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MuseStorm is a rhythm game I have been working on which uses songs from osu! and is in early alpha.
It is a simple bullet hell shooter like game (like because it's actually nothing like it other than lots of bullets) that is synced to music.
You can find more details on my site here
If you have a problem with me using your files Peppy, please tell me.
I have included some songs with the download, if you want me to add or take your song down, please contact me. The current graphics are place-holders so they will not be used in the end, most of the current graphics are stolen from Concealed the Conclusion and I apologize for doing so.
Screenshots/download in link provided

Video by Xanek

If anyone has suggestions or wishes to help, please post here or contact me. I need help with graphics currently.
So what does everyone think?

Update! 6/07/2010
- Fixed Updater
- Damage system
- Danmaku = 3 lives, 1 hit kill
- Rel. Damage means:
Reg = 20 damage
Lines = 15 damage
Fire = 15 damage
Laser = 10 damage a second
- Increase wait time before return to menu.
- Turn speed increased again
- Laser effects more visible
- (N.B. may lag)
- Can bomb from edge
- New bomb (I was bored)
- Hit Sounds (sort of)

5/07/2010 #3
- Increased turn speed
(you might wanna skip this update)

5/07/2010 #2
- Difficulties added
- Easy = 1/3 bullets, only 1 laser per cannon.
- Normal = 1/2 bullets, 2 lasers per cannon.
- Hard = normal bullets, 3 lasers per cannon.
- Insane = 1.5x bullets, bullets 1.5x speed, 3 lasers per cannon.
- Random song button added
- Bomb with F (proof of concept)
- Mouse Look
- Curve bullets set to q and e rather than numpad

- Volume Reduced By 50%
- Shift Slows Ship
- Dev messages hidden
- Returns to menu after song completion


First 10 second impression:
3s-Arrows aren't the controls?
4s-Random lasers and bullets flying at my "ship"
5s-Found out WASD is the movement
6s-Found out that your ship auto fires
7s-Found out that you cannot currently die
8s~10s-Moved around randomly

:arrow: Needs some type of volume control as when I first hit a song it was a semi-loud noise so I quickly turned my volume down before I was deafened by the music (I use earbuds instead of headphones so most audio is initially loud before adjustment
:arrow: Don't know but there should be some way to avoid the lasers, as when i'm testing this it seems like the lasers are very hard to predict.
:arrow: There needs to be a way to go back to the main menu (should be obvious that you're already working on that.
:?: How do you use the converter exactly? By finding the .osu file of the selected song?
:!: Very unique on how it converts the osu file to work with the game
:idea: Should add a progress bar... :?: unless that flame thing on the bottom of the box is the progress?
Had a quick go. Seems good fun. Could you make the ship rotate by following the mouse? It's annoying to have to do this without rotation. Also the ship needs to take damage.
After the song finishes it needs to go back to the menu.
And make the link bigger in the first post, I couldn't find it :P

Might want to hide these
Topic Starter
Thank you for testing

Xanek wrote:

First 10 second impression:
1s-Lolwut - Pretty much
3s-Arrows aren't the controls? - Controls are on the website
4s-Random lasers and bullets flying at my "ship" - I don't know either
5s-Found out WASD is the movement
6s-Found out that your ship auto fires
7s-Found out that you cannot currently die - That got disabled for testing purposes, I'll re-add it if people want it.
8s~10s-Moved around randomly

:arrow: Needs some type of volume control as when I first hit a song it was a semi-loud noise so I quickly turned my volume down before I was deafened by the music (I use earbuds instead of headphones so most audio is initially loud before adjustment - I have now lowered the volume and will add volume control
:arrow: Don't know but there should be some way to avoid the lasers, as when i'm testing this it seems like the lasers are very hard to predict. - The lasers have a warning but in most cases it isn't enough, if anyone has a better idea.
:arrow: There needs to be a way to go back to the main menu (should be obvious that you're already working on that. - You can press r for reset
:?: How do you use the converter exactly? By finding the .osu file of the selected song?
:!: Very unique on how it converts the osu file to work with the game - Thank you
:idea: Should add a progress bar - If you mean of the song then there is one in game at the bottom, for the converter I shall put it on my todo
I'll upload the update file in a bit


Agent Spin Here wrote:

Had a quick go. Seems good fun. Could you make the ship rotate by following the mouse? It's annoying to have to do this without rotation. Also the ship needs to take damage. - I considered it but it felt really weird so I set rotation to numpad, I'll try it again some time tho
After the song finishes it needs to go back to the menu. - Can't believe I missed that
And make the link bigger in the first post, I couldn't find it :P - Will do

