
Girls' Generation - Boyfriend

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on domingo, 01 de agosto de 2010 at 16:06:14

Artist: Girls' Generation
Title: Boyfriend
Tags: SNSD simplistiC
BPM: 124
Filesize: 8432kb
Play Time: 02:57
Difficulties Available:
  1. Best Friends (3,93 stars, 246 notes)
  2. Just Friends (2,33 stars, 108 notes)
  3. simplistiC's Boyfriend (4,97 stars, 607 notes)
Download: Girls' Generation - Boyfriend
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
another snsd song yayy BPM and offset by sunny holic (big thanks ^^ )
any help , mod , comment will be really apreciatte

big thank to simplistiC for you amazing diff ^_^
i hope its good enough orz

Download: Girls' Generation - Boyfriend (_llkey_18) [o_o].osu
I suck at modding cause I've been afk for a long time

[Best Friend]
some stacked notes (01:02:254) and repeat sliders are a little hard to read for beginners

can't find any other things,no kds

star :)
Hurude Rika
good luck
yeah, fine
Change simplistiC's in tags to just simplistiC (No 's in it.)
Rename Easy to 'Just Friends' as 'Just Friend' doesn't make sense.
Remove countdown on all diffs, simplistiC's starts up so fast the countdown doesn't appear, and I think having the countdown is unfitting.
Your star2.png has very sharp, pixelated edges and looks bad, you should blur it. I don't really like the skin in general; it hinders play, for me at least.
Set a preview time for all difficulties.

That's all.
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I don't really like the skin in general; it hinders play, for me at least

I really likes the skin ^^
other thing fixed thanks
Playtest :)
simplistiC's Boyfriend

fine :3

Best Friend

01:55:480 (1) - end at 01:57:416 ?
02:17:738 (3) - remove sliderwhistle?
02:19:190 (6) - ^
02:41:932 (3) - ^

Just Friends (its should be "Just Friend" ?

00:51:125 (7) - ^
01:55:480 (1) - end at 01:57:416 ?

AngelHoney wrote:

Just Friends (its should be "Just Friend" ?
Check that.

[Just Friends]

00:52:093 (1) - This spinner is a bit short for an Easy.
01:06:609 - Would appreciate if there was a beat here, not a tick.
01:10:964 (1) - This spinner, along with the break after it, feels awkward. I'd remove it.

[Best Friend]

00:27:416 (2,3) - Stack these correctly.
00:32:738 (2,3) - Stack these correctly
02:36:609 (1,2) - Stack these correctl
02:42:657 (1) - Finish this at 02:43:867 instead...? Sounds better since it's the strong beat.
02:51:609 (1) - This spinner feels out of place.
02:57:416 (1) - Finish this at 02:57:416 instead...?

That's that.
Topic Starter

Gens wrote:

AngelHoney wrote:

Just Friends (its should be "Just Friend" ?

Check that.

[Just Friends]

00:52:093 (1) - This spinner is a bit short for an Easy.done
01:06:609 - Would appreciate if there was a beat here, not a tick.done
01:10:964 (1) - This spinner, along with the break after it, feels awkward. I'd remove it.

[Best Friend]

00:27:416 (2,3) - Stack these correctly.done
00:32:738 (2,3) - Stack these correctlydone
02:36:609 (1,2) - Stack these correctldone
02:42:657 (1) - Finish this at 02:43:867 instead...? Sounds better since it's the strong beat.done
02:51:609 (1) - This spinner feels out of place.done
02:57:416 (1) - Finish this at 02:57:416 instead...?dont know..,prefer finish it with spinner

That's that.
Actually, the correct english term is "Just Friends". And would you not consider mapping all of Just Friends?

Couple o' suggestions. Ignore if you like.

Best Friend;

02:15:319 (7) - 1 less repeat, it follows the lyrics better.
02:19:190 (6) - ^
02:23:061 (5) - ^
This ends in a really wierd place, I'd have the last spinner end at 02:59:351. Or even better, map it to where Simplistic's ends.


00:38:061 (3) - New combo.
01:10:964 (1,2,3,4) - Perfect diamond shape gogogo.
01:12:899 (1,2,3,4) - ^

DiamondCrash wrote:

Actually, the correct english term is "Just Friends". And would you not consider mapping all of Just Friends?
Then Best Friend should be "Best Friends"...? Either makes sense for me anyway, just asking for a bit of consistency.
Alright then:

  1. Timing looks good to me
  2. As for "Just Friend/Best Friend", like DiamondCrash said, the correct english is "Just Friends" and "Best Friends", so you should change that.
[JUST FRIEND] (Should be Just Friends)

Looks good. Layout is a bit boring, but its functional.

