ Madoka ] wrote:

Mod 4 Mod!

00:51:363 (1,1,1,1) - volume way too high. I just changed this, so i will wait for more opinons

02:14:122 (1) - due to this part having so little objects, i suggest you to reduce the HP to 6 or at least slightly lower than 7 just for precautions. HR players or players that are learning would not like this. To improve map quality, I suggest you make this slow part all slider arts because these has a lot of empty gaps between them. Optional, It's just rare to see marathon maps with HP7 because it sucks to fail if you're far ahead of the song. This is coming from a player's perspective, not mapping. Right, I made some slider art right here

03:07:088 - I'm not sure why this is kiai it just doesn't feel right to me, but i understand why you made it as one. and as for the spaced stream I feel that you emphasize on the song way too much. You don't have to change this though. I just think that it's too much. maybe just revert them to normal spacing, just my opinion. No change, sorry, I think kiai sounds well there

04:07:295 (2,3,4) - why are these 1/4 sliders? 1/2 circles is enough, I couldn't hear the 1/4 in it. It may play like 1/2 but the hitsounds just doesn't follow the song well. They are 1/4 actually, I'm also following the main sounds here

04:11:743 (1) - I don't know but I honestly think this part needs improvement rhtyhm wise. I think it'd be better if you just map that part instead of putting a spinner because there are rhythms in the song that you're missing. e.g; 04:12:984 - I want to emphasize that part, so no change, sorry

04:39:742 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - this sounds more like 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 rather than 1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2. Right, changed!

05:22:156 (4,5,6) - unnecessary 1/4 sliders They follow the music, and there are 1/4s here

05:31:880 (6,7) - would be better if this is a stream instead of 1/4 sliders I like how the sliders sound here

05:35:397 (4,5,6) - ^ same

05:42:846 (1,2,3,4) - this pattern is a tiny bit harsh to play out due to the way 2,3,4 are placed.i suggest you to make 2,3,4 a little bit smoother as in, don't make it play like a zigzag. unlike 05:44:294 (1,2,3,4) - this plays smoothly. Can't see a big difference but I will consider it

05:45:122 (6,7) - better if turned to stream Same as above...

05:46:363 (2) - starting from here until the end, the rhythm is pretty inconsistent (the stream lenght varies), despite the song sounding the same. Well, basically I copypasted everything here so I can't understand how the pacing can vary xD

That's it! I feel like there are a lot of part in which you overuse 1/4 sliders where you can use 1/2 circles instead of just streams but that's your choice. I can't really say much. Also, add some custom hitsounds! Makes the map a little bit more interesting. Right, maybe I'll consider this as well :) Thanks for your mod!

Good luck! :)

Side wrote:

Alright let's go! (For the M4M)





Add Jesse Valentine and f777 to the tags (Artists name. 2nd tag so its easier to search for the artist without typing hyphen). You can also be nice and add his NG audio portal ID which is 349494 although I don't know if this necessary. On a related note, you should also add newgrounds to the source. Added everything!


NOTE: I'll explain this when we get on to the map itself but for now lower HP to 5.5 or 6. 6, the other guy above pointed it out xD

OD is fine but consider raising to 7.5 even 8. It's a 145 BPM map so it's not too complicated to stream consistently especially since it's not really a deathstreamy map. Also more PP :P You are evil xD OD 8 pls


IDK to me the background doesnt quite compliment the feel of the song, the name of the song, or even the genre. In fact, for an electronica/trance type song a despair-like background is quite contrasting to the mini rave-like song. Also that dude's face is weird as hell (look at his left eye and dumb mouth expression :lol:) Obviously this is just my opinion so if you're ok with the background then by all means keep it but if you're still looking for ideas send me a PM and I'll send you a few that I had in mind ;) No man, sorry, I love the BG because it's creepy as fuck and I also feel like electronic music matches pretty well with science-fiction :)


