
Dimming that window

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Hello there fellow clickers!

My name is Dequilla and I am usually a bored student that regurarly play with my computer in diffrent kinds of ways, games, coding or setting up things for friends and family, just today I got bored and figured I'd play osu and thought, "Why don't I have a dimming program running when i play osu, especially since I play in winodwed mode?", so I try'd it out and kind of liked it, but the lazy person I am I couldn't be bother starting and stopping that darn extra program all the time, so I set up a small afternoon project and created some batch files that keeps track of it for me! So here it is:

I call it LeDimmerMod in honor of the program that I used to dim it.
I did not create the program itself only the batch script that keeps track of osu and the dimmer program, credits for the program goes to and as suggested by Renevant if you are intressted in the program itself there is a easy-to-read review on
I set up a download link for now on:

So to be honest I do not know if I am posting in the right place or anything but I thought this would be cool to share nontheless, especially since I usually rarely finish projects, and since I am actually pretty bad at coding and especially windows/batch/dos scripting.

If do you decide to try it, download it and read the readme.txt for how to use it, otherwise, ENJOY! :)

TL:DR: Dimmscreen, no extra clicking, just run and osu opens with it, close osu and it closes with it. Dowload above, ENJOY! :)
Im a little confused.
From what i understand, you took this application and changed it a little so that it opens with osu!.

If that is the case, I strongly suggest you give credit where credit is due. LeDimmer should be linked in your post as something that you didn't create, but made it so that it opens with osu! and closes with osu!. Unless of course you did create this application from two years ago? But it doesn't look like you did.

I suggest you edit your post clarifying exactly what you did or people will misunderstand.
Here is the Official LeDimmer download link by the creator:
Here is the easy-to-read review on the application:

It also might be necessary for you to request permission from the creator to do this, but that's a gray area..
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I see what you mean, I just figured someone maybe would like this too, but you are absolutely right, I did cred in the small readme I did but maybe I should've included it in the post too, kinda hurried with the post because of personal things. And when it comes to permission it would be nicer to have asked permission but it is hard to know if it is even active anymore since the site says it supports vista and there are no clear dates of when it was last updated, aswell as there being no obvious licensing to it aslong as I credit him properly I don't se any problem.
Oh, this is nice. I prefer little to no distractions while playing, and this just takes it a step further. I usually just have the key overlay on while playing.

Thanks for sharing!
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