
Another Pubble System [Denied]

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Total votes: 14
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Current Priority: +0
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If you do not know what I say, please tell me!! :(

I thought a way to make the Pubble System reform.
So, I thought this system will be better.
And make MAT more useful.


By Hanyuu
when 3 MAT give a pubble a MAT is allowed to make a bubble in trust to be checked with a BAT to approve/rank the map. split the 
work on BAT and MAT

- 1st MATStar System
3 MAT gave a map for 3 Pubble and 3 Pubble will change to 1 MATStar and 2 MATStar = Bubble
(BAT can skip the MATStar to giving bubble)
And give the map to BAT for Rank
So that, BAT just rank map or Mod the bubbled map.
- Good
This way can reduce BAT work
- Bad
It will have to call more MAT to join.
MAT should be more careful for a map.

- 2nd Sound & Basic (It can cross over to 1st system) (Opptional)
It should be set up two Approval Teams.
Sound Approval Teams (SAT) & Basic Approval Teams (BsAT)
SAT: Check the sound of a beatmap to find that was any sound problem.
BsAT: Check the basic things of the beatmap like difficulty, score, the time of the song, the difficulty range of the beatmap, Offset and BPM. Without this, that would have SB and Skin.

These two Approval Teams should be two pares of one beatmap. So, that means one beatmap should be mod by them. And they give a Special Star (Use of another color to the KDStar) to each of beatmap.

Another way for using this system is cross over 1st system and 2nd system.
First system is using 3 Pubble change to one MATStar. Cross over 1 and 2 system is one SAT and one BsAT to be one Pubble.
(SAT + BsAT = one Pubble)

- Other(S)
Pubble should show in Stars Obtained with other color.
MATStar is show on the place that show symbol (Love image, bubble image, star image)

al2e10 wrote:

- 1st MATStar System
3 MAT gave a map for 3 Pubble and 3 Pubble will change to 1 MATStar and 2 MATStar = Bubble
(BAT can skip the MATStar to giving bubble)
And give the map to BAT for Rank
So that, BAT just rank map or Mod the bubbled map.
- Good
This way can reduce BAT work
- Bad
It will have to call more MAT to join.
MAT should be more careful for a map.
I think that one's actually a pretty nice idea. I'm not so sure about the other one <.<

But... won't the pubbles just disappear again? Since they're optional (generally), people will naturally begin to start complaining about the BATs again... I don't know how this will go, but I'm sure it could help especially since I have a map which needs bubbling *AHEM*
Too many teams.

All members of the BAT can do the basic sound and timing checks largely without difficulty - we have specialized members for that when extra clarification is needed.

Ranking speed is currently at the best level it could possibly be at - any higher and we'd be having bandwidth issues and any lower would result in people complaining about it.

Nothing really needs to be changed right now. It does upset me a little that the MAT are largely redundant in their initial roles right now, but they still remain in charge of nominating charted maps.
Topic Starter

Ephemeral wrote:

Too many teams.

All members of the BAT can do the basic sound and timing checks largely without difficulty - we have specialized members for that when extra clarification is needed.

Ranking speed is currently at the best level it could possibly be at - any higher and we'd be having bandwidth issues and any lower would result in people complaining about it.

Nothing really needs to be changed right now. It does upset me a little that the MAT are largely redundant in their initial roles right now, but they still remain in charge of nominating charted maps.
Yes, but I thought that system is because BAT isn't enough. (I think)

It can be move smoothly when MAT is join the BAT.

And I think MAT can be more useful for now system
Topic Starter

Harris73 wrote:

I think that one's actually a pretty nice idea. I'm not so sure about the other one <.<

But... won't the pubbles just disappear again? Since they're optional (generally), people will naturally begin to start complaining about the BATs again... I don't know how this will go, but I'm sure it could help especially since I have a map which needs bubbling *AHEM*

Ya, because many BAT get retire and having a holiday.
So, it can help a bit.
I think i have the best solution, and that is delete the MAT team.