00:48:467 (3) - Now when I first saw this slider I was very sure this was a 1/1 slider because of the first slider on 00:46:398 (1). However when I had to play it I was thrown off completely. I didn't miss but hearing the 3/4 slider and having to repeat early definitely made me get a 100 on the next note. It's not because it's a 3/4 slider but because it's a sharp angled slider that overlaps itself it makes it hard to distinguish it when sightreading it and this type of slider plays really weird with reverse arrow because you have to reverse 4 times in a way. I would suggest using a slider similar to 01:28:191 (3) - where you have the same pattern but with a much nicer 2nd slider.
Actually on that note you could also use 01:26:122 (1) - to replace 00:46:398 (1) because I think this looks much nicer than a linear overlap. Sorry, no change here, no one had troubles with that, so I'd prefer to keep it, for now

OK this is where that note from earlier comes into play and I can't stress enough how much I HIGHLY SUGGEST the changes below.

01:47:639 - This is a really long break. Now I don't dislike this because of that but because there is a very good oportunity to map to the ambient chambery instrument thing. The idea that came to mind after the first break is "ok so I'm expecting .50x long sliders to compliment the ambience sound and you kind of did that but it wasnt way until 02:14:122 (1) - which made me a little sad :(

What I suggest is moving the note you have to 01:46:812 - then starting a stacked 2/1 slider sort of like this and then kinda mapping to that (using slider art as often as possible :3)

Now the reason I said to lower the drain to 5 or up to 6 is not just because it would be better to map this section which might be tolling on drain but more importantly because it would not be possible with HR drain at 9.8 and we don't want another mendes :P although this one could probably be DT'd.
I also felt the note into another break just felt like lazy mapping considering that the celestial synthy instrument that drops in pitch (starts 01:47:639) kicks in and sort of queues the map begins but slowly. Idk if that makes sense but basically it just feels like "ok this is where I should play agai-- oh nvm break hmph"

The other thing about the break that didn't sit right with me was this spinner at 02:09:157 (1) - I suppose considering the super long break it had to start somewhere but this spinner sounds and feels like it would be better to start where the chord progression resolves (music terms in other words 02:11:639 - and ending it 02:13:295 - This would be fine since you would have mapped the previous section and save people from draining out cuz long spinner.

Finally 02:14:122 (1,1) - Changed to 1/1 sliders maybe with a reverse arrow to emphasize the piano note that plays at 02:14:950 - and 02:18:260 -

I made a lame mapping of that section just now and tested in HR with OD6, the suggestions I made and with notes/sliders only on the noticeable parts and you survive with about half HP bar if you don't miss so you can keep that or you can be nice and use 5.5 or be really nice and use 5 :P

Ok you convinced me, I will map this part and try to make some OP slider-art xD

OK back to the normal suggestions

04:11:743 (1) - What feels a bit weird about this spinner is the strongest sounds are the 2 synths that happen at 04:12:984 - and 04:13:088 - however the spinner ends on the white tick before that and both sounds are ignored. This isn't wrong of course but if you were open to changing this I would suggest probably ending the spinner on the blue tick and maybe adding a note on the red tick stacked on the slider head but again both are fine so you don't have to change this. Sounds good, changed ;)

Final thoughts

Honestly, I heard the song and thought the map would be boring because mapping this type of slower paced trance with no breakdowns is usually boring however this is a very interesting map and I like the way you went about it!

The map felt adequate to its star difficulty and targets a wider audience of players since it's not a 5+ star marathon :P

Also still feels fun to play with mods (I can only DT this when I change it to AR8 though x_x)

Honestly the only big change was mapping the long break and that's barely anything so the map is well structured and flows well and intuitively on the wider spaced stream sections.

I hope this gets ranked! Good luck!! Thanks a lot for your useful mod, I mapped this in a relaxing way, I didn't want to make something too hard :) I hope it gets ranked as well!