Might want to hide these - Whoops
Don't enable damage to ship Dx

:?: How do you add a background? (putting one in the folder to see if it picks it up, this will be /strike if it does work >.>)

Also, this is going to be one cluster F- of a game, looks harder than Touhou :[
:idea: Make Shift slow your "Ship" down to a slower movement speed like the touhou games
Topic Starter

Xanek wrote:

Don't enable damage to ship Dx

:?: How do you add a background? (putting one in the folder to see if it picks it up, this will be /strike if it does work >.>)

Also, this is going to be one cluster F- of a game, looks harder than Touhou :[
:idea: Make Shift slow your "Ship" down to a slower movement speed like the touhou games This has the structure of the .MSS file, background is the 5th line.
I must of taken out the shift cos I swear it was in there before.
So when editing the .MSS file to add the BG, do I just replace the 0 with the image name?
Topic Starter

Xanek wrote:

So when editing the .MSS file to add the BG, do I just replace the 0 with the image name?
yes e.g. "bad_apple_bg_elly.jpg"
:idea: Make it play a random song like Osu! does
:idea: / :?: Can you make it import the .osb file also? or whatever file it is that has the storyboarding, or heck can you make it convert a .osz file? lol :|


:?: Don't know if this is a problem that ties into your game but is it suppose to have all that unnecessary blank space when recording with Fraps?

Edit :?: Does the sound on the lasers/bullets play a split second after the animation on them is done? because it sounds like it doesnt correspond with the music much
At first I thought this was gay like Beat Hazard. Then I saw the video that Xanek put up. Holy fuck.

P.S. You probably will need a FAQ area on your website :P

JInxyjem wrote:

At first I thought this was gay like Beat Hazard. Then I saw the video that Xanek put up. Holy fuck.

P.S. You probably will need a FAQ area on your website :P
...... Beat hazard looks like a epileptic attack waiting to happen, and looks like Asteriods on crack shrooms
Topic Starter

Xanek wrote:

:idea: Make it play a random song like Osu! does - On the todo now
:idea: / :?: Can you make it import the .osb file also? or whatever file it is that has the storyboarding, or heck can you make it convert a .osz file? lol :| - I don't think I'll be converting those any time soon, it took long enough to decode the .osu file but I'll write it down just in case
Edit :?: Does the sound on the lasers/bullets play a split second after the animation on them is done? because it sounds like it doesnt correspond with the music much - The offsets for them is probably off, I didn't spend much time getting the offsets in teh songs i included right

Don't know if this is a problem that ties into your game but is it suppose to have all that unnecessary blank space when recording with Fraps?

- Yes that also happens when taking screenshots, I don't know the cause
Update! Run the updater to update (hopefully it works) .zip on website not updated yet
- Volume Reduced By 50%
- Shift Slows Ship
- Dev messages hidden
- Returns to menu after song completion

A workaround for the video is to crop it. But you probably already knew that.
I'm amazed you recorded that, my computer hardly plays it normally, hence the star and effects toggle buttons.
:!: Shift doesn't seem to slow down your ship while your moving.
:idea: When using the Numberpad, make it so only the ship moves when using Num4/6, as when it turns the whole thing it just makes me (maybe others) dizzy and confused

Hruhf wrote:

A workaround for the video is to crop it. But you probably already knew that.
But even if I do crop it, the size of the video will be odd.., though was the extra space in the recording due to MuseStorm itself or fraps?

:idea: Website should have a Update Log which tells the users what has been added/fixed
You can add what I just said into a text box that goes with the updater which notifies the user what new things have been added/removed/updated
Topic Starter

Xanek wrote:

:!: Shift doesn't seem to slow down your ship while your moving.
:idea: When using the Numberpad, make it so only the ship moves when using Num4/6, as when it turns the whole thing it just makes me (maybe others) dizzy and confused

Hruhf wrote:

A workaround for the video is to crop it. But you probably already knew that.
But even if I do crop it, the size of the video will be odd.., though was the extra space in the recording due to MuseStorm itself or fraps? - I think it's work from both sides, fraps only does it with this game, and this game only does it with fraps afaik.