Gabi wrote:

I think i have the best solution, and that is delete the MAT team.
Wouldn't really fix anything, but wouldn't really break anything either.

I think we'll leave it as is for now.
I have an idea too, get more BATs.

The BAT system is operating fine while the MAT system is just a failure as it was.
More BATs > More Ranked Maps.

It's common sense and that's all that must happen. Not some new weird system.
More BAT's = more ranked maps.
More ranked maps ≠ better QC.
Therefore, more BAT's ≠ better QC.

More BAT's = worse QC?

inb4 people believe this
Shohei Ohtani
Instead of more BATs, we should replace the ones that don't really mod stuff. They'd be GMTs, rather than BATs, and then promote the best MATs (not all at once, but gradually) to BAT.

Although, we shouldn't do this ASAP. I mean, we just got 3-4 new sexy re-BATs.~

CDFA wrote:

Instead of more BATs, we should replace the ones that don't really mod stuff.
This has already been discussed a dozen times. There's no need to throw BATs away once they stop modding. Adding more BATs, though? Sure.
my idea:

when 3 MAT together agree to make a pubble it will change for a bubble

this way the BAT (beatmap approval team) dont have to look for a map first to bubble it and then look again ... to rank it

and the MAT (mapping assistance team) is doing the job to assist the BAT in the work

it will maybe make more resposibility for the MAT but that is the job
and it will make the work half for the BAT and make it more time for the job they are to do

in this vote i select "no" because i write my idea but i support the system

when 3 MAT give a pubble a MAT is allowed to make a bubble in trust to be checked with a BAT to approve/rank the map. split the work on BAT and MAT

Hanyuu wrote:

and the MAT (mapping assistance team) is doing the job to assist the BAT in the work
I thought the MAT was supposed to help with the mapping, not the ranking.
Topic Starter

Hanyuu wrote:

my idea:

when 3 MAT together agree to make a pubble it will change for a bubble

this way the BAT (beatmap approval team) dont have to look for a map first to bubble it and then look again ... to rank it

and the MAT (mapping assistance team) is doing the job to assist the BAT in the work

it will maybe make more resposibility for the MAT but that is the job
and it will make the work half for the BAT and make it more time for the job they are to do

in this vote i select "no" because i write my idea but i support the system

when 3 MAT give a pubble a MAT is allowed to make a bubble in trust to be checked with a BAT to approve/rank the map. split the 
work on BAT and MAT
I agree your point, Added it !

Ephemeral wrote:

Too many teams.
Agreed. Second option brings about too many teams which we just don't need.

Ephemeral wrote:

All members of the BAT can do the basic sound and timing checks largely without difficulty - we have specialized members for that when extra clarification is needed.
Indeed. It's just people who choose to map songs that have more than one BPM. Personally, everybody should have a firm grasp on timing but hey, there are people who don't understand the concept. It's what the MAT is here for.

Ephemeral wrote:

Ranking speed is currently at the best level it could possibly be at - any higher and we'd be having bandwidth issues and any lower would result in people complaining about it.
As long as maps are in existence, the scenario cannot be avoided. Your average "Demand vs. Supply" scenario that the economic world face. Right here on osu!

Ephemeral wrote:

Nothing really needs to be changed right now. It does upset me a little that the MAT are largely redundant in their initial roles right now, but they still remain in charge of nominating charted maps.
If that's the case, you might want to rename the team. To CATs. (Chart Approval Team)

MarioBros777 wrote:

If that's the case, you might want to rename the team. To CATs. (Chart Approval Team)
a.k.a. the Crap Approval Team.
The MAT has assisted me with mapping before. They're the Mapping Assistance Team. I'd rather just have the MATs be people with 'certification', AKA know what the heck they're doing, than trying to have them affect ranking or anything like that. In their current state they're quite useful if you need help with a map. Like you need it modded, timed, or have no idea what to do for ______ situation.