Mako Sakata wrote:

Just a small feedback from me,

  1. 00:24:881 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I think that 1/4 slider spam will play better if half of them is changed into circles instead imo, something like this might good, or something else maybe. If you need the code: I really feel like this needs sliders, so no change, sorry
  2. 00:57:467 (5,6,7,1) - How about giving them more space? maybe a ctrl+g (7) then move to x:248 y:276 might good, because the movement from (6) to (7) somehow not comfortable imo That movement occurs a lot of times in the map...
  3. 01:16:605 (5) - How about a bit move to x:460 y:248? then make it a bit curve? so it'll somehow improve the flow from previous circle stream, Why not, changed
  4. 02:49:501 (3) - Add a reverse on that one, then move this one 02:50:536 (1) - to x:488 y:188, something like this I know you're trying to follow that electronic snare sound but I think the rhythm can be improve there, so the flow with 02:50:536 (1) - is also improved Sorry, I don't like the way that repeat sounds
  5. 03:13:295 (1) - 04:29:397 (5) - How about increase the sv on those sliders a bit? based on the music might good imo I will consider it, I already made weird shapes so it may be enough
  6. 03:28:295 (7,1) - How about change the rhythm? because I think this one 03:28:295 - is better click than hold imo, so this rhythm instead I was using that rhythm previously, but I changed it into this
  7. 04:09:777 (7) - How about change into a circle instead a circle and stacked it above 04:09:984 (1) - so it'll have a bit jump? because I don't really hear drum being hitted here 04:09:881 - imo Yep, changed into a circle
  8. 04:11:743 (1) - Soft sample on that spinner might sound good imo Too silent, in my opinion

    On last part I think the NC way too long imo compare to the other parts
That's all
Overall is very good, goodluck~ Thanks for your mod! :)
Update #5


01:18:674 (4,5) - I kinda like the idea of adding another repeat on these two sliders, same for this one 01:29:432 (1) - I would do either both or none
01:27:157 (2,3,1,2) - Very minor thing, change the "direction" in which the circles flow to be more vertical (screenshot)
01:47:639 (1) - I think this would look prettier if you make this section curved (screenshot, might want to adjust it a bit)
02:11:639 (2) - Maybe do something a bit more interesting with this slider? :P
02:35:639 (1) - This bothers me so much xD (ocd kicking in), but instead of just a circle here it could be nice to have a mirror copy of 02:33:984 (1) - this slider instead so it's symmetric. I know there's no sound there which would require that to be a slider, but you have these nice sliders 02:30:674 (1,2) - here, after which I naturally expect there to be a pair more that go in opposite directions (I hope that makes sense. :? )
02:41:226 (2) - Adjust this so the anchor points are further apart?)
02:50:122 - You could add another circle here like so (4)
03:31:915 (1,1,1,1) - You can increase SV for each of these sliders to vary them up a bit. Here's the SVs I've done (basically just increase the SV by 0.2x for each slider and I then rescaled them so they have the same timing). It just adds that tiny bit of variety I feel (screenshot)
03:36:363 (5) - Add a circle where this slider starts and move the slider forward to the white tick. Adjust positions as desired.
03:59:639 (9,1) - This part needs more "impact" when you play it, I adjusted it like this which I think works well. The SV on that slider is increased to 1.2x but you could probably go a bit higher if you want to use that particular pattern.
04:25:880 (3) - Make this a mirror copy of the 04:24:846 (1) - slider instead, but with no repeat, then add a circle at 04:26:294 - this red tick. (something like this, you don't have to stack that circle under the slider but I did it here)
05:42:949 (3) - Consider moving this a bit upwards
05:57:949 (2) - CTRL+G and also 05:58:363 (3) - CTRL+G, both of them.