:idea: Website should have a Update Log which tells the users what has been added/fixed
You can add what I just said into a text box that goes with the updater which notifies the user what new things have been added/removed/updated - This shouldn't be too hard
I'm not understanding the [ 1 V All ] & [ 1 V 1 ] option that you currently have in it.

also what about the number pad stuff, and the shift doesnt work while moving thing? >.>


To any Osu! Community member that is viewing this, someone suggest another program to record this other than Fraps :|

also uh, I don't know how to crop the sides out of the video >.>, I have Sony Vegas Pro 9 /cough pirated /cough
and WMV and idk how to crop w/ any of those 2
Topic Starter

Xanek wrote:

I'm not understanding the [ 1 V All ] & [ 1 V 1 ] option that you currently have in it. - that's been disabled ;/ it glitched way too much, 1 V all is what it is now, 1 V 1 was a boss battle type thing (seen in day 1 - alpha 1 screenshots)

also what about the number pad stuff, and the shift doesnt work while moving thing? >.> - the turning will be left in for song coding but I might make the ship only turn it self, shift does slow you down when you're moving, just not much
Okay, those lasers need much more time to show (think lower overall difficulty in osu), and in much less quantities. I couldn't react fast enough at all before 20 lasers "pierced" my ship in the span of 3 seconds.

2nd problem with lasers: You squeeze though a small gap like between those yellow lines in Red Zone, then poof a laser blasts you.
Topic Starter

JInxyjem wrote:

Okay, those lasers need much more time to show (think lower overall difficulty in osu), and in much less quantities. I couldn't react fast enough at all before 20 lasers "pierced" my ship in the span of 3 seconds. -I've been thinking about this problem for a while but I can't think of an easy method to make them take longer without rewriting the read procedure
New updater available to dl from here. Added the change list.
Zips Updated (finally)
EDITEDIT: Updater lacks scrollbar ;/
What "zips"? O_o
Topic Starter

Xanek wrote:

What "zips"? O_o
The full download packages.
Speaking of which, updating them is a pain so I'm splitting songs from the game so I wont have to re upload that huge 20 meg file every minor update.

Updater Fixed
Zips Spliced
I'll keep on testing later, right now its freaken 4:02 AM and i need sleep ~.~, been awake for 18 hours and i'm tired at looking at the computer screen 16 hours out of 18 :|
Topic Starter

Xanek wrote:

I'll keep on testing later, right now its freaken 4:02 AM and i need sleep ~.~, been awake for 18 hours and i'm tired at looking at the computer screen 16 hours out of 18 :|
okay, good night. Thanks for testing.

Todo list added to site. I feel I'm forgetting a lot of things.
Woah. That actually looks really good. I also remember peppy saying that he has been interested in making a 2d shooter mode for osu!. Not sure how much he is still interested in that idea now, but he might be interested in this if you tell him about it.
Topic Starter

Doomsday93 wrote:

Woah. That actually looks really good. I also remember peppy saying that he has been interested in making a 2d shooter mode for osu!. Not sure how much he is still interested in that idea now, but he might be interested in this if you tell him about it.
I remember hearing something about that. I'll have to link him.

- Difficulties added
- Easy = 1/3 bullets, only 1 laser per cannon.
- Normal = 1/2 bullets, two lasers per cannon.
- Hard = normal bullets, 3 lasers per cannon.
- Insane = 1.5x bullets, bullets 1.5x speed, 3 lasers per cannon.
- Random song button added
- Bomb with F (proof of concept)
- Mouse Look
- Curve bullets set to q and e rather than numpad
It looks interesting.

However, I'm not a fan of Bullet Hell Games. So...

I'll give it a shot though.
Topic Starter
I'm a bit iffy with the new mouse look system, any opinions on it?
Mouse look seems fine. It tends to lag behind the mouse movement a little bit though. Not sure if thats just my system.

If it isn't though, maybe it could snap to mouse movement a little more if its possible?

I like the new bomb though.
Topic Starter

Doomsday93 wrote:

Mouse look seems fine. It tends to lag behind the mouse movement a little bit though. Not sure if thats just my system.

If it isn't though, maybe it could snap to mouse movement a little more if its possible?

I like the new bomb though.
Nah, it was made like that, I'll make it turn faster.
It'd be nice if the ship moved at a constant speed. I'm pretty sure it doesn't (I didn't play for too long) and I don't really see why people would want to move so fast with a million bullets in their way.
:arrow: :!: New Bomb looks great, though the delay for your ship to start shooting again is a bit too long as things start appearing again before your ship can start shooting
:idea: Noticed now the ship moves with your mouse, though it could use a little more improvement since if you try to spin your ship in a circle it jumps from a spot to another.
:idea: Should enable ship damage as a option currently for testing purposes, of course as a option for us to enable/disable
:arrow: Noticed that some of the sprites stay on screen for some reason
:?: Whats the SDH & LL boxes on the converter?
:idea: Should give about 3 seconds or so after the song finishes for all the bullets to clear off the screen as it went back to the menu when there were still alot of bullets around
:idea: When your making the volume control make it have a general volume (everything), Bullet/laser sound volume, and music volume

The BG on the Alpha 1 menu seems nice, alot better than the blank nothing on the current one <_<
You move a lot faster diagonally than vertically or horizontally. Need to normalize some vectors maybe?
isn't musestorm a program like powerpoint that makes blogs or some shit like that?

