
Adding Something on 'Edit'

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +20
Topic Starter
Sky Trias
1.Adding ( + / - ) key on keyboard to directly (+ - ) in edit button?
We can easy directly decrease / increase the timeline object .

2. Adding mods preview when testing the mapset .
Hard Rock / Hidden even Flashlight
I found this trouble on CTB Mapper. When use mod "HR" the pattern not in right place.

3. Adding something on Song Setup tab (audio)
When adding a hitsound , the hitsound can show's on editing in Song Setup (audio) . Some mapper could forget one of their hitsound , and it's making the beatmap got disqualify

4. Adding code to Combo Colour.
Mapper usually made a mistake to change the combo colour.
Example 'it's blue but not same blue'

5. When submit the beatmap , give a code on 'Creator's Words' same as when use thread post.

6. Adding Triangle Pattern
Easily made a Star Pattern, Triangle Pattern, L's Pattern, Cross Pattern.

7. Adding repeated picture in Storyboard
Example 'When we try to make rain on storyboard , We can use the repeating button to make rain more real'.
1.) Yes please
2.) Requested before
3.) I don't understand this, what do you mean exactly?
4.) Already the case (click on it and you'll see the RGB code)
6.) Press Polygonal Circles, for other patterns, requested before
7.) Not sure, but I'm a noob at Sb, so I can't comment here xD
Topic Starter
Sky Trias

baraatje123 wrote:

3.) I don't understand this, what do you mean exactly?
3) We can easily find a hitsound what we used / not in the mapset.
Mapper may be forget to added / remove the hitsound on the folder song.
Topic Starter
Sky Trias
2/ Oh My Holy God, add this plz, so that many people can test with HT (for noobs like me)

6/ I only agree with star pattern (which requires rearrangement or Ctrl+G) and cross (maybe?) though, triangles are already there and L pattern is just a square with one note removed.

Thays all, idk the rest, hope this feature gets added.
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