Good luck :)
Topic Starter

Hathz wrote:



01:18:674 (4,5) - I kinda like the idea of adding another repeat on these two sliders, same for this one 01:29:432 (1) - I would do either both or none Sounds good, changed!
01:27:157 (2,3,1,2) - Very minor thing, change the "direction" in which the circles flow to be more vertical (screenshot) Well it's pretty much the same, I'm too lazy to change it xD
01:47:639 (1) - I think this would look prettier if you make this section curved (screenshot, might want to adjust it a bit) Yeah, changed
02:11:639 (2) - Maybe do something a bit more interesting with this slider? :P I didn't want to fuck the spacing up, but I will take it into consideration and maybe change it xD
02:35:639 (1) - This bothers me so much xD (ocd kicking in), but instead of just a circle here it could be nice to have a mirror copy of 02:33:984 (1) - this slider instead so it's symmetric. I know there's no sound there which would require that to be a slider, but you have these nice sliders 02:30:674 (1,2) - here, after which I naturally expect there to be a pair more that go in opposite directions (I hope that makes sense. :? ) Oh my god, I changd it but I'm not sure about this, I litrally added an imaginary bet to the song xD
02:41:226 (2) - Adjust this so the anchor points are further apart?) No change, sorry, I like it this way
02:50:122 - You could add another circle here like so (4) Sounds bad to me :(
03:31:915 (1,1,1,1) - You can increase SV for each of these sliders to vary them up a bit. Here's the SVs I've done (basically just increase the SV by 0.2x for each slider and I then rescaled them so they have the same timing). It just adds that tiny bit of variety I feel (screenshot) Very good idea, I CTRL+Ged some of them but I didn't change the SV because I would have to change it everywhere and it doesn't fit in some parts
03:36:363 (5) - Add a circle where this slider starts and move the slider forward to the white tick. Adjust positions as desired. I know what you mean but I'm not changing it because I'm following the electronic noise on the back
03:59:639 (9,1) - This part needs more "impact" when you play it, I adjusted it like this which I think works well. The SV on that slider is increased to 1.2x but you could probably go a bit higher if you want to use that particular pattern. 1.25x is enough, I also made a little jump here
04:25:880 (3) - Make this a mirror copy of the 04:24:846 (1) - slider instead, but with no repeat, then add a circle at 04:26:294 - this red tick. (something like this, you don't have to stack that circle under the slider but I did it here) Op way to make it symmetrical, thanks <3
05:42:949 (3) - Consider moving this a bit upwards Fixed, since everyone hate this pattern
05:57:949 (2) - CTRL+G and also 05:58:363 (3) - CTRL+G, both of them. Okkei

Good luck :) Thanks for really useful mod :3
Update #6
melon boy
Hello! Fuccho's M4M here.
  1. Remember to check your AiMod for unsnapped sliders. There are a few.
  2. 00:48:467 (3) - Make the slider end go down to the left rather than the right for better flow.
  3. 00:51:363 (1,1,1,1) - Not only is the sound too loud compared to the rest of your map, but I also feel like the intensity should scale down rather than up.
  4. 01:06:053 (7) - Move this a bit up for emphasis, since there's an increase in pitch. The next note is also a really strong downbeat.
  5. 01:36:053 - For the slider part. You have these little wiggly-wogglies (for lack of a better term) such as this 01:53:846 and this 02:01:915
    While your slider art is good, I find these unfitting, since the music here is very clean and kind of flow-ish. I think they'd feel better if you straightened them out, just these little ones, the rest is a-okay.
  6. 02:11:639 (2) - Also – as mentioned previously – this slider could be a bit more complex.
  7. 03:13:295 (1) - I think it's just that this slider is a little too straight. Try making the end a bit more curved, see if you like it.
  8. 03:20:329 - You forgot to change the slider velocity here to 1.00x
  9. 03:31:915 (1,1,1,1) - This is good, because the music increases in intensity, though I still think the volume is a bit too high compared to everything else.
  10. 03:36:467 - This white tick definitely needs to be clickable. Not only is there a very clear snare, it's also the only spot of that section where you ignore it.
  11. 04:11:743 (1) - I would make this spinner end on 04:12:674 and add a circle at 04:12:984
    The rhythm you have doesn't make much sense as it is now.
  12. 04:39:742 - Couldn't you have done something more orderly for this part. For example, use "Create Polygon Circles" to get better placement for the sliders. It seems a bit random currently.
  13. 04:44:708 (1,2,3,4) - I feel like these four last slider needs to be rotated a bit individually. The ones at the right clockwise and the ones on the left counter-clockwise. See if you like it.
  14. 05:23:604 (3,4) - Maybe rotate 05:23:604 (3) slightly and blanket it on 05:24:018 (4)
    I think it'd look better this way, and the flow would be a bit better.
  15. Also, yes. You're timing is wrong. There should be plenty of places to find someone who can give you the exact timing.