Anyways, no pubble system would work due to the MAT:BAT ratio. Too many pubbles, not enough BATs. Making more than one pubble required would just make it worse when a BAT disapproves of the pubble, which happened quite a bit and was what basically happened last time.

Just keep the MATs as people who help with mapping, as in people who can mod your map to make it rankable in place of BATs who can then look at it and approve of it. MATs are useful since you can usually trust their input. They don't need any ranking-related need IMO, they're useful enough as it is.
as this situation is now the MAT are what you said that is correct but it is a nice idea if they can support with the process to rank a beatmap

Ekaru wrote:

I'd rather just have the MATs be people with 'certification', AKA know what the heck they're doing, than trying to have them affect ranking or anything like that.
oh my god I'm not the only one
Topic Starter
I want to ask,
MAT is for mapping
BAT is for approval map

When BAT approval a map, the map should be +8Star^
But the star is given by the one like the song and map. Or they mod the map and think that map is good.
So, the one star the map call what?
MAT is for mapping, but who give the star to them? MAT or BAT?
MAT know mapping skill a lot, why they can't have a bigger power?

al2e10 wrote:

MAT know mapping skill a lot, why they can't have a bigger power?
That's true. If they just get purple names so that people can ask them for a little help, then that's pretty useless IMO. Even without them, people will gradually lean towards people who are more well known for mapping (or the BATs). So as long as we have the team, they might as well be useful for something we can't just do.

Harris73 wrote:

If they just get purple names so that people can ask them for a little help, then that's pretty useless IMO.
If it's your opinion, your opinion might just actually be wrong. The MAT will be geared toward servicing new mappers (not exclusively, but that's likely the largest demograph). If you're new to mapping and you want some human advice (ie something beyond rules of "do this don't do that") who ya gonna call? Anyone guaranteed to have the necessary level of experience, as they can provide you the advice you need.

Harris73 wrote:

al2e10 wrote:

MAT know mapping skill a lot, why they can't have a bigger power?
That's true. If they just get purple names so that people can ask them for a little help, then that's pretty useless IMO. Even without them, people will gradually lean towards people who are more well known for mapping (or the BATs). So as long as we have the team, they might as well be useful for something we can't just do.
Isn't it obvious already?

That's precisely what the MAT is for - the people who are well known for mapping and who actually want to help other people do the same thing.
MATs should be able to nuke stuff.

We can trust them to tell crap from non-crap, right? The BATs shouldn't even need to see nuke-worthy maps.

MetalMario201 wrote:

MATs should be able to nuke stuff.

We can trust them to tell crap from non-crap, right? The BATs shouldn't even need to see nuke-worthy maps.
Shouldn't MATs help people instead of nuking their maps? :P

Anyways my opinion of the current situation is that it's already looking good. We aren't in need of 5 new maps everyday. Besides on the holidays, atleast 20 maps get ranked in like 10 hours <_<, ranking speed is great as it is.
IMO nukes are for maps that are beyond repair lol

And the problem isn't ranking speed generally, it's the difference in ranking speed between popular mappers' maps and less well known mappers' maps, even when they are of similar quality, for instance.
Ironically there is no new ranking chart, so one person's opinion is more valuable than the opinion of the MAT...?
I think it's just fine for now, and I don't think carpets should be nuking maps...leave that to the bats IMO.

It's true what Gabi says, ranking speed is fine as it is, I think there are still developments on the way for team carpet so why don't we just leave it as it is for now and wait til those are done?

As far as the ranking charts go...I think that should be a little more democratic but that's for another topic/my opinion.
Oh yes that reminds me.

Do any of you guys know Wiki editing? I forgot a long time ago since I left my old community.
Shouldn't MATs help people instead of nuking their maps?
This, rofl

We aren't in need of 5 new maps everyday
Unfortunately that's what some (many) people want. Kinda sickening to think.
Nakata Yuji
MAT ------> BAT. Why can't we just have have more BATs? The current MATs have proven some sort of worth already. And if they aren't qualified, complaints can be filed with their work, and they can just be demoted. In the end, we'll have a larger workforce.
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