EDIT: Their company name was musestorm, the program was called widget :P
Topic Starter

Xanek wrote:

:arrow: :!: New Bomb looks great, though the delay for your ship to start shooting again is a bit too long as things start appearing again before your ship can start shooting
:idea: Noticed now the ship moves with your mouse, though it could use a little more improvement since if you try to spin your ship in a circle it jumps from a spot to another.
:idea: Should enable ship damage as a option currently for testing purposes, of course as a option for us to enable/disable
:arrow: Noticed that some of the sprites stay on screen for some reason
:?: Whats the SDH & LL boxes on the converter?
:idea: Should give about 3 seconds or so after the song finishes for all the bullets to clear off the screen as it went back to the menu when there were still alot of bullets around
:idea: When your making the volume control make it have a general volume (everything), Bullet/laser sound volume, and music volume

The BG on the Alpha 1 menu seems nice, alot better than the blank nothing on the current one <_<

nardi11011 wrote:

You move a lot faster diagonally than vertically or horizontally. Need to normalize some vectors maybe?
The max speed is the same but i think the acceleration is greater in diagonals, this'll most likely be fixed when i make constant speeds

Gabi wrote:

isn't musestorm a program like powerpoint that makes blogs or some shit like that?

EDIT: Their company name was musestorm, the program was called widget :P
Never heard of it ;/

Xanek wrote:

OP'd and Embedded

I've uploaded alpha 1 if anyone wants it.
Watch out! It's loud!
W is God mode

Update Released!
Re-dl Updater to fix a minor problem.
Game changes in OP or viewable from updater
I'll need help to balance the relative mode
Cool game.

Not that it is. Hruhf just told me to post those two words (and to bump)

Also, old Musestorm is better than this one.

It needs more sound.
Topic Starter

Entozer wrote:

Cool game.

Not that it is. Hruhf just told me to post those two words (and to bump)

Also, old Musestorm is better than this one.

It needs more sound.
:idea: Make the game focus on the middle of the screen so the camera doesn't follow your ship all around the screen to where you can see out of the playing area.
:arrow: :idea: Scratch the post that said wait 3 seconds for it to end, make it so it plays through the rest of the mp3, and when there is no more bullets & lasers for the song make a "return to menu" button, as one of the songs just went back to the main menu after there were no more beats, but the mp3 was still going but ended when it returned to menu.
:idea: Make the selected song keep on playing upon returning to the menu, make it either play the preview bit, or continue with the mp3 where you left off
:idea: Make a scrolling bar for multiple songs (haven't made enough songs to check if it does), and make the bar that holds the names of the songs a bit longer
R e t u r n
t o
m e n u
a f t e r
y o u
d i e
ok? :D
Topic Starter

Xanek wrote:

:idea: Make the game focus on the middle of the screen so the camera doesn't follow your ship all around the screen to where you can see out of the playing area. I like it this way, It'll become handy later on
:arrow: :idea: Scratch the post that said wait 3 seconds for it to end, make it so it plays through the rest of the mp3, and when there is no more bullets & lasers for the song make a "return to menu" button, as one of the songs just went back to the main menu after there were no more beats, but the mp3 was still going but ended when it returned to menu. Maybe
:idea: Make the selected song keep on playing upon returning to the menu, make it either play the preview bit, or continue with the mp3 where you left off Due to the way it returns to menu, I don't think this is possible, I'll try anyway.
:idea: Make a scrolling bar for multiple songs (haven't made enough songs to check if it does), and make the bar that holds the names of the songs a bit longer It pans when you move your mouse, I don't see why the bars should be longer but ok then, it should fill the blank space. I was planning for info to show up in that space but there should be enough space for both

Xanek wrote:

R e t u r n
t o
m e n u
a f t e r
y o u
d i e
ok? :D
I keep forgetting these things
Sorry about the AWOL but I didn't notice there were new posts despite subscribing to this topic, you're better off posting on the Truidia forums if you want my attention.
Ah, ok
Topic Starter
Nice concept but it still needs a lot of work. for example the resolution is fixed a frame rate locked at 30 is less than ideal, even then the performance dropped to 16fps at some point.
I also don't think using the song backgrounds is a good idea since they can easily cloak objects behind them. Maybe a simple grid or starry surface is a better idea.
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