Aaaand that's about it from me. You're very consistent and thorough with your mapping, so there isn't much to say, since you seem to have it all down. Good luck with getting this ranked, and thanks for the mod!!
Topic Starter

Fuccho wrote:

Hello! Fuccho's M4M here.
  1. Remember to check your AiMod for unsnapped sliders. There are a few. Oh damn, fixed
  2. 00:48:467 (3) - Make the slider end go down to the left rather than the right for better flow.
  3. 00:51:363 (1,1,1,1) - Not only is the sound too loud compared to the rest of your map, but I also feel like the intensity should scale down rather than up. Everyone hates this, so I lowered the volume. Anyway it has to scale up because the kiai is about to start
  4. 01:06:053 (7) - Move this a bit up for emphasis, since there's an increase in pitch. The next note is also a really strong downbeat. Yes but I'd have to change this eveywhere and some patterns that I put don't allow this
  5. 01:36:053 - For the slider part. You have these little wiggly-wogglies (for lack of a better term) such as this 01:53:846 and this 02:01:915
    While your slider art is good, I find these unfitting, since the music here is very clean and kind of flow-ish. I think they'd feel better if you straightened them out, just these little ones, the rest is a-okay. Uh, I like these, I think they are ok
  6. 02:11:639 (2) - Also – as mentioned previously – this slider could be a bit more complex. I have spacing issues, like I mentioned in the previous mod, but I'll think about it later
  7. 03:13:295 (1) - I think it's just that this slider is a little too straight. Try making the end a bit more curved, see if you like it. I like it this way
  8. 03:20:329 - You forgot to change the slider velocity here to 1.00x Holy shit. Yesterday I fixed some sections and I accidentally chenged this as well
  9. 03:31:915 (1,1,1,1) - This is good, because the music increases in intensity, though I still think the volume is a bit too high compared to everything else. Ok, decreased
  10. 03:36:467 - This white tick definitely needs to be clickable. Not only is there a very clear snare, it's also the only spot of that section where you ignore it. I'm following that electronic beat on the background here
  11. 04:11:743 (1) - I would make this spinner end on 04:12:674 and add a circle at 04:12:984
    The rhythm you have doesn't make much sense as it is now. Sounds better
  12. 04:39:742 - Couldn't you have done something more orderly for this part. For example, use "Create Polygon Circles" to get better placement for the sliders. It seems a bit random currently. Well, maybe, will see
  13. 04:44:708 (1,2,3,4) - I feel like these four last slider needs to be rotated a bit individually. The ones at the right clockwise and the ones on the left counter-clockwise. See if you like it. Uhm, I don't, sorry
  14. 05:23:604 (3,4) - Maybe rotate 05:23:604 (3) slightly and blanket it on 05:24:018 (4)
    I think it'd look better this way, and the flow would be a bit better. I like it this way
  15. Also, yes. You're timing is wrong. There should be plenty of places to find someone who can give you the exact timing. :C I will find someone