[BEST FRIEND] (Should be Best Friends)

Nothing seriously bothered me, but again, it had a boring layout, everything is in straight lines and on right-angles. you really should do more with the layout, and experiment with more interesting patterns. You've done it in your maps before, so you can do it in this one :)


Apart from the chronic jumps, nothing bothered me too much (I don't really like your style of jumps though SimplistiC, so i'm biased there :P). your streams were pretty nice though.

Overall, its a functional map, but Just Friend and Best Friend are a bit bland. They could really use a more interesting layout instead of straight lines of beats and straight sliders all the time.

Topic Starter
[quote="Doomsday93"]Alright then:

  1. Timing looks good to me
  2. As for "Just Friend/Best Friend", like DiamondCrash said, the correct english is "Just Friends" and "Best Friends", so you should change that.
Fixed , but really make me confused ""_""
I think you used too many spinner on 'Just Friends'
'Best Friends' is ok
And sorry but I find it's hard on 'Boyfriend' because the distance between circles are too far
I love the layout except the picture on the spinning time, hehee.. I just thought that their themes are different.. Try on another snsd-genie pictures.. ;)

hope this would help.. :)

star!! ^o^
To correctly stack something, you must use Distance Snap 0.0x and turn Grid Snap off. It seems you tried to stack them but they're still unstacked. =[

And I still strongly advice you to do the spinner stuff, though it's not preventing me from ranking.
star :)
Pure love <3 and then i mean the map+song
Awesome, Star~
here is my star
Well,english does very confusing right?

Mostly nothing mentioned here :lol:
[Juse Friends]
KIAI time - volume 70%?

[Best Friends]
KIAI time - volume 70%?
02:51:851 (1) - Replace spin as notes?

[simplistC's Boyfriend]
03:25:480 (5) - Replace slider as notes?
03:30:319 (1) - Start KIAI here and end it immediately?

All fine but where's my boyfriend... :(
Plays and looks good. ;)
have a star
star ;)
I like this song! But I don't know why...
Ojalá que te lo aprueben!

[Best Friends]
00:36:125 (4) - Remove this circle and move the next spinner here (and obviously, extend the spinner by 1/1 :D)
00:49:674 (5) - [Nazi] Move 1 grid right
01:10:480 (4,5) - Too close to the top border, that'll can be hided by the lifebar.

[simplistiC's Boyfriend]
00:14:593 (11) - New combo ?
03:10:238 (5,6) - Too close to the top border, that'll can be hided by the lifebar.

That's all I think :D
Nice map ^____^

verdaderamente me gusto el mapa xDDD sigue asi

Kurai_ wrote:


[Best Friends]
00:36:125 (4) - Remove this circle and move the next spinner here (and obviously, extend the spinner by 1/1 :D)
00:49:674 (5) - [Nazi] Move 1 grid right
01:10:480 (4,5) - Too close to the top border, that'll can be hided by the lifebar.

[simplistiC's Boyfriend]
00:14:593 (11) - New combo ?
03:10:238 (5,6) - Too close to the top border, that'll can be hided by the lifebar.

That's all I think :D
Nice map ^____^


[Just Friends]:
01:10:843- Kiai makes the finish at this time: 01:10:722...Look better :)
01:38:303 (spinner)-Begins snniper do that in this time:01:38:545 and end in: 01:39:512.
01:55:359-Kiai makes the finish at this time: 01:55:238.
[Best Friends]:
01:41:811-Will not remain better than the audio (normal) to finish at this time: 01:41:569. I think if :roll:

02:59:593-Kiai makes ends in: 02:59:835.
[simplistiC's Boyfriend]:
I think this difficulty is well done.
Staar :3
I don't see any problems with the map set. I'm little bit worry about that transparent spinner though >.<
anyway really good map <3
The beats are still unstacked. =[


Wait, maybe I'm being too picky.

Whatever. =[
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thank you so much Gens ^_^
Pretty nice.

Yes Yes Yes

gj llkey :)
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thank you so much ^^
hey where did you find the picture on the map,i really like it?
[ Pingu ]
That bump o-o
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