Aaaand that's about it from me. You're very consistent and thorough with your mapping, so there isn't much to say, since you seem to have it all down. Good luck with getting this ranked, and thanks for the mod!! Thank you a lot for your help!
Update #7
Ayana Hana
Heeey \(^▽^)/M4M


00:15:984 (6,7,8) - U can made kind this -> . Will help to diversify the map.
00:37:088 (2) - Ctrl+J and move 356/124.
01:20:536 (6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - Check form -> .
01:31:088 (1,2,3) - May bend them?
01:39:570 (1) - There may be problems with finding the way. Make it so -> .
03:17:226 (2) - Ctrl+J and move.

I almost didn't find the flaws.
GL, nice map
(o_ _)ノ彡 Take the star
Topic Starter

Lama Poluna wrote:

Heeey \(^▽^)/M4M


00:15:984 (6,7,8) - U can made kind this -> . Will help to diversify the map. It would create a weird jump...
00:37:088 (2) - Ctrl+J and move 356/124. I don't want them to be stacked...
01:20:536 (6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - Check form -> . Fixed
01:31:088 (1,2,3) - May bend them? Yeah
01:39:570 (1) - There may be problems with finding the way. Make it so -> . I think it's 100% readable o.o
03:17:226 (2) - Ctrl+J and move. No big difference but okay!

I almost didn't find the flaws.
GL, nice map
(o_ _)ノ彡 Take the star Thanks a lot for your mod and your star!
Update #8
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Update #9

I fixed the wrong offset and changed some shitty patterns and sliders :D
did a short IRC mod
17:27 RikiH_: Hey, are you accepting mod requests? My map is a marathon, quite easy (4.6 stars) and I'm aviable for IRC mod if you prefer
17:27 Hinsvar: /np it.
17:28 Hinsvar: How long will you be online?
17:29 RikiH_: I'll be for next 3/4 hours
17:31 Hinsvar: ok please /np the map
17:31 Hinsvar: :D
17:31 RikiH_: Thanks <3
17:31 *RikiH_ is listening to [ F-777 - Wander of Thought]
17:32 Hinsvar: \:D/
17:32 Hinsvar: noted
17:32 Hinsvar: we'll start IRC modding in like an hour or something
17:32 Hinsvar: or just when I'm ready
17:32 RikiH_: Perfect, so I have the time for lunch xD call me when you're ready
17:37 Hinsvar: Cool :)
18:04 RikiH_: Okay done, anyway are you willing to bubble Aleie? I relly love it xD
18:05 Hinsvar: Yes.
18:06 Hinsvar: hmm I'll go for bath and dinner
18:06 Hinsvar: then I'll mod
18:06 RikiH_: Okay :)
18:33 Hinsvar: yep
18:33 Hinsvar: exactly an hour
18:33 Hinsvar: are you there
18:33 RikiH_: Oh yes
18:33 RikiH_: One hour and one minute*
18:35 Hinsvar: 00:53:213 (2) - [ Make it curved like this for a better flow?]
18:35 RikiH_: Uh, yes
18:36 RikiH_: Done
18:37 Hinsvar: 01:37:902 - Don't you think the sliderslide is being too loud in this section full of slider arts?
18:38 Hinsvar: I personally would make the sliderslide silent until 02:35:937 - but it's up to you.
18:38 Hinsvar: using the official 44 bytes file ofc
18:38 Hinsvar: 02:17:419 - A finish is too loud for this; a whistle fits better.
18:40 RikiH_: Uh well, I don't like it completely silent, maybe I can try to lower the volume a bit
18:40 RikiH_: So that finish gets more silent as well
18:41 Hinsvar: Sure for low volume; I can't see why would you keep the finish, though...
18:41 Hinsvar: The characteristic of the finish doesn't suit with the instrument played at 02:17:419 -
18:41 Hinsvar: Instead, a whistle sounds more similar.
18:41 Hinsvar: Pretty sure that sounds exactly like 02:20:730 (1) - .
18:42 RikiH_: Oh yeah, sorry, I was thinking about another finish xD I agree with that
18:42 Hinsvar: lol okay
18:42 RikiH_: I also think I put it by accident when I copy-pasted the previous one... Anyway fixed
18:44 Hinsvar: Sure.
18:44 RikiH_: Ok, lowered the volume, sonds better
18:44 Hinsvar: cool
18:45 RikiH_: Oh I also removed this whistle 02:45:144 (4) -
18:45 Hinsvar: Oh, nice catch.
18:45 Hinsvar: :D
18:45 RikiH_: Yeah, it was an accident too I think xD
18:45 Hinsvar: isn't this basically Phase 1 v2
18:45 Hinsvar: lol
18:46 Hinsvar: well it is way easier
18:46 Hinsvar: :D
18:46 RikiH_: Ahahahah oh help xD much easier
18:49 Hinsvar: 04:59:604 (1) - I don't think this needs finishes...
18:50 Hinsvar: you know because of how the instrument works here
18:50 RikiH_: Yeah, I will remove the ones from following sliders as well D:
18:50 Hinsvar: sure
18:50 Hinsvar: oh and use whistles instead
18:51 Hinsvar: in place of the finishes
18:51 RikiH_: sure
18:52 Hinsvar: hmm yep
18:52 Hinsvar: just that I think
18:52 Hinsvar: I can bubble this I guess
18:53 RikiH_: Yeah, thanks! Oh, just a thing
18:53 RikiH_: 05:05:191 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Do I need whistles here?
18:53 Hinsvar: Hmm, maybe you'd like to try adding one at 05:05:811 -
18:54 Hinsvar: If you have nothing more to say, update right away.
18:54 Hinsvar: uh to fix I mean
18:54 RikiH_: Nothing more to fix, I did everything this morning before calling BNs
18:54 Hinsvar: Okay.
18:55 Hinsvar: Update now.
18:55 RikiH_: Just one last thing
18:55 RikiH_: 05:04:570 (2) - The Whistle here was necessary imo
18:56 Hinsvar: oh sure you can keep that
18:56 RikiH_: Yeah. Updating
18:57 RikiH_: Okay done

Bubble #1.
Topic Starter
Thanks :)
did something and something #2
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Yay, thanks, I'm getting closer :D
did things

2015-07-22 03:36 RikiH_: thanks :3
2015-07-22 03:36 RikiH_: ACTION is listening to [ F-777 - Wander of Thought]
2015-07-22 03:37 RikiH_: Well, I fixed that slider and everything should really be ok
2015-07-22 03:39 Natsu: people will DT this u will see
2015-07-22 03:40 Natsu: 01:19:075 (5,1,2) - spacing looks the same for diff snap
2015-07-22 03:41 RikiH_: ?
2015-07-22 03:41 Natsu: 05:32:702 - kiai is unsnapped
2015-07-22 03:43 RikiH_: oh crap xD
2015-07-22 03:43 Natsu: 02:53:419 (1) - I dont think this NC its necesary
2015-07-22 03:44 RikiH_: I put that NC there because I wanted to be consistent with the previous patterns, like 00:51:350 (1,1,1,1)
2015-07-22 03:45 Natsu: k
2015-07-22 03:45 RikiH_: But what aout that spacing? I didn't understand what's wrong
2015-07-22 03:45 RikiH_: about*
2015-07-22 03:46 Natsu: oh
2015-07-22 03:46 Natsu: that the 1/4 jump 01:19:075 (5,1) - looks almost the same as the 1/2 spacing 01:19:488 (1,2) -
2015-07-22 03:46 RikiH_: Aaaaaah okay, right, I'll fix it
2015-07-22 03:46 Natsu: 01:19:695 (2,3,4) - maybe just moving this a bit down will do the work
2015-07-22 03:48 Natsu: that's all
2015-07-22 03:48 RikiH_: What about this? I didn't want to touch the following pattern because it's 1.0x and I didn't want to make jumps there
2015-07-22 03:48 Natsu: oh that also works
yup, GL
Topic Starter
Best ninja <3

Now waiting for disqualification ;)
Ayana Hana
Coongratz :3
Congratulations.. but... i honestly think, that:

01:37:902 - at this part, sliders should AT LEAST start somewhere around the end of the previous one, and you put every in the other corner of the playscreen.. that is really bad because you can slider break or miss here because there is no preparation for next slider

04:52:978 - the same is here (honestly i broke here because i dont know where the next slider would be, and everybody would think that it will be around the end of previous combo...)

Think about that..

CptSqBany wrote:

Congratulations.. but... i honestly think, that:

01:37:902 - at this part, sliders should AT LEAST start somewhere around the end of the previous one, and you put every in the other corner of the playscreen.. that is really bad because you can slider break or miss here because there is no preparation for next slider look at the gap in the timeline, I can't imagine how someone will fail at this tbh, bpm is low and gap is big, even the slider shape is suggesting you where you need to move for the next one

04:52:978 - the same is here (honestly i broke here because i dont know where the next slider would be, and everybody would think that it will be around the end of previous combo...) man is a linear pattern with distance snap

Think about that..
I feel that both things are more issues with you gameplay rather than the map, I did think you was going to point a hard part in the map, but instead you are having issues with the calm part of the song :oops:

Natsu wrote:

CptSqBany wrote:

Congratulations.. but... i honestly think, that:

01:37:902 - at this part, sliders should AT LEAST start somewhere around the end of the previous one, and you put every in the other corner of the playscreen.. that is really bad because you can slider break or miss here because there is no preparation for next slider look at the gap in the timeline, I can't imagine how someone will fail at this tbh, bpm is low and gap is big, even the slider shape is suggesting you where you need to move for the next one

04:52:978 - the same is here (honestly i broke here because i dont know where the next slider would be, and everybody would think that it will be around the end of previous combo...) man is a linear pattern with distance snap

Think about that..
I feel that both things are more issues with you gameplay rather than the map, I did think you was going to point a hard part in the map, but instead you are having issues with the calm part of the song :oops:

Maybe... maybe not... i dunno, i really think that would help, but i wont argue with nobody. If you think so that is good as it is, then im good with it. (best english 2015)
Topic Starter
Yeah, maybe... but it's AR9 and most of players can read it quite easily so I think it's acceptable :)

Natsu wrote:

man is a linear pattern
Nomination Assessment Team

Disqualification Notice


Unfortunately, the Quality Assurance Team has decided to disqualify this beatmap. The following is a list of reasons and examples for the disqualification. We do not outline every issue in detail, so make sure to take the idea behind each reason and apply it to the entire beatmap as issues might be found in more than the spots mentioned below. If you have any questions, please reply to this post and we will do our best to clarify any misunderstandings.


Incorrect source

  • Newgrounds is not a correct source. Please leave "Source" empty unless the song was produced for a specific game/show/movie or became well known as a part of it.

If you happen to have concerns about this disqualification, you can contest the decision with this form. Before using this form, please read the instructions carefully.

The Beatmap Nominators may handle this mapset after the issues have been addressed.

Good luck!

Topic Starter
O' fuck.

ayy lmao

Don't ninja pls.

need to pop, since there are 2 mp3 in your folder lol

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Oh come on, what the fuck, where did it come from D:
I suppose the map got ranked with 2 mp3s :')


2ude nice
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Updated because of unsnapped preview point.

Now waiting for someone to qualify this forever. :c
too many qualified maps over the last 24 hours! (6 max)

ahhh. why? too many qualified maps over the last 24 hours! (6 max)
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let's be really patient :<
wew finally, grats
Topic Starter

Satellite wrote:

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